announcements > meet the mods & staff

Zielmann signing out.

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You will be quite missed.  I hope I'll get the chance to run into you again at MFF sometime.

*loads up your suitcase and backpack with extra boxes of cereal*

Can't forget that, now can we?  :D  :D  :D

Old Rabbit:
I left a note in the office, but be sure to drop by when you can.

All the best..

Old Rabbit :orbunny:


--- Quote from: Natura Wolf on June 11, 2016, 11:15:32 am ---You will be sadly missed, there is no one in this world as kind hearted and patient as you are.
I remember meeting you at Midwest furfest in 2013 and I've never forgotten.

Whatever you do in life and where ever you go I pray only for happy and exciting times.  Good luck old friend and stay well.
 *offers super cuddly hugs farewell*

--- End quote ---

Thank you! And yes, it was great meeting you. Perhaps sometime in the future we might run into each other again at a con :D

--- Quote from: Kobuk on June 11, 2016, 11:00:02 am ---P.S. - You will come back and post/share pics and stories of your fursuiting adventures from cons, furmeets, or anything else you go to, right? We haven't heard much about your fursuiting exploits.

--- End quote ---

Hmm. I should put a post together for that...

--- Quote from: redyoshi49q on June 11, 2016, 06:49:20 pm ---You will be quite missed.  I hope I'll get the chance to run into you again at MFF sometime.

--- End quote ---

You'll definitely see me at MFF ^^

--- Quote from: Old Rabbit on June 15, 2016, 11:07:15 am ---I left a note in the office, but be sure to drop by when you can.

All the best..

Old Rabbit :orbunny:

--- End quote ---

Thanks! Hoping to drop in sometimes ^^

Storm Fox:
It's been about a month since Ziel has stepped down, so it's time to close this thread which will remain here as a part of our staff's history.

Thanks Ziel for your time as a staff member and for helping our community. Take care. :orfox:


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