Author Topic: Music and the Fandom: A Questionnaire.  (Read 4018 times)

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Music and the Fandom: A Questionnaire.
« on: May 12, 2015, 02:03:58 pm »
This started as an off topic in a thread on a different furry forum. So I created this thread there.  Because of the expanding music scene within the fandom I thought it was important to bring this here as well.

I've only been involved with the fandom for a bit over three years now. But in those three years I've seen an increase of musical performances scheduled at conventions. As a musician myself, and one who hopes to perform at a furry con someday, I'm really exited about the expanding music scene within the fandom.

This is what's on Anthrocon's schedule right now.

2:00 Schrodenger’s Cat - Furry Rock Concert
3:00 Buctown Tiger Concert
4:00 Fox Amoore Live
8:30 Bandthro
9:00 Karaoke

4:00 Matthew Ebel Piano Rock Concert
5:00 Niic The Singing Dog
9:00 Karaoke
11:00 Jazz Concert

11:00 Am Pepper Coyote Concert
3;30 Rhubarb and Cosmik: The songs you hate!
4:00 Playing music in fursuit

Yes, I know Anthrocon is HUGE compared to other furry conventions. So naturally they would be able to schedule more music events. I included Karaoke because it's still a live performance by furries.

So my questions are,

For musicians.
1, Are you a musician?
2, Have you performed at a furry convention?
3, If you had the opportunity would you play at a furry convention?
4, An entire show by yourself or with your group?
5, Part of a variety show performed my musicians only?
6, Part of a variety show with other types of acts?

For non musicians. But musicians can answer too.

7, Does the music scene within the fandom matter to you?
8, Have you been to a musical performance at a furry con?
9, Does the subject matter of the music matter to you? All furry themed, mix of furry and not, no furry themed but performed by a furry?
10, Would it matter if the performer/performers were in suit or not?

OK I'll be the first to answer,

1, Yes, I'm a singer/song writer.
2, No. I'm still not comfortable singing and playing the guitar at the same time. I've played in bands for years, ( years ago ). Mostly lead guitar. With little or no singing.
3, Yes. I regret that I wasn't able to play at the con I just got home from 'Gateway Furmeet'. You have no idea how bad I want to play at the next one!
4, Yes. I would love to do an entire show.
5, It would be awesome to perform on the same stage with other furry artists. I think it would be great to play an improve show. Just toss a group of musicians together and see what happens. I know what musicians are like.....hopefully none of the drama. : )
6, Yes.
7, Yes.
8, Yes, The first con I was at had several. 'Bucktown Tiger' and 'A Dozen Dead Furries' performed.
9, No. As long as the performer is a furry it's alright by me.
10, It would be awesome if everyone was able to. I wish I could. There is a lot of difficulties playing when you cant see what your doing. So, for me the answer is no.
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