furry arts discussion > singing, music, & dance

Idea: furry music distribution/label


Drake Blackpaw:
I wanted to bounce an idea off the musicians on here.

When I was at Anthrocon there was a fur who was selling CD's of his mixes in the dealer room.  He was selling them for $15 and sold 10 at the convention.  He told me that last year he sold over 25 copies of the same CD, though it helped that he was able to highlight his own work by DJing one of the dances.  It looks like music, especially dance oriented music done by furry musicians will sell at conventions.

I'm thinking of setting up a distribution service for selling music done by furry musicians and bands at the various conventions.  I would probably charge a set amount for each CD sold ($3 - $5), and probably a set service fee to cover some advertising expenses (banners, etc..).

So my first question:  Is there interest in such a service?

Second: Do any of you have ideas or input on how to make this work?

Third: If this did take off, would anyone be interested in helping me with this?

So why do I want to do this, and what will I get out of it.  First, I want to go to more conventions and it would provide some funds to support this.  Second, it would let me write off the expense of going to the convention on my taxes. And lastly, I will have my own music to market at some point and feel that a table featuring a group of furry musicians would do better than one lone musician.

Do I expect to make any real money doing this? No, I'd basically be happy if I can cover the cost of travel, food, lodging and convention fees.  

So let me know what you think and any ideas you have that might help get this off the ground.  I'm not interested in all the obstacles at the moment.  If there is enough interest to go forward, then I'll explore all the hurdles I'll need to face to do it.


I say do it.  But first, you may want to talk to the Symposium for Furry Music.  (they're hosted here too)  I think he was wanting to do a compilation album of sorts.  Also, Whiteshepherd or Kada-Ru mentioned to me once that it'd be kinda cool to do a Furtopia musicians compiltion album.  ...Hmm, I'm surprised that more folks haven't responded to this post yet.   (hehe, suckass 'cause there's already a Wampus Records label ...  grrr =^_^= )
But yeah... I'm interested..quite.   Any sort of help I can get, I'll take.

Oh yeah.. I suggest 5-10% of sales goes to the distributor.  Another fraction can go to future advertising.


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