Author Topic: Art Critique? (Plus more)  (Read 2831 times)

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Offline Dooks

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Art Critique? (Plus more)
« on: September 12, 2013, 06:43:02 pm »
I dunno, it just feels like I don't quite give off an impression, to be honest. Like, when people do in fact see my art on here, it just feels as if I get more of a 'meh' and a cold shoulder by most unless I kind of speak up. Keyword 'feels'.
Same on FA, starting to become so on dA. I even asked for a bit of critique on FA, but no-one really answered. But when I see other people's journals asking something similar, people are all over them in a heartbeat.
Am I doing something wrong in art, or something else?
Is my attitude off-setting and annoying? Too invasive and hyper? Is my art lack-luster?

Do I need to work on something? Is my art or technique boring? Is my anatomy off? Do my characters not look like good characters or look like they fit in the 'furry' category, or?

I'd really appreciate an honest-to-God critique. Be blunt with me, but be truthful. How am I going to improve and prevent myself from mistakes when people pat me on the butt all the time? I really want to improve so the thing I enjoy can also become better and noticed by people, as well.

Thank you very much if you're willing to help. I'll give links to my galleries/art in the next post if someone replies.

Offline HazardJackal

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Re: Art Critique? (Plus more)
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2013, 06:50:30 pm »
Blunt?  hmm *starts looking around*  ah, here we go. *picks up a bowling pin and smacks you on the head with it*

Well, your art is pretty good, it's just... i don't know, some of your characters are pretty offbeat, probably a bit too much for a lot of people... but it's certainly a unique style, and i personally like it

If you want a flood of comments and complements, just start doing some free commissions, if you're willing to do so.  People around here seem to be desperate for pictures of their fursonas, i mean, just look at how many people are making requests for Saiyu.

So yeah, that's my take on things.  sorry if i'm a bit too blunt.

Offline Dooks

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Re: Art Critique? (Plus more)
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2013, 07:02:42 pm »
OWW ;C; -rubs head-

Offbeat? Go a bit more into detail, if that's alright?
Like, scary? Disturbing? If so, yeah, I purposefully go for that. I don't make particularly... friendly looking or acting characters often, to be honest.
Or are we talking like, say, too exaggerated?

And ahh, maybe I could try that, yeah. But then again, that might be a tad overwhelming lol.
It's just that, it's not that I want to bathe in compliments like money or become too popular, or anything. It just feels like, say, for example: you say something in a group, and nobody pays attention to what you say. That kinda feeling. It makes you feel like maybe you're doing something wrong or maybe you're making the wrong kind of approach?

And no, no, that was a good critique! I really appreciate it! <3
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 07:10:16 pm by Dooks »

Offline Old Rabbit

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Re: Art Critique? (Plus more)
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2013, 01:00:56 pm »
Your art style looks alright. But it has a 2d look to it, so I would suggest some
more shading to show better depth. Details wouldn't have a painted on look
that way.

As far as comments go, don't expect that many. I have found people
generally only comment when something really catches their eye. Or
see something they really like. I think you will find that to be the case

I have seen people ask the same question before about not getting many
comments. People generally say. "I don't see any point in saying I like
someones art over and over. Or I meant to, and forgot."

Probably the best way to get more comments is to make alot of friends.
They will tell their friends and then you will likely see more visits to your
site and comments. Also offer to do free artwork for others. One might
ask you for another, and pay for it.

This section of the forum is better for help, and critiques.

Keep up the good work. :orbunny:
Avatar drawn by me.

Offline Dooks

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Re: Art Critique? (Plus more)
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2013, 02:02:37 pm »
Ah, thank you! And yeah, I was thinking maybe a bit more shading would help out. I usually do cel-shading(?), but I guess it doesn't really stand out much sometimes, maybe? I'm not sure. I have the issue of not seeing problems with some of my stuff until a year or two passes and then I'm cringing at what I've done LOL.

And I see. I thought I was probably doing something bad.
But the problem is: I have a hard time making friends on the internet. I guess I have some sort of repelling vibe, because when I start talking to someone on FA or something, they just... stop.
And after I while, I've grown to fear maybe I do say some off things, or my art offends them, or something, without me even wanting to? I look over my writing, but I see nothing wrong with it, but maybe some stuff can be taken the wrong way/it makes me sound like some jerk?
And most of the times, when people do in fact talk to me, I find myself not knowing what to say because I get naturally stuck or I fear I might speak off again and create an uncomfortable environment without even wanting to.

But yeah, I'll look into doing a few requests here and there. It's gunna be hard to talk or make friends, though. Hence why most of the time, it's just RPs for me. That gives me more of a reason to type, but when it comes to downright talking I can only manage to talk to a few people easily as much as I'd LOVE to talk to more. It's just really hard to do without sounding like a broken record or a 'fake' with the generosity I have and try to show. ;c;;;

Offline Old Rabbit

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Re: Art Critique? (Plus more)
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2013, 09:03:29 pm »
Your writing looks fine. That shouldn't cause others to avoid you.

I understand about the problem of making friends. Due to me growing up
in a different era I don't communicate too well with the younger generation.

Look for people that like the things you like. If you see someone with a fursona you
find interesting. Ask the person if you can draw a avatar for them at no charge. They
can only say no, or no thanks. It's more likely they will be flattered by the offer. The
better your art looks the more likely they will want you to draw for them. Don't push
though, that turns people off..

Remember it's the little details that make a drawing look nice. Good shading makes a
drawing jump out at you. Glad I could help.

Keep up the good work

Old Rabbit :orbunny:
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