Furtopia services and support > suggestion box

Fursona sprites?

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Heys! I had an idea last night, and I wanted to know what others thought. I was part of another forum called GamerHub at one time, and one of the things they had on there were sprites that represented your class, character in an rpg, ect. So, I was thinking..maybe furtopia needs something like this! Ya know, a furry sprite that they can customize to whim, including hair style and specie. It could go right under the "In the furried demintion! (sp?)" in a box like the avatars, and on the side it could have things like age, race, likes, dislikes ect. You could create them using a Flash menu like the whole Gaia avatar creator, or  the "Create a furry" thing from Newgrounds.

Just a thought  

I like the sound of that. It'll be a great help to those of us who aren't artistic geniouses (my expertise lies in languages - human, computer and cat). Those who are geniouses (and I see a lot of brilliant artwork around, everyone) might be able to lend a little paw.

Ciasmi Violette:
you know...i could do something about this...since you did steal an idea from the forum i admin at.....but i wont, cause Gamer Hub doesnt give a damn, XD

ANd im too nice to do that to you.

But i think its an awsomeo idea

Im into it! This is the first idea ive liked. I mean, we should chose our stats, like the amount of crystal meth pumping through our veins, in which case, i have you all beat    

*jumps out of seat*
brilliant!!! it is a must have i'll make me


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