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Offline GrayWolf448

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Re: Fallout 4
« Reply #25 on: August 28, 2015, 03:42:50 am »
Co- op I think would've kinda ruined the game, I understand you want a friend to be able to play too. It's the whole idea of being alone, in a vast world. It would've been fun to experiment with that feature though if they made it. November is closing in so I'm excited when the game is finally released. I'm pretty sure they're probably going to make DLC, I'm excited if they do or they don't.( Also I wouldn't mind a co-op option but keeping single player, that's something I always wanted too)

well if someone doesnt like the co-op feature they could always just play single player, everyone has their own idea of what they like in a game, so it would make the game awesome'er(all ready awesome) for some people, but allowing single player would allow people to play solo if they want(doesnt ruin the game for anyone since the choice is up to them).

i wouldnt really consider fallout that great of a game when it comes to the loneliness factor of a post-apocalyptic world, map is too small, there are too many people in the wastes, the large cities/towns give a sense of rebuilt society, airships, and bombers in the skies, vtols all over the place. the only time i have felt lonely in fallout was the statesmen hotel in fallout3/NV (forgot which one). also dont forget about the followers in the game, they make the game feel a little less lonely but their lack of dialog, commands, personality kind mess with the immersion of the game (of course you can just not get a follower, but they are a feature in the game and could be fixed up a bit)

also the new base building feature kinda gives the feeling of setting up a home and settling down(which is a really nice thing to add so that there is more to the game once you complete most of the missions, and is less of a cliff hanger on what your character's future is after the main story). having other characters who actually seem human (other player(s)) would make that part of the game seem far more developed. also at the point of setting up a settlement where people move in, the whole loneliness factor in the game is almost completely destroyed, your character is becoming the leader of people, setting up trade routs, maybe supplies gatherers, farmers, having people live within your walls helping you keep them together, and possibly more to the town system. having actual people in your town might make it seem a little more like its actually a community and less of this:
*enter store* shopkeeper "welcome" *exit*, *enter store* shopkeeper "hi" *exit*, *enter store* shopkeeper "welcome" *exit*, *enter store* shopkeeper "welcome" *exit*
(in other words soulless characters) having another player might make you pay more attention to your friend and less attention of those simple flaws that happen to be really difficult and time consuming to hide. (also like sciex said you can be alone even if you are in a group, in the town example it would be outside the walls that would feel lonely)

i am still heavily looking forward to the game, just having co-op would add to the experience (i say co-op since i dont believe that pvp would work well in fallout)

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Re: Fallout 4
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2015, 07:26:27 pm »
Yeah that makes more sense now. Actually I'd like to be able to have co-op, to a certain degree. It would help a lot, at times I wish it was added since it would be super fun with another actual person.
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Offline GrayWolf448

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Re: Fallout 4
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2015, 06:19:52 pm »
well just noticed another thing that might heavily effect the enjoyment while playing fallout (will still play it tho)

just this morning i noticed that with the whole beginning story with the wife/husband and child thing it kinda completely destroys the ability to role play as a gay character(or at least you were in a strait relationship in the past). fallout 4 seems to be putting more focus into your character's personality, unlike where all the previous fallouts put you into a situation but besides the karma stats your personality is kinda ignored throughout the game leaving more space for your out of game role play.

so what are your opinions based on this? do you think there might be an easy way around this besides rewriting the whole story?

Offline Aryd

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Re: Fallout 4
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2016, 07:13:22 am »
Well, the games out now. I was one of the ones who pre-ordered, so I haven't been able to put it down as of late.

Anyone wanna talk about the game? I was really hoping that this would be the game where we got a Sing-Along option. Where the lyrics of the song currently being played over the radio would be on the bottom of the screen. Maybe with a little Vault Boy head bouncing from word to word.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 07:16:08 am by Aryd »
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Re: Fallout 4
« Reply #29 on: January 27, 2016, 07:20:12 am »
xD That would drive me nuts. I already know most of the words and sing along anyway, or turn the radio off and have my own one playing in the background.

It's a great game though :3 Love it.

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Offline Aryd

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Re: Fallout 4
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2016, 07:41:31 am »
I'll be honest. I was really scared that they were gonna change the game to much. For example, I was super scared of the whole settlement system. But it turned out that it was really cool! I'm currently trying to reach maximum affinity with Preston Garvey. Also, I've pretty much ditched all the quests in the game. My stepdad got me one of those giant guide books, with the locations of all the collectibles and guides on how to complete the quests and stuff. So I'm currently on a bobblehead and comic hunt.
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Offline GrayWolf448

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Re: Fallout 4
« Reply #31 on: January 28, 2016, 01:37:34 am »
to me fallout 4 was kinda a disappointment...
i love the new power armor. wished it was harder to maintain though. for ex: exoskeleton can get damaged, adds bonus weight when no armor pieces attached (when armor is equipped on the skeleton it weighs nothing), harder to find skeleton and armor (though allow a method of crafting makeshift skeleton+armor)

i love the weapon modding, wished it was more realistic though. for ex: make high tech scopes not craft able. i hate it when i take 9 aluminum cans, 4 alarm clocks, 4 rolls of duct tape, 5 screws from where ever, 4 silver lockets, 3 microscopes, and 2 telephones. a high tech scope like that would take custom made circuits (a telephone doesnt make sense), and better machining.

with the new weapon modding you could say there are many guns you can use but i would like to see far more variety since this was after fallout NV (i miss having the LMG, M14/m4 carbine?, That Gun, random rifles, specific .50 cal rifles, grenade launchers, the classic fallout sniper rifle ect) also weapon progression really annoys me. the game kinda forces you to go from pipe rifle, to 10mm, to hunting rifle, to combat rifle, to plasma rifle, to rail gun due to the increase of enemy's health

i love the base building but it's got issues too... for ex: i step out of the vault looking for my son and im meant to be a desperate father worried about him... na ill just stop by my house and build some crazy pixel art and the whole story goes at my pace (you can wait a year and everything will be the same, and no quests will have failed) that's one of the problems i saw with the story line in fallout 4. also somehow i take 10 forks, and a tree and turn it into a metal wall... or i take a few plungers and somehow i fabricate a wall made of massive truck tires.

the combat annoys me due to the progression of the weapon types. in fallout 3-NV you could be using the first weapon you found till the end of the game and it would still kill, in fallout 4 it feels like borderlands where you progress up levels to fight harder lever enemies, with the next gun. (i would love to be able to use a pipe rifle i found in the beginning of the game but heavily modified, but at later levels it barely kills) also the enemies have just become bullet sponges when you increase the difficulty, and they dont act any smarter.

and the story line just felt far too linear. fallout 3-NV had far more dialog, and the story was much more interesting. i feel that they could have done the same for the common wealth/institute. maybe have more option that choosing one side and having to kill almost all the other factions. also i wished there was a way to convince the institute/Shaun to stop enslaving synths, and instead come out to the common wealth, and help out the minutemen (who i view as the only good faction)

The game was fun for awhile, though for me it didnt last as long as fallout NV (i haven't even played NV's DLCs) to me it feels like they took a large step from the original first person fallout games, and are heading towards a more general FPS audience.

Offline Aryd

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Re: Fallout 4
« Reply #32 on: March 24, 2016, 01:02:48 pm »
Well you know, Bethesda does have plans for a "survival" mode in the game. You can read more about it here:
While it may not change the things you described, it should make the game significantly harder.  :)

In other news, the Automatron DLC came out, and I just spent a good day finishing it. It's really cool in that you can create your robo-buddies from scratch, and pretty much get full control over everything. Plus, if you're too lazy to make your base-game companions like you, I don't think that the robots have affinity, so there's no way your robot will get mad at you and refuse to travel. Also, the DLC adds a few more locations and weapons, which are pretty interesting. Definitely check out the DLC if you want a little more content to the game.
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Offline GrayWolf448

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Re: Fallout 4
« Reply #33 on: March 25, 2016, 12:05:10 am »
that DLC seems pretty awesome. im going to stay away from it(and fallout 4) for now though. (most likely going to wait till survival mode and the mod tools are out though so i can play the game start to finish with all content) didnt play much of the game so hopefully once many new things are out ill be able to play the game for awhile, not getting bored