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furry arts discussion => poetry corner => Topic started by: Leirea on March 31, 2011, 11:32:23 pm

Title: Swallowing Misery
Post by: Leirea on March 31, 2011, 11:32:23 pm
My mistakes keep me up at night,

put stretch marks on the empty spaces

that cause my eyes to leak

when I can't sleep

Silence seeps through my skin,

finds its way into my lungs and

resonates against the barriers;

stains my heart with heavy burdens, and

I sink through the floor,

press my palms to the walls of this womb

This is not home,

I cannot feel

My weakness drips into my stomach, now,

a cancerous lump threatening to take me over

So I close my eyes;

beneath, streaks of colored lights break

Electricity is bursting from my fingertips

I will be whole again