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general furry discussion => the polling booth => Topic started by: Kobuk on October 21, 2016, 08:36:49 pm

Title: Halloween and monster movies.
Post by: Kobuk on October 21, 2016, 08:36:49 pm
What type of horror and monster films do people like, if any? What are your favorites, either a specific film or a whole series?
Title: Re: Halloween and monster movies.
Post by: R.A.Blackpaws on October 21, 2016, 10:40:50 pm
Let's see...

-The Nightmare on Elm Street series. Awesome series of films, even though the series got campy toward the end.

-Friday the 13th. Again, good early on, campy toward the end.

-Halloween. If you leave out Halloween 3 and Ressurection, it's a good series as well. H20 was great! ^.^

-Evil Dead 1&2. Good films. Nice mix of scares and comedy ("splatterstick")

-Bad Moon. A surprisingly good werewolf movie (in my top five favorite movies, so I'm biased).

-Most of Stephen King's stuff. "It" was really scary. The original "Salem's Lot" scared me so much I couldn't even approach the case for the video for almost a decade afterwards. "Storm of the Century" is also good and "The Shining" (ORIGINAL by Kubrick) was excellently creepy.

-An honorable mention, for me, is The Conjuring. Films based off of true stories and case files often add an extra bit of creepy to the mix.
Title: Re: Halloween and monster movies.
Post by: Old Rabbit on October 22, 2016, 11:22:24 am
To be honest I haven't watched any horror films over the last
30 years , but I always did like the werewolf and vampire flicks
when I was younger. 

I liked the werewolf full transform better than just fangs, ears
and a fuzzy face and hand paws look..

The one I liked best was where there was a community of
werewolves, and getting bit made you one. It ended showing
a news lady changing into one on camera, and her friend shot
her as she did. To prove to the viewers they were real.

I can't remember the name, but I think it was from a Steven King

Title: Re: Halloween and monster movies.
Post by: Kobuk on October 22, 2016, 01:39:42 pm
The one I liked best was where there was a community of
werewolves, and getting bit made you one. It ended showing
a news lady changing into one on camera, and her friend shot
her as she did. To prove to the viewers they were real.

I can't remember the name, but I think it was from a Steven King

The Howling
The original novel wasn't by Stephen King, but the story was used to help create a film based on the novel. I have "The Howling" in my movie collection at home.

My favorite monster movies are mostly werewolf films. Dog Soldiers is my absolute favorite, followed by the Underworld film series.  :goldglee:

Oh, and I did enjoy Stephen King's "IT" and "The Tommyknockers".
Title: Re: Halloween and monster movies.
Post by: wereaibo1 on October 22, 2016, 07:56:20 pm
Huge Stephen King fan. I also like werewolf movies like the Howling and American Werewolf in London. Pumpkinhead is also a favorite.  I love the Child's Play movies. Chucky is the only slasher villain that doesn't bore the crap out of me though I've seen most of the Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th movies. I also like the first three Leprechaun movies. Cheesy but fun.
Title: Re: Halloween and monster movies.
Post by: Acton on October 23, 2016, 12:12:39 am
Noted none for the classic except Frankenstein
I like some of  Alford Hitchcock works  like Psycho  and  The  Birds.
Title: Re: Halloween and monster movies.
Post by: Fenny the Fox on November 03, 2016, 11:04:35 pm
Noted none for the classic except Frankenstein

Dracula is on the list - the Browning/Lugosi version came out in 1931, same year as the Whale/Karloff Frankenstein adaptation.

I also personally LOVE Both of these, as well as some of the later Christopher lee Dracula movies. As well as the original Wolfman movies, with Lon Chaney, Jr. For that matter, the Mummy movies too, both those with Chaney and the one with Karloff.

Okay...pretty much any of the old Universal monster films. Hammer were hit or miss for me, but some of those were great. And virtually ANY movie with Bela Lugosi is worth watching, to me.

Pumpkinhead is another personal favorite, for relatively more modern movies. Watch it every year. The Howling series were fun, too.
Title: Re: Halloween and monster movies.
Post by: Holt5 on November 05, 2016, 08:26:57 pm
The original "Psycho" has to be my favorite horror film I suppose. The Resident Evil movies I enjoyed a lot too. My dad got jump-scared really bad during one of the films, since we had a porch swing outside the living-room window, behind his seat. At an exact moment where something jumped out onto the screen, one of our cats jumped off of the swing and knocked it into the side of the house. Dad jumped right off the couch, lol.
Title: Re: Halloween and monster movies.
Post by: PeachSoda on November 22, 2016, 10:07:57 am
I actually like to watch a marathon of Halloween flicks in October. I tend to like the more cult-classics though, like Vincent Price films and the first two (but especially the first) Crow movies.