Author Topic: Meditation  (Read 3896 times)

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Offline BlueFox

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« on: May 16, 2004, 11:35:11 pm »
Ive heard many furs talking about meditating and finding their inner self/furry/animal, etc and other stuff.

Ive done alittle Ki (Chi in chinese) meditation, is it like that or is there something 'Special' about it?

all im asking for is a little help, insight, and maybe even a little how to. I did i search on google, but i didnt go to far without giving up.

  thanks to all who help, and hugs to those who want them.

Offline FlameWulf

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« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2004, 12:23:25 am »
Ki meditation is energy manipulation (controling your life energy). You can do amazing things with it, but as far as i know it doesnt really help with finding your inner animal.
normal meditation and self hypnosis are good for finding your inner animal however. Thats how i found mine.

What you do is you relax completly and get rid of any thoughts in your head. Only think about what you are trying to accomplish. Then picture yourself in a relaxing place like a forest or something. After a few minutes you should see a picture of your inner animal in your head or just get a feeling of the animal near you.

It might take a while before it happens so dont be disappointed if it doesnt work right away.

(BTW this is just what i did to find my animal. I dont know if it works for everyone.)

I wish you luck.

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Offline SlyJackal

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« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2004, 01:47:59 am »
It's more less different for everyone. YOu have to find a place inner or outer, thats relaxes you enough to be able to meditate and search innerly for your animal, or whatever you lan to meditate on.  Meditation can be like a thought, it will just happen, you can't force, if you you do, nothing will happen.

Offline Drake Blackpaw

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« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2004, 12:19:37 pm »
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but I suspect if you looked for Native American meditations you can find ones that are focused on discovering your totem animal and/or animal spiritual guides.

I've started doing energy healing (reiki & shamballa) and when you start learning how to do energy healing you get "attuned" by a master to take and hold the energy that you will use for healing.  These attunementa can put you in a meditative state and many people report having visions. During a recent level 1 attunement in Shamballa energy, I had a vision of a cougar/mountain lion looking at me.  Interesting enough, the person doing the attunement had a vision of the exact same animal at about the same time in the process.  She told me that the cougar is probably my totem animal, or at the least an important spiritual guide for me.

Offline Kamui

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« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2004, 01:27:37 pm »
Like Drake said, it sounds like your looking more for a native american style meditation that most people use to find their animal of power/totem. However, there are as many versions of this as there are people who have attempted it. Because this meditation is so personal many people alter pre-existing techniques (which should make it work better for them).

 Google would probably be a bit horrid for finding a lot of stuff like that. I'd try avatar (a metaphysic search engine, probably would turn up a bit more links) if you still feel up to do searches. But if you want I can provide you with a multitude of links to techniques on this and many other meditations.

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Offline SlyJackal

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« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2004, 01:27:42 pm »
Quote (Drake Blackpaw @ May 17 2004, 12:19 pm)
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but I suspect if you looked for Native American meditations you can find ones that are focused on discovering your totem animal and/or animal spiritual guides.

I've started doing energy healing (reiki & shamballa) and when you start learning how to do energy healing you get "attuned" by a master to take and hold the energy that you will use for healing.  These attunementa can put you in a meditative state and many people report having visions. During a recent level 1 attunement in Shamballa energy, I had a vision of a cougar/mountain lion looking at me.  Interesting enough, the person doing the attunement had a vision of the exact same animal at about the same time in the process.  She told me that the cougar is probably my totem animal, or at the least an important spiritual guide for me.

Same thing kinda happend to me. I was in a draconian ritual and the priestess was doing self discovery meditation using dragon imagery, and I had a vision of a water element dragon petting my Jackal totem.   We still dont know what it means, but kinda nice to know I have a dragon energy on my side. now, if i  can my elves to show themelves.

Offline Ulario

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« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2004, 11:35:28 pm »
I haven't meditated in a while since it's been making me depressed lately.  I've been having a lot of visions of my spirit guide (who I also see as my true soulmate).

**sigh**  I miss him.

Well, in happier news:  I've also been having visions of my gryphon totem. - Webcomic

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Offline Bear Paw

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« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2004, 07:01:30 pm »
For medditation I found being in a quiet dimmly lit room with just a candel lit in front of you. Conscentrate on the flame and slowly close your eyes n from that point on just go where you're mind lets you . Lack of sleep can cause some intresting satates of conciousness but I would deffinatly NOT recomend that to you.
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