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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #50 on: December 05, 2008, 02:25:13 pm »
On an old old old forum, I was one of the 'popular members', namely for my violent and overall aggressive attitude towards people who go to close in the 'personal space department'.

I usually go in AIM fights with these people who thought it was cool to call me out in the forum for doing certain things and whatnot. (nothing against the forum rules, in fact I usually had the admins on my side haha...they loved watching these thing...).

At one point there was a forum topic where I flipped out on this guy for degrading our newer...less knowledgable members..

I essentially ripped the guy's ego apart with every post, he stopped posting in that thread, and one of the admins popped in with ''re just missing the claws there Saiko." (my forum name at the time)

I laughed, and a few other posts around the lines of 'Holy crap Saiko is a frigging forum wolverine!' popped in.

Haha...guess it just stuck. Badgers though are also my attitude, and I keep close to them as well as wolverines.

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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #51 on: December 05, 2008, 02:38:27 pm »
I just thought a lot about it, and decided a cat would fit me best (i'm kinda sneaky and sly, and i'll always get out of sticky situations), i've tried a raccoon before, but that just didn't feel right... and don't be afraid of choosing something common, your fursona will grow and become unique, just like you are!
« Last Edit: January 21, 2009, 08:30:45 am by Acerbatus »
Sometimes I wonder how easily I am influenced by those around me. The need to fit in somewhere always tugs at me from the back of my mind, even though I should be doing my own thing.

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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #52 on: December 09, 2008, 10:30:24 pm »
I just found mine yesterday with a little help ^_^.

I'm a blue anthro fox :)

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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #53 on: December 10, 2008, 09:35:51 am »
I grew up with cats for most of my childhood and became quite fascinated with them at an early age. I thought about a lot of different animals when picking my fursona but only cats felt natural. It's probably because I like them so much but when I started thinking about it more I realized I have a lot of feline traits too. So in short I went with what felt natural and I'm happy with it :).

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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #54 on: December 10, 2008, 02:38:06 pm »
   It's so interesting to see how and why different people come up with their fursonas.  I never really had to look for my fursona, I think it found me.  When I was about 13 I went to live with my Grandparents in the country.  Until then I think I hardly knew coyotes existed.  I started having dreams about coyotes being everywhere and seemingly trying to get me.  They would just jump out at me and even chase me, but they never did so much as touch me. Sometimes I think maybe I was wrong when I first thought the coyotes these dreams were trying to get me
    Over time I began to develop a fascination and affection for the coyote.  There was just something about it that took me like no other animal ever had.  Later I had a dream where I met a coyote face to face and we both simultaneously lifted our faces toward the they sky and howled.  Then I go back and remember another dream from when I was much younger.  I walked out of my house and there were hundreds of what I thought were wolves standing outside my house watching and waiting.  Were they wolves?  I'm not saying there is any connection, but sometimes when I put everything together it intrigues me.  Am I just trying to read too much into it?  The answer is probably yes.
   Naturally when I found the furry community I couldn't see my character as being anything but a coyote.  I took my fur coloring of blue white and black from personal preference and dreams.  The blue is for the dream of the blue coyote who rescued me from basically playing with a fire that was threating to burn my anyway.  The white is for the end of a dream where a white coyote was reviled when a mask fell away from it's face.  I just added the black because I liked the combination.
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Offline Savaaha

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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #55 on: December 10, 2008, 03:22:56 pm »
Ive just always loved equines. I became a zorse becouse in RL I do have stripes. My fursona has my hair color and eyecolor(mostly). Im heterochromic green/brown but I gave her all green eyes because its easier for artists to remember and from a distance it looks like both my eyes are green.

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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #56 on: December 11, 2008, 11:11:58 am »
Im heterochromic green/brown
Really?  That's awesome!  ^_^

Why did I choose a fox?  Good question.  Of all the animals I've ever come across, I doubt I've held as much awe and wonder for them as I have the fox.  I played around with my fursona for two years before I joined any forum, and it always came down to being a fox (I just tried to decide on a personality).  I never even thought about any other species; this was just right.  :)

Pink and blue, though... you'll have to ask Blastdav about that...  8)
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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #57 on: December 14, 2008, 06:07:21 pm »
Wow; I didn't know the gene for heterochromatic eyes was found in humans!  I would like to see a pic, actually.  A possible desktop wallpaper.

I'm pretty much an ambiguous wolf, but I was thinking of narrowing myself down a little.  I know I have a bluish-silver tint with a lot of red and some black (similar to a red wolf), so I might eventually follow that red brick road.  I'm uncertain though; isn't it believed that the red wolf's origins had something to do with coyotes?  If true, it would demonstrate the wily side of my personality (not a Looney Tunes reference).  Currently, my slyness and cleverness is represented by my red highlights (a result of slight fox influence), but a total shift to red wolf might be a cleaner representation.  Ramble ramble.
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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #58 on: December 26, 2008, 02:28:34 pm »
Well it took me quite a while to find my fursona. In fact, I just found her a few days ago. I started by researching animal totems, trying to find my totem. I believe my totem is a wolf, I'm almost certain. Then I just...added characteristics to her that I liked and that made her unique, such as her pink and chocolate fur scheme, and her name. Her name is Johann, even though she's female. I just thought it'd be different. :) So, yeah, just pick things that you really like and that are interesting to you. And don't be afraid to choose a common animal, or to change your choice a few times until it feels right. All that matters is that your happy with your fursona!

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Offline Kirby the Fox

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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #59 on: January 23, 2009, 06:20:38 pm »
My fursona experience never really started until I decided to draw comics based on me and my friends.  I was in the 6th grade and  I wanted it to be a furry comic (even though I wasn't really into the furry community at that time), in doing so I had to find species for everyone.  My brother was obviously going to be a wolf, he introduced me to the furry fandom and had established himself as a black werewolf.  At that time I was a typical wolf fan but I didn't want to seem like a copy-cat, I sat down and brainstormed what I could represent myself in this childish comic.

I remembered a little orange creature, it was LIKE a wolf, only smaller...  Hey, that fits!  He beats me up all the time!  So I became a red fox, later on I fell in love with the arctic fox as well so I then became a hybrid red fox and arctic fox!

As for my markings, I started to look more into the furry fandom and noticed a LOT of foxes.  Feeling like a drone I shrived to do something about my fursona.  I didn't want to change her, I always loved foxes and becoming one in the furry community had only tightened the bond.  I added the blue markings to stand out, the look of cobalt blue against orange looked awesome!  Then I rewatched a childhood cartoon I had not seen in years and noticed a certain character and I have something in common!

Oh well, in my strive to stand out I (without realizing it) made a homage! XD  Don't feel bad for being a wolf, what matters is what YOU are and not what your species is!

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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #60 on: January 23, 2009, 07:59:57 pm »
Oh well, in my strive to stand out I (without realizing it) made a homage! XD  Don't feel bad for being a wolf, what matters is what YOU are and not what your species is!

Isn't your species a representation of yourself? ^.^

Not that anyone should feel bad for feeling like a wolf on the inside! Maybe furry attracts wolflike people more than it does others?

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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #61 on: January 23, 2009, 08:54:14 pm »
While I have felt a connection to the Jaguar ever since I read about the animal, I as thinking about actually making some changes to my fursona. My connection to the jaguar always felt personal and emotional, but I want something more ascetically unique. He would still be a Jaguar, but I would give him a King Cheetah-Jaguar hybrid pelt.   
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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #62 on: January 25, 2009, 01:30:10 pm »
For a long time I was a wolf but as I changed through time I felt more domesticated and not as wild as before. So now my fursona is a dog :D A tosa inu to be exact. I chose this kind of dog because I am brave and strong when I have to defend myself. I thought about switching to Jack Russel Terrier a few times because I can be quite energetic, but I put a lot of time and effort into my tosa character development that I don't really want to change! I also considered Borzoi. They are one of my favorite breeds of dog :D

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Offline WaichiMak

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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #63 on: January 26, 2009, 06:21:05 pm »
I'm actually still in the process of finding one, but I'm pretty close to making a firm decision.
The thing I have listed in my profile, was a collection of words I ptu together that I thought might describe me a little. I am a big sci-fi nut and moreso love aliens, I think albino animals are beautiful and am somewhat pale-skinned with an aversion tot he sun myself, and I like reptiles...

So I went and took a bunch of those animal tests, read up on totems, etc. I swear I got "Cat" like four times. While I've always gotten along splendidly with cats, (cats frikkin LOVE me for some reason)
I don't think they resonate with me as a fursona.

However, on one occasion I got "Bat" and the description of the bat personality fit me to a tee.
This got me started thinking back on encounters I've had with the bat in the past, and similarities between myself and the animal;

I'm naturally nocturnal, and prefer a darkened home-space with an even temperature. (Caves typically have a constant temperature that's not too hot and not too cold)
I'll tolerate a few hours of sunlight, but after that I want to go back inside, and I burn easily.
I'm small and fine-boned.
I used to have flying dreams all the time.
I always share food freely with my cave-mates, simply wanting to give them a taste of something I enjoy. Though I am sometimes confused (even slightly offended) when they refuse to try something I'm offering them.
Supposedly bats play "nanny" to the offspring of other bats or adopt them when the parents aren't around;
I've always liked children, but preferred the idea of adopting rather than having my own. =)
Growing up, my favorite holiday has always been Halloween, not for the candy or TV specials, but for being able to run around in the dark with droves of other people having fun.
Seeing the moon has always made me smile, especially on those occasions when I've seen it during the day. (I don't know how common an occurence this is, but I've seen the moon in day light ALOT)
I hear some bats catch and eat fish, and I love fish. (sashimi as well) I also only seem to enjoy beef if it's slightly raw. (Vampire bat?) And who doesn't like fruit?
Though I've never intentionally eaten a bug, I've always thought that insects would seem more palatable if they weren't so SMALL. A grasshopper leg the size of a chicken drumstick? I could totally eat that. But these teensy, tiny things with all those little crunchy bits? Blech.

I've encountered bats at night loads of times, and they've never freaked me out like they do most people. Quite the opposite, I get all excited and stare at them with a stupid grin on my face. They say that humans can't hear the sounds that bats make, but I don't think that's true. I caught one once, (it couldn't fly) and I could hear clicks, squeaks, and pulses coming from it. Not very loud, mind you, but audible.
I have a bat beanie baby that I rescued from the elements. Someone left it outside at my college, and though it was covered in dust, buried under leaves and plastic bottles, it still caught my eye.

...Umm, but I'm rambling on. ^_^; I'm still on my search, but I think the bat fits me better than other animals I've seen so far.
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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #64 on: March 24, 2009, 09:20:50 pm »
For me my Fursona was not so much a tough choice, but more of natural instinct.

I always knew my Fursona was gonna be a Canine of some sort. It always came as something i guess brought up by hundreds of events. Well the earliest i know of is that i was so close to being named Wolfgang...Hehehe I wish i was named that but i wasnt given the choice hahaha...I also can remember having a bond with every pet dog i've ever owned...Man's best friend. A little later in life I remember getting up early in the morning prolyl close to dusk. and When i looked down the road and what did i see but a Coyote standing somewhat close...We stared at each other for a bit then he pranced off...I saw him a few more times... Much later still remembering the coyote i got a box Adorned with a Coyote carving and seal. i kept all my Prized possesions in this box...It was around this time i felt a bond with Canines and Coyotes the most...One time and i think i mentioned this on my greeting Post, I found a group of Coyotes out side my window having some night fight...I dunno what got into be but i let out a Howl that they heard but amazingly never woke anyone up. Sad story incoming. one time when Coyotes started getting bold and showing up in lawns attacking birds, and pets. Some people thought them a danger and found a Den and eradicated them and the pups or at least taht's what i heard but true or not that story made me Weep for a good part of the day...It was then that i knew that the Coyote was exactly what i was destined to be. ok now for some happy stuff. once when i was little my neighbor's dog was coming up to me (very Friendly) but my dog saw him as a threat and ran to put himself between me and my neighbor's dog (nothing bad happend and the two dogs became playmates in time)... Also i found a stray dog and played with it for a while I dunno how things went so well for me but i later found out he was Feral, Rabid, and agressive...Seemed so nice though...And before i left school i got to make a nice Coyote print pillow. one of my favorite items that still is in perfect condition.

About 7 years ago i had to move made me sad but new beginnings made it more fun but other then Losing my beachside house, my biggest regret is not living by the Coyotes that i so admired anymore.

So given all of this for me to NOT have a Coyote Fursona would be a crime.

And this is my story on how my Coyote Fursona was made. Although perhaps this is how the Fursona chose me rather the me chosing it
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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #65 on: April 07, 2009, 11:33:08 am »
well to find mine, I  knew I was going to be a domestic dog breed so I looked in a dog breed book and searched there. I narrowed it down to a few breeds, and then decided on Brittany Spaniel.  :)

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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #66 on: April 24, 2009, 10:47:13 pm »
 Well I always felt I was different than everyone else it seemed I was one extra person that wasn't supposed to be human. more like there was a giant puzzle that i had to put together. I had "hints" that helped me along through the putting together. they were that i had this connection with canines, no matter where i the world i had this connection and this heled me with my species it takes a few tries but i finally got it right, but the name still escapes me so far i got Xion Zion (X-I-on Z-I-on) but my friends got too tounge twisted that they just call me Axle. So it is all about trying thing out see how they fit if you feel that you don't feel you try another. just keep it going.  (:

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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #67 on: May 03, 2009, 09:57:10 pm »
For my fursona, I'm still undecided after 8 years x_x

I've known about and had a fursona for literlly that long, and I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've changed it. I want to stick with one soon though, because I'm getting a job and hope to commission a fursuit for it eventually. I've always stuck with a type of canine, since that's what I feel most connected with. As far as markings, breed, etc. I can never choose - so for now I just call myself a mutt :P

Honestly, I feel a very strong connection with the hyena. I've had two hyena fursonas before and I think I might end up sticking with that. Who knows!
meow (;

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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #68 on: May 04, 2009, 09:19:35 am »
Do you think believing your not a human help?

Also strong connection to foxes. Never knew why.
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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #69 on: May 04, 2009, 11:42:12 pm »
I originally decided on a wolf simply because I liked the animal and without knowing all that much about them beyond that.  Since then after doing some reading I've gradually discovered that it really was a pretty good choice after all  :)
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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #70 on: May 09, 2009, 06:59:01 pm »
This may sound stupid, but the reason why I picked a fox was because everytime I would take those "What Animal Are You?" online quizzes, I would almost always be a fox, either that or a boar if that was a answer. But i'm way too skinny to be a boar, their basically pigs on steroids, so I just went with a fox. :)
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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #71 on: May 22, 2009, 10:59:04 am »
i couldn't think of a fursona so I just took a test on it. however, i'm creating a new one
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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #72 on: July 29, 2009, 09:23:12 am »
I was a dog for the longest time. Teddy bear just seemed to sneak up on me. It started a few years back. I was collecting electronic pets. Furby, Aibo, Poo-Chi, all those things. I started doing research on the history of interactive toys and I came across a fan site for AG Bear. AG Bear is a bear with a voice box inside. Talk to him and he talks back in his own growly electronic voice. The site also had a section on Petster, which was probably the very first robotic pet.
As luck would have it, AG Bear was rereleased. I ordered one immediately. The original plan was to add him to my collection of electronic pets. Fate had other plans. I fell in love with that bear. I liked him, not because of his electronic pet status, but because he was a teddy bear. I started surfing teddy bear sites on the internet and became fascinated with them and the people who collect them. I decided to ditch the electronic pets and collect teddies. A fursona was the farthest thing from my mind at the time. I was out of the furry and therian communities for what I thought was for good. I just loved teddy bears.
I had a huge collection. The Care Bears had been rereleased and I had almost all of them in all sizes. I was only missing one, Tenderheart Bear. I got him in 24 inch, but the 13 inch was discontinued. I also had a ton of Ty Bears and any other bear I could get my greedy little paws on.
Then something happened. I wondered what I was doing. This just sprung up, I had no history with bears, didn't have a beloved teddy bear growing up, so what was I doing collecting? I gave all my bears away,including my AG and the original grey AG I won on Ebay. HUGE mistake.
Teddy Bears didn't totally leave me. But I was getting back into the therian and furry communities and was once again a dog. I believed I shared a spiritual kinship with dogs. I was wrong, but I kept deluding myself, because I wanted to be a therian so badly. From time to time I'd buy a bear, but I still stuck with dogs. To be anything else was to deny my therianhood. True therians don't change, you see.
Recently the delusions shattered. I'm not a therian. I show none of the signs that most therians do. All those memories of growing up playing with toy dogs and being obsessed with dogs was a sham. I had toy dogs but I all but ignored them. I was just misremembering because in my mind it strengthened my therian beliefs.
The teddy bear was still there. I identified strongly with them for some reason. And there was none of the baggage that went with the dog. I took on a fursona I created a year or so ago and here I am a teddy bear. I like to think there was a reason I found AG. I miss him sometimes and I thank him for giving me another chance at finding my true fursona.  I'm a teddy bear now. I don't see me changing again anytime soon.

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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #73 on: July 29, 2009, 07:17:37 pm »
I found mine when I took a quiz on Facebook :D.And the fact that I'm usually cold and aggressive towards people(even my friends).Also the fact that people think that I will grow up and be a violent murderer.I like nothing more than peace and quiet.I also would rather save my own hide before I save anybody else's.That's the story.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2009, 07:20:01 pm by Ulquiorra Schiffer »

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Re: Finding your Fursona
« Reply #74 on: August 01, 2009, 02:20:18 am »
I decided I wanted to be a Tauren for a while. Horns and big stompy hooves are cool :) Plus I has magic.