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community group sub-forums => tech talk => Topic started by: Sergalicious on June 19, 2013, 01:17:20 am

Title: dubstep gun ideas and tips
Post by: Sergalicious on June 19, 2013, 01:17:20 am
while camping my and my cousin were listening to dubstep ( i know not the best campng music) and playing flux, so i decided i wanted to build a dubstep gun sort of like; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDlif8Km4S4 but less amazing ( for obvious reasons). i plan to use a dismantled laser tag set, maybe a nerf gun, various lights, speakers, (smoke, lasers?), etc. there would be speakers in the gun but the main speakers would be in a backpack (camelback?) with a battery-bank for possible additions of electronic components to a future fursuit. (cameras, proximity sensors, fans, keypad w/ electronic voice for speech "code would be now actual talking" etc). but any suggestions for building, running, good idea, bad idea. etc. also it will be used outside of the furry community at normal parties and what-not.

p.s. im tired but cant sleep so sorry for errors in spelling.

edit; flux is a card game
Title: Re: dubstep gun ideas and tips
Post by: Jackie on June 20, 2013, 05:40:58 pm
What they used looks to me like parts of different laser tag weapons like you said, but i'm not sure how you would get smoke and such, i suppose you could wire up one of those usb mp3 players to some small speakers and put them inside? I suppose you could connect a detachable voice changer? and lasers and lights seem easy enough.

At the end of the day it is mainly about you experimenting with it. just keep making stuff, and make changes where you see fit. Hands on experience is the best experience  ;)
Title: Re: dubstep gun ideas and tips
Post by: Sergalicious on June 20, 2013, 06:01:33 pm
thanks for responding. but for smoke if i do, i would probably have a small one in a barrel or hidden inside with vents cut out. maybe if i cant find a small one ill try to make one or place a larger one in said backpack then run the "smoke" thru a tube or something. since i already am running one from the gun to the pack. i would probably have an ipod or something mounted on my arm or something. also i have found that it is verry easy to time lights to music. (attach leds to speaker wires so they are powered when the electricity is sent. i think ill scrap the electronic voice. to much hassel i think. i was thinking as using this as a base http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PrVM3iYM3R4/TZkXfo4M5AI/AAAAAAAAAFk/Zw2O0kQKKTM/s1600/longshot+yellow.jpg it has 2 barrels for various things. and is large enough to hold a large amount of things. ( i had one but sold it a while ago)
Title: Re: dubstep gun ideas and tips
Post by: Jackie on June 20, 2013, 06:04:59 pm
thanks for responding. but for smoke if i do, i would probably have a small one in a barrel or hidden inside with vents cut out. maybe if i cant find a small one ill try to make one or place a larger one in said backpack then run the "smoke" thru a tube or something. since i already am running one from the gun to the pack. i would probably have an ipod or something mounted on my arm or something. also i have found that it is verry easy to time lights to music. (attach leds to speaker wires so they are powered when the electricity is sent. i think ill scrap the electronic voice. to much hassel i think. i was thinking as using this as a base http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PrVM3iYM3R4/TZkXfo4M5AI/AAAAAAAAAFk/Zw2O0kQKKTM/s1600/longshot+yellow.jpg it has 2 barrels for various things. and is large enough to hold a large amount of things. ( i had one but sold it a while ago)

What kind of a smoke source are we talking about here?
Title: Re: dubstep gun ideas and tips
Post by: Sergalicious on June 20, 2013, 06:46:51 pm
like http://www.smokemachines.net/buy-tiny-foggers.shtml maybe not this exactly but that kind (for special FX or halloween. preferably as small as possible so it could fit in the gun but nothing that expansive (it costs 0ver $1000)
Title: Re: dubstep gun ideas and tips
Post by: Sergalicious on June 20, 2013, 07:23:01 pm
found this, with a little work it should be fine http://www.amazon.com/American-Science-Surplus-Wizard-Stick/dp/B000FIN0V8
Title: Re: dubstep gun ideas and tips
Post by: charcoal on June 21, 2013, 08:02:50 am
do you alredy have a gun idea
Title: Re: dubstep gun ideas and tips
Post by: Sergalicious on June 21, 2013, 11:01:50 am
ya i have some ideas
Title: Re: dubstep gun ideas and tips
Post by: Sergalicious on June 21, 2013, 05:06:44 pm
found this at a good will, i think it will be a good base, lots of space. http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/13112596/homepage/name/homepage.jpg?type=sn and i have 2 of these http://thumbs1.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mHPCWr0sRyFmYeYzpLIQTUg.jpg
Title: Re: dubstep gun ideas and tips
Post by: Sergalicious on June 22, 2013, 12:09:32 pm
Hers my ideas, going to put speaker in large area with a plasma ball sticking out then at the dome there wil be another ball . The barrels Will have sound reactive LEDs then LEDs around the main plasma ball the a smoke machine inside the LEDs tuning along the sides And a camelback with larger speakers, battery bank ( for future expansion to a full suit) connected by clear tube with wires to battery and strip of led for effect