
How worried are you about Coronavirus?

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Author Topic: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?  (Read 24552 times)

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Offline Kobuk

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #75 on: October 23, 2020, 10:10:46 am »

Offline Jade Sinapu

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #76 on: October 24, 2020, 02:50:31 pm »
 Kobuk your last post here was blank. Does that mean covid ... ate you?!
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Offline cause the rat

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #77 on: October 24, 2020, 03:53:35 pm »
Jade, Kobuk's post has a dot..... .. .... ...... I think it's still loading. :)

Tuesday I walked into work to find they are handing out disposable masks. I've also learned how to wear a mask and my glasses without getting fogged up. You have to lower wear your glasses lower on your nose. Yes it messes a bit with your vision. But not as much as the thick fog.
It's been said that rats can gain access to your home by climbing up threw your toilet. I prefer to use the front door.

Offline Jade Sinapu

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #78 on: November 07, 2020, 10:00:21 pm »
I am now very very concerned.

My brother is having moderate symptoms of Covid-19 and he is testing positive.  He can't breathe well, but he is being forced to do at-home breathing treatments since hospitals are getting full fast.  He has a weird sore in his throat that wont go away and is getting bigger. 

He has 5 kids, ranging from 5 to 19.  If he dies, IDK what will happen.  His wife is uninterested in being a parent, and has been that way for the last year.

He has a fever of 101, and can't breathe well without deliberate effort and thought and says it is like a fat guy is sitting on his chest.  He went up 5 stairs at home and was exhausted.  My brother is very strong, and always has been in good shape.  He is 2 years older than me.  He rarely gets breathing problems, but this is getting him bad.  I am afraid for his life!

All this happened because someone at his work made him sick and they habitually did not wear the mask, wash hands, or use sanitizer products.   I am mad at them , and I actually know them!  They are very sick too, but not as sick as my brother.  If you are sick stay at home!

This COVID-19 has hit my family directly now!  And I am scared and mad.  I am sick and tired of people saying this is all bs.  It is real, very very real!
His kids are scared their father will die!  My brother actually does special work that will be hard to replace him if he passes away too!

If someone tells me that this is natures way of weeding out the sick, weak, elderly, etc... they need to know my brother!  He has competed in mountain bike races that are hundreds of miles long at high altitude.  He is not weak!  But this virus is just about got him!  If it can do this to him, who else?  My parents won't stand a snowballs chance.
Some people want to not follow rules, and now my brother may die!?


I have heard 27 ambulances dispatched here today (I did count).  I do not know what for.  But I do know that on an average day at home, I hear few.  Maybe 2 to 3? 
Something is happening out there.  And I also know the Covid numbers have spiked in my town.

I drove to get gas.  I saw TONS of people out and about as if nothing is the matter. 
I want some of those people to come to my house so I can give them a piece of my mind, and show them my brother and who he is and all he has done, and his 5 kids who may become orphans because the mother is a piece of trash and their father may die!

I ask you, whatever you believe, please if you would, put my brother in your thoughts, please do your best to stop the spread.   
Sorry I am upset.
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Offline cause the rat

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #79 on: November 08, 2020, 01:05:57 am »
Hoping the best for your brother Jade. Looking forward to hearing good news soon.

I've been exposed but have not tested positive. People are still not taking this seriously where I live as well. Even with the new cases per day now in the double digits. Going from one to maybe four to up to nineteen a day now.

I personally believe President Trump, some members of the republican party, fox news and all other right wing media who have spread lies about this virus should be held accountable.
It's been said that rats can gain access to your home by climbing up threw your toilet. I prefer to use the front door.

Offline Kobuk

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #80 on: November 08, 2020, 10:06:57 am »
Jade, I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I hope he can get well. *hugs*
I don't have the link with me right now, but I remember reading somewhere that having people lay on their stomachs rather than their backs somehow helps with increasing oxygen into the lungs so patients can breath better/easier.

Offline Kobuk

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #81 on: November 08, 2020, 11:47:13 pm »
Biden lays out his plan to combat coronavirus. But.........it won't be effective for at least another 2 1/2 months when Biden becomes President on Jan.20. Until then, we're still living (and dying) in Trump's fantasy world where he thinks he's beaten the coronavirus.



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Offline Kobuk

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #83 on: November 09, 2020, 05:17:12 pm »

Offline Jade Sinapu

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #84 on: November 09, 2020, 08:53:35 pm »
I am glad the virus vaccine is going to be effective.
My brother is unchanged in his situation.  Out of work 1 month now.  Employer is running out of options for him...short term disability might be next.
This is going to bankrupt insurance companies...

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Offline Jade Sinapu

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #85 on: November 10, 2020, 04:00:45 pm »
My brother has the corona virus and has a temperature of between 102F and 103F
I say this because this thread is about being worried about the virus.  I am more worried now than I was. 
I once had a neighbor who had scarlet fever when she was 16.  (this was a while ago, she was old when I knew her when I was a little kid).  Her fever made her deaf.
People with novel Corona Virus 19 are also at high risk for developing weird issues later after they recover, and also have waves or resurgence at times (so people tell me).

I find it odd how the cases spike when news that a vaccine is being made?  Did people go out deliberately and infect/get it ?  Why would they do that?  You know like the old idea "joey has chicken pox, lets send sally to his house..." Would anyone do that to avoid a needle? I hope my thoughts are way off base.

I forgot to mention last weekend, when I was picking up groceries, the guy who delivered them to my car was rather young, and COUGHED in my car and closed the hatch.  He was wearing a mask.  I popped open my door and sent the windows down.  I heard him laughing at me.  So I take it that some younger people are using this as a BIOLOGICAL WEAPON against who they feel are old?!?!  I'm 38.  I do not feel old. I guess I repressed this memory because it did make me so mad.  But I remember it now.  If someone does that to my parents, and I am there, if I can react, I will get cell phone video and send it to employer and maybe police?

So i guess I am saying that I encountered once case of possible mal-intent related to possible deliberate virus spreading with an age bias.
I wonder what virus I am immune to that he is not?

Bear your soul and take control
If the wolves are howling outside your door
Invite them in and make them beg for more!
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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #86 on: November 11, 2020, 12:45:01 am »
If someone does that to my parents, and I am there, if I can react, I will get cell phone video and send it to employer and maybe police?
Yes, do this. Intentionally trying to spread corona by coughing on people has lead to people being arrested and can be considered an assault, endangerment, or a terroist threat.

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Offline Kobuk

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #87 on: November 14, 2020, 11:23:58 pm »
Doctors, hospitals, and the media are warning people that coronavirus infections are going to get extremely bad if people go out and celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm debating whether I want to see my mother for Thanksgiving or not. Granted, it's just the two of us having dinner and nobody else. But still, I want her and myself to be safe. I'm just not sure what to do. Even if I do go to her place, I'll still wear a mask. Maybe we won't have dinner at the same table. She can eat in the kitchen, and maybe I'll go sit in the spare room at the desk. There's still 1 1/2 to 2 weeks to figure out what we're going to do.

Offline Jade Sinapu

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #88 on: November 15, 2020, 07:20:28 pm »
I think our family is going to try virtual holiday.   We plan on setting up zoom or Skype or something,  and we all make a small meal for our part of the family.  Then we eat/ talk online?

I want to arrange my kitchen to look like a castle or something,  tapestries,  candles,  etc , and I want to wear my fursuit.  If I do that,  it will be the first time my family has seen it.  And I think it would be a shock! And I want to speak in character, and as if I live in  the past. I could almost make this work,  if I still had my old dog Heidi. She would be a great pal to compete my illusion.   But Wanda would just eat my food, damage my suit etc.

So  Kobuk,  can you do a virtual thing with your mom?
Bear your soul and take control
If the wolves are howling outside your door
Invite them in and make them beg for more!
(Name that tune!)

Offline Kobuk

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #89 on: November 15, 2020, 09:53:34 pm »
No Jade, neither me or my mom have the capability to do a "virtual" Thanksgiving. Or even a Christmas for that matter.

Offline Jade Sinapu

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #90 on: November 16, 2020, 12:07:20 pm »
Yeah, the corona virus upended a whole lot.  My folks say they will download ZOOM on my moms laptop and use the webcam / mic in the computer to do Zoom live with us.  I don't know about that.  They once tried Skype and it went bad.  Before Skype we used Microsoft Live or whatever it was called and that went good.  But  a lot of time has passed since then. 

I think you can download ZOOM on a phone and try it.  And if that phone is on WiFi, no data usage is burned up.
I plan on that, my cheap pay as I go phone, zoom, and my WiFi.  But not sure.

Hope you get to see your mom , and she and you are well and have fun and good eats. 
Bear your soul and take control
If the wolves are howling outside your door
Invite them in and make them beg for more!
(Name that tune!)

Offline Kobuk

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #91 on: November 16, 2020, 03:42:07 pm »
Moderna seems to have developed a vaccine that appears to be slightly more effective than the one Pfizer developed.

Of course, it's still going to be quite awhile before it gets approved and distributed to the public. So we will all be waiting many more months yet before anybody can get vaccinated. And who gets to get vaccinated first? Good question. Best guess would be:
1. All health care workers first.
2. All other emergency services (Police, Fire, etc.)
3. Government workers.
4. Military personnel
5. Elderly and disabled (50 years age and older)
6. Rest of the public?

And the White House is touting that Trump is taking (or should take) credit for this vaccine. Are you kidding? I wouldn't give him credit. Real credit goes toward the doctors and scientists who develop any vaccine. Not to any politician looking to improve their credability and standing with the American public. Doctors, nurses, scientists and even the people who volunteered during the clinical trials are the real heroes who deserve credit.


Boost your immune system with these foods to prevent getting sick.

What to know if your employer wants you to get vaccinated.

A negative test result does not necessarily mean it may be safe to visit family for Thanksgiving.

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #92 on: November 17, 2020, 10:17:47 pm »
"If you cannot live because you are afraid of death, then you have already died."

Perhaps I have a different point of view because I have been forced to accept that I will die one day, and that there is a lot of risk in simply being alive, though many of us are insulated from it because as a society we have chosen to concentrate that risk on others, like fishermen, police officers, coal miners, fire fighters, underwater welders, sailors, and the like. That risk is still there, someone must shoulder it, and for me to cower in fear in a hole from a treatable disease with a low lethality seems not only absurd to me, but an insult to all those who have faced far greater risks for me.

I realize that to some people it poses a much greater danger, and only you can evaluate what that danger is and the amount of risk you find acceptable. But I have evaluated that risk for myself, and I find it more than acceptable to face.
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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #93 on: November 18, 2020, 12:09:20 am »
"If you cannot live because you are afraid of death, then you have already died."

Perhaps I have a different point of view because I have been forced to accept that I will die one day

I had to come to terms with my own mortality when I was still in kindergarten and was told my heart was malformed and I could die from it. I went through all five stages and arrived at acceptance. Through my many heart surgeries I felt more like a laboratory experiment than a person and I frequently confided in my stuffed animal that I wished my parents would allow me to die because I didn't want this anymore.
But just because I accept that I am going to die one day doesn't mean that I blindly ignore risks to my own health. I have friends and I want to be able to bid them goodbye at some point. Accepting the inevitable does not have to mean that you will rush to face it.

I have evaluated that risk for myself, and I find it more than acceptable to face.

That's good for you but I hope you are still taking precautions such as wearing a mask and limiting your exposure. Just because you're not afraid of catching the virus doesn't mean you should be fine with carrying it around. Imagine for example if it turns out you're a carrier. Someone who has the virus inside of them right now but shows no symptoms of the sickness because it doesn't make you sick, it just hides out inside you and uses you as a vector to spread itself to others. You might not be, I'll grant you, but you never know.
Masks and other PPE are not just for your own protection, it helps others as well. Just like getting a vaccine is not just for your own health but also helps safeguards the health of others around you.

If you think it's okay to not wear a mask or any other kind of protective gear then you are announcing to everyone that you do not care about other people, you come first.
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And wash from my Heart
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Offline Jade Sinapu

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #94 on: November 18, 2020, 12:10:46 am »
I think it's a good bet that most everyone is afraid of death, maybe even some psychopaths.  It seems to be a natural thing for a human to preserve their life.  But fear of death doesn't stop most from living. 
Having fear of something may mean you respect what it can do to you,  and that those things you find undesirable and want to avoid them. It shows intelligence and forethought.  I know I do not like a gun pointed at my body so I avoid that.  I know it could be loaded and I could die.  My dog looks straight into a gun barrel of a loaded gun and knows nothing of it and has no fear. 
So being afraid of covid is not a sign of weakness nor a reason to stop living. But it is a sign of something else.

My brother went to the emergency room because he can't breathe well at all and was unresponsive and was found seizuring by his oldest daughter.  When he got there,  there was a long delay in obtaining treatment.  Seems hospitals are filling up there. So even though it is treatable,  obtaining treatment may be hard in some instances. And even though people do recover,  some are left with blod clots in lungs that can cause debilitating strokes. My brothers co worker,  who is 32, did in fact have some small clots,  but thankfully no stroke. My brother is back at home and is being watched by his oldest daughter who doesn't want her dad to die. Because she loves him. She is afraid covid will take her dad away. And 4 other kids could become wards of the state.

I do know a few of my ancestors who fought for my rights and freedoms would probably echo what you said,  to not be afraid to live,  but I bet my uncle Sidney, who survived the Battan death march,  would probably tell me to protect myself and others. He was a wise man who believed in God and science.  He was a master machinist after the war. He was smart and apparently brave as well as physically strong.  He shouldered a great deal of risk when his country asked him to,  but was not a fool seeking risks out or ignoring his responsibility to a greater good.  He never drank,  never smoked,  and was not overweight.  He was responsible.  He died after a drunk kid hit him with a car.  A kid who thought only of himself apparently. We have a duty to protect others, I feel. So some who knowingly take the brunt of life's hardships on our behalf,  if asked, might not want us to be as risky because they care about us.

I guess being responsible for a life,  or a big project,  etc,  may make one value their life more than someone who has fewer ties to things or people. It is relative.  To be afraid of getting ill and not being strong enough to take care of people you love,  people who depend on you,  is enough to make some avoid the getting sick part.  And knowing those who love you will see you be ill and be sad for you etc,  is also a big deterrent to allowing yourself getting ill,  despite the fact you have a fair chance of a full recovery.

So yeah,  I'm worried, I care about others and my impact on them, and my responsibilities to them,  so I protect myself as fully as I can,  and keep living in controlled fear out of respect for a thing that has survived much longer than my race has lived, and kills indiscriminately.

A vaccine will help.  But till then,  to allow more access to treatment,  for those who want to get trearment and increase their odds of survivung the illness,  a mask,  hand washing , gloves,  distancing all are prudent measures.  Also,  this virus probably didn't survive for untold eons because it is weak.  It might mutate and adapt, altering current mortality rates.  Because we can't predict it's abilities,  not allowing it a host also means it has less chances of mutations. 

Bear your soul and take control
If the wolves are howling outside your door
Invite them in and make them beg for more!
(Name that tune!)

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #95 on: November 18, 2020, 12:49:54 am »
A guy in my department at work has come down with this. Now it's a wait and see if the rest of us with end up with it.

It's been said that rats can gain access to your home by climbing up threw your toilet. I prefer to use the front door.

Offline Kobuk

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #97 on: November 18, 2020, 09:07:26 pm »
Two more articles worth reading.


This second link is particuarly interesting in case anybody is in need of stimulous $$$ to help them.


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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #98 on: November 19, 2020, 04:44:05 pm »
The more I hear about how more people are getting infected and how people are advising not to get together for Thanksgiving, the more I am thinking of possibly not visiting my mother for T-Day.  :( I really don't want to, but it keeps knawing at the back of my mind.
I just got off the phone with a friend I used to work with for 15 years. Him and his wife both came down with Covid. Possibly their children too. Neither of them are in the hospital yet from what my friend told me. I hope and pray they will all recover.

And then an earlier conversation with another best friend from high school and he told me his brother in law and his wife both have Covid. How bad, I don't know.


 :goldpissed: :goldpissed: :goldpissed:

Offline Jade Sinapu

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Re: Are you worried about the Coronavirus?
« Reply #99 on: November 19, 2020, 06:36:31 pm »
I know my mask, the one from work, is not so good fitting and is like 2 layers rough canvas like cotton.  It does stop spittle etc, and i can feel it absorb some humidity and if it is doing that I think it might be catching viruses?
I did a little research when COVID first came out, and I seem to remember that electrostatically some viruses get caught in fabrics, which is why doctors wear them, and also to catch spit and hairs (bidirectionally).

Gloves are there as a disposable hand", or at least very washable hand surface that you can bleach.
I do have a 50W germicidal UV-C lamp set that I can use to sterilize things. (good luck getting the bulbs now!)
and social distancing was to allow virus to dissipate to low levels such that people chances of getting a viral load large enough to overwhelm the immune system (get sick) was low.

All of this was told to the public by reliable and unbiased sources from the beginning.  It is same thing doctors do during flu season i believe. 
It should have been easy enough for all of us to do.  But some were claiming violation of rights because a mask was required to enter a private business who sets some of the rules.  I don't understand people.

I made a mask of thick quilted cotton in between 2 layers of tight synthetic fabric.  It is hard to breathe through and is hot as heck.
but it filters!
If you have ever needed to filter something, stuff a column with cotton balls.  Take a pipe that is thin and long and pack it hard with cotton balls, and pour in the fluid.  IF you have pressure to push it through, it comes out clean, and the cotton is dirty.  I have used this in one job to make clean water that supposedly according to the chemist was able to remove all but the smallest viruses.  I do not know how small the corona is...and this method requires hundreds of PSI...but hopefully there is some benifit to breathing through cotton.  Cotton has micro pores, something like activated carbon .  Synthetic weaves are like plastic rods, they do not filter except mechanically.  Cotton with its pores , can electrostatically filter as well as mechanical.  And I think washing and drying doesn't stop that.

I mention this because this knowledge is out there, on TV, on the web, and in my case in a book i have from my old days in college. 

This virus came from an animal, and was not a plot.  Ebola, possibly aids, corona, and others are in animals at times.  It was going to happen sooner or later.  WE  are encroaching on wildlife spaces and our population grows.  People eat wildlife, and can get exposed during processing to viruses.  This was inevitable, not a conspiracy.  I do not know why people thought China did this to US.  They wouldn't.  They got sick too.  And because of the draconian measures, it was squashed easier.  Also, they have a mentality of following the leader, and that helped in this situation. 
Here we seem to get offended if we speed and out license is taken away, as if it is a birth right.  Nope.  It was an earned privilege .  People are too out of touch with reality. 
Just wear the dang mask.  Wear gloves if you got em.  Distance.

I would watch Dr Fauchi and he seemed to know what common sense was, and yet it sounded like some were trying to say he was wrong?  If we can't trust a doctor regarding spread of a germ, who can we trust?  Let's all trust our local automechanc?  Sure, they MAY know what to do as well, but historically a doctor is supposed to know more in depth.  So I listened to the doctors.  They took an oath to help, why would they lie?

One guy at work got his covid swab.  It turned out negative.  He showed me the email on his phone.  He said, "see here this is from the hospital.  I took an online exam and it said I have the virus and this is before I got the swab, its all a bunch of nonsense to get more people in as patients".  I took a good look at it ... here is what it really said "you pre-screening questionnaire shows evidence that you may have a viral infection given your self reported symptoms.  Because of this, you should consider getting a covid test, please click here to schedule a time for a sample collection."  The cost without insurance was about $40.

I then told him my interpretation of it, he still was adamant that it was a ploy to get money via patients.  I told him that if they do that they could lose the medical license, the thing that makes it where they can work and make money.  If they do that they can't pay off the student loans of 200,000 etc.  Why would a hospital also lose credibility?  No one would ever come to it.

Where is the use of logic?

Some people love to believe in a story of their own rather than hear a truth that causes more work for them.
People are mentally lazy.

My sisters realitives also said this about corona...
"It is God's will that some may die and some may live."

They also said this about their own son when he had a brain anyerusim.  My side of the family were the ones taking him to the hospital when it happened, and supported him.
The doctor with his skills saved him.  The science saved him.
And of course when their son made a great recovery, they were so pleased to see him as his old self.  Well how nice.  Thank the doctor, the nurses, the engineers, scientists, the humans who made it possible.

My opinion...
If god is there, god made us able to understand how to help others and to care.  So why not do just that?  Use the brain you were given!
When you are croaking, you might lament how it is gods will that you go.  But what if someone came at that moment and said they could save you?  How quickly you might forget what you just said!  It might just be gods will when you are unaware of options.

As much as I can, I will be the one to choose what is under my control.  I choose to control the virus with knowledge.

And Kobuk, to let you know...
My brother had his fever come down, and his pneumonia is starting to get controlled by meds.  So he may be turning the corner on Covid.  Will have to see.
I say this because, yes, people are recovering from it.  Just remind your friend to be on top of symptom development and have a plan for treatment if needed.
It is a nasty one, just like a really bad flu.  Which I bet few people remember getting (thanks to science).

My brother is out of work now for 1 month, and is now on Short term disability.  His employer is being super nice about this. 
« Last Edit: November 19, 2020, 06:54:31 pm by Jade Sinapu »
Bear your soul and take control
If the wolves are howling outside your door
Invite them in and make them beg for more!
(Name that tune!)