Author Topic: Have you ever been hated just for being a fur?  (Read 11310 times)

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Offline Wanderer

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Re: Have you ever been hated just for being a fur?
« Reply #75 on: April 04, 2012, 10:08:16 pm »
Though i love it when you meet people who have no idea because then you can explain it and tell them the truth. But no matter where in life we will have to deal with weirdos and sickos. Even if we were'nt furries there will still be people like this. Ohh well just gotta dredge through it. Drive On

P.S. anyone else find it strange that as soon as you tell people about something like " i'm a furry" or "i'm a trekkie" they automatically assume some sort of sexual preferance about you?

For the record i am not a trekkie
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Offline Bane_enaK

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Re: Have you ever been hated just for being a fur?
« Reply #76 on: April 05, 2012, 02:18:23 pm »
I've met a couple of people who made fun of me for it, but they really just did it to bug me. You know, those people who don't really know (or pretend they don't know) what it's about, and just take the most ridiculous generalization of it and pester you with that idea :x For the most part, the people I know don't really have an issue with it.
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