Author Topic: The Center Of It All (OCC)  (Read 2232 times)

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Offline Amducious

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The Center Of It All (OCC)
« on: May 16, 2015, 08:56:33 am »
(this is a Metro 2033 Novel influenced rp, I finished the book last night)
Nearly 37 years ago, the nuclear war scorched and destroyed the world, turning into a poisonous wasteland. The air is still fresh with leftover radioactive particles,leaving it unsuitable to breathe. There is hope, a new generation living underground. You were one of the few to grow up here in the metro. Most had to flee to escape the bombs that dropped. Very few remember the once thriving city called Moscow. The conditions are harsh, the constant fear of being alive the next minute and dead the other. Factions forming and fighting, it's all apart of life now. A new evil seems to be churning, something bigger than all of that. The heart of the metro seems to be the source of this, were no living soul has seen or explored it's depths of mystery. You were chosen to be a Stalker(person who journeys to the surface) two years ago, collecting supplies, and learning to fight an survive. Life seemed good as a Stalker, helping keep order and the metro thriving. That all changes, and the fate of the Metro rests in the balance. It's either survive or die.

Character sheet
Age:(At least 25)
Species:(yes humans are allowed)
Back story:
Physical Appearance:

Your equipment: you all start with something  when going to the surface
Geiger Counter
PMK-3 gas mask w/ extra filters x3
Protective suit
AK-74m or Duplet you choose which one you want
Combat Helmet w/ face shield(metal face shield with eye slits can be flipped up)
Soft Body armor
30 buckshot shotgun shells or 4 clips of AK-74m
 Things can be found and or traded with valuables you find like rifle parts, filters, and anything useful.

1. No auto-hitting or god-modding
2.My word is the LAW in the rp, i say what happens, if you argue PLEASE take it to the OCC or PM me
3. 3 chances (IF you become a problem) then your kicked or i will give a warning
4.Please word your posts it helps a LOT
5. Have fun!
(This is my first RP as a GM yay!)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2015, 12:21:40 pm by Amducious »
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Offline Amducious

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Re: The Center Of It All (OCC)
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2015, 11:10:31 pm »
Name:Vyacheslav Voronkov
Height: 6'4"
Species:East-European Shepherd
Personality:Cares for his fellow Stalkers making sure they're safe and out of trouble. He has a very stern voice that usually makes people stop what they are doing. He keeps a watchful eye on others, he can be fun and loving but keeps a reputation as a strong leader. Heavy Russian accent but speaks very good English.
Looks:Black fur and some blonde on the stomach and chest. Brown eyes, average build, scar over his eye lid and down his snout. Handsome, and tough survival look. Long bushy tail, tries to stay clean looking but dirt still makes it way onto his fur.
Backstory: Vyacheslav remembers the war they day the sirens screamed and he ran to the station he was only 7. He barely made it into the metro and almost was crushed by all the others fleeing. His parent's weren't so fortunate. Vyacheslav took one last look at his mother horror in her eyes as the doors closed. His dreams are still of those of his mother. During his early years in the metro he was taken in by a Crow, and was raised by him. When he turned 18 he left his station and journeyed to another station called Polis. There he trained to be a Stalker, he's been one ever since
Clothes: Telogreika with army green padded trousers

Equipment:(everybody starts with something)
Geiger Counter
PMK-3 gas mask w/ extra filters x3
Protective suit(for radiation)
AK-74m w/ 4 clips
Combat helmet w/ metal face shield (eye slits for vision and can be flipped upward)
Soft body armor

(If anyone wants to sign up, go ahead)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2015, 11:23:27 am by Amducious »
Profile art By @Paxdoesart on Twitter

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