Author Topic: Canadian Aboriginal Festival  (Read 3057 times)

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Canadian Aboriginal Festival
« on: November 29, 2003, 11:24:52 pm »
I went to the Canadian Aboriginal Festival today for a while and took in some of the sights, sounds, and whatnot.
I went with the intention of meeting up with Sedyah and Siltharin, but I saw no sign of either of them at the meeting spot, even if I did show up early to it and gave up a bit after the meeting window time period. Oh well. Maybe next time? I did, however, manage to meet up with Simbayo and Pouch, who had shown up and managed to spot me in the crowd...
As for the festival, I found it to be fascinating.
I took a good look around the merchants and displays that they had there. A lot were rather repetitive, with there being a lot of merchants selling animal skins, dream catchers, drums, and whatnot. There were a few that stood out though, like the antler carvings, traditional incenses, and things like that.
A few notable things on the menu at the traditional food booths were moose burgers, Indian tacos (with venison), and venison on a bun. I'll have to give some of that a shot the next time I visit one of these events.
We sat down and watched the "Grand Entry" event, which included a procession of dignitaries, elders, and a few hundred dancers or so. They had some singing groups doing traditional songs for this event, taking turns as it went along. Overall, they had over six hundred dancers on the floor, tied up in a rather tight group once everything was said and done. Almost all were in traditional dancing costume... and many of them were pretty cool to look at.
After the dancing and all, we took another walk around, and checked out the fashion show rather briefly. They also had music and performance tents there, but I didn't peek into those. We checked out the elders teachings tent for a bit, and listened in on what was being talked about in there.
All in all, it was rather enlightening to have a look at our nation's aboriginal cultures, even if it was a bit brief. In the past few years, I've been taking an interest in this world's ancient cultures... though it's mostly just the North American, European, and some African ones...
Anyways... I had a good time! It's just a pity I couldn't find Sedyah and Siltharin to meet up with. I hope they're alright! '<img'>