Author Topic: Free Host?  (Read 2565 times)

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Offline Lost_Cause

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Free Host?
« on: February 25, 2006, 09:23:32 pm »
Well, I've been happily using Geocities free hosting for a while now.

It gives a nice short URL, a fair bit os space (15MB), really nice extra features like guest book, online informers, visit counter, the survay forum which after much bashing and general poking I got to actualy work, as well as a few other nifty little pirks, and the advert on the vershion I am using can be closed so they don't muck up the placement of everything on screen with an unwanted banner or flashy bit of tinsil advertising.

The trouble is that 4MB hourly traffic limit is killing me.
All I have on it are a few pictures. Well 1.5 MB worth of them. Which isn't a lot in JPG terms, but if someone views all the pages of my site thats over 37% of my hourly limit gone on one person! 3 people do it in the same hour and I'm over my limit, and I'm not even near finished building the site!
It's kind of painful.

So I was wondering if any of you could recomend a nice free host that alowes you a fair bit of space, doesn't stick in horrably obtrusive ads and has a much higher traffic limit and allows you to do all your own HTML work rather than forcing one of those god awful Templates on you? It sounds like a lot, but asking is worth a shot. I tryed googeling and yahoo searching for it but I turned up literaly hundreds of possable hosts and all of them so far tend to be unsuiatable for one reason or another. (low Hourly limits,/not enough file space/huge ads/tight content controll/buisness only/template sites only and so on)

I know you can't place files in Geocities and then load them up on another page using the Geocities account purly to store the files, but can you store filles on a diffrent account then use the Geocities account to load them to the page there and would that take the heafty pic size off the geocities hourly limit and onto the other hosts?
and is there a host that allows this?

Any sugestions on how to cut down on my data transfer usage would be appreciated. I've already converted as many JPGs as i can to gif, but quality drops dramaticly so it's no good for the big pictures.
I’ve made my statement and I stand by it, but I could be wrong.

Offline WhiteShepherd

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Free Host?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2006, 10:07:20 pm »
If it is art you are posting gives free webpages to furry artists.  150 megs, php, mysql, and no adds/pop-ups.  If you do art but not mainly Furry offers 50mb (or more on request) of the same services but for ANY art form.

IRC quotes:

[05:01] <Kai_Misou> We cats sleep when we want and where we want.
[05:01] <WhiteShep> We dogs sleep WHEN we can. :/
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Offline Lost_Cause

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Free Host?
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2006, 08:05:31 am »
Oh yes I feel so clever Now
Feel the sarcadsem '<img'>
I've been sitting on this forum for how long and just realised that Oh yeah, you do webhosting too!

Can't see the wood for the trees it seems.

At least This solves a few problems.
appart from needing the Email my ISP gave me.....
Is there a more complete explanation of the rules?
I get nervous when some of them look like sugestions and recomendations and start off with words like Please don't...

I'm rather intrested in rule 5
"...At Furtopia we monitor linking directly to files..."
Geocities stats only showed where files were linked to from most offen and I was getting worried that only 70 to 80% of the links to some of my pictures were comeing from the page I had set up but of corse geocities stats only showes the most frequent page a file is linked to from so unless the outside links grow to greater than 50% I can tell nothing. So do you lot make available to the users this information about who is liking to what from where?

I'm also worried about providing my real name. where exactly will it be stored and used?

Also after looking through existing pages I can see that you have an adult warning page of your own built. An awful orange one. :P
Does that appear every time the index page is opened? or only when a site is linked to from the listing here?
in your rules you recomend people set up warning pages for there sites and I saw quite a few adult sites that did but that orange warning page was still up in front of them so does it count as a warning page for the sake of the rule or is it just an added layer of protection?

I’ve made my statement and I stand by it, but I could be wrong.

Offline Mazz

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Free Host?
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2006, 10:57:56 pm »
Quote (Lost_Cause @ Feb. 26 2006, 8:05 am)
At least This solves a few problems.
appart from needing the Email my ISP gave me.....
Is there a more complete explanation of the rules?
I get nervous when some of them look like sugestions and recomendations and start off with words like Please don't...

I got 2 accounts here.

one with my yahoo email and one with my Gmail email.

I'm pretty sure you'll be fine.

Though I could be wrong.

Rehabber by trade, conservationist by choice
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Offline WhiteShepherd

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Free Host?
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2006, 12:51:50 am »

Oh yes I feel so clever Now
Feel the sarcadsem '<img'>
I've been sitting on this forum for how long and just realised that Oh yeah, you do webhosting too!

Can't see the wood for the trees it seems.

That's ok we really need to put a notice into the forums themselves.


I'm rather intrested in rule 5
"...At Furtopia we monitor linking directly to files..."
Geocities stats only showed where files were linked to from most offen and I was getting worried that only 70 to 80% of the links to some of my pictures were comeing from the page I had set up but of corse geocities stats only showes the most frequent page a file is linked to from so unless the outside links grow to greater than 50% I can tell nothing. So do you lot make available to the users this information about who is liking to what from where?

Furtopia checks for "hot linking" as some steal artists work to put on their own pages.  Our scanner is set up to allow pass through of common sites like furbid, etc.  Just if you want to link your artwork on another website it doesn't hurt to just shoot us a e-mail so we'll know.

Furtopia does have a live stats page for all it's hosted websites.  It can be found off the main page called "member web statistics".  It will show you all kinds of useful information on your website.


I'm also worried about providing my real name. where exactly will it be stored and used?

That information is not released.  It is only used for contact information and to protect you as the owner of the site should an issue arrise.


Also after looking through existing pages I can see that you have an adult warning page of your own built. An awful orange one. :P
Does that appear every time the index page is opened? or only when a site is linked to from the listing here?
in your rules you recomend people set up warning pages for there sites and I saw quite a few adult sites that did but that orange warning page was still up in front of them so does it count as a warning page for the sake of the rule or is it just an added layer of protection?

The orange adult warning sign (yes it's that way to be noticed).  Is NOT installed on adult's webpages.  The Furtopia indexes load them as an extra step to prevent confusion for visitors.  So if you go to the site directly then no orange warning page loads.  So it is generaly best (though not required) for adult websites to have their own warning pages.

IRC quotes:

[05:01] <Kai_Misou> We cats sleep when we want and where we want.
[05:01] <WhiteShep> We dogs sleep WHEN we can. :/
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Offline Lost_Cause

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Free Host?
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2006, 02:54:06 am »
Thats Great, It sounds like just what I'm looking for.
I’ve made my statement and I stand by it, but I could be wrong.

Offline Mazz

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Free Host?
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2006, 01:30:55 pm »
furtopia sites are wonderful and if you get your own domain name ever you can instead of moving everything link it off furtopia so it redirects.

neat stuff.

this site is still dead because i'm lazy but this is an example of how a domain redirects to furtopia.

once uploaded to one it will automatically be on the domain name too.

WS helped me with that one. It's a pretty awesome service for furtopia.

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