Author Topic: Elder Scrolls 6 (Debate)  (Read 1721 times)

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Elder Scrolls 6 (Debate)
« on: February 10, 2016, 04:46:31 pm »
I've had some pretty freaking good times in the past three ES games and am waiting ever so impatiently for ES 6... I'm sure I'm not alone in this :3 Anyways I thought it'd be a fun idea to get everyone's thoughts on the inevitable release of a much anticipated game!

Subjects in question, followed by my personal preference:

Location? Valenwood or Elsweyr please~

Main plot? A larger scale version of the war theme would be pretty neat o.o

Enemy basis? Bring back the daedra xD

Returning characters/factions? Nerevarine, Vivec, Gray Fox, and Sheogorath / Telvanni, Morag Tong, and The Blades
"Confound you!" snapped the fox. "Give me back my ball!" The man ignored its pleas until it finally said tearfully, "Alright, you've got the ball, but you don't know how to keep it. It won't be any good to you. For me, it's a terrible loss. I tell you, if you don't give it back, I'll be your enemy forever. If you do give it back though, I'll stick to you like a protector god."

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Re: Elder Scrolls 6 (Debate)
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2016, 05:12:11 pm »
I am actually strongly against the Nerevarine, or any other player character from a previous game, returning. It forces an appearance onto what was always a player choice - It makes (for instance) a male Nerevarine more canon than a female, or a tall one more canon than a short. That would be a terrible, TERRBIBLE thing to do.

The Tribunal coming back would have to be handled very very carefully, for the simple fact that two of them are physically dead at the end or Morrowind, with player choice deciding the fate of the third.

I'm also a little fed up with the war theme from Skyrim - It wasn't amazingly handled in that game without using mods, so unless they up their game, I don't think it would work. War is hard to do with certain engine limitations and restrictions on the number of actors you can have in an area without slowing the machine to a crawl - The Skyrim war didn't feel like a war. It felt like a bar brawl. Very VERY small scale.

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Re: Elder Scrolls 6 (Debate)
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2016, 12:54:34 am »
I personally would very much like to see a continuation of Oblivion. (and for the love of all that is sacred please bring back that spell crafting system!) Anyways back on track. I think a continuation of Oblivion would be a good bet for them, because after stopping  Mehrunes Dagon , well after Martin stops him, the game sorta just ends story wise anyways. I mean you get a nice armor set, but whenever you go into the Imperial Palace after the game everybody just says the council will have to met to decide what happens. So I think it would be nice to revisit Tamriel after the Oblivion crisis and see who got put on the thrown or if a new form of government has been instilled etc etc.

However I don't think they should just limit it to Tamriel, i'm sure it wouldn't be difficult at all to make Valenwood or Elsweyr accessable as well with region specific items/quests/ armor etc etc to help encourage exploring.

As for characters as long as Sheogorath and M'aiq the iar are back i'll be set.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 10:23:42 pm by ColonelMustang »
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Re: Elder Scrolls 6 (Debate)
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2016, 10:34:58 am »
Dude above me it wasn't Molag bal. It was Mehrunes Dagon who we fought in Oblivion. Tbh I would love for the next game to have Sovngarde in it. Back in Skyrim it was so Awesome to go there.  Maybe they could improve it to where we could do quests for the dead then complete them in Tamriel. BUT the next game should foucus on what happens to the people of Skyrim. After hearing the speech Ulfric Stormcloak gave. He talked about bringing the fight to the Thalmor. So I want to have at least a dlc that shows the Thalmor and the summerset Isles getting destroyed. If I had to pick where the next game takes place? I would like to Explore the Black Marsh. Also returning factions? I would want to see The Knights Of the Nine, Neloth maybe returning to Morrowind, and since Odhalaving is alive I want to know if he stays in skyrim or travels somewhere else. I also hope to do another epic quest with Hermaeus Mora the coolest of the princes. Well besides Jyggalag I always wanted to see what happens to that dude. If I had to pick what the main enemies would be I would want them to be more realistic scarier type spiders that are also hard to kill. Frostbite Spiders were scary but eh they look cartoonish and were really glitchy. I just hope they don't put the regular factions in the next game. Those include Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, and The Blades. I seen enough of them in Oblivion and Skyrim. They were all boring then and they will be in the next game.
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Offline Kira Sekemoto

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Re: Elder Scrolls 6 (Debate)
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2016, 03:31:34 pm »
I think we've talked about the Nerevarine topic before Loc x3 But yes I agree with your point on the war but that's exactly what I mean, I want them to revamp it and make it more legit, if they were to redo it anyways. Also, I didn't get to play Tribunal unfortunately o.o

Mustang yeah it'd be freaking amazing if they brought back the spell crafting and yes we NEED more Sheogorath! O: But most of what you just talked about has been implemented into Elder Scrolls Online xD

Also Arachnid seeing Sovngarde again and actually being able to do quests for the dead sounds pretty amazing o.o As for Black Marsh, the rumor actually says ES6 will be there or in Hammerfell :3 But yeah with the main guilds though, those are actually apart of the entire lore of Tamriel itself, they're EVERYWHERE so for them to have a game that discludes them would make a lot of people question Todd Howards' sanity lol
"Confound you!" snapped the fox. "Give me back my ball!" The man ignored its pleas until it finally said tearfully, "Alright, you've got the ball, but you don't know how to keep it. It won't be any good to you. For me, it's a terrible loss. I tell you, if you don't give it back, I'll be your enemy forever. If you do give it back though, I'll stick to you like a protector god."