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What really "grinds your gears"?

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Cruelty to dogs angers me like nothing else can. I also despise the idea that an animal's life is valueless, that torturing and killing an animal usually results in a slap on the wrist rather than a long time behind bars. I'm sorry but if you pour gasoline on a cat and light the poor thing on fire they should put your sorry butt UNDER the jail. Cruelty is cruelty and if you're sick enough in the head to find the suffering of ANY living thing funny then you are not fit to mingle with civilized society. A cockroach crawling on the ground has more value than that type of person. And I'm not making the cat thing up as an example. Someone actually did that. And all that waste of flesh got was a fine. They should have set HIM on fire. The world would be better off without him.


--- Quote from: Old Rabbit on February 20, 2014, 12:17:35 pm ---What angers me the most?

"Greedy people"  Seems to be the root of most problems in society.
It seems the emotion is needed in part to succeed. The desire to
get rich, not just in money, but goods or property. But to excess
it's destructive. Eventually to society it's self.

--- End quote ---


Wow...let's see...

-people who refuse to use turn signals while driving
-rampant stupidity (not talking just a "once-a-week derping...I am talking almost CONSTANT stupidity)
-noisy neighbors (Seriously, do you HAVE to stampede around like a herd of agitated elephants at 3am? SERIOUSLY????)
-telemarketers (So sick of those calls, despite being on the "Do Not Call" list)

Think that is enough for now.


--- Quote from: Old Rabbit on February 20, 2014, 12:17:35 pm ---What angers me the most?

"Greedy people"  Seems to be the root of most problems in society.
It seems the emotion is needed in part to succeed. The desire to
get rich, not just in money, but goods or property. But to excess
it's destructive. Eventually to society it's self.

--- End quote ---

same... i have no idea why money and property is the most important thing to some people....

Stupid people, and people who blame you for things that are not your fault (most often than not things that are *their* fault as well). Seeing as how I work in a hotel, I get a lot of these kinds of people :P.

People who consistently try and tell you what is best for you. It's always fun when someone else assumes they know more about you than you do, and offers up unsolicited "advice".

People with a lack of maturity/drama mongers. Seriously, not everyone who disagrees with you is out to get you. You can disagree politely and still be friends. Just because someone doesn't have the same opinion as you, it doesn't mean that they're personally attacking you. In addition, don't involve other people in your stupid drama. When they actually talk to the other party and see what the real issue is (IE there is no issue), you'll end up looking really really dumb.


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