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not-so-furry discussion => general non-furry discussion => Topic started by: Miser on February 19, 2014, 12:33:58 pm

Title: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Miser on February 19, 2014, 12:33:58 pm
I'm usually an angry person most of the time, but I manage to tone it down most of the time. But there are those things, those little things that just make me you berserk.You know what I'm talking about, that little thing that makes your eye twitch and your blood boil when it happens.

Of what I figured for myself, I have two such cases.

I can't stand when my computer doesn't work for no reason. I'm not talking about crashes or error messages. There was this time I turned on my computer and the keyboard and mouse wouldn't work, for no reason. Give me a reason why it isn't working and it would be fine. I had to move the secretary and the pc to plug them on other USB ports, and then the speakers cables were in the way. Next thing I know, there's keyboard, mouse, speakers flying across the room along with shoes, jackets, my guitar, adapters, whatever was in hand. Even the chair took a kick, but it fought back, since I still have a bump in my leg 6 months after.

There's another thing, to a lesser extent, since I'm subjected to it every day, and that is when people don't use the turning signals while driving. Really? Is it that hard to flicker your finger whenever you want to make a turn? We gave loads of roundabouts here. I have to go trough 19 everyday, and if people just used the turning signals, things would go much smoother since a lot of the stopping from people coming in would be avoidable. It just sounds selfish to me. It's a complete disregard for other people, their safety and your own and it's not hard. I had presumably stopped cars just merge in front of me out of the blue with no warning at all, and some of them just stopping near the side-walk with no indicator. Screw the lesser extent, I'm getting mad just talking about it. So I better end here.

You probably have at least one such case, what is it?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on February 20, 2014, 05:47:07 am
animal abuse.... when ever i see some one do anything mean to an animals (kicking, hitting, burning, cutting, throwing, ect) i just.... im not so sure if i can say this on the forums but i just feel like killing them..... (not that i would) they have completely no right to do any of that. i can still keep control and not hurt/break any of my things but when i see it.... i just can't stand those people....

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Flarei on February 20, 2014, 09:19:06 am
My pet peve is people that are noisy. Not like, speaking noisy. Like if they breath loudly, or their innards gurgle. It's annoying, and makes me squeamish.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on February 20, 2014, 12:17:35 pm
What angers me the most?

"Greedy people"  Seems to be the root of most problems in society.
It seems the emotion is needed in part to succeed. The desire to
get rich, not just in money, but goods or property. But to excess
it's destructive. Eventually to society it's self.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: HazardJackal on February 20, 2014, 12:46:04 pm
A rant thread!  ^__^  Just kidding, i won't get too riled up, and i promise not to set people on fire... like last time <.<   >.>   <.<   Heh heh...

Ooooh... where to start...  Ah, people i don't know who try to talk to me with no explainable reason.  I can't stand when that happens.  Also, when somebody you knew from a long time ago recognizes you and tries to get you to join whatever it is they might be doing at the moment.  Only happened a couple of time, but it's irritating nonetheless.  This is more annoying than anything else, but worth mentioning, i suppose.

Oooh yeeeah, and people who get unreasonably annoyed with traffic and street lights.  Seriously people, are you that impatient?  I don't care if that light takes a full three minutes, as so long as we get where we're going much faster than if we had walked.  That guy in front of you driving too slow?  Deal with it.  If you're that irritable while driving, in my opinion, you shouldn't be driving to begin with.   And don't get me started on text messaging while behind the wheel.  That's why you carpool and have one of the passengers do that crap for you.  Then again, i just hate cars to begin with, so i suppose none of this should come as much of a surprise.  Once again, a mere pet peeve compared to the utter infuriation that i'm about to get to.

Ah, and finally, people who smoke in the wrong places.  First of all, i absolutely despise the people who smoke RIGHT NEXT TO THE [NO SMOKING] SIGN!!  You have no idea how much that pisses me off.  Great fun to have to walk through a reeking cloud of death as you exit a building.  And then there are those times where you're having a great time out at lunch, when some guy pulls up gets out of his car and lights one up.  Oh yeah... AND THEN HE SITS RIGHT NEXT TO YOU.  Day: Ruined.  Nothing turns a smile around like being in the jet stream of the airborne asphyxiation that drifts out of his deathstick.  Seriously people, if you want to smoke, dig a hole in the ground, or find some abandoned building or something.  I don't care what you do, but it's incredibly rude to smoke too close to other people.  Now, if you're smoking and some other people come after the fact, i say you have rights to the area, for the moment anyway.  But if a group of people are sitting at a table, don't sit right next to them; a big scary monster might burst out of the ground and eat you.  (Of course, said monster would have absolutely nothing to do with [Project Big Scary Monster], an extremely ambitious and dangerous project i'm currently working on.)

Aaahhhhhhhhhh.... that felt good...  Heh, Ahem, Alright! Chop chop! Back to the lair, plotting to do, things to blow up, horribly unspeakable acts to... um... enact...  Ha!  It's just another working day for me.  *Runs off while skipping and singing Skip to my Lou.*
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Wereaibo on February 20, 2014, 01:35:31 pm
Cruelty to dogs angers me like nothing else can. I also despise the idea that an animal's life is valueless, that torturing and killing an animal usually results in a slap on the wrist rather than a long time behind bars. I'm sorry but if you pour gasoline on a cat and light the poor thing on fire they should put your sorry butt UNDER the jail. Cruelty is cruelty and if you're sick enough in the head to find the suffering of ANY living thing funny then you are not fit to mingle with civilized society. A cockroach crawling on the ground has more value than that type of person. And I'm not making the cat thing up as an example. Someone actually did that. And all that waste of flesh got was a fine. They should have set HIM on fire. The world would be better off without him.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on February 20, 2014, 07:08:02 pm
What angers me the most?

"Greedy people"  Seems to be the root of most problems in society.
It seems the emotion is needed in part to succeed. The desire to
get rich, not just in money, but goods or property. But to excess
it's destructive. Eventually to society it's self.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: R.A.Blackpaws on February 20, 2014, 07:29:28 pm
Wow...let's see...

-people who refuse to use turn signals while driving
-rampant stupidity (not talking just a "once-a-week derping...I am talking almost CONSTANT stupidity)
-noisy neighbors (Seriously, do you HAVE to stampede around like a herd of agitated elephants at 3am? SERIOUSLY????)
-telemarketers (So sick of those calls, despite being on the "Do Not Call" list)

Think that is enough for now.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on February 21, 2014, 02:52:23 am
What angers me the most?

"Greedy people"  Seems to be the root of most problems in society.
It seems the emotion is needed in part to succeed. The desire to
get rich, not just in money, but goods or property. But to excess
it's destructive. Eventually to society it's self.

same... i have no idea why money and property is the most important thing to some people....
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Magna on February 21, 2014, 12:29:02 pm
Stupid people, and people who blame you for things that are not your fault (most often than not things that are *their* fault as well). Seeing as how I work in a hotel, I get a lot of these kinds of people :P.

People who consistently try and tell you what is best for you. It's always fun when someone else assumes they know more about you than you do, and offers up unsolicited "advice".

People with a lack of maturity/drama mongers. Seriously, not everyone who disagrees with you is out to get you. You can disagree politely and still be friends. Just because someone doesn't have the same opinion as you, it doesn't mean that they're personally attacking you. In addition, don't involve other people in your stupid drama. When they actually talk to the other party and see what the real issue is (IE there is no issue), you'll end up looking really really dumb.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Acton on February 21, 2014, 04:00:54 pm
What angers me the most?

"Greedy people"  Seems to be the root of most problems in society.
It seems the emotion is needed in part to succeed. The desire to
get rich, not just in money, but goods or property. But to excess
it's destructive. Eventually to society it's self.

You just gridded my gears. I see this statement as pure envy.  Greed   is not a problem as long one earns it by their own hands or trade in a voluntary system, I have problem of the greed when people demand others  should be force to provide material items just because their earned more that the other person.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on February 21, 2014, 04:15:12 pm
What angers me the most?

"Greedy people"  Seems to be the root of most problems in society.
It seems the emotion is needed in part to succeed. The desire to
get rich, not just in money, but goods or property. But to excess
it's destructive. Eventually to society it's self.

You just gridded my gears. I see this statement as pure envy.  Greed   is not a problem as long one earns it by their own hands or trade in a voluntary system, I have problem of the greed when people demand others  should be force to provide material items just because their earned more that the other person.

i think what he means is when people put money and items over what is the right thing to do.... for ex when people trick other people into buying stuff just to make money, theft, tax evasion, ect.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on February 21, 2014, 04:21:16 pm
when ever people run around saying in news articles that games are bad for people because they make you think killing is good -_-

when ever people run around saying in news articles that guns are evil and try to get stricter guns laws because they cant stand the fact that they didn't raise their child right and he went of killing people

i don't mind if they just say it in small scale like to friends but when they put it in the news..... i just cant stand it....

no offense to any one who is religious but i hate it when religion is involved in government.... i mean all this anti-gay marriage stuff i have been hearing from the news they say things like "god said it's bad" "it's a sin" or "the bible says so" and those are reasons why it shouldn't be allowed....
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on February 21, 2014, 06:09:17 pm
I don't really get angry but here are some things that I don't like.

When my dad reads out bad news (honestly I don't want to hear that another shooting, stabbing, or car crash has happened)

Capitalism, Where people do things such as employ people at low wages, have slaves, put funding towards money making schemes that hurt the environment or aren't ethical. Honestly I hate the current way the world is going. People... Stop cutting down forests and stop breeding so much :/ Also, stop manufacturing all this plastic and toxins and maximise recycling.

People who don't care about animals..

and Stupid people (his includes stupid people in politics. Points towards anti-gay people*)

Edit.. I've got more

War, military, insults, derogatory words, prejudice, violence, politics, hate, religion (I honestly don't mind if other people believe in something. So long as they don't hurt others because of it, or force their religion on others or preach their beliefs in a disruptive manor), living in Australia (I get burnt easily and putting on sunscreen is an annoying process). I'll stop now before this becomes really bad ranting XD
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: RabidLynx on February 21, 2014, 06:30:32 pm
Being hot.

I'm sorry. I hate it. I get all sweaty, I feel gross, I feel weird, it's just plain uncomfortable. I can only accept hot temperatures when swimming, riding on roller coasters, or riding in a convertible. The wind makes the weird, hot feeling go away.

It's why I want to move to Alaska. I love cooler temperatures, it feels so nice to me.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kastra Epsilon on February 21, 2014, 06:31:30 pm
no offense to any one who is religious but i hate it when religion is involved in government.... i mean all this anti-gay marriage stuff i have been hearing from the news they say things like "god said it's bad" "it's a sin" or "the bible says so" and those are reasons why it shouldn't be allowed....
This, of course. The government is there for the common good, but wait, what is this? Anti-gay laws help nobody, really.

Actually wait, let me just list all the things before I get too riled up:

People who are told not to do something, stop doing it, and go right back to doing it in a few seconds.

Animal abuse.

People who are completely illogical.

People who (No offence to religious people) find it necessary to shove their religion into everybody's face.

People who claim things that aren't theirs are theirs.

Oh yeah, and when floor tiles just don't seem to go in line with the wall tiles when they're the same size.

Honestly I hate the current way the world is going. People... Stop cutting down forests and stop breeding so much :/ Also, stop manufacturing all this plastic and toxins and maximise recycling.
And of course, all of this. Ugh, I hate the concept of toothpicks. Seriously, they're just used for a few seconds, go dull, and get thrown out. And what does it cost? Trees, that's what.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Fuyurin on February 22, 2014, 04:21:47 pm
Nice Guys. Hats don't compensate for a self-entitled nasty personality, affection and sex are not currency for manners, and I married someone who portrayed himself as an honest nice guy but turned out to be a Nice Guy. So when I hear one ranting my blood just boils. Nice Guys are just as jerk-ish as the "bad boys" they complain we all supposedly want.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Miser on February 24, 2014, 04:19:06 pm

I used to think that people would care more about pets (I'm not even going to go about animals in general) than short term money, but apparently I was wrong, and I can pinpoint the exact moment in time where all the hope for that not to be true died, and recently I've been reminded of that, but that's not a story for now. That's how people are, everyone has a price it would seem, that's why it doesn't upset me that much, it's just so common that I don't bother. I just try my best to raise my price as much as I can.

But seriously guy, turn signals, even if you only had one arm you could do it, you're not making any money by not using them, so there's no point.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Fuyurin on February 25, 2014, 02:39:11 pm
But seriously guy, turn signals

Oh man. Oklahoma seems to be filled with lots of people who don't use their turn signals for anything. I always joke that they're out of turn signal fluid.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on February 26, 2014, 02:40:00 am
some moron beeped at me and my brother while walking home since he had to smash on the breaks wile me any my brother were crossing at in intersection. the reason why we crossed the street was because there was no turn signal.... it is not hard to use it it's right next to your hand or even under your thumb if you have the right car.   
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on February 28, 2014, 02:58:22 am
I hate near accidents when driving. This guy indicated way to early and a multi-intersection (2 intersections connected) and then beeped his horn for no good reason (I was in the middle of the second intersection waiting to turn safely). He was also speeding at the time :/

I really don't like driving... and I don't care what stupid RTA (Road Traffic Authority) say because there are bad drivers on the road, it is dangerous, and I am not fully responsible for my safety because all you can do is do your best to try to avoid accidents from all these people that can't drive. (To get your licence you have to declare that the road is a safe environment and that you are responsible for your own safety. Some weird positive motivation question thing)

Other things related to road stuff that I hate:
- You can't check your damn blind spots. You shouldn't have to turn your head to check your blind spots (referring to driving tests).. because they are blind spots! They are called that for a reason... you can't see them!
- Driving tests (Apparently they've been failing people to gain revenue)
- Flawed tests (Touch screen interface with dodgy questions and answers)
- Conflicting rules and laws
- Incorrect information provided by the Authority
- people who can't give instructions or just make situations bad (My dad.)
- people who expect you to turn your head to check for traffic.... Seriously guys I have 20/20 vision and very good peripheral vision from circus training (Juggling in particular). I know about photoreceptors and where they are located and the blind spots in your eyes etc (How many to each angle. The more there is the clearer the image is. There is less photoreceptors at wider angles). Surprisingly we are not owls and we don't have to move our heads much to see things.
- The "Correct methods" of turning a steering wheel. I don't see why I can't use 1 hand (I alternate my hand movements to give the smoothest turn possible. I find that you cannot do either of the correct and movements in certain situations.)... I have full control and wheel turns more smoothly? ^.^
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on February 28, 2014, 04:01:35 am
What grinds my gears?
A lot of things!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on February 28, 2014, 01:26:21 pm
What angers me the most?

"Greedy people"  Seems to be the root of most problems in society.
It seems the emotion is needed in part to succeed. The desire to
get rich, not just in money, but goods or property. But to excess
it's destructive. Eventually to society it's self.

You just gridded my gears. I see this statement as pure envy.  Greed   is not a problem as long one earns it by their own hands or trade in a voluntary system, I have problem of the greed when people demand others  should be force to provide material items just because their earned more that the other person.

i think what he means is when people put money and items over what is the right thing to do.... for ex when people trick other people into buying stuff just to make money, theft, tax evasion, ect.

That is what I meant. I have nothing against people growing rich with hard work
or a bit of luck.  After all it's people with creative ideas and hard work who have
made life easier for many people. But when it turns to greed it hurts us all.

That's why we have laws against Monopolies and regulations against over pricing.
Generally the free market system controls prices, but there will always be people
who think they deserve to make more when the need is great, or charge what
the market will bare. I was in buisness for over 30 years. I always charged according
to my costs with a fair profit. I didn't get rich, but I never charged a big price just
because someone needed something.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Mu Rho Ni on February 28, 2014, 05:53:32 pm
Wow...let's see...

-people who refuse to use turn signals while driving
-rampant stupidity (not talking just a "once-a-week derping...I am talking almost CONSTANT stupidity)
-noisy neighbors (Seriously, do you HAVE to stampede around like a herd of agitated elephants at 3am? SERIOUSLY????)
-telemarketers (So sick of those calls, despite being on the "Do Not Call" list)

Think that is enough for now.

^all of this....... Minus the neighbors caus i live out in the country.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on February 28, 2014, 09:13:32 pm
People who take advantage of other because of sympathy.. A scammer came to my door last year saying he was collecting money for the "Special olympics" which is an organisation that gives people with intellectual abilities to compete as athletes in various spots. Last year I did some fundraising for them and told this guy that I already did some fundraising for them. The guy tried to con me still into giving him money saying that I need to "help them out" that they need it when I've actually in fact already contributed. He even said he would give me vouchers.. What kind of organisation gives vouchers for money given by fundraising? It just made me think even more that this guy is a scammer. Even when I said No this guy still tried.

Honestly these people are the scum of the Earth. There needs to be legislation regarding people who fundraising having identification that they are official fundraisers. I asked this guy to provide Identification and he didn't... He wished me a good day and I wished him a good day. He still did his best to try to make me feel somehow responsible for these peoples conditions even though he in fact was a scammer.

I've done fundraising before and there honestly are some really nice and generous people out there. I did some fundraising for the Heart Foundation to help find cures for heart diseases and to ease the cost of treatment to people with heart conditions. An older woman who had heart surgery herself gave me money and even a blind woman gave me a large donation of money (I came back when her partner was there. She asked me to come back when he was around). And what do I get for this fundraising. I get the feeling that I've helped people... and that is a great feeling (I also got a skipping rope and a blow up beach ball no doubt made in China taking advantage of low wages. Depending on how much money you raise you get different items). Anyone who scams money pretending to be fundraising for an honest cause and taking advantage of people's sympathy are heartless monsters.

I once saw a woman in Melbourne that keeps telling people her car has broken down and that she needs fuel money when she actually is desperate to get money so she can spend it on illicit drugs.  (Once again. Another person taking advantage of the sympathy of others)

There's also a Chinese guy in the Victoria market in Melbourne who keeps telling people that the factory producing resin like dragon statues has closed down. Honestly I don't want to hear a made up story to get my to buy something. I just bought it because it looked cool and was affordable. He says the same thing every year I've been there every day.

So I guess.. I hate heartless scammers.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Wereaibo on March 01, 2014, 12:00:20 pm
Somehow some scammers managed to get ahold of my phone number and have begun calling me to try to trick me into giving out personal information. At first I just hung up on them but they wouldn't stop calling. So I began unleashing strings of vulgarities and threats worthy of a slasher movie whenever they call. They quickly stopped calling.

So scammers. Scammers grind my gears.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on March 01, 2014, 02:54:10 pm
people where they take advantage of nice people (my mom) and when my mom tries to help them they don't improve their lives... my mom has constantly been helping these homeless people and they are doing nothing but feeding on my mom's money that she works hard for... sadly my mom is too stupid to understand that she shouldn't help them. not to mention how she called the cops on one of them then after she got out of holding my mom let her "friend" back into the house....

i have told her constantly to kick her out but my mom never listens. says that she will improve her life but the thing is she has been here for about a month and she is still stuck in the same situation...
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: HazardJackal on March 01, 2014, 03:10:13 pm
people where they take advantage of nice people (my mom) and when my mom tries to help them they don't improve their lives... my mom has constantly been helping these homeless people and they are doing nothing but feeding on my mom's money that she works hard for... sadly my mom is too stupid to understand that she shouldn't help them. not to mention how she called the cops on one of them then after she got out of holding my mom let her "friend" back into the house....

i have told her constantly to kick her out but my mom never listens. says that she will improve her life but the thing is she has been here for about a month and she is still stuck in the same situation...
Hey, at least your mom is a good person, with good intentions.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on March 01, 2014, 04:46:44 pm
ya i just wished people wouldn't take advantage of her.... and she doesn't have that much money so she should be saving that money for her self....

i hate all these age restricting of videos on youtube..... these videos don't even have bad stuff since i have seen them before then i try to watch it again and it says you need to be 18 -_- what does youtube even mean by some thing being 18+? my teachers have showed educational videos on youtube to the class that are worse and they aren't age restricted, yet i cant watch some furry music videos?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on March 01, 2014, 07:42:09 pm
Post removed.. because magic

Age restriction can be silly :/
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Miser on March 15, 2014, 07:43:22 am

     Being too nice isn't a good life philosophy right now, or at least that's what I think.
     I used to like to tip homeless people and such, but then I found out, the people parking cars where I passed trough every day made more money off tips than I do from a 3D modeling job ... a lot more. Sure, the money's not certain, but it's tax free. My sister had people come up to her after he was putting groceries away in the car when beggar kids came and asked her for money. She said she could give them those pieces of fruit, but they didn't want them.  Just money, and they tried to swipe off her dinner from the shopping cart in the meantime. Another thing that makes me sick to my stomach is when the beggar ladies carry their babies around, but they carry them around, either with feet out in the cold, or feeding them an empty baby bottle with just air in it, in order to make the baby cry to suck the sympathy money out of you. Well, they are not getting mine.
     I was driving home once and I saw a man picking from the trashcan, I had some bread I wasn't gonna eat all, so I turned around, stopped near him and gave them to him. It was ... a bit awkward, but he thanked me and didn't ask for nothing else, and we were both better off for it.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Arashi_Calunata on March 29, 2014, 02:01:43 pm
Video games don't cause violence.

But lag? Lag does.

And that's what grinds my gears.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on April 14, 2014, 12:55:07 am
my brother, global warming, the great amount of greed in mankind and roaches. >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on April 14, 2014, 01:27:39 am
my mom when she thinks that she always knows better. she acts like she is so smart and that what me and my brother say doesn't matter... i just hate how my mom thinks that but to tell the truth i don't care what she thinks.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on April 14, 2014, 02:27:42 am
i just hate what my dad thinks he think he has sooo much control he just needs to loosen up seek something more  ;)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: xracecar on April 18, 2014, 06:34:34 pm
Whenever I see another person gets bullied, taken out of a group for a bad reason, anything that excludes people. Besides that, I'm usually chill. Also, when people don't use grammar correctly. I'm fine with txt msg style, just punctuation and spelling bothers me. Also, I get really mad if there is a single vegetable on my food. Pizza Is okay, since I can't taste it.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on April 21, 2014, 08:47:35 pm
My annoying parents opening my closed door to spy on me and see what's on my computer screen :/ arghhhh
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on April 21, 2014, 10:38:25 pm
i hate it when my bro is in my room and wont leave when i tell him i cant get anything done >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Mu Rho Ni on April 21, 2014, 11:26:22 pm
People who bite tin foil. Hearing it is bad enough but watching it literaly makes my teeth hurt.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on April 22, 2014, 12:49:12 am
huh? never thought that would happen

all the people who victimize our liking for furries. >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on April 22, 2014, 02:04:59 am
i hate it when my bro is in my room and wont leave when i tell him i cant get anything done >:(

easy way to solve that is to not let him in. usually when my brother tries to go into my room it's because he wants to beat me up. the good thing is that last time he tried to get in my room i learned how to barricade my door so he cant get in ^^ but sadly my door is chipped up because he was sticking screwdrivers in the cracks to pry it open and the bottom hinge is ripped out of the wall. the good thing tho is that it still functions as a door and it doesn't effect the door's ability to stop him.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: greenfox on April 22, 2014, 02:11:41 am
i hate it when my bro is in my room and wont leave when i tell him i cant get anything done >:(

easy way to solve that is to not let him in. usually when my brother tries to go into my room it's because he wants to beat me up. the good thing is that last time he tried to get in my room i learned how to barricade my door so he cant get in ^^ but sadly my door is chipped up because he was sticking screwdrivers in the cracks to pry it open and the bottom hinge is ripped out of the wall. the good thing tho is that it still functions as a door and it doesn't effect the door's ability to stop him.

:o People behaving like that really gets to me...  Your brother sounds quite infuriating.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on April 22, 2014, 02:18:01 am
i could point out maybe 5+ scars that he gave me. 2 are about an inch long...

just about 2 hours ago i shut down my old minecraft server gave him the world and started a new one with him not even on the white list. surprisingly he didn't attack me....

that kid is just messed up....
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: greenfox on April 22, 2014, 02:25:30 am
i could point out maybe 5+ scars that he gave me. 2 are about an inch long...

just about 2 hours ago i shut down my old minecraft server gave him the world and started a new one with him not even on the white list. surprisingly he didn't attack me....

that kid is just messed up....

Violence like that shouldn't be acceptable >:(;  And your parents are okay with this?

Sadly, there's a huge number of people like that (and worse) out in the world... :'(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on April 22, 2014, 02:29:05 am
my dad is barely home and my mom lives in another house. the scars are from years back when my brother was stronger. in the latest fights he is backing down first, so i think that his bad diet is getting to him.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: greenfox on April 22, 2014, 02:40:02 am
It that were me, I'd be dying to move out, I think.  Being able control my own living environment this year has been really liberating.  Speaking of which, I should sleep :)...
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on April 22, 2014, 04:10:05 pm
same here

being sick on earth day :(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on April 22, 2014, 10:53:52 pm
People who go and shoot their mouths off on a forum......any forum.......and try discussing about things which they actually have no knowledge about, no experience with, and have not done any research about or cited references/resources. They think that they're "know it alls" and they know better than everybody else.  :goldpissed: No, they don't! If people are going to talk about anything, then get your damn facts straight and do your research!  RESEARCH!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on April 22, 2014, 10:55:21 pm
pressure and stress on the mind
furry haters >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Mu Rho Ni on April 23, 2014, 01:11:10 am
When you here 2 people arguing and all the sudden you hear one start saying " I can take whatever you can dish I've been to jail for x amount of years" just throwing it out there like its some thing to be proud of. It just makes you loose faith in humanity.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: greenfox on April 23, 2014, 02:17:40 am
It drives me completely insane when people do the habit I call "semantic sprinkling", i.e., when people bury their sentences in enormous mounds of empty words (usually "like" and an uncreative selection of swear words) that add absolutely nothing to the meaning and prevent me from parsing or understanding anything they say.
Unfortunately, I have to deal with that every day here... >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: weese on April 27, 2014, 10:36:52 am
Aside from things like animal abuse, I have a few specific ones.

Automotive lights. Use them properly. Adjust your headlights so they don't blind oncoming traffic, turn signals, etc. PLEASE, it's dangerous, inconsiderate, and illegal. Most people seem to not even know that headlights need to / can be adjusted. Also people who put HID lights in incandescent light housings, that is the worst of all.

People who ALWAYS make me late when I am helping them out. An example is I helped a friend out moving to a new apartment. He made me wait outside his place with the trailer for half hour when he had told me the day before I needed to be there on time. I had also called him as I left.

There are a few more, but those are the big ones. Mainly they bother me because I need to deal with them on a daily basis.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on April 27, 2014, 12:30:24 pm
i hate animal abuse my bro hits my dog when shes t close to the chickens and he is literally beating her so
go ahead br hit her one more time then see what happens >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on April 27, 2014, 01:12:01 pm
i hate animal abuse my bro hits my dog when shes t close to the chickens and he is literally beating her so
go ahead br hit her one more time then see what happens >:(

you should have seen what my brother did to our pitbull.... he was luck that she was a nice dog, i mean not only is it not a nice thing to beat up a dog, but when the dog is about 2 times as big as you and is a pitbull.... really dumb idea.

my brother would literately walk up to her when she was sleeping and kick her right in the stomach and she would jump up and just stare at him not even with a mean face, then try to walk away with my brother still kicking/hitting her.

it's good he doesn't do the same thing to our dog since we have chowhahas now and he could easily kill one in one move. it's just sad that I have become his new target... well the good thing is that even tho he may have more physical strength his method off attacking is really unorganized, and in his swings he loses a lot of power since he doesn't know how to hit correctly. in the past fights i can say that i won them  ;) he may get a bunch of hits into me but i get a few good hits, and he always backs off first. tho the funny thing is when ever he says he can beat me up till i cant move around his friends i bring up those fights and he completely twists the story to make it sound like i he beat the crap out of me... such a fail ^^
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on April 27, 2014, 01:23:15 pm
my dog is part pitbull but is very jumpy :)
there are so many time i just want to beat him up
if i beat him up then i get in trouble
if i dont beat him up he mocks me and i tell him to shup the fu#% up but he just laughs
if i tell on him then my parents just dont see my reasoning and he just laughs and says im a snitch
i just want to get out out of here i just want to be left alone but he just keeps follwing me
my parents say i should not treat him bad cause they say "he's your bro hes your friend that will love you for life" but i just say "well if he is my friend i chose him as an enemy"

ps you think its odd to have a dog and have a fursona that is a wolf?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on April 27, 2014, 02:40:10 pm
my dog is part pitbull but is very jumpy :)
there are so many time i just want to beat him up
if i beat him up then i get in trouble
if i dont beat him up he mocks me and i tell him to shup the fu#% up but he just laughs
if i tell on him then my parents just dont see my reasoning and he just laughs and says im a snitch
i just want to get out out of here i just want to be left alone but he just keeps follwing me
my parents say i should not treat him bad cause they say "he's your bro hes your friend that will love you for life" but i just say "well if he is my friend i chose him as an enemy"

ps you think its odd to have a dog and have a fursona that is a wolf?

sounds exactly like my brother.... but anyway don't let his insults get to you. and your parents sound just like mine.... my mom always talks about how we need to work together and listens to some lies my brother says, my dad just doesnt want to deal with the fights and tells us to work it out. another annoying thing about my mom is that she says i annoy my brother sometimes, which i don't. she always walks in on the middle of a fight with me insulting my brother, then thinks i started it. im being honest here not exaggerating.... i have not started a single fight with my brother for years, he has always been the one who starts them....

my way of dealing with my brother is mostly on the defensive. i try as much as i can to not even talk to him. if he tells me to do something i dont listen since he is not in charge of me. i rarely insult him, i only insult him sometimes after he insults me but most of the time i just say some thing around "sure..." my favorite insult from him is when he says something like this "no one will ever like you, you will die alone, and will never find someone" which is pretty ironic since i all ready found that special person ^^ <3 you Sciex ^^

and if that is not a rhetorical question, i don't find it weird at all to have a fursona who is a wolf and you have dog/s. my mom, me, and brother own 9 dogs in total. (sad that my brother has a dog)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on April 27, 2014, 11:53:55 pm
Discourteous driving. Are turn signals optional equipment on certain models?  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on April 28, 2014, 12:34:50 am
i agree i hate discourtias drivers  >:(
expesially that kid at school that nearly hit me on my bike twice
i hate him so much and alot of kids hate him too :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on April 28, 2014, 01:59:11 am
my way of dealing with my brother is mostly on the defensive. i try as " my favorite insult from him is when he says something like this "no one will ever like you, you will die alone, and will never find someone" which is pretty ironic since i all ready found that special person ^^ <3 you Sciex ^^
heh. That is ironic :) I love you too Gray <3 :D

ps you think its odd to have a dog and have a fursona that is a wolf?
Well.. idk.. Is it odd for my Fursona to be a Wolf but I get along really well with my cat (at the moment at least. He hasn't tried to kill me recently and he's actually been a bit more affectionate)

anyway.. my response is no. It's not weird, because allot of people who have canine fursonas like canines so therefore allot of them have dogs (or some. I'm not sure what the statistics are for this).
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Purrrl on April 28, 2014, 02:46:45 am
People telling grossly exaggerated rumours  about me  :(

I mean, if you want to talk crap about me, at least make it true, damnit.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Furenzied on April 28, 2014, 07:51:34 am
That my skin is so white that I can light up walls if light gets on my arm or anywhere else really.  :P I'm not kidding...

That people automatically assume they're right about every little thing.  >:(

And that it's like they purposefully make chocolate almost too delicious.  :D
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Shim on April 28, 2014, 12:14:16 pm
The word is especially. There's no K, nor is there a C or an X. Especially!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on April 28, 2014, 07:03:48 pm
The word is especially. There's no K, nor is there a C or an X. Especially!

Are you sure? I see a c.  ;)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Mu Rho Ni on April 28, 2014, 07:44:26 pm
The word is especially. There's no K, nor is there a C or an X. Especially!

Are you sure? I see a c.  ;)

I think he was talking about people who like to say "especially" like "exspecially" or "ekspecially" all of which are annoying.  ;)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Shim on April 28, 2014, 08:02:05 pm
The word is especially. There's no K, nor is there a C or an X. Especially!

Are you sure? I see a c.  ;)

I think he was talking about people who like to say "especially" like "exspecially" or "ekspecially" all of which are annoying.  ;)


Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on April 28, 2014, 09:44:46 pm
discourtias people  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Alsek on April 29, 2014, 04:13:34 pm
if i dont beat him up he mocks me and i tell him to shup the fu#% up but he just laughs

Staff Note:  Please be advised of rule 3:

d) No swearing of anything harsher than “damn” and “hell”. Please don't try to bend the rules by using creative spelling (fsck), acronyms (WT F), censoring, insinuation, or other tricks. Talk smarter, not harder.

This language is not allowed on the forum.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: HazardJackal on April 29, 2014, 04:20:30 pm
That my skin is so white that I can light up walls if light gets on my arm or anywhere else really.  :P I'm not kidding...
Used to be that way with me too, but then i realized that in order to not die of heat-stroke, i had to start wearing more weather appropriate clothing.  Why does California have to be so nice for everybody else?  x_x
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Shim on April 29, 2014, 05:50:09 pm
"It's "-nym"! It's "-nym"! It's pseudonym! Not pseudoname! I can't take it any more! Nym nym nym! It's a Greek word for "name"! Pseudonym! Pseudonym!"

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Mu Rho Ni on April 29, 2014, 06:41:17 pm
"It's "-nym"! It's "-nym"! It's pseudonym! Not pseudoname! I can't take it any more! Nym nym nym! It's a Greek word for "name"! Pseudonym! Pseudonym!"

Heil Webster!!!!  :D

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on April 30, 2014, 01:43:37 am
That my skin is so white that I can light up walls if light gets on my arm or anywhere else really.  :P I'm not kidding...
Used to be that way with me too, but then i realized that in order to not die of heat-stroke, i had to start wearing more weather appropriate clothing.  Why does California have to be so nice for everybody else?  x_x

not me 3: if the sun is touching my skin i feel it burning me.....
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on April 30, 2014, 01:51:03 am
i got a perfect tan
infact i'm tanned in the area my fursona has dark color

what grinds my gears is why i burn >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on April 30, 2014, 06:21:43 am
i got a perfect tan
infact i'm tanned in the area my fursona has dark color

what grinds my gears is why i burn >:(
when you don't tan and you only burn. My skin tans a little bit though.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Mu Rho Ni on April 30, 2014, 03:42:48 pm
The fact that you apparently can't defend yourself in a business without some part of the universe imploding.   :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on April 30, 2014, 10:18:35 pm
This stuff grinds my gears every damn day!  :goldpissed: :goldbloody: :goldpissed: :goldbloody:

1. The bus is not a damn restaurant! If you bring food or drinks on the bus, then wait till you get home to finish them! There's a reason why eating and drinking isn't allowed on the bus. It's to prevent food and beverages from spilling and making a mess.

2. USE CORRECT CHANGE! Bus drivers do not carry change!

3. The very front seats are for the eldery and handicapped. If you are not eldery and handicapped, then you are not entitled to sit in those seats!

4. Bus drivers are not an encyclopedia nor are they Google. Nearly every day, I see a passenger who gets on the bus and asks "Where is so and so address?" It's the passenger's own responsibility to learn where places are. Not the driver's.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FurryGayBoy on June 01, 2014, 01:15:13 pm
Ignorance and stupidity
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jackie on June 01, 2014, 01:25:40 pm
Ignorance and stupidity

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on June 01, 2014, 01:35:59 pm
Ignorance and stupidity

that's how me and my brother get into a lot of fights, he makes a stupid comment or does something stupid and i cant resist to comment on it which then leads to a fight. he calls me stupid all the time but im the one pointing out all the things he is doing wrong, also how can he call me stupid if he doesn't even see my action? i sleep all day so we don't talk much.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on June 01, 2014, 04:27:46 pm
people that focus on reality so much >:(
they just never think outside the box
like my parents if they focus so much on my future they just don't see that I make my own path  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BassCreator on June 01, 2014, 10:00:03 pm
People that say eyg instead of egg.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: greenfox on June 01, 2014, 10:12:15 pm
Right now, I'm very upset with my unbelievably irritating neighbors: they leave a ton of food in their yard, so every night all the local wild animals come in and fight over it.  I have to work hard to keep my cat away from them, because he keeps getting hurt when they try to lure him over. >:(  And they sent us a bill for a chair they said he scratched after the last time they took him.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 01, 2014, 11:08:01 pm
Neighbors who assume they are permitted certain liberties because they live outside the city limits. This may include, but is not limited to, running ATVs, snowmobiles and dirt bikes in the streets, loud parties past 10 PM, fireworks aimed at your property, loud music blaring from home stereos, backyard firepits or burning of yard waste, untethered pets, and shouting for the untethered pet to return when it wanders off. Your results may vary.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on June 02, 2014, 12:43:02 am
parents telling me what to do all the time >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: JD on June 02, 2014, 12:52:35 am
Parents telling me waht to do all the time >:(
Oh, wait you just said that :-[
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: HazardJackal on June 02, 2014, 01:20:32 am
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on June 02, 2014, 01:52:10 am
When stores don't provide shoe sizes for wide feet. They only have shoes for long narrow feet.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: The Rockin Hyena on June 02, 2014, 08:21:26 am
Like someone said earlier, animal abuse/neglect, people with no common courtesy, boxers or any combat sportsmen with no honor. I also can't stand pollution especially when it involves chemicals.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BassCreator on June 03, 2014, 05:36:17 pm
People knowing my art is furry art and blowing my cover.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: greenfox on June 03, 2014, 06:34:41 pm
Being asked to clean things that are already as clean as possible:
"Go clean the car!"
"But we just got it two days ago?  It will never be cleaner."
"No, it needs to be cleaned."
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on June 04, 2014, 02:27:34 am
Like someone said earlier, animal abuse/neglect, people with no common courtesy, boxers or any combat sportsmen with no honor. I also can't stand pollution especially when it involves chemicals.

im with hank
my family messing with my private life >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on June 04, 2014, 04:37:20 am
Well let's see. 10% of plastic ends up in the ocean and there is still a major mass production of it. The 1/2 billion animals killed every day from the meat, egg, and dairy industries. (150 billion a year) The Fur industry, poor conditions of animals, mistreatment of animals, animals being looked up in cages or being taken out of their natural habitat, habitat loss.

If I go on anymore it would be a rant. So.. basically humans destroying the various ecosystems on Earth as well as the mistreatment of hundreds of billions of animals.

Oh.. btw. Just looked at the population clock for humans. Usually after a massive peak in the number of animals of one species there is then competition for resources and there is a dramatic drop in population due to insufficient resources. Good luck humans!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on June 04, 2014, 05:00:15 am
Oh.. btw. Just looked at the population clock for humans. Usually after a massive peak in the number of animals of one species there is then competition for resources and there is a dramatic drop in population due to insufficient resources. Good luck humans!

sadly that is true.... lets just hope people slow down a bit. wonder if we are going to have a breakdown in society in our life time. i constantly hear from different sources that by the year 2070 we are going to be almost out of oil, so it's possible....

tho as humans we most likely will find a way around that (hopefully) and if we are close to it people may even learn to respect our resources, and save them. but that still doesn't fix what we do to animals, only way i can see that to be fixed is if animals could revolt.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BassCreator on June 06, 2014, 01:12:15 am
People that chew gum with their mouth open.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: JD on June 06, 2014, 01:16:21 am
People that chew gum with their mouth open.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on June 06, 2014, 01:20:07 am
the fact that my brother never leaves me alone
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BassCreator on June 06, 2014, 01:20:50 am
People that use my bow and arrow sideways to look like robin hood when I say not to, and people that say my nickname incorrectly, it's pronounced ah/ree for Ari. And also people that bother me when I am doing arts and crafts. And also when my parents barge into my room when I am on the computer and yell at me to do things, and they wonder why I lock the door...
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: JD on June 06, 2014, 01:22:34 am
Stupid people
Example, my dad
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BassCreator on June 06, 2014, 01:23:45 am
People that raise their hand to answer a question and say "I forgot what I was going to say" and waste everybody's time.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: JD on June 06, 2014, 01:25:04 am
People who are mean to other people for no reason whatsoever
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BassCreator on June 06, 2014, 01:26:04 am
I hate that too.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: JD on June 06, 2014, 01:28:50 am
Most of my family
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BassCreator on June 06, 2014, 01:29:25 am
People that cut you off in the hallways, or people that cut you off on the road. I also hate when people think furries are only about yiff and nothing else.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: JD on June 06, 2014, 01:31:08 am
People who will stick to their own ideas even after being proved wrong

I also hate when people think furries are only about yiff and nothing else.

Kinda like my parents
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BassCreator on June 06, 2014, 01:32:24 am
Oooh, that sucks. I never told mine about it because I tend to ignore/avoid it, and they seem to be fine with my art, they are even kinda fans of it.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Sledge on June 06, 2014, 01:33:19 am
People who don't use their turn signals on the road.

People who badmouth my country and/or state. Even worse is those who live comfortably in said country and/or state, and still complain.

People who lack common sense. (It's not so common now...)

Mosquitos that ignore basically every kind of repellant known to man.

Slow Internet. (I'm constantly stuck with it.)

So much more...
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on June 06, 2014, 04:00:53 am
People who don't use their turn signals on the road.

People who badmouth my country and/or state. Even worse is those who live comfortably in said country and/or state, and still complain.

People who lack common sense. (It's not so common now...)

Mosquitos that ignore basically every kind of repellant known to man.

Slow Internet. (I'm constantly stuck with it.)

So much more...

yep all of those are annoying, then again this country could still be better, wished america actually followed what i meant to be an american....
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: The Rockin Hyena on June 06, 2014, 04:05:02 am
People who don't use their turn signals on the road.

People who badmouth my country and/or state. Even worse is those who live comfortably in said country and/or state, and still complain.

People who lack common sense. (It's not so common now...)

Mosquitos that ignore basically every kind of repellant known to man.

Slow Internet. (I'm constantly stuck with it.)

So much more...
You said it Sledge!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on June 06, 2014, 04:35:35 am
Youtube comments and people who hate anyone who doesn't conform to what they think is normal. (Such as hate based on sexuality)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on June 06, 2014, 06:16:31 am
Youtube comments and people who hate anyone who doesn't conform to what they think is normal. (Such as hate based on sexuality)

when i cant respond to those comments and overwhelm the those morons with logic 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BassCreator on June 06, 2014, 03:41:52 pm
People that think bows and arrows solely got famous at my school from the hunger Games even though i started the trend.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: HazardJackal on June 06, 2014, 03:54:41 pm
People.  Loud people.  Distracting people.  Obnoxious people.

And people who remind me of myself.  They less grind my gears, just make me depressed.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Hikaru Okami on June 06, 2014, 04:08:40 pm
Having a quiet voice. I always have to repeat myself multiple time before someone can hear me. And my idea of yelling is someone else's idea of whispering.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on June 07, 2014, 08:36:19 pm

People who think sterotypes are true. Today I was trying to explain to my parents that it is a massive sterotype to say all americans brush their teeth before breakfast. (Weird sterotype). They wouldn't listen :/
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 07, 2014, 08:41:15 pm
Ankle-biter housepet dogs put outside at night to answer nature's call, then allowed to yip and whine for a half-hour before being allowed back inside.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: The Rockin Hyena on June 08, 2014, 02:07:10 pm
How about people with no work ethic.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on June 08, 2014, 03:22:32 pm
good one :)

bad thoughts that wonnt leave your head >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BassCreator on June 08, 2014, 09:26:24 pm
When people say malk.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Hikaru Okami on June 09, 2014, 04:30:08 am
When people say malk.
Malk? Is that some weird way to say milk?

My neighbors are annoying. All they do is yell and party at 3am. Which is why I'm still awake.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on June 09, 2014, 06:15:22 am
My constant pile of work... (School + Distance education + Tafe = Not much free time)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: The Rockin Hyena on June 16, 2014, 10:58:38 am
It seems like everyone in life wants to be an 'Alpha Dog', well, I'm not an Alpha Dog, but if anyone tries to push me around, they will lose half a snout.  No one is secure enough with their manhood to be kind.  Hey, that's ok, I know how to handle an idiot.  Yea, I use furry terms, it keeps me from getting to angry.   I feel very vented now, lol.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on June 16, 2014, 11:01:56 am
when your neighbors get loopy and do something stupid at 11:30 at night sing bohemian rapsody right outside your window

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BassCreator on June 16, 2014, 11:03:10 am
When people tell me to stop listening to my iPod in a grocery store.  >:( what else am I supposed to do???
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: sarngier on June 17, 2014, 07:23:07 pm
Life and my mental Illnesses....
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on June 17, 2014, 10:34:49 pm
people that think you are lower then them >:(
I hate those people
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on June 18, 2014, 01:30:13 am
people that think you are lower then them >:(
I hate those people

i just laugh at those people, they can believe they are better but the truth is that every one has an important role in society, except for thos who dont do anything to help society and just do things for greed. (they might be semi useful because they might want others to be better then them but i dont see much of that happening)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: The Rockin Hyena on June 18, 2014, 04:15:38 am
people that think you are lower then them >:(
I hate those people
.                  No matter what position you have in life, there will be those people. I look at it this way, who would those people be if they stopped paying me for my services?  I also look into their eyes with extreme confidence when I have to talk to them.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BassCreator on June 18, 2014, 03:40:13 pm
When I go to kiss one of my dogs on its head and forget I'm wearing lip gloss and leave a stain that is hard to take off. (Note to self, avoid lip gloss when fursuiting).
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 18, 2014, 10:43:50 pm
People breezing past me in a posted highway construction zone as I slow to the posted speed.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BassCreator on June 19, 2014, 10:49:12 am
When people say that I'm not gay even though they know I have a boyfriend and make the whole situation awkward.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Mylo09 on August 14, 2014, 11:29:24 pm
certian aspects of today's music/popular culture kinda gets under my skin not sure why  :o
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Foxpup on August 15, 2014, 01:59:14 am
certian aspects of today's music/popular culture kinda gets under my skin not sure why  :o

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on August 15, 2014, 02:10:32 am
why i have to read story books in my english class, thinking of the careers i might be going into i dont see any use in reading these things.

even after my school switched to block schedule and we have each class for 2 hours we are still getting homework. (i want to be able to sleep after school instead or doing homework)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Mylo09 on August 15, 2014, 02:22:00 am
love that episode  :D
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Aedus on August 29, 2014, 11:53:01 pm
I can't stand when people interrupt me. The first time is fine but after then I get really irritated >.<
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on August 30, 2014, 10:47:54 pm
when you have to drag
around annoying pessimistic people everywhere you go >:( >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on August 31, 2014, 05:03:15 am
when websights change their format/settings so that some of the things you could do in the past no longer work. (right clicking to copy an image on flickr, Google+ requirement to comment on youtube, inbox and messaging system on youtube, facebook's easy to find friends list)

im just getting really tired of this... it is just making it harder and harder to use these websights and over time they just get worse. the thing that sucks is that there isn't any other web sights i can switch to. youtube is the most used sight so if i switch to something else i will not have those videos, flickr had a very good setup before they updated it. even if there is another sight i dont want to waste my time creating an account and uploading stuff because what if they change the settings? 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: greenfox on August 31, 2014, 02:47:39 pm
Simultaneous playback of strange baby music and some sort of rap...  Way above a safe decibal level....  In the bathroom......  In the morning...........
Just... yeah.... :|
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 31, 2014, 09:35:37 pm
Neighbors becoming loud and obnoxious just playing board games indoors.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on September 01, 2014, 01:47:56 am
Dads who play the age card and dads who feel the need to put you down for wanting to go to ohio for welding certification
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on September 11, 2014, 01:44:13 am
closed minded people that don't except anything new :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: HazardJackal on September 16, 2014, 02:48:19 pm
Eye drops.  I despise them.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Obsydian on September 16, 2014, 03:11:32 pm
This is long since I'm super sensitive, and it's nice to get this junk off my shoulders. 

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Turgius on September 18, 2014, 07:51:48 pm
A sample of my pet peeves

1, People who eat and slurp very loudly to the point were you cant block out the sound, and people who chit chat loudly right behind my ear...
2, people who will not follow the rules of the road: includes both bycalists and motorists.
3, politicized history, authors and others pushing inaccurate or misrepresented information to forward their own political agenda...and in a related note, the drones who consider everything Howard Zinn writes as absolute truth...the man does not even cite a single source for his claims in his so called magnum opus...
4, people who think if your not smiling all the time something is wrong with you.
5, Ignorance
6, repeating the same question
7, the trend of treating software not as a product but as a service you pay a subscription to. 
8, Idiotic and irrational changes to software, such as Google's new compose, G-mail was perfect before it.
9, The growing trend of companies in eliminating the anonymous nature of the internet and trying to link everything you do to your IRL identity with social media.
10, Planed obsolescence
11, Drama lamas, and lamas in general...

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on September 19, 2014, 01:15:40 am
8, Idiotic and irrational changes to software, such as Google's new compose, G-mail was perfect before it.
9, The growing trend of companies in eliminating the anonymous nature of the internet and trying to link everything you do to your IRL identity with social media.

^ can't agree any more to that. a good example of that is google+'s link to youtube (i still haven't gotten rid of that anger even tho it's been almost a year)

my mom's "friends." wasted tones of my mom's money, and damaged/destroyed my mom's vehicles
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on September 19, 2014, 10:35:38 pm
little brothers

and real trolls
closely related but not homestuck >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Furenzied on September 20, 2014, 08:33:39 pm
People who say 'I hope you don't mind' while or after doing something you do in fact mind them doing.

Children who go out of their way to be rude and disrespectful while their parents do piratically nothing.

People who say 'you should always tell the truth'...that's plain garbage because piratically nobody tells the truth 100% of the time or society would fall apart. I can prove that.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on September 21, 2014, 02:15:19 am
Children who go out of their way to be rude and disrespectful while their parents do piratically nothing.

seen that many times over here. funny thing is how i live in expensive area where the people are meant to be polite, and friendly yet when you look at the kids they are all rude, disgusting, disrespectful, ect.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Turgius on September 21, 2014, 11:52:05 am
8, Idiotic and irrational changes to software, such as Google's new compose, G-mail was perfect before it.
9, The growing trend of companies in eliminating the anonymous nature of the internet and trying to link everything you do to your IRL identity with social media.

^ can't agree any more to that. a good example of that is google+'s link to youtube (i still haven't gotten rid of that anger even tho it's been almost a year)

I know...it is so aggravating...and it sure has not done anything about trolling...or the stupid YouTube comment wars...it's about turning you into their product for advertisers...which is why my plus account is under a alias....

Add the GIF syndrome that the internet seems to spawn.... (apologize if anyone finds the acronym offensive...but I don't know a better word for it)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on September 21, 2014, 03:49:22 pm
People who want to own exotic pets. I.e. - Foxes, tigers, snakes, wolves, etc.   :goldpissed:

A lot of people who want or actually own exotic animals really don't know what they're getting into. They don't take the time to do proper research about the animal they want. A lot of animals require different dietary, sleeping, training, pen/kennel, veterinary, etc. needs than what a regular house cat or dog would. Too many times, I read or hear about how some exotic animals that were kept by people got loose, had "bad behavior", weren't properly cared for by their owners, and so forth. It really angers me when people want exotic animals because of the cute, cool, or some other factor.

"Awwww. He's sooooooo cute and adorable. I must have one!"

NO. No, you shouldn't. Exotic and wild animals are just that: wild. They should not be owned as pets. If you want a pet, then go to a Animal Shelter and adopt a dog or cat. There are countless animals in shelters that are waiting for a good person to take care of them and be their companion.

Too many times on Furtopia, I read about people who want foxes as pets. No, you don't.  >:( If the only reasons you want one is because it's "cute" or it matches your fursona, then you're buying it for the wrong reasons.  >:(

Dogs, cats, mice, hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, goldfish are fine as pets. But wolves, wolf hybrids, foxes, tigers, boa constrictors, and other wild and exotic animals aren't. Do your research, folks. There are reasons why laws are enacted to keep people from buying, selling, and owning exotic/wild animals. It's because the human "animal" is too dumb and stupid and naive to properly own and care for exotic/wild animals.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Turgius on September 21, 2014, 04:01:54 pm
Dogs, cats, mice, hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, goldfish are fine as pets. But wolves, wolf hybrids, foxes, tigers, boa constrictors, and other wild and exotic animals aren't. Do your research, folks. There are reasons why laws are enacted to keep people from buying, selling, and owning exotic/wild animals. It's because the human "animal" is too dumb and stupid and naive to properly own and care for exotic/wild animals.

Totally agree.  My Uncle once had a Wolf hybrid that a girl friend or Ex-Wife (Hippie) unloaded on him (pretty much like every other pet he has had) and the way he told it was that is was a total disaster. That the the animal did not have the developed 'social intelligence' if you would to interact with humans, or pay attention. There is a major difference between a wild animal and one that has been domesticated over countless generations. So leave the wild animals in the wild...although a fox does sound interesting if it could be domesticated to the same level as a dog, but that takes 'many' generations of selective breeding. Which is currently ongoing but the end result apparently is a fox, that acts pretty much like a dog. So why not adopt a shelter pooch instead, from your local rescue society  :)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Turgius on September 21, 2014, 09:14:47 pm
Add political adds to the list, here in Colorado they have begun. I quit watching television regularly in 2010 after becoming disgusted with the political adds since Colorado is a swing state...now they are all over the internet too...every youtube video i click on...grrrr. I don't care, Ill do what I do every election year when I get my absentee ballot...take time to look up each issue...and each of the  candidates voting record...then decide. (sorry for the rant)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on September 22, 2014, 01:57:01 am
People who want to own exotic pets. I.e. - Foxes, tigers, snakes, wolves, etc.   :goldpissed:

nothing wrong with wanting to own one but it's when they own one and dont know how to care for it. when they cant care for it, that can get pretty dangerous.

my mom's "friend" had a wolf hybrid and one of our small dogs ran past it and she (the wolf) grabbed our dog and shook her. luckily she dropped my dog and we brought our dog to the ER. turns out that our dog's wind pipe had a small laceration in it so that air started getting under her skin and it was hard for her to breath. the put her in a box that had a higher amount of oxygen in it than the outside and she started to get better. she lived awhile after that happened (it think it was a year). sadly on august 29th 2014 we had her put to sleep due to cancer. im happy that we had her for another year and didnt lose her back then.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on September 22, 2014, 06:41:47 pm
People who have and abuse their OCD condition to manipulate, control, and micro-manage other people and situations for their own selfish needs and pleasure.

I'm dealing with this at work right now.  :goldpissed: :goldpissed: :goldpissed: :goldpissed: :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on September 25, 2014, 05:01:44 am
not really that major of a thing. However, I find it really annoying when I have to kill wolves in video games. Why can't I let them live? :3 Just the whole representation of wolves being evil and savage is annoying as well.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Furenzied on September 25, 2014, 11:51:52 pm
I suppose it could be more about the fact that if you don't kill the wolves they'll eat you...same with most predatory animals.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on September 26, 2014, 01:53:18 am
I suppose it could be more about the fact that if you don't kill the wolves they'll eat you...same with most predatory animals.

not really that major of a thing. However, I find it really annoying when I have to kill wolves in video games. Why can't I let them live? :3 Just the whole representation of wolves being evil and savage is annoying as well.

im both with you

i mean in movies they take the evil role
as Hollywood portrays them

but really there not evil
just a Hollywood stereotype
if they attack people they have the right if your a threat or if they were desperate for a meal >:(

but wolf's in my opinion are misunderstood 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on September 26, 2014, 03:41:55 am
I suppose it could be more about the fact that if you don't kill the wolves they'll eat you...same with most predatory animals.
They'd only attack if your entering their territory or if they are hungry and see you as a meal. The thing that annoys me about the game is that they are portrayed as vicious killing machines. It's kind of like all sharks being thought of as killers when in fact only some sharks are man eaters and attacks happen infrequently. If you actually look at some credible wildlife videos of wolves you'd see that they are not actually that aggressive at all. (when they are left alone). Wildlife videos themselves can manipulate how you feel about something by the music they play along with it, what the narrator says and how they portray the animal in general.

I'm not being stupid and saying that they are cute, so therefore they can't be dangerous. You just have to be cautious of them. It's also the fear of wolves that led to them being hunted so much by humans in the first place. Just like how Western Australia recently tried to kill a whole heap of sharks because of a shark attack (stupid).


anyway.. next thing that annoys me.. I just don't understand math. (I've worked on it pretty much all day and I've struggled allot)  It's too annoying and there are so many questions that don't even have a practical application.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Furenzied on September 26, 2014, 12:33:39 pm
Good points, but personally in many games that have dangerous animals such as wolves in games, they will attack mostly because humans are easy meals. We're slow, weak, and easy to kill, not to mention we're made of meat. We just have technology to help, and maybe thumbs.

Sharks bite people and things because underwater we do look like seals and other food, they have to bite things to taste them cuz they can't stick out their tongues.

It's always sad to see animals  portrahed like that. But I can see situations like that working in games.

Human encroachment will lead them into their territory and they will defend it. Humans are usually easy meals unless they are well prepared. It saddens me more that people become scared of what they don't understand, instead of try to learn more.


People who wake you up specifically to ask you to do something for them. I have a few words to explain my feelings about that...
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rainy on November 19, 2014, 11:25:19 am
Ignorant people, they seem to always push things on you, then when you don't complie they find ways to keep picking at you. And the stuff they pick on isn't even true, it's just really annoying.  :(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: xracecar on November 21, 2014, 09:18:36 pm
This just came in.

When people rage on CoD when someone hardscopes with a sniper, even though the job of a sniper is to hardscope.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kynao on November 22, 2014, 01:22:00 am
Stupid people</post
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 24, 2014, 09:20:50 pm
Getting put on the spot in the presence of guests by a rude person.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Renault on December 01, 2014, 09:26:31 am
Having a high ping and you can't do anything about it... like it sucks to be unable to play online because you are stuck with a crappy internet service provider.

Or when people say things that are so easier said than done. "Well, get a car." Might as well tell me to stop having a heart condition.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Purrrl on December 01, 2014, 05:26:24 pm
Having a high ping and you can't do anything about it... like it sucks to be unable to play online because you are stuck with a crappy internet service provider.

Or when people say things that are so easier said than done. "Well, get a car." Might as well tell me to stop having a heart condition.

Know both of those feelings... especially the first one, but then add in people watching netflix :|

Pings in the region of 1500ms, anyone?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Renault on December 01, 2014, 06:46:57 pm

Know both of those feelings... especially the first one, but then add in people watching netflix :|

Pings in the region of 1500ms, anyone?
Lol not that high, but it is often the highest among other gamers. Mine is usually stuck in 700-1000; If I'm lucky, 650 ms. However, satellite internet just simply isn't ideal for online gaming.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Iara Warriorfeather on December 01, 2014, 07:03:04 pm
People stealing art and claiming it as their own... >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Turgius on December 01, 2014, 11:01:36 pm
The way Christmas merchandise is pushed earlier and earlier each year....
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Wereaibo on December 01, 2014, 11:36:49 pm
My phone. It's a constant fight to get it to do anything it's supposed to. It frequently drops calls, oftentimes refuses to load web pages without a fight and many times even when it does load them it often does so badly, missing images or only loading half the page. This thing isn't a smart phone. It's a developmentally disabled phone. But even that's a poor analogy because developmentally disabled people still have value. Those old crappy Tiger Electronics LCD games have more brains in one circuit than this joke of a phone has in it's entire form. Even the freakin' N-GAGE laughs at my phone and calls it a slacker.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on December 02, 2014, 07:20:25 am
The way Christmas merchandise Black Friday is pushed earlier and earlier each year....

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on December 02, 2014, 07:19:36 pm
immature and rude people on gmod
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: xracecar on December 02, 2014, 08:04:09 pm
CoD rant:

When someone abuses their mic on CoD and blasts music through it.

When people use a bot on CoD and nobody but you notices. I mean, they only fire pistols 2 times a second, max.

When people use modified controllers and fires a semi-auto weapon and its like a freakin minigun.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on December 02, 2014, 08:11:50 pm
People looking for handouts.  :P  >:(

"Hey man, you got a cig?"

"Hey man, you got a light?"

"Hey man, can you spare some change?"

Etc., etc., etc.  :P  :P  :P

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: HazardJackal on December 02, 2014, 08:31:20 pm
People who don't know how to chew with their mouth closed... :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on December 02, 2014, 09:08:24 pm
It gets annoying when they ask for money and ask you if you want some chewing tobacco. hell no I like my teeth intact and I want to keep my girlfriend .
People who talk crap about how poor you are. Thanks bud I know I can't afford a movie ticket.
Last one. The people who feel the need to talk about these non military dog tags  I know their fake .but if you read them you'll know why they're importent to me so shut up
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Turgius on December 02, 2014, 09:37:47 pm
Solicitors in general whether they be Religious, marketers, or political pushers with clipboards. The last 20 to 50 times I said no should really give them an idea of my future responses. Also people who fake difficulties to illisit sympathy in order to get money from people. For around two and a half years I saw the same guy by the light rail station near MSU Denver ask people for a hand out while showing a massive wound in his arm, that he would obviously repeatedly re-open, and he would be there at least once or twice a week. Also people who are obviously faking sympathy by the road side: "lets see. Iv taken this route for the last year and a half and your always here, always wearing a different set of clothes. last week you had a cast on and you needed to get to Cali due to your mother having cancer, before that you were a desperate single mother, and now your collecting donations for a disabled child horse ranch for disabled children can ride...Ok...seems legit."
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: the lone shadow wolf on December 03, 2014, 09:36:35 pm
when young siblings stick there nose in your personal stuff :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: xracecar on December 03, 2014, 09:40:06 pm
When my brother says hAx0r5 don't exist in video games...
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on December 05, 2014, 08:26:48 pm
Strangers talking about  Ware you come from. I'm sorry i come from the sticks and I enjoy venison  chili on a Sunday night  redneck is on my dna
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Iara Warriorfeather on December 06, 2014, 12:47:43 am
Driving, in general... x_x
-Individuals who speed through parking lots, and then give YOU a dirty look when they have to stop!
-Individuals who slam on their brakes for no reason!! URGH....
-Individuals who park crooked on purpose, so you are effectively pinned in  >:(
-Individuals who cannot, for the life of them, get off their iPhone/Samsung/LTG/fancy gadget shiny thing AND DRIVE  >:(

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on December 06, 2014, 01:32:35 pm
Driving, in general... x_x
-Individuals who speed through parking lots, and then give YOU a dirty look when they have to stop!
-Individuals who slam on their brakes for no reason!! URGH....
-Individuals who park crooked on purpose, so you are effectively pinned in  >:(
-Individuals who cannot, for the life of them, get off their iPhone/Samsung/LTG/fancy gadget shiny thing AND DRIVE  >:(

Also.........I'm walking and cutting through (Taking a short cut) a mall parking lot to get to a bus stop. The mall parking lot is empty all around me and yet here comes a car going down the lane and honking it's horn for me to get out of the way.  :o Since the parking lot is empty all around me, why the hell can't it just go AROUND me?!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: chaos_1152 on May 12, 2015, 01:40:54 pm
people who bash other because of what they like or have different tastes.

I used to be with group at college who i gave up hanging around because i all i got was just stupidity, insults. also the fact one of main ones i hanged out flat out yelled at me that music sucks.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: phinox on May 18, 2015, 04:06:41 am
A lot of things annoy me
- When people don't vote on election day and then complain about the Prime Minister for the next 5 years.
- When everyone says "you'll never be able to get that dream car it's too expensive" (Subaru WRX STI)
- When people think the only fast cars are Ferraris and Lambos
- Teachers who hold you back in lessons because you're the only one who gets it.
- My Dad, he keeps saying he won't let me get a motorcycle at 17, my mum will let me. He's just scared I'll crash. But I really want to ride.
I think im done now xD
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Acton on June 02, 2015, 04:06:52 pm
This stuff grinds my gears every damn day!  :goldpissed: :goldbloody: :goldpissed: :goldbloody:

1. The bus is not a damn restaurant! If you bring food or drinks on the bus, then wait till you get home to finish them! There's a reason why eating and drinking isn't allowed on the bus. It's to prevent food and beverages from spilling and making a mess.

2. USE CORRECT CHANGE! Bus drivers do not carry change!

3. The very front seats are for the eldery and handicapped. If you are not eldery and handicapped, then you are not entitled to sit in those seats!

4. Bus drivers are not an encyclopedia nor are they Google. Nearly every day, I see a passenger who gets on the bus and asks "Where is so and so address?" It's the passenger's own responsibility to learn where places are. Not the driver's.

Recently I have to use mass transit to get round . I agree with the food.  For gods sake use time management so one can eat at home or at a restaurant. 

One this thing I am sick of  animals on the bus. Please leave them at home or  get car.  I think there a lot  of abuses of  service animal regulations and comfort animals excuse is a lot of bull.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: phinox on June 02, 2015, 06:20:31 pm
As a person who uses a bus to get places I completely agree, as much of a dog lover as I am. Taking them on buses is annoying for everyone else, especially if they don't behave.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on July 06, 2015, 10:54:37 pm
Driver dragging brakes at a green light.
Driver making left turn from the far righthand lane.
Driver braking in a traffic lane then signalling to turn left to enter left turn lane.
"Land Yatch" going 75 MPH in the righthand lane.
Driver "talking with hands" while driving.
Couple "getting busy" while driving.
Individual attempting to pass in the Right Turn Only lane, gunning it and cutting you off suddenly.
Getting overtaken as the road narrows to a single lane.
Getting passed by another vehicle only to see them turn off at the next exit.
Drivers juggling cigarettes, coffee, makeup, Iphone, breakfast sandwich at highway speeds.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: photalysis on July 07, 2015, 01:21:00 am
When I don't pull the clutch out far enough or forget to let off the gas while shifting.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: wereaibo1 on July 07, 2015, 12:37:20 pm
People who can't keep their noses out of someone's business, especially when said business doesn't effect the intruder in any way.
People who judge others badly without knowing the  whole story or what that person may be going through.
Elitist wastes of flesh who try to put themselves above others in order to feel superior.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on July 07, 2015, 10:59:05 pm
Slow to ship sellers on Ebay with attitudes. The item was supposed to be here last week. I got an email from them last week wondering why I hadn't given them a positive feedback. The item was already past the estimated shipping time when I got this email.  Got an email today saying they just shipped it. So they sent an email wanting positive feedback before they shipped?  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: theslyone16 on July 08, 2015, 04:09:59 am
when people bother me when i have my ear buds in, trying to tune out everything
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Timberwuff on July 08, 2015, 09:15:44 pm
Trying to do software (web dev) work at my retail job, using the computer right at the front counter so I'm constantly interrupted by customers and my coworkers think I'm "watching the front" so they can take a little brake in back.

I love taking little breaks, so of course I don't mind when my coworkers take them too, but I'd get so much more work done and be happier with it, if they could handle the customers so I could just have some quiet time to work. x_x
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on July 16, 2015, 01:22:41 pm
People at the bus terminal or on the bus asking for money/handouts from other people so that they can ride the bus. I am so sick of people begging and looking for handouts!  :goldpissed: I am not a bank nor a charity service. If you don't have the money to ride the damn bus to get where you need to go, then that's your damn problem, not mine!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: wereaibo1 on July 18, 2015, 09:48:23 am
Verizon. They're our only option for phone service but that service is garbage. Half the time we have to go outside to make a phone call. The internet service is a joke. I see way more error messages than I do actual web pages. But these crooks are happy to charge us full price for a system that only half works. And saying it half works is me being generous. Wouldn't be so bad if my phone wasn't my only source for internet. Oh, and did I mention that I can't actually talk on this thing? All I can do is text. The component that allows you to communicate is busted. People can't hear me when I call them. Verizon refuses to fix it. They attempted to walk me through a process that would supposedly restore the ability to talk on it but all they managed to do was delete all my games and ringtones.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on July 20, 2015, 08:56:28 pm
Every day this happens. I'm at work or someplace else and I go to use a stall in the restroom and what do I find? People who don't learn to flush the damn toilet or leave some other damn mess in the stall, or the toilet is all plugged up.  :goldpissed:  Seriously, folks. You can't flush the damn toilet? Are you that lazy that you let someone else do it for you?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Timberwuff on July 20, 2015, 09:12:40 pm
Every day this happens. I'm at work or someplace else and I go to use a stall in the restroom and what do I find? People who don't learn to flush the damn toilet or leave some other damn mess in the stall, or the toilet is all plugged up.  :goldpissed:  Seriously, folks. You can't flush the damn toilet? Are you that lazy that you let someone else do it for you?

I "love it" when my bloody house-mates do that.  :goldpissed:

Public spaces is one thing, and still wrong, but come-on now! In our own home?! How is this acceptable for your living space?!?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on July 21, 2015, 08:36:14 am
really annoying when people do that... reason i try to avoid public restrooms. tho it does happen in my house (2 of my family members use it as a trash bin)

reminds me of my elementary school... damn stalls looked like something out of a asylum (really surprised that no health organizations have shut down the school, its clearly a hazardous environment with the type of things that happened at my school)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: wereaibo1 on July 21, 2015, 10:12:22 am
The fact that there's these little electronic dogs that I desperately want but I have no idea if they'll be released in the states. They released the birds, they released the mice, even the freakin' tarantulas are on sale at Amazon. But no word on the dogs or cats. Who releases mice and tarantulas before dogs and cats? And just how many people do they think are gonna want a robot tarantula over puppies and kittens? Guess my money'll be going to Spinmaster and their Chubby Puppies and Zoomer Zuppies lines. No dogs no deal.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Foxpup on July 22, 2015, 07:37:12 am
The Miracle Mineral Solution people are at it again. (For those who don't know, the "solution" is to mix bleach and acid and either drink it or inhale the resulting fumes* to cure everything from HIV to male pattern baldness, which actually cures nothing and has instead directly caused several deaths and injuries.) Their new solution is to just drink concentrated pool chlorine**. No, I'm not making that up. I want to believe people aren't stupid enough to try that, but I know better. Can anyone explain to me why the people hocking these "miracle cures" aren't in jail? >:(

*Don't do this. Ever. x_x
**Or this.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on July 22, 2015, 10:56:31 am
People who steal from my room when I'm not here I have no problem with you taking my stuff just ask first I'll most likely say  yes
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on July 29, 2015, 11:06:50 am
when people believe that love is a choice.... you can love someone even if they are a messed up person, who you are even close to hating (iv seen it happen quite a bit) and it is love (love by definition is just a strong emotional attachment/feeling towards something). of course its a choice to follow who you love, be with them, and take care care of them but the emotional connection is not something that you just create because you want to.

(was reading comments on youtube's "proud to love" video where people are saying why should gays be entitled to rights if its a choice)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Purrrl on July 29, 2015, 12:00:09 pm
the "solution" is to mix bleach and acid and either drink it or inhale the resulting fumes* to cure everything from HIV to male pattern baldness, which actually cures nothing and has instead directly caused several deaths and injuries. Their new solution is to just drink concentrated pool chlorine

What. The. Actual. Flying. Ummmm...... Flip. :|

As for my thing, how about... people who have no idea when or how to shut the hell up.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Timberwuff on July 30, 2015, 12:56:32 am
Wow, that sounds like the recipe for Mustard gas if I'm not terribly mistaken. A weapon banned after its use in WWI because its effects were so incredibly inhumane! x_x
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Foxpup on July 30, 2015, 02:41:29 am
Chlorine dioxide, actually. A highly toxic chemical used mainly in paper production, where it has largely replaced elemental chlorine due to the latter producing more toxic by-products, in particular dioxins. Hopefully it goes without saying that you're not supposed to consume industrial chemicals.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on July 30, 2015, 02:54:43 am
When your mom goes through your dresser and finds your journal and reads it and questions you about why your talking crap about how stupid some people are first wth are you going through my dresser and second I don't go  through your dresser and snoop
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Synaptic Road on July 30, 2015, 03:05:53 am
Every day this happens. I'm at work or someplace else and I go to use a stall in the restroom and what do I find? People who don't learn to flush the damn toilet or leave some other damn mess in the stall, or the toilet is all plugged up.  :goldpissed:  Seriously, folks. You can't flush the damn toilet? Are you that lazy that you let someone else do it for you?

This annoys me as well.  Really, how much energy does it take to make a simple hand motion, because that's all it takes to flush a toilet.  However, I'm not even sure I'd call it "laziness" - I think apathy would be a more effective word.  As much as I'd like to make a relevant joking remark, it would involve using language that's not allowed on Furtopia, so...lol.

I don't go into "berserk mode" about anything anymore, though.  There are plenty of things that mildly irritate or annoy me (the toilet apathy thing is one), but it's incredibly difficult to actually push me far enough to where I'm seeing red.  The only way that can really happen at this point is if someone goes far out of their way to aggravate me to no end and after I've told them multiple times to STOP, or otherwise addressed my issue with them directly.

But when you think about it, anyone who goes out of their way to make people miserable like that has a very serious problem, and I'm glad I've never really come across anyone like that.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: photalysis on August 01, 2015, 05:09:19 pm
When your mom goes through your dresser and finds your journal and reads it and questions you about why your talking crap about how stupid some people are first wth are you going through my dresser and second I don't go  through your dresser and snoop
Wow, if she's going to read your journal she could at least be a little more subtle about it.

Fortunately for you, now that she's tipped her hand you can take measures against it. Get a new journal and use the old one as a decoy to be filled with bland, uneventful entries while you write the real stuff in another one that's better hidden.

You could encode the second one for added insurance, substituting memorable numerals like "789" for important places and names. Writing in metaphor has greater mnemonic power, though.

If you want to go the cipher route you'll only have to remember a simple formula in case you want to decrypt it and re-read it someday. Just remember to add some multiplicative operations paired with a modulo or extra inputs like Line# and Letter# so it isn't additively reversible, otherwise there's no point. Those kinds of ciphers can be brute-forced in 26 iterations, at the most.

Spoiler: show
You could also use digital encryption... Like a square! :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: photalysis on August 01, 2015, 05:43:30 pm
Every day this happens. I'm at work or someplace else and I go to use a stall in the restroom and what do I find? People who don't learn to flush the damn toilet or leave some other damn mess in the stall, or the toilet is all plugged up.  :goldpissed:  Seriously, folks. You can't flush the damn toilet? Are you that lazy that you let someone else do it for you?
(excuse the double-post)
It's a public restroom thing - they're afraid to touch the handle. Same reason urinals exist in the men's room.

Once, I had been like them. But a wizened guru appeared before me and taught me the way of the foot flush.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Amducious on August 01, 2015, 08:32:23 pm
When your about to get a kill in BO2 and they decide to panic knife. Hate that, I was about to hit a quad feed and somebody knifed me. I turned off my PS3 and walked away, I didn't want to play after that.  :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: phinox on August 02, 2015, 04:18:11 am
When your about to get a kill in BO2 and they decide to panic knife. Hate that, I was about to hit a quad feed and somebody knifed me. I turned off my PS3 and walked away, I didn't want to play after that.  :P
The one reason I play BF4.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Amducious on August 02, 2015, 11:00:43 am
Yep... that's a really fun game too.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Synaptic Road on August 02, 2015, 12:52:42 pm
When your about to get a kill in BO2 and they decide to panic knife. Hate that, I was about to hit a quad feed and somebody knifed me. I turned off my PS3 and walked away, I didn't want to play after that.  :P

Knives are ridiculous in BO2, lol.  The one fond memory I have of the game was playing online with a friend; we both were using mics, and I randomly decided to start belching into my mic (read: I can burp at will, and not little "wussy burps," either).  This one kid on the other team started laughing so hard that he started choking, and my friend actually muted him because he got annoyed by his choke-laughing, ahaha.  Oh, but that's not even the whole of it - I was playing the game with my bedroom door closed (I hadn't moved out of my parents' place yet), and I heard my mom yell at me from the kitchen upstairs, "Sean, we can _hear_ you!"  I actually exclaimed into my mic for all to hear, "Oh, crap, my mom heard me!"

Much to my friend's amusement, no less...haha.  Good times, good times~
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Amducious on August 02, 2015, 03:45:10 pm
When your about to get a kill in BO2 and they decide to panic knife. Hate that, I was about to hit a quad feed and somebody knifed me. I turned off my PS3 and walked away, I didn't want to play after that.  :P

Knives are ridiculous in BO2, lol.  The one fond memory I have of the game was playing online with a friend; we both were using mics, and I randomly decided to start belching into my mic (read: I can burp at will, and not little "wussy burps," either).  This one kid on the other team started laughing so hard that he started choking, and my friend actually muted him because he got annoyed by his choke-laughing, ahaha.  Oh, but that's not even the whole of it - I was playing the game with my bedroom door closed (I hadn't moved out of my parents' place yet), and I heard my mom yell at me from the kitchen upstairs, "Sean, we can _hear_ you!"  I actually exclaimed into my mic for all to hear, "Oh, crap, my mom heard me!"

Much to my friend's amusement, no less...haha.  Good times, good times~
it's a very fun game especially if you have friends playing with you. It's fun pissing people off when your using the Ballista, I've quickscoped so many people over and over, it never gets old when you hear them screaming. Love that game so much, I'm pretty good at it too.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on August 02, 2015, 04:14:52 pm
reminds me of my times in cod (if you are referring to black ops) i was mostly going solo with blackops, the last cod that i played with "friends" was MW2(or 3?). a neighbor used to come over almost every day to play cod with me, my brother, and his brother. it was pretty fun for the first few months but then there were arguments about screen hopping (looking to other players screen, so you know where they are) and well one day i happen to have gotten a kill off him which he accused me of screen hopping and stood mad at me for about a year. during the year that he was mad at me when ever my brother would run a minecraft server he asked to join and then brought his friends where they constantly annoyed me (insults, greifing, kicking/banning me (they had admin commands)) so ya some people just flip out way too much.

so ya thats some thing that is pretty annoying. people getting upset about a single game or kill makes sense but to the point of staying mad at that person (me and i was 12 or something) for about a year, telling your friends bad things about them, and going out of your way just to mess with them is just ridiculous.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Amducious on August 02, 2015, 06:03:12 pm
Yah that's pretty ridiculous, the only reason I turned off Is that I was about to get a quad feed and I was on a streak(plus I was playing for 3 hours straight and I was tired). I had no deaths the whole game and I almost hit a Nuclear(nuclear medal not the nuke scorestreak). Games are made for fun so why get mad over something that stupid.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: HazardJackal on September 19, 2015, 09:10:55 pm
When people start a conversation on a thread about something other than what the thread was originally intended for.  ;)

But that's nothing compared to how i feel about my social life right now.  THAT, that grinds my gears till there's nothin left but dust.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Doc on September 21, 2015, 01:21:38 am
Stupid people.
Getting yelled at to get my homework done after I just finished 5 assignments in 3 hours. (That is all the work I needed to do.)
Greedy people.
Animal abusers.
People who go out of their way to hurt others who are being themselves.
A good chunk of today's "music" is just noise.
People who don't use their blinkers. (If they are broken, then use your arm to signal where you are going. Out for left, up for right.)
When my dog breaks my keyboard on my laptop.
When my keyboard fails to function.
When my phone doesn't charge after being plugged in for 8 hours.
People in general.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on September 21, 2015, 03:42:09 am
when ever i find something interesting, and try to do research on my own, learning on my own, try to design things, but...

- sadly not having any of the materials/tools to produce those things (make-shift generators (wind/hydro/solar?), little cool electronic things, make-shift tools, ect) easy fix if i had money.....
- not having the environment to do so, iv only got a room.... (poor ventilation, small, flammable, hard to repair, ect) again easy fix if i had money.
- people who might be annoying about it (trying to make energy efficient/production things, making nice looking decorations, furniture) due to having access to things my family isnt really that big on recycling, and start acting annoying when i save things like metal scraps.
- and not having the time to do so (school) could just stop caring about school but then im not sure what to do once my dad finds out about my grades, or im not able to graduate.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Bronx on September 21, 2015, 10:55:43 pm
I find it really annoying when people can't use common sense, and then they get hurt, or worse, hurt other people because they can't think like a regular person that maybe jumping into a fire (http://youtu.be/ODVc8_A0HaM) isn't the best idea.

I also don't like when people judge people, like they are somehow elevated over that person that they can decide what they're doing is weird/stupid.

I guess that's why I try not to care what others think :)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on September 21, 2015, 11:50:25 pm
People in a hurry on side roads. Saw some NASCAR wannabe blasting along at well over 60 mph on a two-lane country road and almost hit someone head-on before having to stop at a crossroad.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on October 20, 2015, 12:54:42 pm
When I see kids and teens and young adults in their 20's, wearing hoodies and they have the hood covering their head and face so much that they look like gangbangers.  :P Seriously, why the need to hide yourself so much?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Bronx on October 20, 2015, 10:51:05 pm
There's a kid at my school who is a bit of an outcast because of the things he does. It's almost like he doesn't WANT friends, yet he constantly tries to insert himself into other people's conversations which he has no business being in.

For example, I was talking to a girl I kinda like in my science class, and we were making inside jokes with each other and he barges in and keeps asking, "WAIT WHAT? EXPLAIN THAT TO ME I DONT UNDERSTAND" and then he tried talking to the girl, but she just stopped talking after that. >:( Why does he insist on acting like he has friends instead of stopping all this annoying stuff and actually being nice to people?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Loc on October 21, 2015, 01:39:40 pm
People who buy a £5 item from the shop I work at, and ask for it to be tracked and signed for. Which adds another £7 or more onto the delivery costs, requires two more labels and several forms filling out. Tracking and signing I can understand with rare or expensive items, but cheap things? You wind up paying more for delivery. And it makes a lot of extra work for me.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: viper213 on October 21, 2015, 04:12:29 pm
When I leave the house and someone just has to go out of their way to annoy ke wether that be swearing at me or stuff like that also becouse I am an atheist (in a fairly religious neighbourhood) wasnt the best idea and I get told I am going to hell which to be honest is just depressing
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on October 22, 2015, 04:35:32 am
When I leave the house and someone just has to go out of their way to annoy ke wether that be swearing at me or stuff like that also becouse I am an atheist (in a fairly religious neighbourhood) wasnt the best idea and I get told I am going to hell which to be honest is just depressing

that seems pretty annoying... never really experienced stuff like that in person (i usually get into discussions on youtube/facebook tho oddly it never gets to "you are going to hell!" the most iv gotten is "you will need to be saved") just ignore the whole you are going to hell part. even if all this religious stuff is true at least we are sticking to what we believe is morally correct, and what brings the most enjoyment to our lives and the lives of others.

also no one knows what hell is like. maybe satin is throwing an awesome party and god is just jealous about that so he says bad stuff about hell.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: viper213 on October 22, 2015, 10:19:05 am
good point hey I live in englands so at least it will be warm Xd
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on October 23, 2015, 11:36:02 pm
Just learned that my health insurance increased by about $50/month. Thank you ACA!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Bronx on October 24, 2015, 02:51:08 am
Something that annoys me is when people are pointlessly mean to me for no reason.

For example, my school band had to play in the rain today, so we got wet. As we loaded into the bus, I said, "have you ever been so wet that you don't want to move because you'll become more wet?" Then a senior in our band who I liked and thought was funny (but never really talked to) looked at me and said, "have you ever wanted to kill yourself? Yeah. Me too."

I guess this really struck me because it didn't match what I had thought he was like. Oh well.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on October 28, 2015, 12:40:49 pm
I believe in free enterprise, but those who use or lobby for laws that help them make exorbitant profits off those who can't afford it really grinds my gears.

Example was the guy who bought the  generic aids drug that sold for $10 and raised it to
over $700. The excuse was. "It's no more expensive than other aids drugs." That's just one
we heard about, who knows how many other greedy people have done much the same. It's no different than charging people a huge profit for needs during a disaster. In many cases it's
legal, but people like that have no feelings for others and it drives up medical costs for
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on October 28, 2015, 12:45:26 pm
I believe in free enterprise, but those who use or lobby for laws that help them make exorbitant profits off those who can't afford it really grinds my gears.

American capitalism at it's worst.  :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on November 09, 2015, 10:49:35 pm
When websites I go to have broken links, missing pics, no message/post updates, etc.  :goldpissed:  It really pisses me off when webmasters don't properly care for the websites that they are running/maintaining.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 09, 2015, 11:05:16 pm
Drivers who do not maintain a safe stopping distance. Several times this morning, I thought I had a backseat passenger when looking in the rear-view mirror. They had stopped mere inches from my back bumper at red lights.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on November 11, 2015, 12:49:41 pm
Drivers who do not maintain a safe stopping distance. Several times this morning, I thought I had a backseat passenger when looking in the rear-view mirror. They had stopped mere inches from my back bumper at red lights.

Sometimes touching your brake pedal at random times will cause someone like that to
back off a bit. But I agree with you on the aggravation.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 11, 2015, 10:20:27 pm
I may have an opportunity to pick up some extra hours by helping a neighboring public utility. However, the added income could put me over a threshold which would reduce my ACA subsidy. The sharp reduction of subsidy would mean paying more for the same health insurance plan and negate any significant monetary gain. I could be worse off than before taking on the extra work.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Annie1456 on November 11, 2015, 11:26:55 pm
People who just put their chair against the wall insted of taking 15 more steps to properly put it away... >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Bronx on November 12, 2015, 11:15:30 pm
I hate it when people will think I should do something differently, but they don't actually say anything to me about it. They just try to "imply" how they feel.

Honesty, if people want something to change, they're gonna have to speak up. Things aren't gonna change if you don't.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on November 15, 2015, 01:00:25 pm
Government penalizing people for trying to help them selves then turn
around and give more to those who won't.

People should be incouraged to help them selves not discouraged.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 17, 2015, 10:01:55 pm
Someone left their unattended electronic devices charging at several tables in my favorite McDonalds. I couldn't use my favorite table for WiFi.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: viper213 on November 21, 2015, 07:36:20 am
Someone left their unattended electronic devices charging at several tables in my favorite McDonalds. I couldn't use my favorite table for WiFi.

the struggle for Wi-Fi is real. I myself am streaming music and playing some games onling
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 25, 2015, 12:40:48 am
For the third Summer in a row, my local chapter non-profit would not schedule a model rocket launch. Just a few hours on a Saturday is all we need. Either there's no interest, those in charge think we lack the equipment/supplies, or someone is holding it back due to his Summer job.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: HazardJackal on December 07, 2015, 11:49:40 am
My seemingly endless struggle to motivate myself, just in general.  The people around me seem to be have the skill down, i don't understand why it seems to be so much harder for me.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on December 07, 2015, 09:51:34 pm
My credit card bill for November never showed up in the mail. So I just got hit with a late charge, plus interest.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Bronx on December 07, 2015, 10:56:45 pm
Hate it when other people whistle.

My stepdad does this all the time, and he sits in the same room as me when I am doing my homework. Nearly impossible to concentrate. >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on December 14, 2015, 02:19:25 pm
I hate being around people that smoke. HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT!  >:( I can't stand second hand smoke. I can't stand people trying to talk to me with bad smoker's breath.  :goldpissed: :goldpissed: :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on December 16, 2015, 10:20:02 pm
A co-worker has made it his business to deny me use of the television in the control room during my lunch break by hiding the remote. Fortunately, I only have to endure this crap for another day.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on December 21, 2015, 04:45:17 pm
People who say they have to have a particular seat on the bus because it's their favorite.

Seriously?!  :o   >:(

If there's other seats that are empty on the bus, then just take one of those for crying out loud!  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Arachnid on December 22, 2015, 01:08:21 am
People constantly telling me to put pants on when its cold even though I'm not cold. Then latter getting lectured about wearing shorts during the winter and getting sick. God I wear what I want people need to learn to keep there mouths shut honestly.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Amducious on December 22, 2015, 01:58:14 am
People constantly telling me to put pants on when its cold even though I'm not cold. Then latter getting lectured about wearing shorts during the winter and getting sick. God I wear what I want people need to learn to keep there mouths shut honestly.
lol I'm the same way xP
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Literate Lycan on December 22, 2015, 03:33:33 am
I gotta chime in on this forum. I'm pretty tolerant but there are a couple of things which really grind my gears. And teeth.

People who think that stoplights and stop signs are personally inconvenient and can be ignored. Some guy actually honked at me because I had the audacity to stop for a red light before making a right turn (per the traffic laws in this state).

Library stereotypes. I used to work in a public library. Loved the job, but some of the questions/comments...Yes, I'm paid. I work full time and have a master's degree. That education doesn't come free. Yes we buy books. Publishers are in the business of selling books, not giving them away. No, just because it's an e-book online doesn't mean it's free. Copyright law means you'll be buying it until it's a public domain title, some time in the 22nd century. The card catalog is totally online. We stopped using drawers of paper cards in 1983. No, I haven't read every book in the branch, but I can tell you about the author, the series, the genre, so that I can recommend it to you. My "sensible shoes" are trail walkers from L.L. Bean. Google will not put libraries out of business.

The media's constant use of "lone wolf" to describe rogue terrorists and other bad guys. No self-respecting wolf would behave like that. Lone wolves have moved out from the packs where they grew up and are just looking for a place to settle down and raise a family. Call the bad guys lone psychos or whatever and leave the poor wolves out of it.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: HazardJackal on December 26, 2015, 01:06:46 am
People who do the bare minimum and expect the best possible reward.  :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on December 27, 2015, 08:17:37 pm
The intimidation mentality in general. The big vehicles, loud music, tattoos, funky clothes, coarse language, and aggressive behaviour. It's an expensive pastime, high maintenance, and troublesome.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Literate Lycan on December 29, 2015, 03:46:07 am
Something else which grinds my gears...


And even worse--robocallers who don't answer when I pick up the phone and all I get is 10 seconds of dead air.
*Snarls and bares teeth*

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Honey Bun on December 30, 2015, 05:58:49 pm
One of the only (little) things that grind my gears is when people think it's a good idea to yank my earbuds out of my ears when they want to talk to me. Or if they say something and can obviously see that I have earbuds in, so they pull them out before I even get a chance to take them out myself..... I'm a pretty easygoing person, but if you do this one thing... I will destroy you. *glares*
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on December 30, 2015, 08:29:15 pm
Our intelligent maintenance crew at work. We have a sump pump. This pump is in three parts. There's the pump itself. The float. And finally a computer control unit. So here's how this works. The float is connected to the control unit. When the float is triggered the control unit tells the pump to turn on. The pump will run for a pre determined amount of time set by the control unit. The pump pumps. I thought I'd through that in. Now in three weeks we've gone threw four pumps. They stayed on after all the water was gone. Causing them to overheat and burn up. Now here's the fun part. Maintenance claims the pump is burning up because no one is watching it. The pump sits in a three foot hole under a safety cover. There is no way to watch the pump. So maintenance replaces the pump and claims it's our fault. Because the pump is staying on to long. Then they replaced the next pump. Blame it on us because we're not watching the pump as it runs to long. Then they replace the next pump and blame it on us. Why? because it's running to long and burning up. Now the very same control unit sits untouched. The control unit that's telling the pump to stay on to long. The control unit maintenance has the only password to. So they can set how long the pump runs.  So the pump burns up. So maintenance can replace it and blame us for it. Am I gong to say anything? Oh no. No way. I'm having WAY to much fun with this.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on January 01, 2016, 12:15:25 pm
Car alarms.  >:(

Whenever I hear those things go off, they just keep going and going and going and.........
Very little, if ever, do I see anybody who cares about those things. No pedestrians or Police come to help out or investigate, etc. Nobody gives a crap about those things anymore, so why bother having them in your car?

Somebody's car alarm went off right outside my bedroom window and woke me up last night at around 5:45 in the morning. It never went off till about 6:15. Then it started up again at 6:30 and finally shut off at about 6:45.

What a damn way to spend my New Year's Eve and morning.  x_x  >:(  x_x  >:(  x_x  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on January 01, 2016, 06:14:33 pm
Snow plows came through two days after the storm. Most of the sleet-laden snow had melted by then.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: HazardJackal on January 02, 2016, 05:33:36 am
When i realize that i've burned a couple hours on the internet doing absolutely nothing worthwhile or entertaining.  It happens more than i'd like to admit.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Arachnid on January 02, 2016, 11:42:58 am
Games that don't have waypoints or really tell you where to go. Then you basically are running around in circles, passing the same place over and over again. Not that hard to put waypoints in is it?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on January 02, 2016, 01:19:50 pm
When i realize that i've burned a couple hours on the internet doing absolutely nothing worthwhile or entertaining.  It happens more than i'd like to admit.

I slightly have that same problem as well from time to time.  :-[
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Bronx on January 03, 2016, 02:34:39 am
I agree with Arachnid; I don't really care if the creators are trying to force me to explore the game world, looking for the same thing for hours is not enjoyable! >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on January 09, 2016, 09:34:29 pm
Neighbor firing up moto-cross bike and running it up and down the street this afternoon. Sounded like a chainsaw on wheels.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on January 29, 2016, 06:09:28 pm
It grates on me to have fellow staffers (in my local chapter public service organization) whose commitment seems minimal or maybe less than altruistic. They seldom wear a uniform, only set up events on the weekly meeting nights--almost never a weekend activity, unless it's an event beyond our control or set up by someone else. Mostly classroom and practice 48 weeks a year. One is given the impression that one person is blocking weekend activities as he moonlights on Saturday and has taken on extra duties at his church.  This shouldn't hold back our weekend plans--yet somehow it does. Camp, Hike, Get In Shape...fall on deaf ears here it seems, but that's what the public service announcement on the radio says.

No one takes advantage of funded weekend training, as this is often over an hour's drive and 0800 start times. You shouldn't take the training if you cannot be on hand when needed to apply what you've trained for--actual emergencies. 
I was asked to create an emblem for our chapter. They will expect something dynamic, because they have a high opinion of themselves. Yet if truth-in-advertising applied, an image of someone reading from a manuscript might result. Someone suggested crossed rifles with laser beams--for the annual laser tag event. That event was canceled this year btw.
We raise funds for activities which never seem to get carried out--like a field trip to a certain museum no longer mentioned. We pick up a few members, then lose about the same number that year. Then we wonder why we have retention issues. I help another chapter in a nearby county by fursuiting and have been offered a position there. Were it not 40 miles one-way, I would have transferred two years ago.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Ancusmitis on January 29, 2016, 10:19:59 pm
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Bronx on January 30, 2016, 02:31:01 am
When people try to hard to be something. Hipster, emo, etc
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Literate Lycan on February 21, 2016, 03:06:33 am
Apple Autocorrect's stubborn insistence that when I type "fursuit" I really meant to type "pursuit."
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on March 12, 2016, 12:30:41 am
Went to a Lenten walleye fish fry--all you can eat. Price to eat in has risen to $9. They run out of fish rather quickly on the serving line and it slows things down having to wait for them to refill. There's plenty of Mac & Cheese (new item) also mushy green bean casserole, but it's a fish dinner for goodness sake.

I go to a table in the back of the grade school gym/dining hall with my 2 Tablespoons of walleye and notice a lone table with kethup and tartar sauce--on ice--with a metal tray under a heat lamp. During past visits, a pan of fried fish would be placed under that heat lamp so folks wouldn't have to go back through the serving line to get seconds. This afternoon however, those condiments and equipment likely died of loneliness. An inexperienced crew may be to blame here.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kain (Asher) Eralf on March 12, 2016, 02:01:00 am
People who make "Mmmm" noises when eating and people who cuss every other word.

For the former, I rarely come across these people, and not everyone does it all of the time... but when they do... keep knives and other sharp objects away from me.
As for those with sailor-mouths, well, the urge to attack is much less compelling.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Taivana on March 13, 2016, 10:50:55 am
These reasons may seem quite petty, but hey, who am I to not take advantage of a rant topic?
A couple of things that come to mind which I hate:

Ignorance: When people know nothing about a certain topic but act like they do and argue with others who actually know what they're talking about.

When people give you advice even though you haven't asked for it.


Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Maddy on March 13, 2016, 06:13:10 pm
Chewing sounds. I eat alone for a reason.

When I can't read someone's emotions.

Homework assignments. More specifically, when I miss them.
I kid you not you seriously expect me to record playing on a glockenspiel over the weekend. Wat.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: HazardJackal on March 13, 2016, 07:45:09 pm
Me.  Mostly me.  But hey, i push through most of the crap i throw my way, so i can't complain... that much.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Bronx on March 13, 2016, 10:25:35 pm
My school's track coach. He never lets me know what's going on.

For example, a few weeks ago he sent us our practice schedule for exam week. The first day went fine, but the second day, he cancelled practice without telling me, then the third day he didn't even show up. Now we have a track meet on Friday, and we don't even know what events we're doing.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Maddy on March 13, 2016, 10:54:19 pm
My school's track coach. He never lets me know what's going on.

For example, a few weeks ago he sent us our practice schedule for exam week. The first day went fine, but the second day, he cancelled practice without telling me, then the third day he didn't even show up. Now we have a track meet on Friday, and we don't even know what events we're doing.
My God man, that's just sloppy. Have you got his email? Phone number? Anything to contact him?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on March 13, 2016, 10:58:30 pm
People who think that they are "know it all's" and tend to shoot their mouths off about subjects even though they don't know anything about the subject they are talking about and have never done any proper research about the subject.  :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Holt5 on March 14, 2016, 01:10:41 pm
Having a debate with someone and then having to remind them of the context in which my points are being made. When I try to help someone see an issue from my perspective, after acknowledging theirs, they criticize that perspective from the least relevant position that they can, as if assuming the worst of my viewpoint, and then deciding they've made a better case. 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Ancusmitis on March 14, 2016, 01:31:48 pm
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Helios_phi on March 22, 2016, 07:50:49 am
One of the only (little) things that grind my gears is when people think it's a good idea to yank my earbuds out of my ears when they want to talk to me. Or if they say something and can obviously see that I have earbuds in, so they pull them out before I even get a chance to take them out myself..... I'm a pretty easygoing person, but if you do this one thing... I will destroy you. *glares*

I would punch someone in the throat if they did that to me.
The amount of disrespect it shows to you to just grab your buds. No way man.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: HazardJackal on March 29, 2016, 12:19:43 pm
Screaming kids waking me up early in the morning.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on March 31, 2016, 01:33:22 pm
When people tell you to "Go look it up on the Internet!". But when they do, they say it in a sarcastic or derogatory way. It's as if they don't want to verbally talk to you or want to ignore you, etc.  I find this kind of behavior rude and disrespectful.  >:( 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Foxpup on April 01, 2016, 12:39:55 am
When people ask questions that can easily be answered by looking it up on the Internet. But when you tell them to, they refuse to do so or even take offence at the notion. It's as if they're too lazy to do any work themselves or just want to waste your time, etc. I find this kind of behaviour rude and disrespectful. :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on April 01, 2016, 12:04:02 pm
When people ask questions that can easily be answered by looking it up on the Internet. But when you tell them to, they refuse to do so or even take offence at the notion. It's as if they're too lazy to do any work themselves or just want to waste your time, etc. I find this kind of behaviour rude and disrespectful. :P

Was it really necessary to repeat what I said? That's really quite rude.  :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on April 01, 2016, 04:52:00 pm
  There's the staff member who makes statements that turn out to be hoaxes, or just to sound like he's going to take responsibility for a project--but nothing ever comes of it. Such as offering to build a battery-charging box for Li-Po batteries for the STEM kit RC plane, or hitting up his aeromodeler club pals for sheet balsa to build hand-launched gliders. Those remarks were made over two years ago, with no results.
This individual will dominate a public informational display by loading it up with several large expensive gas-powered model planes, which never leave the ground without his hand firmly attached. Anyone can visit our FB page or website to learn that these toys do not fly for us at all.
  He wages his own campaign which is more like propaganda. He's actually told visitors that the model planes haven't flown, and there's 3-4 of them displacing a lot of oxygen which could have been utilized promoting relevant programs. The same can be said of the balky RC plane flight simulator as it has yet to lead to actual flying of anything. It makes my job more difficult.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on April 03, 2016, 12:24:59 am
the fact that you need to be 18 years old (depends on where you live) to be able to do what you want. really tired of all this parent permission/people being required to tell/ask your parents stuff.

and the whole thing where people think that school makes you smarter/teaches you useful stuff. and that if you drop out you must be lazy/an idiot. hell every time i mention leaving people always start saying ill fail later on, and that it's a very stupid idea.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: HazardJackal on April 05, 2016, 03:27:37 am
My friends.  My dear, dear friends.  Love you guys to death, but seriously, did you guys even LEARN how to pick up after yourselves?

(This post refers to my in-person friends, not my internet friends.  Thankfully, you guys CAN'T crash at my house, wreck everything and leave like nothing happened!  It also means i can't order Blades, Wise and myself a pizza, like suggested about a year ago. :( )
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Bronx on April 06, 2016, 11:23:58 pm
The fact that we have a history test on Friday but my teacher literally has taught us hardly anything. It is a test over WWI.. You'd expect at least something to be worthwhile to teach.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on April 07, 2016, 07:50:23 pm
When "diehard and purist" Star Wars, Star Trek, and other major film franchise fans whine and complain about a movie or tv show saying every little detail is wrong or that science shouldn't do that, laws of physics are wrong, etc.  :P Give it a break, ok folks? So the producers get a few things wrong. BIG DEAL!  >:( Just enjoy the show for what it is: Fantasy entertainment. Stop trying to nitpick every damn thing in the show from costumes to language and everything in between.  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on April 11, 2016, 12:23:59 pm
Though I am a man it really irritates me how the females of the world have and
are treated. In the past especially. Some culutres still treat them like slaves and
children, and they use religion to justify it. I wouldn't be suprised if a man edited
the religious text to give men an excuse for such activity.

Women were and are taught to act frail and ignorant to please the male ego. Though
many women have less lifting strength, most are internally stronger than men. I wonder how
most men would handle being pregnant, much less giving birth. They even live longer.

Seems we men were taught women are the weaker sex and we have to protect them. I
have read that in the distant past society was more matriarchal. That is the far distant
past. I think the whole idea that women are less capable has been drilled into us for
ages.. There have been many heroic women in history, but men claim the vast majority
of the past.

i am sure many would argue, and say those crazy dames should stay home and let us
run the world. Like all of us we all have different personalities, some men are crazy just
as some women are.

This is not to mean social activities and enjoyment between the sexes should stop.
Just that women deserve the same respect as we men expect for our selves.

There have been advances for women over the last century, but there are those
who wish to return to the past. Help them realize what's good for them.

I don't claim to understand how women feel, this is what I see and it really
grinds my gears.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Samurai Kai on April 11, 2016, 11:09:06 pm
Men who think women shouldn't be on the front lines. I know not every woman is going to be suited for it but yeah, but to absolutely deny every single woman who wants to try? I want to be infantry someday, and maybe even hopefully officer. I know with the right training I'll get there, and I do agree with the fact that the physical standards should be the same, not lowered so it makes it "easier" for women. I just hate guys who try to discourage women like that. If that's something someone really wants to do, then let them try. If they fail, then so be it.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocco on April 13, 2016, 01:00:49 pm
When someone betrays me. Horrible writing skills, but they have to be REALLY bad to get me mad. The number one thing that gets me ready to kill someone more than anything is the use of chemical weapons on civilians. Especially on Americans, but it infuriates me even when they are foreign citizens. When instructions are "perfectly clear" but they aren't, and I get more ticked when no one will clarify or tells me to look at the instructions, which is why I was asking them in the first place.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 11, 2016, 11:42:20 pm
Misinterpretted rules and regulations. I was told during the last two unit inspections that I was supposed to be mission qualified in my specialty track. Being mission qualified means getting a call at o-dark-thirty to turn out for a possible search activity. My present job has no paid leave/vacation. So training to be mission ready is a waste of time. The inspector general is unsympathetic.

Using the chain of command, the question is kicked upstairs and I get my answer. One only needs to be mission qualified for advancement in the specialty track. I already hold a master rating. So there.

Another "ding" during an inspection was not attending a state-level conference in several years. I suspect a similar situation to that above and may kick that up the chain of command. The last time I attended such a conference, I wore my fursuit at some point.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on May 12, 2016, 11:15:34 am
People asking to many questions about what you were doing especially when you don't have the authority to ask
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 13, 2016, 07:29:15 pm
People getting all jittery over it being Friday The 13th...AAAIIIEEE!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kain (Asher) Eralf on May 13, 2016, 08:44:18 pm
People who constantly drive with just one hand; I get kinda jumpy and nit-picky when I'm in a car, and distracted driving... well it... drives me up the wall.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 15, 2016, 01:09:13 am
Neighbor working on his dirt bike after 10 PM when he had all day to do so. We include gunning the throttle.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocco on May 15, 2016, 01:19:56 am
Neighbor working on his dirt bike after 10 PM when he had all day to do so. We include gunning the throttle.
*hands you a Molotov Cocktail* Shake, throw, run.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Ancusmitis on May 15, 2016, 05:43:00 am
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: some_random_wusky on May 16, 2016, 12:03:52 pm
having 200 followers on vine, posting some furry stuff, and having the number drop to 175
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Yip on May 16, 2016, 01:19:48 pm
having 200 followers on vine, posting some furry stuff, and having the number drop to 175
Sounds to me like losing 25 followers that probably were not worth keeping anyway.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 17, 2016, 09:56:38 pm
having 200 followers on vine, posting some furry stuff, and having the number drop to 175

No great loss.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on June 04, 2016, 09:54:13 pm
When I see or hear or read about people who don't help other people.  >:( For example:
A carjacking is happening and nobody tries to stop the carjackers.
A person may be having a heart attack and nobody comes to give CPR.
A mugger tries to steal a woman's purse and nobody intervenes.

A lot of times, people just gawk, or are too afraid to interfere. Or maybe they are afraid of getting sued. Or worse yet, there's like this "You don't rat on others." mentality, especially among blacks and hispanics.

If people need help, then HELP THEM for Christ's sake!  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 05, 2016, 09:04:50 pm
Neighbor's ankle-biter dog yapping away at 0730. That's "Come 'N Get It!" for a RL coyote.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 12, 2016, 06:56:23 pm
People browsing merchandise in stores who cannot resist breaking the seal on the package to examine the contents as they prefer not to read the description or view the contents through the clear window. Then the item is stuffed back in and returned to the rack as damaged and un-sellable. Women tend to do this to hosiery, foundations, and cosmetics I've discovered. Men do it to outdoor gear and sporting goods.

These damaged goods end up in the clearance aisle or get donated to Goodwill or Salvation Army. I have personally found ammo, bullets (for handloading), long underwear, and even Zippo lighters which were opened because someone needed to personally examine the contents. (Got a nice Zippo for under $5 btw.)

The whackiest example of this is at the one SA Store I frequent. They often get packages of adult diapers/disposeable underwear. In a matter of days, each package will be torn open. I have referred to this person as The Diaper Bandit to store personnel.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on June 12, 2016, 07:28:55 pm
People browsing merchandise in stores who cannot resist breaking the seal on the package to examine the contents as they prefer not to read the description or view the contents through the clear window. Then the item is stuffed back in and returned to the rack as damaged and un-sellable. Women tend to do this to hosiery, foundations, and cosmetics I've discovered. Men do it to outdoor gear and sporting goods.

These damaged goods end up in the clearance aisle or get donated to Goodwill or Salvation Army. I have personally found ammo, bullets (for handloading), long underwear, and even Zippo lighters which were opened because someone needed to personally examine the contents. (Got a nice Zippo for under $5 btw.)

The whackiest example of this is at the one SA Store I frequent. They often get packages of adult diapers/disposeable underwear. In a matter of days, each package will be torn open. I have referred to this person as The Diaper Bandit to store personnel.

Yep, these things happened all the time when I used to work retail. But it wasn't just "looking" at the merchandise, it was more like shoplifting.  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 18, 2016, 06:48:51 am
Loud pickup truck returned following a hiatus of almost two weeks, so the whole neighborhood and a two-mile stretch of the local business district received a wake-up call at 0615 today. Returned with two cups of coffee by a slightly different route.

He can make a baby with his girlfriend, but cannot make a cuppa Joe.  
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Mylo09 on July 07, 2016, 03:26:30 am
As trivial as it may be i can't stand the absurd amount of Top 10 videos on youtube 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: EuthanasiaWaltz on July 07, 2016, 06:35:04 pm
Very little.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocco on July 08, 2016, 12:50:54 am
People talking about how bored they are. If you're safe enough to be bored, consider yourself lucky
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on July 08, 2016, 02:38:40 am
As trivial as it may be i can't stand the absurd amount of Top 10 videos on youtube
I hardly watch Youtube anymore. So many misleading titles and thumbnails. In addition to that, many videos are too long to even consider watching and many videos have bad or no editing and low quality content. I really hate seeing all the thumbnails with random red circles as well. :/
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on July 08, 2016, 11:38:29 pm
Nothing gets me hotter under the dog collar than when I see people's stolen pictures of fursuits being posted on Chinese or another country's costume website where that website is "selling" knockoff costumes of the original fursuiter mascot costume.  :goldpissed:

An example:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on July 09, 2016, 07:33:48 am

iv heard of that a lot from one of the fursuiters im a fan of (duke/ozkangaroo)

had a business making suits and apparently some company is making cheaper copies and he's losing business
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on July 09, 2016, 10:32:04 am

iv heard of that a lot from one of the fursuiters im a fan of (duke/ozkangaroo)

had a business making suits and apparently some company is making cheaper copies and he's losing business

Yeah, I'm not surprised. Seems to happen to a lot of fursuiters/fursuit makers. Heck, even pics of my suit got plastered on a Chinese website years ago.  >:( Chinese don't seem to care about copyrights, legal stuff, etc. All they ever know how to do is rip people off and steal, steal, steal. Seems to be their way of life.  :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Loc on July 09, 2016, 11:50:42 am
Wow... Overgeneralisation much Kobuk? Not all Chinese people steal things, and it is certainly not a way of life over there.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocco on July 09, 2016, 11:59:09 am
Wow... Overgeneralisation much Kobuk? Not all Chinese people steal things, and it is certainly not a way of life over there.
But you do have to admit, China has a history of stealing.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Loc on July 09, 2016, 12:00:54 pm
So do many other countries. It's a minority of a culture that does it, you can't just go "every Chinese person steals" any more than I can say "every American shoots kids".

Casual racism grinds my gears, is what I'm getting at here.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Avan on July 09, 2016, 12:04:07 pm

Yeah, I'm not surprised. Seems to happen to a lot of fursuiters/fursuit makers. Heck, even pics of my suit got plastered on a Chinese website years ago.  >:( Chinese don't seem to care about copyrights, legal stuff, etc. All they ever know how to do is rip people off and steal, steal, steal. Seems to be their way of life.  :P
Your casual racism grinds our gears. While we dont attach ourselves strongly to our genetic heritage, that is pretty offensive.

This sorta stuff happens elsewhere in the world too, like russia. And its a product of the government and lack of oversight and effective enforcement than anything else. It used to happen in europe and the united states too during the industrialization period back when oversight was lax. It still happens to this day in the US and Europe, people are just usually more clever about it to avoid getting caught/sued, while in china or russia they dont really need to hide it as much.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocco on July 09, 2016, 12:15:04 pm

Yeah, I'm not surprised. Seems to happen to a lot of fursuiters/fursuit makers. Heck, even pics of my suit got plastered on a Chinese website years ago.  >:( Chinese don't seem to care about copyrights, legal stuff, etc. All they ever know how to do is rip people off and steal, steal, steal. Seems to be their way of life.  :P
Your casual racism grinds our gears. While we dont attach ourselves strongly to our genetic heritage, that is pretty offensive.
... That's a joke, right? People from every country steal, it's what scum do. However, China has a history of it.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Avan on July 09, 2016, 12:37:26 pm

Yeah, I'm not surprised. Seems to happen to a lot of fursuiters/fursuit makers. Heck, even pics of my suit got plastered on a Chinese website years ago.  >:( Chinese don't seem to care about copyrights, legal stuff, etc. All they ever know how to do is rip people off and steal, steal, steal. Seems to be their way of life.  :P
Your casual racism grinds our gears. While we dont attach ourselves strongly to our genetic heritage, that is pretty offensive.
... That's a joke, right? People from every country steal, it's what scum do. However, China has a history of it.
Thats not a joke.
Are you completely forgetting all the scumbags of the industrial revolution? Using your train of thought, I could point at the entirety of the centuries spanning imperialist era too and say that "the Europeans certainly have a history of stealing and worse as well to such a degree that they make the modern unregulated knockoff companies in china look like kids on the playground sneaking snacks out of eachother's lunches, and that therefor stealing is their way of life and they've got a history of it", or some nonsense like that. Stealing and scumbags have happened across the globe all throughout recorded civilization. Is it worth singling any group out for it though? No. The average person isnt a thief in either of these contexts.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocco on July 09, 2016, 01:11:33 pm
Yes. Every nation goes through periods of being scum. Right now, the biggest stealing scum is China. Identify a problem (in this case, point at the worst offender, China), and try to raise awareness so that someday you might be able to put enough pressure on them.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Avan on July 09, 2016, 02:49:26 pm
Yes. Every nation goes through periods of being scum. Right now, the biggest stealing scum is China. Identify a problem (in this case, point at the worst offender, China), and try to raise awareness so that someday you might be able to put enough pressure on them.
It sounds like you are conflating a government's lack of enforcement over the offenders with the people at large. Kobuk was talking about them as a people, and I was refuting that.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocco on July 09, 2016, 06:12:42 pm
It is highly probable that the vast majority of Chinese aren't scum. However, they are led by and their image determined by scum.
The first part, about them not caring about legal and copyrights is an extremely valid point. The last part is a hair aggressive, but I don't really see it as a problem. To each his own though.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on July 11, 2016, 11:56:45 am
We hear on the news about perverts attacking kids, but we rarely hear about
the sex trade. Which is more common. Even in this country (USA). Kids help
kidnap other kids for money. Then put them in the sex slave network. Sometimes
even while they still live at home. Told their parents will die if they tell..

Every time I hear of a child disappearing I hope they weren't stolen for sex trade.
It really grinds my gears that it gets such little attention.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: JackalJames on July 12, 2016, 12:32:30 am
Oh man things that grind my gears? Might get long haha
-Racism as seen above, thanks for the example
-Really any sort of mistreatment of minorities
-People who say things like #alllivesmatter or #bluelivesmatter like you're missing the point friend
-People who say asexuals aren't lgbt
-Anyone supporting bathroom laws like in North Carolina can fight me
-Everyone pro Trump
-People who stand by while bad things happen
-privatized prisons
-People who say they love animals but don't bother to do any research on their pets and end up abusing them unintentionally
-People anthropomorphizing animals, which leads to unintentional abuse, like no Susan your dog is not smiling he is incredibly stressed because you won't stop hugging him. DOGS. DONT. LIKE. HUGS. (Usually)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocco on July 12, 2016, 11:35:20 am
Oh man things that grind my gears? Might get long haha
-Racism as seen above, thanks for the example
-Really any sort of mistreatment of minorities
-People who say things like #alllivesmatter or #bluelivesmatter like you're missing the point friend
-People who say asexuals aren't lgbt
-Anyone supporting bathroom laws like in North Carolina can fight me
-Everyone pro Trump
-People who stand by while bad things happen
-privatized prisons
-People who say they love animals but don't bother to do any research on their pets and end up abusing them unintentionally
-People anthropomorphizing animals, which leads to unintentional abuse, like no Susan your dog is not smiling he is incredibly stressed because you won't stop hugging him. DOGS. DONT. LIKE. HUGS. (Usually)
I agree, greed is bad. But greed is with every economic system, not just capitalism.
That was an over generalization which was logically possible.
Maybe mistreatment of anyone?
Answer this question with YES or NO. Do all lives matter?
Hi, I support North Carolina.
Curious, did you support Clinton or Sanders? (I am not pro Trump btw)
Not everyone is strong enough to stand up. But, yeah, people who do nothing bug me too (hence why I'm here)
Please, factually inform me how it is assured diabetes would have been cured. And also, take a look at the lovely Canadian healthcare system.
Agreed. Prisons shouldn't be a business.
It is not abuse to hug your dog. I fully agree though, learn what the reaction of the species is so you don't upset them (people hugging dogs is an instant face palm for me).
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on July 12, 2016, 02:01:37 pm
-People who say things like #alllivesmatter or #bluelivesmatter like you're missing the point friend

How about this?  :D
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocco on July 12, 2016, 03:32:25 pm
-People who say things like #alllivesmatter or #bluelivesmatter like you're missing the point friend

How about this?  :D
lol Love it Kobuk :)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Foxpup on July 13, 2016, 04:53:59 am
When software updates don't automatically migrate your configuration files from the old version. It turns out the latest Firefox ESR version stores its settings in ~/.mozilla/firefox-esr/ instead of ~/.mozilla/firefox/ (I guess in case you have a non-ESR version installed on the same system, even though you can't do that?), a fact I discovered when I restarted Firefox after the update and all my extensions vanished. :o
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: JackalJames on July 13, 2016, 06:36:32 am
Oh man things that grind my gears? Might get long haha
-Racism as seen above, thanks for the example
-Really any sort of mistreatment of minorities
-People who say things like #alllivesmatter or #bluelivesmatter like you're missing the point friend
-People who say asexuals aren't lgbt
-Anyone supporting bathroom laws like in North Carolina can fight me
-Everyone pro Trump
-People who stand by while bad things happen
-privatized prisons
-People who say they love animals but don't bother to do any research on their pets and end up abusing them unintentionally
-People anthropomorphizing animals, which leads to unintentional abuse, like no Susan your dog is not smiling he is incredibly stressed because you won't stop hugging him. DOGS. DONT. LIKE. HUGS. (Usually)
I agree, greed is bad. But greed is with every economic system, not just capitalism.
That was an over generalization which was logically possible.
Maybe mistreatment of anyone?
Answer this question with YES or NO. Do all lives matter?
Hi, I support North Carolina.
Curious, did you support Clinton or Sanders? (I am not pro Trump btw)
Not everyone is strong enough to stand up. But, yeah, people who do nothing bug me too (hence why I'm here)
Please, factually inform me how it is assured diabetes would have been cured. And also, take a look at the lovely Canadian healthcare system.
Agreed. Prisons shouldn't be a business.
It is not abuse to hug your dog. I fully agree though, learn what the reaction of the species is so you don't upset them (people hugging dogs is an instant face palm for me).
-I know greed is present in all economic systems, that's one of many reasons communism didn't work
-Generalizing all Chinese people is a form of racism
-mistreatment of anyone is bad but I specified minorities because they are at a disadvantage
-trying to force me to answer that in a yes or no manner is oversimplification because if I say yes that takes away from black lives matter and if I say no I look like a bad person, don't try to put me in that position. Black lives matter was made because it is a movement against the racist murders and mistreatment of black people. It's something that not all lives experience.
-my statement stands and you are one of the people who grinds my gears, you're supporting discrimination laws
-I liked most of what Bernie had to say, I am not a fan of Clinton in the least, I think she's a liar who will say anything and pay anything to get what she wants
-I can understand in some cases why people won't stand up for others, but as a general rule those who ignore inequality only perpetuate it and I hold them, and myself as I've done it too, responsible
-don't take that one so literally, my point was more that a huge part of there not being a cure for, not just diabetes but a ton of diseases, is because the medical industry makes way too much money off of people's illness to cure it
-no hugging a dog isn't abuse, but if someone does it frequently with no regard to the animals discomfort they more than likely do unintentionally abuse their dog in other ways, that was just an example of people anthropomorphizing their animals
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on July 18, 2016, 11:09:32 pm
Bozos on the expressway who speed up when you signal for a lane change.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Beag L. Howler on July 19, 2016, 03:45:15 pm
When folks say "things could be worse." Thanks for giving me all the ideas of how things could get worse.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on July 22, 2016, 11:03:06 am
Many of those who advertise like to tell how good something is in large print. Then in tiny
print they give the details that might spoil or reduce the sales.

It really grinds my gears when people in business try to take advantage of people with
misleading advertisements.

Perhaps businesses found doing this kind of advertiseing should be required to have.
"Buyer Beware." on all their ads in large print. Along with the details.

Greedy people are the main cause of regulations.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Fleeyock on July 25, 2016, 04:56:35 am
What really annoys me?

Dogs who beg at your plate. Irresistibly innocent puppy dog faces giving you the biggest guilt trip ever.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 07, 2016, 09:38:12 pm
A neighbor two houses over has an ankle-biter dog with a sharp yap. They set it out to do it's business, but then go to sleep and forget about it. So the dog yaps and yaps in a shrill piercing tone in the wee hours of the morning until they finally bring it back inside. By that time, its useless trying to go back to sleep.

 Why the dog hasn't been scooped up by eagles or a passing coyote is a mystery.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: HazardJackal on August 07, 2016, 11:18:18 pm
Me. :)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 08, 2016, 11:55:56 pm
Country music. Basically pop music sung in a Southern dialect or bluegrass and ballads. No one in this area talks like that. One station calls itself Moose Country but there are no country bands up where moose roam. Not from Alaska, Vermont, Maine, Minnesota, northern Michigan or Canada. Ironic.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 09, 2016, 12:18:29 am
Hip Hop and Rap music.  :P  :P  :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on August 09, 2016, 12:30:40 am
^ what kobuk said

country music is ok sometimes imo
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 09, 2016, 04:37:23 pm
This song was probably written for Kobuk:

Another One Rides The Bus (https://youtu.be/tZkouut-9RQ)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Chipper Blu-wolf on August 12, 2016, 09:04:00 pm
What grinds my gears:

A general lack of respect for anyone and everyone.  From rude language, to being on phones 24/7, to pushy attitudes, it just seems like society needs a bit of a reboot on what it means to have common decency for your fellow man.  Maybe its where I live that it just seems worse than usual.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 13, 2016, 09:45:44 pm
Mid-week I tried to get a large soda fountain drink (on sale) but there were several dudes ahead of me with travel mugs the size of milk jugs. Rather than wait 15-20 minutes, I beat a hasty retreat.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 13, 2016, 10:40:09 pm
Mid-week I tried to get a large soda fountain drink (on sale) but there were several dudes ahead of me with travel mugs the size of milk jugs. Rather than wait 15-20 minutes, I beat a hasty retreat.

Must have been mugs similar to this size. I have an old Code Red Mt. Dew mug from 2002 I think. I rarely use it anymore...........since I don't like Code Red.  :P

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on August 14, 2016, 07:10:25 am
lying game developers who either straight out lie about features, or say things in very strange ways that makes them technically not lying (but building hype for a game)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on August 14, 2016, 12:42:01 pm
I imagine most young people love playing with computers. I know
I would have loved to have one when i was a kid.

But it grinds my gears the way manufactures push technology on the
public at large. smart Cell phones, Tablets, laptops and many other
high tech devices. All saying it's to make life better. Easier, and safer.

Granted all this is true, but what if a terrorist who happens to be smart
enough to wreck the internet for days or weeks. Our electrical power
entwork is controled with computers online. Shut that down and cities
will loose water, refrigeration, air conditioning. Sewer treatment. ect.

That's just one thing. We push schools to provide computers for the students.
Tablets, and laptops. I kind of think kids love interactive devices. I know
I do. But what happens to those kids in the future if they have to get along
without a calculator, or computer. Or heaven forbid no internet or cell phones.

We need to teach our young people how to live with pencil and paper, and books.
Slide rules,  and other non electronic devices. I know people say."They need to learn
how to use them."  Well I kind of think one can learn how to use a calculator or computer
pretty quick. Using softwarre isn't that difficult if you know how to read a book. They can
learn how to build them in college.

It's the manufactures that push to put computers in schools. Apple started this back
in the 1980's To make a market for their systems. I think computers are fine, but
let's not become so dependant on them.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 14, 2016, 12:59:46 pm
But what happens to those kids in the future if they have to get along
without a calculator, or computer. Or heaven forbid no internet or cell phones.


We need to teach our young people how to live with pencil and paper, and books.
Slide rules,  and other non electronic devices. I know people say."They need to learn
how to use them."  Well I kind of think one can learn how to use a calculator or computer
pretty quick. Using softwarre isn't that difficult if you know how to read a book. They can
learn how to build them in college.

Random kid: "A book? Pencil and paper? OMG, that is so ancient. Why would I ever want to use those.  :P  *laughs while walking away with his head buried in his smartphone*

Granted all this is true, but what if a terrorist who happens to be smart
enough to wreck the internet for days or weeks. Our electrical power
entwork is controled with computers online. Shut that down and cities
will loose water, refrigeration, air conditioning. Sewer treatment. ect.

That's the scary thing about computers and technology in today's modern world. Society has become too dependent on it to do everything for us. Want to really knock a country out without having to go to war? Just fly a couple hundred cruise missiles with EMP pulse generators over the cities, countryside, etc. to knock out electrical grids and so forth. Or better yet, explode a very powerful and high yield nuclear weapon very high in the atmosphere over a country. The resultant EMP discharge will knock out communications and electrical grids for hundreds or thousands of miles around.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on August 15, 2016, 09:06:05 am
"But what happens to those kids in the future if they have to get along
without a calculator, or computer. Or heaven forbid no internet or cell phones. "

calculators would be a pretty difficult thing to get rid of. those things have hard wired circuits, and no software to perform calculations so an EMP would literally be strong enough to fry the wires. though anything that uses software will likely be scrambled, and things that are hooked up to large power sources might be heavily damaged.

"That's just one thing. We push schools to provide computers for the students.
Tablets, and laptops. I kind of think kids love interactive devices. I know
I do. "
funny thing about that stuff is that it actually doesn't make work any better (besides having the ability to easily copy/edit/save) also the computers at my "blue ribbon" high school are junk (my iphone runs better, and faster than those things) they somehow get new 2016 I-macs and make them run very slow (while they are able to run some large programs, they crash alot, and they are slower than my mid 2009 macbook pro)

"We need to teach our young people how to live with pencil and paper, and books.
Slide rules,  and other non electronic devices.?"
i think people should be taught a mixture of simple electronic devices (ones that can survive an EMP) and then how to keep things organized without the easy stuff of computers

for me the biggest thing would be that my entertainment system would be gone (though if the US were to get EMPed, and stuff like internet/electronics were destroyed. we would have bigger problems for me to deal with) once im out of high school and actually have a stable life or something like that ill possibly keep an EMP safe computer, and storage devices to keep valuable information.

"Granted all this is true, but what if a terrorist who happens to be smart
enough to wreck the internet for days or weeks. Our electrical power
entwork is controled with computers online. Shut that down and cities
will loose water, refrigeration, air conditioning. Sewer treatment. ect."
reason i would really like it if the electric grid, and other stuff was more focused on individual areas instead of linking everything together.

Now as for what really bothers me about this is that school does not in any way prepare people for dealing with situations like this. we are coming to an age where we have alot of reliance on electronics/internet to make life simpler/more enjoyable, and that is a prime area for anyone to attack us. we should be prepared to deal with a situation without this stuff, survival stuff, and other stuff should be taught in school.

though the thing iv noticed after listening/participating in some arguments/discussions is that many parents don't want children to be exposed to that type of stuff/the idea of that type of situation because "they should never be in a situation like that". yes while they should never have to deal with it, that doesnt mean that it will not happen.

though if we add that to schools we should just change the whole education system. i have been complaining for about 3 years about how this information will not help me in life but people either dont listen to me, or agree with me but dont do anything. i'd love for them to teach useful stuff but i cant do this on my own, but it seems no one wants to help out...
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on August 15, 2016, 12:38:24 pm
"But what happens to those kids in the future if they have to get along
without a calculator, or computer. Or heaven forbid no internet or cell phones. "

calculators would be a pretty difficult thing to get rid of. those things have hard wired circuits, and no software to perform calculations so an EMP would literally be strong enough to fry the wires. though anything that uses software will likely be scrambled, and things that are hooked up to large power sources might be heavily damaged.

"That's just one thing. We push schools to provide computers for the students.
Tablets, and laptops. I kind of think kids love interactive devices. I know
I do. "
funny thing about that stuff is that it actually doesn't make work any better (besides having the ability to easily copy/edit/save) also the computers at my "blue ribbon" high school are junk (my iphone runs better, and faster than those things) they somehow get new 2016 I-macs and make them run very slow (while they are able to run some large programs, they crash alot, and they are slower than my mid 2009 macbook pro)

"We need to teach our young people how to live with pencil and paper, and books.
Slide rules,  and other non electronic devices.?"
i think people should be taught a mixture of simple electronic devices (ones that can survive an EMP) and then how to keep things organized without the easy stuff of computers

for me the biggest thing would be that my entertainment system would be gone (though if the US were to get EMPed, and stuff like internet/electronics were destroyed. we would have bigger problems for me to deal with) once im out of high school and actually have a stable life or something like that ill possibly keep an EMP safe computer, and storage devices to keep valuable information.

"Granted all this is true, but what if a terrorist who happens to be smart
enough to wreck the internet for days or weeks. Our electrical power
entwork is controled with computers online. Shut that down and cities
will loose water, refrigeration, air conditioning. Sewer treatment. ect."
reason i would really like it if the electric grid, and other stuff was more focused on individual areas instead of linking everything together.

Now as for what really bothers me about this is that school does not in any way prepare people for dealing with situations like this. we are coming to an age where we have alot of reliance on electronics/internet to make life simpler/more enjoyable, and that is a prime area for anyone to attack us. we should be prepared to deal with a situation without this stuff, survival stuff, and other stuff should be taught in school.

though the thing iv noticed after listening/participating in some arguments/discussions is that many parents don't want children to be exposed to that type of stuff/the idea of that type of situation because "they should never be in a situation like that". yes while they should never have to deal with it, that doesnt mean that it will not happen.

though if we add that to schools we should just change the whole education system. i have been complaining for about 3 years about how this information will not help me in life but people either dont listen to me, or agree with me but dont do anything. i'd love for them to teach useful stuff but i cant do this on my own, but it seems no one wants to help out...

I have heard that school (grade and high school) is mostly about learning how to learn. To give one
a basic understanding of history and how to live in society. Apparently not how to build a new
life if they ever need to.

I do think schools should teach kids how to survive if we loose our electronic conveniences. But
as you say we have parents with their heads in the sand and fingers crossed. Unfortuantly for
some future generation there will be much suffering because of it.

We have moved from an agrarian society to a suburban one over the past century. We in
the midwest, would likely fair better, with many farms, but even younger farmers have
grown to depend on electricity, and refrigeration. When I was a kid there still were
farmers that could live quite well without electricity. Wind up phonograph, battery radio,
coal oil lamps, out houses, cisterns with hand operated pumps. wood fired cooking, ect.
We have forgotten how to enjoy life the way people did a century ago.. Granted it wasn't
always fun or easy, but one could live without modern conveniences. Some over a 100 years.

Even our politicians want to pass along problems to the next generation, and ignore problems
most people don't want to think about. Or even paid not to deal with it.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 15, 2016, 09:00:25 pm
Sheeple.  :P  What are sheeple? People who don't think or question those around them, various actions, etc.  They just accept whatever is put in front of them and blindly follow who or whatever tells them to do.  >:(


Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 15, 2016, 11:56:12 pm
The neighbors hired someone to cut down most of the trees on their property, except for the dead walnut tree near my garage.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on August 18, 2016, 12:38:20 pm
A new gear to grind. Selling for profit or filling a need. :P

It seems large computer companies send out salesmen/lobbyists  to convince goverment
entities they need the biggest and best computer systems they make. In many cases this
is a waste of money. Most things like 911, police, and other agencies could operate well
with good  quality systems that the big companies would call Personal Computers.

But they don't make a lot of money selling PC's do they.. Now there are times when
powerful systems are needed, like the Military, and financal banking system that
stretch around the world. The stock market handles millions of transactions.

But a small city handling records,  of various typs don't need huge systems. At one
time a powerful computer was the center of many terminal stations. Now they are
more likely to be wireless networks where one can log in for retriving data.

I remember in the 1970's talking to a friend who worked for the state police. He said the
state baught a computer system to make it easier to look up llcence plates and data
instead of having to look in a book for it. The new system cost over fifty thousand,
not counting the high priced software to run it. Yes he only had to type in the request
to get the info instead of a minute or two of looking with no book updates.. And of
course the company that sold them the system had a new one to sell the state in a
couple years.

Then when 911 came along the big computer compainies were out selling systems.
Selling them on reliability and room to grow. And if it breaks we will be there the
same day to fix it.  Why not have a dozen good quality PC's instead. If one
faile you have another to boot up, or keep two running.  No they spend huge sums
for the fancy systems and want more taxes to pay for it.  It's rather redundant anyway
as the phone company knows where you are.. 911 is mostly operators you tell your
problems to, and they call the ambalance, fire or police, and where to go.

Before the computer generation businesses had excellant file card systems. You could
look up a file in a minute or less. Sometimes I think we were better off that way. Computers
are only as good as the people who use them, and there is always someone wanting to
sell the latest model.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 20, 2016, 06:32:56 pm
"Hey man, you got a light?"
"Hey man, you got a cig?"
"Hey man, you got a phone I can borrow to make a call?"
"Hey man, can you spare some change for the bus?"

...........etc., etc.   :P

I can't stand beggars, freeloaders, and people looking for free handouts. I am not a bank, charity, grocery store, AT&T, etc.
If you want something in life, then get a damn job and work for it!!!   :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Robert_Silvermyst on August 20, 2016, 06:42:39 pm
The entitlement mentality. People more and more are wanting everything to be handed to them, not for virtue, but to get something for nothing.  My best friend's brother intentionally milks the system, and when I asked him why he doesn't look for work, he straight up tells me 'Because why work when I can sit on my ____ and get paid?'.  He got his benefits not from working, but from faking suicide attempts.

No person is entitled to anything just because they exist. I should not have my tax money going to feed someone's drug habit or let someone sit on their tush because 'why work?'.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 20, 2016, 06:44:19 pm
The entitlement mentality. People more and more are wanting everything to be handed to them, not for virtue, but to get something for nothing.  My best friend's brother intentionally milks the system, and when I asked him why he doesn't look for work, he straight up tells me 'Because why work when I can sit on my ____ and get paid?'.  He got his benefits not from working, but from faking suicide attempts.

No person is entitled to anything just because they exist. I should not have my tax money going to feed someone's drug habit or let someone sit on their tush because 'why work?'.

AMEN!  :)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Loc on August 20, 2016, 07:22:03 pm
On the other hand though, people don't ask to be born and not everyone can get work or is able to work. They deserve to be supported by a system that has otherwise failed them.

What grinds my gears is that I have been trying to find work since I left university, not managed to get any due to my degree, and yet I still get lumped into the "too lazy, burn her" camp.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on August 21, 2016, 08:11:19 am
On the other hand though, people don't ask to be born and not everyone can get work or is able to work. They deserve to be supported by a system that has otherwise failed them.

^ agree a lot with this statement. got into a few arguments about this.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on August 21, 2016, 01:45:36 pm
Entitlement programs are often miss used since elected officials are afraid to toughen
them up for fear of loosing an election.

The programs themselves aren't bad it's how people miss use them. If a person knows
someone is cheating or otherwise being fraudulent they should report it. If the public
would get involved instead of just fussing things would likely be better.

In a civilized world we must help those who need it. Do we wish to let people starve and
die in the streets if they can't work? This will likely result in more crime and disease. Then
we can feed them in prison where they sit around doing nothing. Not counting the health
care costs.

The big problem is the cost of living. To have a place to live, car, insurance, food, utilities.
clothing, costs more than the minimum wage. If a person is getting all this on welfare how
can they justify getting a job that puts them in a worse condition? Some people are working
two jobs trying to make ends meet.

To get people off welfare they have to see an advantage to it, telling them they will starve
and die if they don't get a job is a good insentive, but rather barbaric. We as a society need to
find a way to help the poor make a better life for themselves. Otherwise it will go on just as it is.

It's just like the old saying. "Give a man a fish, or give him a way to fish." The latter still works
the best.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 21, 2016, 03:47:24 pm
Furcon videos and photos that never seem to get posted. Ya can't swing a cat plushie without hitting someone with a camera at a furcon it seems. Fursuits make great camera targets. Yet there are few images posted--and often by just one or two people--including me. I know some disappointed fursuit performers who have noticed this trend. Local parade events could fall into this category too.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 21, 2016, 04:10:28 pm
Furcon videos and photos that never seem to get posted. Ya can't swing a cat plushie without hitting someone with a camera at a furcon it seems. Fursuits make great camera targets. Yet there are few images posted--and often by just one or two people--including me. I know some disappointed fursuit performers who have noticed this trend. Local parade events could fall into this category too.

Gotta agree with ya there. ;) Especially on Furtopia. Years ago, we used to have people who would post their furcon pics and stories in the Convention or Photo forum. But now..........nothing.  :( Now it's like if anybody wants to see anything, you need to go to Flickr or Facebook where most furcons have set up special groups to post and see stuff.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on August 24, 2016, 12:39:51 pm
Seems some people think items people need should cost more.Priced according
to value.  Now I am all for free interprise, but if a person charged people suffering
from a disaster $10 dollars for a pint of water because they knew people would die
without it. a price of value. It's likely that person would end up in jail or despised 
Especially if it only cost the person selling it $1 dollar.

It's no differnt when a pharmaceutical company charges 10+ times more than they
need to make a reasonable profit to people who need a medicine to live. They claim
it's based on value since it saves a life.

I ran a business for 30 years and never charged anyone extra because of need. It's
a shameful practice, and should be illegal. Especially if it affects life or health.  It is illegal
for people in business to get together with others in the same business  and charge high
prices for items.

Those in government could put a stop to this, but those in big business pay them
not to. Hopefully the people will come to realize they can put a stop to it and kick
the greedy people out of government.  People in other countries have put limits
on corporate greed. I think it's time we did too.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 24, 2016, 09:53:09 pm
 A break rules/bend rules to-get-ahead mentality on the roadways. You follow the traffic laws while these folks blaze around you to get wherever they are going.  Having risked their lives, and possibly yours, in order to gain some slight advantage, to manage to overtake them at the next traffic light without having to break a single rule.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on August 24, 2016, 11:26:21 pm
Seems some people think items people need should cost more.Priced according
to value.  Now I am all for free interprise, but if a person charged people suffering
from a disaster $10 dollars for a pint of water because they knew people would die
without it.

completely agree with this whole post.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on August 25, 2016, 09:43:38 am
well just remembered another things that bothers me alot...

i really hate all the restrictions placed on dogs (or any other reasonable pets). like where you can bring them, how they are treated, the expenses of traveling with them, all the paper work, ect. hell my dog is trained very well, and has almost no behavior problems (from the dogs iv seen he is the best behaving dog (excluding expensive service dogs)) yet he is still treated/considered to be like any other dog.

i will likely be able to get him registered as a emotional support service dog, but even then iv heard that many places dont even considered that type of service dog as being necessary, and still give you problems over it. hell if it weren't for this dog i might not have even lived to today, and this dog is still giving me the motivation to continue living. it's ridiculous how much of a pain they make it for me to bring him around with me when he poses almost no threat to anyone.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 25, 2016, 10:13:44 pm
When I patronized a certain coin-op laundry. There was the joker who would enter the establishment, make several selections on the juke box, and then leave. The music was usually rather raunchy.

Upon removing my laundry from the washer, I would sometimes find a rolled-up band-aid inside that wasn't there when I began. Someone may have been trying to give me some disease. (I would usually leave to get some dinner while the wash was running,) Told the clerk about it. Someone likely dumped it in through the detergent chute.

Smoking in laundromats. Many do not permit any smoking, but this one had a smoking section. The smokers would still carry their cigarettes through the non-smoking to see the clerk. So that fresh stack of folded laundry comes out smelling like Marlboro Country.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Holt5 on September 05, 2016, 12:12:47 pm
Country music. Basically pop music sung in a Southern dialect or bluegrass and ballads. No one in this area talks like that. One station calls itself Moose Country but there are no country bands up where moose roam. Not from Alaska, Vermont, Maine, Minnesota, northern Michigan or Canada. Ironic.

Rap and country for me. Not a big fan of ska either.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on September 05, 2016, 10:39:55 pm
Noisy truck guy's dog got loose and took a big dump in my backyard.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on September 06, 2016, 09:20:06 am
people not explaining things correctly.

last semester i got 2/5 credits for history, and science, and 0/5 credits for animation class.

when i was switching over to independent study the teacher said that it would be a continuation of the class, but for some reason i didnt get full credits. the recent meeting i had was with a different teacher/administrator and they said that i didnt finish those courses since i switched over to independent study, the thing is that i was never told that i'd lose those credits/effort i put in, and the previous teacher said continuation.

so now in order to graduate i might have to retake a full semester of those classes, even though i am meant to have full credits. i got a meeting tomorrow so ill try to explain to my new teacher that i was meant to be continuing those courses.

edit: turns out i dont get those credits... so yay the school is screwing up my life even more
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on September 06, 2016, 11:17:25 pm
Opening an OOP model kit to discover that a major part is defective.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on September 19, 2016, 11:22:04 pm
Set up a model rocket launch for my group three weeks in advance. Offered free rocket motors to those bringing their own to launch. At least three kids said they would try to attend. Weather was rainy in the morning, as forecast. Launch scheduled for the evening, the final two hours of daylight. Skies were perfect for the launch, but more folks from a neighboring county came out than my group. None of the kids who said they would attend ever showed.  
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocoro on September 30, 2016, 02:57:51 pm
Set up a model rocket launch for my group three weeks in advance. Offered free rocket motors to those bringing their own to launch. At least three kids said they would try to attend. Weather was rainy in the morning, as forecast. Launch scheduled for the evening, the final two hours of daylight. Skies were perfect for the launch, but more folks from a neighboring county came out than my group. None of the kids who said they would attend ever showed.

Sorry :(  Sometimes kids are busy and just say things to make someone feel good or bad. Kids can be untrustworthy.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocoro on September 30, 2016, 02:58:58 pm
I drive all over Washington state and people DON'T BOTHER TO PUT ON THEIR FRONT LICENSE PLATES. Like geez it's required here but 1/6th of the people I see on the roads just don't bother to do it. It's like it's a suggestion.

Harmless really, but still grinds my gears.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on October 01, 2016, 06:45:40 am
Neighbor's loud truck requires more time to warm up than to drive the four blocks to where he parked the semi he drives. Also, people who honk instead of getting out and using the doorbell.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on October 10, 2016, 11:05:44 pm
Sometimes it takes longer to return empty cans and bottles than to shop for groceries. This happens regularly at one of the stores where I shop. There are "professional" can return specialists, requiring a shopping cart to bring in their empties. It's not practical to wait to return my 6-8 cans--so I don't. Oftentimes these "professionals" just cash out and buy a lottery ticket.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on October 11, 2016, 06:51:01 pm
Although there's nothing I can do about it, I get peeved every time I hear about people who disregard authorities and plan to stay where they are even in the face of danger like floods, hurricanes, wildfires, tsunamis, or other serious natural disasters.

Nothing.......and I mean nothing........is more important than saving your own life or that of others. Not your house, your car, your video game system, your tv, your kitchen dishes, etc., etc., etc.  When the authorities tell you to get out of the way of potentially dangerous weather, then DO IT!

Your life and those of others are far more important than your possessions. Anything you lost can be rebuilt or re-bought. You can't say the same for your life.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on October 15, 2016, 03:49:37 pm
Every day, I browse Facebook groups like CNN, History Channel, Discovery, etc.  When there are stories being posted that have absolutely NO relation to Trump, Clinton, or politics in general, it seems Trump trolls have to go and derail the comments section and ruin things for everybody else. This pisses me off!  :goldpissed:  It can be any non-political news story such as "Largest Pumpkin Contest" or even that story recently about the conjoined twins being separated who were joined at the head. For crying out loud! What the hell does Trump and/or Clinton have to do with conjoined twins being separated? Absolutely nothing!

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on October 15, 2016, 08:40:42 pm
btw kobuk to me it seems as if those might just been trolls, not necessarily "trump trolls" they just do what ever they can to piss people off and have been around long before 2016 but trump is just a popular "trigger" just remember not to feed them.

as for another thing that bothers me.. its extremely annoying when ever school over complicates work. for example when they assign "artistic" projects, or when they want a paragraph of info that can easily be explained in 1-2 sentences.

recently got a project to make a presentation to try to get students excited to learn about variables, exponents, and ect. by saying how you use them in your daily/career life. instead of a presentation i could just list bullet points of how it helps but i guess not...
also got a project where i need to make a magazine cover for the bill of rights with illustrations and stuff...

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on October 16, 2016, 10:56:24 am
What grinds my gears is when politicians of either party refuse to answer
questions by the media. They don't say I don't want to answer it, they just
spin off into a speech they want to make.  >:(

Sometimes I wish they would shut their microphone off till they agree to
answer the questions.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on October 21, 2016, 12:29:59 pm
It seems politicians never want to run on their own record. Instead they
run against their opponets record, and tell us either how bad it is or how
much better they are. It would be refreshing if we could just hear from
each candidate their ideas, and plans for what they wish to do.

I think the best thing would be to limit campains to 3 months, not a year
and a half.  I and I think most people grow weary of all this nonsense.

Of course the people who make money from all the adds would have them
running from election to election. We need the politicians doing their jobs
not out running for office.. Sometimes I think they forget the reason we elect
them is do the work. Not out trying to get re elected.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on November 02, 2016, 03:54:48 pm
People who feel the need to speed through construction zones and/or ignore construction signs, warnings, and crews.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 02, 2016, 10:45:42 pm
People who buy large vehicles but cannot drive them effectively. I have seen 4WD trucks and SUVs either upended in ditches, highway medians, or flipped on their roof. Likely former college students who drove low-profile economy cars to school until starting careers and families, then switching to a larger vehicle with a high Center of Gravity and applying the same driving habits.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on November 24, 2016, 10:50:27 am
We used to see the T day parades on TV, but now we only see song and
dance routines.  Not counting all the interviews of singers, dancers and
actors. instead of bands, floats, and balloons.

They do show tiny tidbits of the actual parade. Sigh, I guess if you want to
see it you will have to go there personally. I might be getting old, but I think
some things about the holidays should be sacred. They could have all the show
biz stuff at a later time.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Beag L. Howler on December 25, 2016, 06:47:16 pm
When people complain about being single. Complaining won't get you a date, if you ask me.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on December 26, 2016, 07:47:12 am
Stupid tax laws.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on January 31, 2017, 12:26:51 am
The street-legal freight locomotive firing up and rolling out at half past midnight last night.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Foxpup on February 02, 2017, 02:28:52 am
Eggcorns becoming an accepted part of the language. I'm currently confused and infuriated by my recent discovery that the phrase "strait and narrow" is spelt "straight and narrow" in most dictionaries, even though no Bible spells it that way. And if one did it would be a blatant error, since the point of that passage is that the path to Heaven is difficult to follow, and what's so difficult to about a straight path, regardless of how narrow it is? It doesn't make sense. Anyone who knows what the words mean can see that it doesn't make sense. How does an obviously nonsensical misspelling of a well-known Bible quote end up in a dictionary? I don't understand.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on February 03, 2017, 12:12:19 am
The next-door neighbors have not a wage earner among them for at least five years, but do not lack for video games, cigarettes, cel phones, pets, tatoos, and weekly charcoal bbq cookouts.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 13, 2017, 07:44:59 am
Trash fires when there's regular trash pickup in the area. Plus there's a No Open Burning Rule in my county.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on May 13, 2017, 10:49:33 am
People who use their knowledge of human nature
to take advantage of others.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on May 13, 2017, 06:21:24 pm
People having a loud and obnoxious argument right outside my bedroom window at 2 AM.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 14, 2017, 11:27:24 am
Neighbor's dog barking in the wee hours of the morning.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 20, 2017, 07:58:57 am
I present an aerospace topic for the local group on the third meeting night of the month, but received an email that someone else would take up the mantle this week. Because AeroEd needs to be fresh and dynamic so we retain membership--or something like that. So we sat through an hour presentation on RC model planes.

The old shiney airplane models that appear at random over the years, often crowding out all else, have yet to take to the sky when anyone is looking. Somehow these will provide the sole motivation to keep members on the roster a bit longer. Somehow, getting young people to rise at O-dark-thirty on a Saturday to carpool across county lines just to fly someone else's model plane for a few five-minute intervals is going to work when they can make the same effort to fly in an actual airplane for almost a half-hour.  I do not share this mindset. Sorry.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on May 21, 2017, 01:28:38 pm
Do you know what really grinds my gears? You America fudge you!
Anyone know that one?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on May 21, 2017, 11:54:55 pm
I present an aerospace topic for the local group on the third meeting night of the month, but received an email that someone else would take up the mantle this week. Because AeroEd needs to be fresh and dynamic so we retain membeship--or something like that. So we sat through an hour presentation on RC model planes.

The old shiney airplane models that appear at random over the years, often crowding out all else, have yet to take to the sky when anyone is looking. Somehow these will provide the sole motivation to keep members on the roster a bit longer. Somehow, getting young people to rise at O-dark-thirty on a Saturday to carpool across county lines just to fly someone else's model plane for a few five-minute intervals is going to work when they can make the same effort to fly in an actual airplane for almost a half-hour.  I do not share this mindset. Sorry.

Exactly why I never joined any of those clubs.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on May 24, 2017, 10:09:15 pm
It really aggravates me when people don't take proper care of DVD's.  >:( Sometimes I'll buy used DVD movies at a retail store, or check DVD movies out at the library, and what do I find? Scratches, nicks, smears, fingerprints, etc., etc.  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 31, 2017, 12:32:30 am
I likely paid more to attend a sci-fi con with declining attendance this weekend than for the bustling furry con a month ago.

Was also asked to appear in fursuit with a marching unit in a parade on the same Saturday as the SF con, but would involve a 300-mile round trip--half in heavy holiday traffic. Sometimes, one needs to set limits.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on June 17, 2017, 11:55:57 am
Ever notice how professionals look out for each other?
Members of congress
and other professionals tend to stand together if one of
their own is in trouble.

This is fine if the person is innocent of wrong doing but in
many cases they will cover for each other even if their
colleague is guilty, or even has a record of being corrupt.

Colleague friendship is fine, but if someone is guilty of wrong
doing it hurts everyone in that profession.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 24, 2017, 01:10:00 pm
The speed limit here has been raised to 75 mph on certain roads. Little else has changed as I'm still being overtaken and passed by about as many cars as before on the commute each way.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on June 24, 2017, 03:19:50 pm
The increase of hatred, racism, and bigotry in this country, especially during the last 12 months due to the Presidential campaigns, debates, and election. And it just seems to get worse as the weeks and months drag on.  :( Lincoln was right: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."  Republicans against Democrats. Liberals vs. Conservatives. Americans against........Americans.  :o I hope this country doesn't erupt into another civil war........or worse.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Storm Fox on July 18, 2017, 02:16:58 am
Mashed potato brains.
Those with minima numerus IQ syndrome.
And those who can somehow manage to be so immensely butt brained so as to drive their 7 foot clown car right into an undeniably visible and safely parked 17 foot 9 inch classic car in an open parking lot.

(And yes, that last one is awfully specific.) :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on July 18, 2017, 01:18:36 pm
Unbelievably snobby forum members. I have a lot of hobbies. Furry is just one of many. My main interests are music and art. Those two hobbies have their own set of snobs. These snobs are then condensed and packed down tight into their own... i was going to say a body part, but we'll say forums instead.  On one particular forum someone asked for help. The pants dropped. There was a lot bending over.  And the forum members started talking. Not only did the cheeks not address the question. They proceeded to plummet this person deeper and deeper into a state of impossibility. Making this person believe it would take years of practice and technique to acquire those results.  All by doing everything except what the original question was all about. So I posted. Hoping that the person needing help was still looking for answers. I not only answered the questions. I let the person know just how easy it is to achieve professional results. All without showing off and trying to make myself more important than anyone else.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: chaos_1152 on July 20, 2017, 03:54:38 pm
Blank post.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on July 20, 2017, 07:27:38 pm
Blank post.

People who have nothing to say.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: chaos_1152 on July 21, 2017, 03:33:25 am
Blank post.

People who have nothing to say.

I did but it was too personal/drama for here so i changed my mind. There no delete button. lol
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: ShopePapilloma on July 21, 2017, 09:47:28 am
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on July 21, 2017, 11:00:14 am
I love irony. Till it happens to me.... :D

I'm guessing the person I tried to help left after the multiple "you can't" posts. I hate it when forums get that way.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on July 23, 2017, 08:56:54 pm
It was once the case when public affairs was the last position anyone wanted. Now it seems that everyone else thinks they can do the job better--and with no more resources than are available to me.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Beag L. Howler on July 31, 2017, 07:05:58 am
Clickbait. No, I don't care about whatever this child celebrity looks like as a grown up. No, I don't want to know what fruit I'm eating that's slowing down my metabolism or whatever.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rainy on July 31, 2017, 10:12:49 pm
Clickbait. No, I don't care about whatever this child celebrity looks like as a grown up. No, I don't want to know what fruit I'm eating that's slowing down my metabolism or whatever.

How about what kind of toast you are? and 10 reasons why?  (:

People who listen to you but don't care what you say. They interupt you and don't care what you are talking about. I have to be careful around these people because I get the itching urge to roast them with my responses.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 02, 2017, 10:13:37 pm
Being told by someone not engaged in social media that I'm not doing any social media for our local chapter.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: chaos_1152 on August 13, 2017, 04:48:19 pm
Users making threads that would fit a personal journal and then running to the mods crying that people made replies giving there views/opinion's.

Had this happen on 2 other furry forums.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 15, 2017, 06:26:49 pm
Politics, SJW's, Liberalism, etc. seems to know no bounds as it's invading even the sci-fi/fantasy and modeling communities. :(
Woke up this past weekend on Saturday and browsed FB for awhile. Noticed that somebody had posted a drawn picture of a Star Trek type ship in a Star Trek FB group that I am a member of. What made this picture different was that it had a Nazi swastika on the ship (I saved the picture to my comp before it got deleted.). Germany, the Nazi's, WWII, etc. is nothing new in Star Trek. There's been quite a few tv episodes that have dealt with time travel, changing timelines, etc. in relation to Germany and the Nazi's. From what I read and understood of the person's post before it got deleted was that he mentioned what if Jonathan Archer from the Star Trek Enterprise tv series accidentally went back in time and the Nazi's had gotten a hold of Starfleet technology. What would their ships look like? So the guy made a ship that resembled classic Starfleet ships, but with the added twist of having a swastika symbol on it. Nothing in this guy's post suggested he was trying to promote Nazism, hatred, etc., etc. He was simply trying to show some sort of time travel/history change that Star Trek is notorious for during most of it's various tv shows.

And then, the backlash followed.  :o

People yelling and screaming for the post to be removed because it and the offending swastika symbol were offensive to them.
So how is this any different from the swastika seen on the F-117 in the sci-fi movie Philadelphia Experiment II? Or people who build German ships and aircraft, and tanks with the swastika on it? Or what about the half or mostly naked nose art of women on bomber noses in WWII that some people say is sexist? Or what about the Confederate symbol on the roof of the General Lee car from The Dukes of Hazard? And I could give more examples of offensive stuff, but I'm sure you get the general idea.
No matter how bad or offensive these things might be to some people, they are a part of history. No matter how much people try to censor them out for whatever reasons, you can't get rid of them completely. You might as well get used to it and deal with it. And if you can't get a backbone or grow some balls, then please go back to your safe space and stay there. The rest of the world doesn't need to hear your crybaby whining. I have no problem looking at these things. Does it mean I'm sexist, racist, hate monger, etc. for liking these things? No. I just view them because they are a part of history and I don't like to see history "cleansed" of these images because people find them offensive.

When it comes to "revisionist history", I wonder who really is the worst at it: the Alt-right (KKK, Neo-nazi's, etc.) or the Alt-left (Progressives, Liberals, etc.) ?  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Loc on August 15, 2017, 08:34:31 pm
What grinds my gears is people thinking those fighting against oppression and hatred are as bad as those who literally advocate the extermination of large parts of the population.

Another lot of people fought against oppression and fascism back in the 40s. Funny, people aren't whining against them being progressive liberals, but when it happens today...


On a lighter note, what also annoys me is the neighbours complaining whenever someone else uses the completely free, public parking space along our road that they prefer to use. They have a double driveway, and yet never park on it and complain when someone else takes "their" parking spot.

Also people selling things, listing it as Free, who then say "make me an offer".
That's not what free means. If you have a price in mind, then say it and we can work from there.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 16, 2017, 12:16:39 am
Here's another thing that grinds my gears: The KKK, neo-Nazi's, and/or other alt-right hate groups preaching "white power" and/or that society should be for whites only, or that only "pure" white people should vote, hold office, etc., etc.

Got a news flash for ya. There's no such thing as 100% white or 100% black or 100% hispanic, etc., etc.  The human race has been traveling, intermingling, marrying, interbreeding, etc. for countless centuries. Egyptians and Polish. Chinese and Norwegians. Hondurans and South Africans. And on and on and on and on. You can claim you are 100% American or Chinese or Swedish or some other race or ethnicity all you want. But the straight fact is, you're a mixture of different peoples. Want proof? Feel free to find some place to run a DNA test on you. Or better yet, research your geneaology and family history and see how far back it goes and who married whom, etc.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Lorne on August 16, 2017, 10:22:29 pm
Everything. Everything and Everyone grinds my gears. I don't even have gears left, just perfectly polished wheels that don't even touch anymore :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 16, 2017, 11:16:53 pm
Went back to the social media account that I set up and moderate for a local non-profit public service chapter to try to learn how long it's been. Coming up on thirty months. Also discovered that the person who told me I had not done any social media, had actually posted reactions to several posts. The last being 15 months ago. OOPS!

This dude really believes I am internet dysfunctional, or has selective amnesia.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on September 14, 2017, 02:17:54 pm
People who sit behind me on the bus who have bad smokers breath or who have been drinking.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: weese on September 18, 2017, 10:02:03 pm
Leaving your highbeams on while driving or having incorrectly adjusted headlights. It's the drivers responsibility to know how to operate the car and to make sure it is working properly. Not knowing how to turn on the headlights isn't an excuse not to use them. It also infuriates me that the police don't enforce this nearly enough.

*End grumpy old man rant :3*
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on September 19, 2017, 05:37:03 pm
Leaving your highbeams on while driving or having incorrectly adjusted headlights. It's the drivers responsibility to know how to operate the car and to make sure it is working properly. Not knowing how to turn on the headlights isn't an excuse not to use them. It also infuriates me that the police don't enforce this nearly enough.

*End grumpy old man rant :3*

What grinds my gears are people who think they have the right to force their opinion on others. It's one to stop someone from hurting people. It's another to say "You can't do that because it's not fair." A christian bakery shouldn't have to make a cake for a gay wedding if they don't want to. They have the right to refuse customers, and there are no shortage of bakeries who would gladly bake that cake. If you hate hairy people then that's your business and your right. I think you're pretty messed up in the head, but it's still you're right. When you start harassing hairy people and acting on that hate in a way that harassed or harms others, though, is when we have a big problem.

In short: People (in the United States) need to stop dividing themselves and seek unity. We need to agree to disagree so that we can become truly one nation again. This division among us is intentional, and it is designed to cause our destruction. As Benjamin Franklin said: "Join or Die"
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on September 19, 2017, 08:40:42 pm
This division among us is intentional, and it is designed to cause our destruction. As Benjamin Franklin said: "Join or Die"

And we all know who started all this division. Clue: D.T.  >:(

Anyway......back on topic. What grinds my gears is people who pay for bus fare with all dimes or all nickels or all pennies.  >:( GO TO A DAMN BANK AND GET IT EXCHANGED FOR DOLLAR BILLS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on September 19, 2017, 09:29:04 pm
And we all know who started all this division. Clue: D.T.  >:(
The division goes back a lot further than him. It's been there since before Carter at least, and I might point my finger back to LBJ or even Wilson.

Also, who the heck paves a road four inches above the man-holes? Really? You had one job, and it wasn't to ruin my suspension.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on September 25, 2017, 07:33:31 am
People who do not understand that language changes over time and the definition of words and syntax (grammar) of the English language is not set in stone. For example, people who get upset when "should of" is used in replacement of "should have".
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on September 25, 2017, 07:41:04 am
What grinds my gears are people who think they have the right to force their opinion on others. It's one to stop someone from hurting people. It's another to say "You can't do that because it's not fair." A christian bakery shouldn't have to make a cake for a gay wedding if they don't want to. They have the right to refuse customers, and there are no shortage of bakeries who would gladly bake that cake.
Ah, the old bakery thing. Refusal of service to someone by discriminating against their sexual orientation is illegal in many states and countries. It is illegal because you are denying service and treating that person as less than equal.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Foxpup on September 25, 2017, 11:17:37 am
People who do not understand that language changes over time and the definition of words and syntax (grammar) of the English language is not set in stone. For example, people who get upset when "should of" is used in replacement of "should have".
No, I understand perfectly. I accept "irregardless" as using a non-standard double-negative for emphasis; there ain't nothing wrong with that. I'll even accept "conversate"; that it's unnecessarily long is hardly a valid criticism when the same can be said of "converse". But I draw the line at using one word when another is meant for no other reason than the writer being too illiterate to know the difference.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Keitsu on September 26, 2017, 03:40:44 am
People who do not understand that language changes over time and the definition of words and syntax (grammar) of the English language is not set in stone. For example, people who get upset when "should of" is used in replacement of "should have".
No, I understand perfectly. I accept "irregardless" as using a non-standard double-negative for emphasis; there ain't nothing wrong with that. I'll even accept "conversate"; that it's unnecessarily long is hardly a valid criticism when the same can be said of "converse". But I draw the line at using one word when another is meant for no other reason than the writer being too illiterate to know the difference.
Australians really like to shorten words. Using a different word does not mean that we are illiterate.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Foxpup on September 26, 2017, 04:11:55 am
Australians really like to shorten words. Using a different word does not mean that we are illiterate.
I'm Australian myself, and I like brevity as much as the next guy, but "of" is not a shortened form of "have", it's just the wrong word. Nobody who writes "should of" does so because they decided that "have" has two letters too many. Besides, "should have" already has two shortened forms, "should've" and "shoulda", neither of which misuse a word to mean something it doesn't.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Yip on September 26, 2017, 08:31:39 am
I'm Australian myself, and I like brevity as much as the next guy, but "of" is not a shortened form of "have", it's just the wrong word. Nobody who writes "should of" does so because they decided that "have" has two letters too many. Besides, "should have" already has two shortened forms, "should've" and "shoulda", neither of which misuse a word to mean something it doesn't.
"Should of" = "should've" when they are spoken. So I don't see how this is more of a grammar offense than something like "irregardless" where it literally would mean the opposite of what they mean it to mean.

On that note, I dislike it when people use the word "literally" for emphasis rather than to say it is literal. The reason this "grinds my gears" is because it breaks down the ability for the word to convey the meaning it's suppose to convey. The whole point of language is to convey meaning, so I don't like it when words are used in ways that could get in the way of conveying meaning. But it otherwise does not bother me if words are used differently for stylistic choice or to conveying meaning in other ways.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Yip on September 26, 2017, 09:04:36 am
I really really hate it when after I spend like an hour or so writing out a message to someone and then there is a problem sending it, and the browser just completely drops the message.  x_x   Because of this problem, I usually try to type longer messages in a different program first and copy it over. But that's way less convenient and most of the time not necessary. It's those few times that it is necessary were it gets you.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on September 26, 2017, 02:24:10 pm
1. Political Correctness


2. People who get offended over the littlest things. So much so, that they have to scream, rant, and make a big protest just to get their way or their "15 minutes of fame" or who knows what else.  :P Seems like a person can't do anything or go anywhere in this world without somebody getting all butthurt because the least littlest thing offended them in some way.
For example, if a pat of butter is not positioned correctly on a stack of pancakes or is not melting and flowing evenly on the stack, I'm sure somebody somewhere is going all bonkers and throwing a hissy fit and that person is all offended because the stack of pancakes with the pat of butter did not fit their perception of what a stack of pancakes should be like. So now they have to go and whine and complain about the cook and/or the waitress who fouled up their order. Then the story reaches the local news, then the national news, then who knows what. Oh my God! The world is going to end because the pancakes weren't perfect. Somebody save me from this terrible travesty! Oh, the agony!  Seriously folks, it's just a stack of pancakes. Get over it and just eat it for Christ's sake!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Loc on September 26, 2017, 03:06:41 pm
People who complain about other people having rights.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on September 28, 2017, 09:17:40 pm
People who use wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much hairspray, perfume, and aftershave. *cough, cough*  :P  x_x 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kaiden on September 29, 2017, 03:18:09 am
When people step on my toes for being religious, but then ask for a prayer for their sick and dying mother, or talk about how they're scared of ghosts or demons.

Don't tell me you don't believe in an afterlife if you think we comeback as spirits.

Or that you don't believe in God, then ask for prayers.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on September 29, 2017, 05:59:54 am
Waking up after four hours of sleep and being unable to fall back asleep again. Every. Friggin'. Night.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on October 07, 2017, 07:32:47 pm
A classic sporting rifle purchased recently would not fire regular ammunition. It would fire pistol ammo--in a chamber insert--but not full-size full-power rifle ammo for which it is chambered. Gunsmith said congealed oil was slowing down the firing pin/striker and to blast the bolt assembly with solvent or brake cleaner.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on October 07, 2017, 09:47:44 pm
Group school projects. It never fails that out of a group of five at least one person never shows up, two others come and do a little work now and then, and you and the other guy end up working your tails off to get the project done in time... so the other people that don't do anything can get a good grade too.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Iara Warriorfeather on October 07, 2017, 10:03:37 pm
Saying stupid things you regret to people you care about on a regular basis and then wondering why you don't have any friends.  :'(

*cough* me *cough*
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kaiden on October 07, 2017, 10:09:02 pm
Group school projects. It never fails that out of a group of five at least one person never shows up, two others come and do a little work now and then, and you and the other guy end up working your tails off to get the project done in time... so the other people that don't do anything can get a good grade too.

I'm petty though, I'd ask to do my own separate project, if told no, I would just put in minimal effort too.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on October 08, 2017, 12:13:03 pm
People who are unable or unwilling to work together as a team.  
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on October 20, 2017, 05:21:39 pm
Owners of large motor vehicles who do not seem to know how to drive them.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on October 23, 2017, 12:48:49 pm
People who complain, then sit back and wait for
someone else to fix a problem. Then fuss because
they  didn't fix it right.

Seems to be a favorite pastimes of americans.  :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Citr on October 23, 2017, 03:51:48 pm
What really grinds my gears is when some of my friends don't take me seriously when I politely ask them not to touch me. They think it's real humorous to touch me even more when I've told them when I don't like being touched! I already feel gross about myself and making fun of my personal boundaries isn't making it any better.

People who complain, then sit back and wait for
someone else to fix a problem. Then fuss because
they  didn't fix it right.

This is the worst, it's rude enough to expect others do everything for them but then having the audacity to complain about it being wrong is almost a whole new level of being obnoxious.  :o
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Sling on November 02, 2017, 10:34:14 am
Owners of large motor vehicles who do not seem to know how to drive them.


People who can't drive or don't pay enough attention to correctly do so. ONE WAY means ONE WAY. YIELD means wait for other vehicles to go by BEFORE you merge. You don't need to run a stop sign to get through the intersection first. You should be going faster than 30 mph when merging onto a highway. Tailgating me when I'm already doing 5-10 mph over the limit will not make me move faster. LANE CLOSED means move the hell over as soon as you can, not wait to the last minute and cut everyone else off. A turn lane is not a passing lane. OH MY ****ING GOD, GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND FOCUS ON THE ROAD!


*Deep breath*

Phew... got that out of my system...
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on November 03, 2017, 02:57:02 pm
Owners of large motor vehicles who do not seem to know how to drive them.


People who can't drive or don't pay enough attention to correctly do so. ONE WAY means ONE WAY. YIELD means wait for other vehicles to go by BEFORE you merge. You don't need to run a stop sign to get through the intersection first. You should be going faster than 30 mph when merging onto a highway. Tailgating me when I'm already doing 5-10 mph over the limit will not make me move faster. LANE CLOSED means move the hell over as soon as you can, not wait to the last minute and cut everyone else off. A turn lane is not a passing lane. OH MY ****ING GOD, GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND FOCUS ON THE ROAD!


*Deep breath*

Phew... got that out of my system...

I got you beat. There's been an "epidemic" of people driving the wrong way on highways and on/off ramps here in Milwaukee.  :o  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Sling on November 03, 2017, 06:29:29 pm
Owners of large motor vehicles who do not seem to know how to drive them.


People who can't drive or don't pay enough attention to correctly do so. ONE WAY means ONE WAY. YIELD means wait for other vehicles to go by BEFORE you merge. You don't need to run a stop sign to get through the intersection first. You should be going faster than 30 mph when merging onto a highway. Tailgating me when I'm already doing 5-10 mph over the limit will not make me move faster. LANE CLOSED means move the hell over as soon as you can, not wait to the last minute and cut everyone else off. A turn lane is not a passing lane. OH MY ****ING GOD, GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND FOCUS ON THE ROAD!


*Deep breath*

Phew... got that out of my system...

I got you beat. There's been an "epidemic" of people driving the wrong way on highways and on/off ramps here in Milwaukee.  :o  >:(

Woa. That's scary. Remind me to never drive in Milwaukee then.  :o
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 09, 2017, 07:20:46 pm
People at work who tear a perfectly good donut in half, then eat one half, leaving the other. No one wants the other half because someone touched it. So the remaining half goes to waste.

As per the Big Car comment: I have actually seen overturned SUVs during icy weather. My theory being that the driver previously drove a low-profile compact with some pep as a student. Then once in a good-paying job and raising a family, bought a car with a higher center of gravity yet kept the same driving style.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on December 27, 2017, 09:07:13 pm
I like analog-type wrist watches sometimes because one need not press a button to read the time in low light conditions. However correcting the date function may take some effort. The method of making said correction varies from make to make.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on December 30, 2017, 11:26:19 am
People who don't cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough when they are sick.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on January 07, 2018, 12:15:38 am
People who don't cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough when they are sick.  >:(

And then want to shake hands with you.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on January 07, 2018, 12:28:50 am
People who when the light turns green stay parked till it turns yellow. I don't drive around that much. This has happened twice in two different towns. Is this becoming a 'thing' now?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on January 07, 2018, 03:14:05 pm
People who feel the need to insert political words, phrases, and hate into EVERYTHING. I just got off a FB modeling group where I saw one person write "Oh, you didn't paint that aircraft canopy correct. You must be a liberal."

It's really getting out of hand/control where people have to spew their political hatreds/comments into things that aren't even political whatsoever.  >:( In short, leave the damn politics out of Star Wars, model building, ice fishing, travel vacations, and anything else that ISN'T political.

Seriously, some people need to shut up and grow up!  >:(  >:(  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on January 07, 2018, 06:49:20 pm
Kobuk, I'd have to reply to that like this. "No, I'm not lied to and used enough to the point where I can't make my own decisions. I'm still an American."
And let them rant on. Be the best you can be. Don't leave.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on January 07, 2018, 07:23:05 pm
Another thing that grinds my gears is when people start using the words "fake news" for just about anything. Even stuff that isn't political.  >:(

"That didn't happen in the film. It must be fake news!"
"Leonardo da Vinci didn't paint the Mona Lisa. If he did, then it's fake news!"
"There was no Great Depression in the 1920's. It's all fake news!"
.........and on and on and on and on.  :P

It's like, all of a sudden, people are not just questioning and critisising all the media and politics around them and calling it fake news, but they are also calling all of our history, films, etc., etc. fake as well?

Sorry, folks. But what happened in the past actually happened. It is not fake!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on January 15, 2018, 05:13:06 pm
Paypal! They were supposed to verify my card last year and they still haven't done it yet!  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on February 27, 2018, 10:54:25 pm
All the folks driving around in hoodies with their hoods up. It gives them tunnel vision. Plus the player in Assassin's Creed wouldn't be caught dead driving such a conveyance. Save the cosplay for the renfair or comicon for safety's sake.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on March 23, 2018, 05:26:51 pm
Bought a new battery for my laptop a few months ago and it's already taking a dive. Battery status reads "97% available (plugged in, not charging)". Good thing I have a spare.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on March 24, 2018, 01:37:56 am
Printer Ink!
Always buying ink .  The printer sits there spinning its wheels, priming the ink tanks prior to printing.  Why? I just printed!  Stop sucking ink out of the tank!
Even with ink refill kits, its costly when a lot of ink is just lost to priming!

I print a lot of graphics/photos, so I need a printer.  I am thinking of going tankless.. using hoses to a remote bulk tank... like the pros.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on April 03, 2018, 08:01:51 pm
All the folks driving around in hoodies with their hoods up. It gives them tunnel vision. Plus the player in Assassin's Creed wouldn't be caught dead driving such a conveyance. Save the cosplay for the renfair or comicon for safety's sake.

The battery seems to be chugging along. Must be a glitch.

Drivers who ignore Keep Right or One Way Signs at public parking lots.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on April 03, 2018, 09:50:42 pm
People in heavy traffic who will not move with a sense of urgency. (Walking or driving)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on April 04, 2018, 11:10:28 am
Yahoo's instant messenger used to be a fairly nice app, but then they
started to change it, and it went down from there. I quit  it sometime

 :P :P :P

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on April 14, 2018, 11:36:13 am
Had a great physical exam last year, then my doctor retired. This year, a new doctor and concerns over elevated blood pressure. Only a few days after Easter feasting and a few from the next furcon. So either I gotta watch what I eat (less sodium) or go on meds.  So I'm looking at my routine diet, and I'm under the daily 2000mg anyway. My usual breakfast is about 5% Daily Value, lunch is about 25%, dinner maybe 50% If I'm lucky. Chocolate is very low sodium btw.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on April 14, 2018, 12:43:09 pm
Had a great physical exam last year, then my doctor retired. This year, a new doctor and concerns over elevated blood pressure. Only a few days after Easter feasting and a few from the next furcon. So either I gotta watch what I eat (less sodium) or go on meds.  So I'm looking at my routine diet, and I'm under the daily 2000mg anyway. My usual breakfast is about 5% Daily Value, lunch is about 25%, dinner maybe 50% If I'm lucky. Chocolate is very low sodium btw.

It seems levels like blood pressure and other body chemicals need to be held to a
closer tolerance than in the past. I heard the other day they feel that blood pressure
should be lower than they had previously thought. Like 120 /70 instead of a high
thats closer to 140/90.

Of course one should cut back on salt,sugar, and caffeine. All of which
in excess are bad for anyone.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on April 21, 2018, 09:00:24 am
Call from doctor's office with blood work results. Somewhat elevated levels or some such. They want me to see a urologist. Have to change primary care doctor before they can set up an appointment. Fasted almost nine hours before giving blood too. Maybe I should get a second opinion.  
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on April 22, 2018, 07:54:15 am
One and a half projects, one lab report (big lab), one math test (bombed first one, need to do well on this one),and three problem sets all due before Friday.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on April 27, 2018, 06:20:13 am
When you scrape off your windshield only to have it immediately frost up again on the outside while driving (before the engine is warm, of course).
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on May 12, 2018, 10:44:17 pm
People who drive through my lawn in a rain storm and grind grooves out, which the landlord expects me to fix!  This has happened 4 times in the last 5 years. Makes me a little more than mad when some one invades my territory with so much disrespect.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 13, 2018, 01:16:50 am
Someone offers to remove the remains of a fallen tree from your property on a set day for a fee, then fails to show up.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on May 25, 2018, 12:12:03 pm
A system of justest attempts to give all members of a society
equall protection under it's laws. Unfortunately down through
history the rich and powerful have generally had a advantage
over the weak and the poor. Perhaps to give some legal protection
to lawmakers and leadership is needed. But should not be due to
riches or influence.

Greed continues to influence laws and those who work with the
legal system. Lawyers desiring wealth would not be in favor of 
limiting fees, or being required to  defend the poor with all the
zeal they would for a rich person.

I am sure many debates about how people are treated under the
law are made in law schools. Still the system generally favor's
the rich and powerful.

I doubt if there is any way to be fair to all, but I have always felt
the legal system should want to find the truth. With the truth
known, guilt or innocent is almost always revealed. Finding the
truth first would tend to  balance the system, and to hold prosecutors
responsible if found they broke the law to gain favor should help too. As
is a man or woman can spend years in prison due to a prosecutor   
wanting to keep his/her job receives little or no punishment.

With the truth decided then the guilty could receive a hearing to determen
any punishment. His/her legal defense would be provided by the state to keep
the defendants money or power irrelevant.

In cases where the truth can't be found we could fall back on the current
system. Still the prosecution should be held responsible for hiding any truths
or facts with the possibility of punishment.

I am sure law schools wish to maintain the status quo, but change should be
considered, or power will largely prevail.

I am sure there are cases where this might be unfair, but we should try to improve
the legal system.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on May 25, 2018, 01:22:21 pm
People with really bad BO who get on the bus.  >:(  x_x
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kay Alett on May 25, 2018, 08:14:18 pm
People with really bad BO who get on the bus.  >:(  x_x
People with really bad BO in general. >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on May 26, 2018, 10:52:00 am
People with really bad BO who get on the bus.  >:(  x_x
People with really bad BO in general. >:(

Yes and those with gas too.  x_x
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on May 27, 2018, 02:51:33 am
People with really bad BO who get on the bus.  >:(  x_x
People with really bad BO in general. >:(

Yes and those with gas too.  x_x

And people with bad breath, especially smoker's breath.  :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Storm Fox on June 01, 2018, 02:45:35 am
People who use technology simply because it exists.

A recent example... A local grocery store requires people to sign up for a "shoppers card" to get the advertised sales, that's annoyingly pointless enough as it is (why not just have normal sale prices).
But now the sales are starting to be offerd as "digital coupons" so everyone is supposed to make an online account for their card account so they can download "coupons" for the sale items to the account that their card is paired to so that when they use their shoppers card at the store people can get the sales they advertise.

Just because technology exists to make this possible doesn't mean it makes any sense to actually do so.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 01, 2018, 04:27:12 pm
Motorists in such a rush to attend an event that they are unconcerned over parking across two--or more--parking spaces. These spots may be free, but this poses an inconvenience to others in need of vehicle parking.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Yip on June 02, 2018, 12:03:06 pm
Yahoo's instant messenger used to be a fairly nice app, but then they
started to change it, and it went down from there. I quit  it sometime

 :P :P :P
Not just Yahoo instant messenger. Yahoo mail is not as good as it used to be either. The only reason I didn't stop using it is because it'd be a pain to get everything I want sent to a different email address.

Also, Google Maps is now awful. It loads so slow now. Which is particularly annoying because the state it loads to when you first search for something is almost always zoomed in too close, and the zoom buttons are one of the last page elements to load.  I rarely ever use it now.

I'm not against changes, but seriously, they should make sure that things at least work a smoothly as what they are replacing.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on June 03, 2018, 09:29:34 pm
What grinds my gears is when my neighbor has a bonfire 100' up wind  of my evaporative cooler air intake,  for 12 hours in 96 degree heat... for almost 10 years, and the police only say, "how about attending mediation with the neighbor".  By the way I am highly allergic to wood smoke.  Now I have to rely on a one room air conditioner that costs 3 times to operate and, only cools one room. I am also not super heat tolerant.
Oh well...
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on June 04, 2018, 12:26:10 pm
What grinds my gears is when my neighbor has a bonfire 100' up wind  of my evaporative cooler air intake,  for 12 hours in 96 degree heat... for almost 10 years, and the police only say, "how about attending mediation with the neighbor".  By the way I am highly allergic to wood smoke.  Now I have to rely on a one room air conditioner that costs 3 times to operate and, only cools one room. I am also not super heat tolerant.
Oh well...
Does the wind ever shift? ;)

People who listen to the first few words I say before jumping to what they think I will say or what they want to hear and ignoring everything else.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on June 04, 2018, 12:45:34 pm
What grinds my gears is when my neighbor has a bonfire 100' up wind  of my evaporative cooler air intake,  for 12 hours in 96 degree heat... for almost 10 years, and the police only say, "how about attending mediation with the neighbor".  By the way I am highly allergic to wood smoke.  Now I have to rely on a one room air conditioner that costs 3 times to operate and, only cools one room. I am also not super heat tolerant.
Oh well...
Does the wind ever shift? ;)

People who listen to the first few words I say before jumping to what they think I will say or what they want to hear and ignoring everything else.

The area has winds from the northwest most of the year, so no, not much shifting wind patterns.
And yeah,  10 years of living near the same house.

What grinds my gears is government contract work... no work,  no charge number,  yet being salary, I'm expected to be here doing something,  and find a way to justify the work and therefore someone to charge it to.
I have mopped the floor, organized the shelves, proofread reports all that I can and charge it to a customer as i was told to do.   It feels like stealing, and i dont like it.
I asked to charge to overhead and was told there was none.   Now being advised to take vacation time...
I thought vacation time was for when I deliberately wanted to take time off to get away from work.

Give me the 8 to 5 job,  5 days per week with something to do.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on June 06, 2018, 01:06:10 pm
It turns out that many prosecutors will give a politician a get out
of jail free card if he or she agrees to resign their public office. Not
just for crimes they did in office, but others too.

Our governor was told the charges against him would be dropped if
he resigned. He did and they dropped them. 

Think the average person would get the same treatment. I think
not. Of course this isn't always the case, but it's a rule of thumb
for many prosecutors . If the public would pay more attention this
type of injustice would not exist.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 09, 2018, 11:41:25 pm
State law here prohibits open burning within 1400 feet of a city limit and there's a $500 fine . Several of my neighbors have fire rings or fire pits and within 150 feet of the city limit. These are in operation at random nights throughout the Summer, though a couple have been burning during the day. Break your Xbox, Treavor?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on June 16, 2018, 01:07:35 pm
Our politicians all are guilty of using immigrants to  gain votes. They
apparently don't want to fix the immigration issue because they would
loose it as a way to get elected.

This lays shame on our country which was built as a refuge for the poor
and mistreated peoples of the world. People who are looking to  make a
better life for themselves and their children.

It's this desire that makes our country strong. Unfortuantly many of their
descendants have lost sight of their ancestry, and want to place blame
on immigrants for their own failings. This only makes us weaker as a
nation, not greater as the president claims.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on June 19, 2018, 07:06:42 pm
Political Correctness

Just because something bothers another person and they think it should be removed, does NOT mean that I am offended by it and I think it should be removed.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on June 20, 2018, 10:09:37 pm
Weird fastener sizes. 23mm? Really? Really?! You have to search to find a wrench for that, let alone a wrench that will actually reach where you need it too.

*grumbles something about channel locks and shade-tree maintenance*
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on June 23, 2018, 12:41:14 pm
Weird fastener sizes. 23mm? Really? Really?! You have to search to find a wrench for that, let alone a wrench that will actually reach where you need it too.

*grumbles something about channel locks and shade-tree maintenance*

I totally agree. It seems every manufacture comes up with a different
size or idea.  We need standard that should be world wide. I  vote for
metric all the way.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 23, 2018, 11:09:24 pm
Neighbors who get yappy or yowly dog breeds and permit them to yap and yowl at random through the night.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on July 01, 2018, 12:18:11 am
Earning The Employee Of The Month parking spot only to find it occupied by a contractor the next day.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on July 06, 2018, 05:47:08 pm
Those huge 4 x 4 crew cab pickups taking up so much room at the gas pump. It's a challenge to get around one just to fill up with only inches of clearance.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kay Alett on July 07, 2018, 02:39:08 pm
The fact that not all gas tanks open on the same side of all vehicles. There's nothing that frustrates me more than people pulling into a fill-up station and they're hood to hood with someone else because their tanks are on opposite sides. Especially when mine is on the passenger side and all I see are people with driver side tanks filling up so I can't get into a good position to pull in.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on July 16, 2018, 10:12:34 pm
I really hate it on Facebook when I see or hear about posts that have been removed because somebody thought the subject matter was offensive or politically incorrect even though it wasn't for any reason whatsoever.
Case in point: I read about a guy who had posted his finished model of the probe droid from The Empire Strikes Back. But apparently, "somebody" found it offensive and reported it to the admin of a model group and had it taken down. The modeler who created the droid reposted again so everyone could see his work and asked why his original post was taken down. Nobody knows why the original post was removed.  :o When new pictures of the model were reposted, there was absolutely nothing offensive whatsoever about the model.

Is this some sort of new troll tactic appearing on FB? People getting their lulz and reporting stuff and having it removed when stuff shouldn't be?  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kay Alett on July 17, 2018, 05:00:33 pm
Speaking of things being removed, one thing that seriously bothers me is when I'm browsing youtube and adding stuff to watch later, when I have time.
And then when I do get time to sit down and watch those videos, they're gone! And even worse I don't even recall what the name of the vid was or who made it or anything.
No clue why it's gone either. Perhaps it was pulled by youtube, perhaps the video maker themself pulled it. Whatever the case it's seriously aggravating.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on July 23, 2018, 06:12:16 pm
When people tell you how you should live your life.
I wake up,  tv on, morning news...
"It's cold out there,  kids should wear a coat,  later it will get warmer, maybe make sure they have a jacket too "
Well. Yeah, I mean come on if it's cold you will know it, duh! And mornings are usually colder than mid day.  And gee, if it gets warmer you can unzip the jacket or take it off.  And what if you want your kid to freeze, dont give them a jacket.  And if they are too out of it to grab thier coat on the way out of the hiuse, they have issues...and so do you. :D

And what passes for cold for some is warm to others.  If you need some one to tell you to clothe your child in a coat because it's -20F,  you shouldnt have had a kid in the first place!

Another thing...
Those times media tries to tell you what you can do and what you can not do. 
"40 things guys over 40 should not haved in his house "
"50 things women over 50 shouldn't wear"
And in the end it's just to push goods and services to fill a need that they created.

Come to my place, I broke all the "rules".  And I love it, it's called being home.  I have all sorts of junk, knicknacks, collectables, and old memories. I guess I just don't "get it" and will never be trendy.
But I will always be me, and unique. ;)

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on July 23, 2018, 07:18:31 pm
When people tell you how you should live your life.
I wake up,  tv on, morning news...
"It's cold out there,  kids should wear a coat,  later it will get warmer, maybe make sure they have a jacket too "
Well. Yeah, I mean come on if it's cold you will know it, duh! And mornings are usually colder than mid day.  And gee, if it gets warmer you can unzip the jacket or take it off.  And what if you want your kid to freeze, dont give them a jacket.  And if they are too out of it to grab thier coat on the way out of the hiuse, they have issues...and so do you. :D

And what passes for cold for some is warm to others.  If you need some one to tell you to clothe your child in a coat because it's -20F,  you shouldnt have had a kid in the first place!

It's just a "suggestion". It's not like the weather forcaster is "ordering" a person to wear a coat.

In other news........

Some days, I really hate Facebook.  >:( I really hate it when some Admins or Mods of FB groups get overzealous with their duties, authority, etc. and remove/block/ban people and posts for the most inconsequential thing.  >:( Sometimes, I see people and posts that have been removed, even though neither have broken any of the group's rules.  :o  Sometimes, I wish there was an online "school" where people could go to to learn how to properly Admin and Mod a site and learn Netiquette (Internet ettiquette).
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on July 23, 2018, 09:29:15 pm
Bicyclists who never learned the rules of the road. Riding against the traffic flow being most common here.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on July 26, 2018, 07:20:43 pm
When people tell you how you should live your life.
I wake up,  tv on, morning news...
"It's cold out there,  kids should wear a coat,  later it will get warmer, maybe make sure they have a jacket too "
Well. Yeah, I mean come on if it's cold you will know it, duh! And mornings are usually colder than mid day.  And gee, if it gets warmer you can unzip the jacket or take it off.  And what if you want your kid to freeze, dont give them a jacket.  And if they are too out of it to grab thier coat on the way out of the hiuse, they have issues...and so do you. :D

And what passes for cold for some is warm to others.  If you need some one to tell you to clothe your child in a coat because it's -20F,  you shouldnt have had a kid in the first place!

It's just a "suggestion". It's not like the weather forcaster is "ordering" a person to wear a coat.

Of course you are quite right Kobuk.  I want to apologize for my tone.  But I would swear they often say "you should" instead of "maybe" on my local channel...

Anyway, I just found out that the thermostat at work was faulty.  A setting of 72F was actually about 81F.  So it's been heating the building instead of cooling it much of the time! x_x

That grinds my gears!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on July 27, 2018, 03:26:28 pm
Trolls. And the absolute shameless things they say. The creator of a YouTube channel I subscribe to has been recently diagnosed with MS. He's a guitar builder and has decided he's going to stop regularly uploading videos. This troll posts and claims to be a quadriplegic guitar player who records his own music. I commented on how disrespectful it is to make this claim. He then goes to my YouTube channel and spams it with the same claims. I hate trolls.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on July 29, 2018, 09:47:50 am
Motorists who haven't learned how to merge with traffic.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on July 30, 2018, 07:26:07 am
As a guitar player and now builder I know for a fact that 'tone wood' is a sales pitch. I have a plywood guitar that I made that people love the sound of. Until I tell them it's plywood. : ) Anyway my gripe.

There is a builder who put out a set of videos. Not only showing him making the guitars from start to finish. But doing the tone wood tests as well. Every tone wood freak out there does the very same, extremely underhanded thing. They all use what are known as 'microphonic' pickups. These pickups are not what a normal guitar player would ever think of putting in their guitars. You can talk into them. They are nothing more than flat microphones screwed on to the face of a guitar. So it's no surprise you can hear the wood. If he had used modern guitar pickups you would have just heard the pickup. No matter what you stuck it in. I hate shysters and snake oil hoo doo salesmen. They rip musicians off left and right.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 19, 2018, 10:41:21 am
Large pick-ups and SUVs looming large in the rear-view mirror while on city streets. Rein in those horses, cowboy!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on September 30, 2018, 08:20:06 pm
Traffic that doesn't know how to merge. I'm not always able to "get out of your way".
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on October 24, 2018, 02:38:03 am
Spectrum Email and the fact that I can't get to my email. Every other week they have an 'outage' and the only thing I can't get to is my email. I have to go through their AI before it finally gives up and lets me talk to a real person. Then that person says the same thing every time. "There's an outage". this is getting old.

Two! Two! Two gripes in ONE!  :)

I spent over eight hours yesterday playing the same song if mine. Over and over again. And today I'm still getting the words wrong. Any songwriter/performer will tell you. The hardest songs to learn are your own. It happens more than people know. Pros even get on stage and forget their own words. Mumbling something out that kinda rhymes works to keep the song going. But it's still frustrating.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on October 25, 2018, 12:48:14 pm
Spectrum Email and the fact that I can't get to my email. Every other week they have an 'outage' and the only thing I can't get to is my email. I have to go through their AI before it finally gives up and lets me talk to a real person. Then that person says the same thing every time. "There's an outage". this is getting old.

I don't have any Spectrum services. But I keep getting their snail junkmail at least 2x a week trying to get me to sign up with them.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on October 28, 2018, 12:42:03 pm
I've been with Netzero almost twenty years now. They keep increasing rates, the Hi-Speed feature actually slows the page loading, plus I'm on a landline.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on November 09, 2018, 12:20:35 pm
ME! I can really be my worst help. After fighting to get something important done I forgot to save the new password. So now I'm going to have to call in, wait for an hour + to get a call back, and reset this all over again.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on November 10, 2018, 02:35:15 pm
EES software. Somewhere in my code is some tiny, stupid mistake that's causing me to create energy from nothing. I've been loikibg fir it for weeks now. Grrrr
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 18, 2018, 04:17:07 pm
Friday afternoon I drove out to the clinic to have a blood sample drawn. The phelbotomist had gone home 5 minutes before my arrival and that office would be open for another hour and forty minutes.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocco on November 18, 2018, 04:26:02 pm
This barracks. Always hot in the summer, cold in the winter, and hot water has been out for almost a week
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on December 02, 2018, 08:16:49 pm
Had a new video blocked on YouTube because the music used was copyrighted. A John Williams piece for a 20-year-old movie. A box office bomb in fact. It was even performed by a military band.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on December 08, 2018, 12:59:42 pm
The guy blasting music at 3am and demands respect lol no respect from me
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on December 13, 2018, 12:44:27 pm
I  generally get along with the demands websites want to use them, but now
they ask for a moble phone number which I don't have. It's as if they assume
everyone has a cell phone. I use a landline phone since I stay home and
don't drive due to bad vision. Besides cell phones, especially smart phones
cost alot not counting the contract with a phone company to use them.

I gave themmy landline number, but it was ignored. Why they couldn't use my
email to verify me i can't say. I never was a fan of facebook, so this ends it
for me.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on December 13, 2018, 07:11:26 pm
People claiming they want peace and no violence but are the first to throw a punch and cry victim when they get hit humanity has gone soft
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on December 15, 2018, 08:17:49 pm
Being overtaken and passed on the road, only to catch up to the speed merchant at the next traffic light or convenience store/gas station.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on December 15, 2018, 09:24:04 pm
Getting junk email, again and again, even after unsubscribing.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on December 16, 2018, 12:13:16 pm
TV commercials that feature a door bell JUST LIKE MINE!
It makes me and the dog get up and start barking at the door.

Or a knock on the door sound, or a phone ringing.  It sounds so real , it fools either or both of us.
I get up from what I was doing to see who it was , and then realize its the TV I left on, in the other room. 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on December 16, 2018, 02:37:13 pm
No one can take a joke now of days
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on December 17, 2018, 12:11:35 am
TV commercials that feature a door bell JUST LIKE MINE!
It makes me and the dog get up and start barking at the door.

Or a knock on the door sound, or a phone ringing.  It sounds so real , it fools either or both of us.
I get up from what I was doing to see who it was , and then realize its the TV I left on, in the other room.

It sounds like you need to change your door bell. ;)

People that don't put their trash away when using the lab computers.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on December 17, 2018, 04:26:28 pm
TV commercials that feature a door bell JUST LIKE MINE!
It makes me and the dog get up and start barking at the door.

Or a knock on the door sound, or a phone ringing.  It sounds so real , it fools either or both of us.
I get up from what I was doing to see who it was , and then realize its the TV I left on, in the other room.

It sounds like you need to change your door bell. ;)

People that don't put their trash away when using the lab computers.

I actually took out the dinger if that is a word.

What grinds my gears is when work computers do not do anything, and you are expected to get work done, and nobody can fix the computer
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on December 18, 2018, 02:38:08 pm
People who are dissing The Predator movie and have NEVER seen it.  >:(

Actually, I can't stand people who diss any movie without ever having watched it. Yet they seem to think that watching a 2 minute YouTube trailer on the film or hearing about it from friends or reading an Internet article about a film automatically makes somebody an "expert reviewer" and justifies them to badmouth a film. If you really want to give a review of a film or tv show, then watch the whole thing before you open your mouth!  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on December 20, 2018, 12:54:38 pm
The aluminum cans we get soft drinks in are getting so thin
it's hard to hold them without squeezing them flat. I guess
when they start splitting open during shipping they will back
up to a thicker wall.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on December 20, 2018, 01:42:01 pm
"If it's on the Internet, it must be true!"

NOT!  >:(

I can't believe how many people are so naive and believe that phrase. Do yourselves a favor and go to the library and do some REAL research.  READ A BOOK!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on December 20, 2018, 02:51:35 pm
Getting Christmas cards for the wrong address. Every year I get cards to my address, but different names. My address, but not me. I write 'return to sender' just to get them back. Over and over... So this year I'm getting larger envelopes. Putting these cards back in the mail and sending them back to the original senders myself. Including a note in each one stating why I'm dong this. Hopefully next year these cards will go to the right people.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on December 20, 2018, 04:43:51 pm
People who see me in the middle of the cross walk and I the walk symbol but just keep going and almost plow into me how hard is it to pay the hell attention to the road and put down the Damn phone your text can wait
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on December 22, 2018, 08:46:53 am
The aluminum cans we get soft drinks in are getting so thin
it's hard to hold them without squeezing them flat. I guess
when they start splitting open during shipping they will back
up to a thicker wall.

I remember when soft drinks and beer came in either steel cans or a fancy glass long neck bottle. One needed a tool to open them. Once a quart bottle of pop was opened, it had to be finished that day or go flat--unless you had a store-bought plastic cap.
A few months ago, one can in a 24-pack of Cherry Coke was empty but sealed. I still have it.

Someone at work was storing pop and selling them off on break time. Some of his stock was there so long that some of the cans began to leak.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on January 10, 2019, 01:19:58 pm
I grew up watching the space program start. By 1970 we had
landed on the moon. That was 50 years ago. We should have a
base on the moon by now, not just a base, but a fully functional
space port. But no, the politicians would rather spend trillions on
wars, and pork barrel projects.

Humanity needs to move into space. Also a fully supported space
program would encourage young people to become engineers and
and growth in high tech industry. Look at the growth in electronics
over the past 50 years. What used to be science fiction is science fact.

We will likely see China building a base on the moon while we are
still arguing how to go to mars. Infrastructure on the moon is the
first step toward manned space travel. There we can learn to live
on another planet, while still close enough to the earth to give
aid during an emergency.

Our politicians first cut the space program each time they want to
cut the budget. Yes many people feel space is a waste, but that is
because they are ignorance of the benefits to mankind. I hope when
people see China and other countries move into space they will
ask why we are sitting still. Fortunately private industry is making some
small steps towoward space infrastructure, but it will take time.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on January 10, 2019, 04:21:54 pm
People cutting you off in traffic without using the turn signal...then they brake as soon as the get into your lane.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on January 20, 2019, 04:43:38 pm
Math for the sake of math. It's a language that should be known, yes, especially as an engineer. You don't teach someone code by pulling random words out of a dictionary and pretending they are commands, you don't teach driving signage by making up arbitrary symbols and painting them bright colors and then saying the have meaning. These say nothing but gibberish, despite being languages, so why, why on this giant ball of half molten rock and life bearing crust is math taught that way?!

I passed math in HS with D's, failing one of the classes and taking it twice. I took physics, which sounds like it wouldn't make sense, but I wanted to know how the world worked, didn't care for biology and hated chemistry.

But I loved physics. For the first time in my life algebra made sense. I finally understood the meaning in it, and how to use it. I did really well in the class, took a second year in HS, and aced it. We did a lab with an air rocket, calculating it's trajectory and trying to hit a 6x10 tarp about a hundred yards away or so. We were launching the rocket three times and noting where our math was corrected each time. My teacher stood in the middle of it and said if we hit the tarp we get a B even if we didn't do the report, and if we hit him we get an A. My first was at his feet. He caught the second chest level and told me to go into artillery.

Now I'm staring at transfer functions that are supposed to describe a change in a signal, and I might as well be trying to read Dutch. The letters are the same for the most part. I can even guess at some of the words. I still have no clue what is happening. What the heck is a "signal"? I know what the word means, but I do not see what they are talking about, nor why I would need to manipulated it (I know there are reasons. I've even used them myself, but why and what for matters in understanding). It's just numbers and letters and symbols, all vomited onto paper that are supposed to mean something if I pretend the right way.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on January 20, 2019, 05:30:54 pm
Math for the sake of math. It's a language that should be known, yes, especially as an engineer. You don't teach someone code by pulling random words out of a dictionary and pretending they are commands, you don't teach driving signage by making up arbitrary symbols and painting them bright colors and then saying the have meaning. These say nothing but gibberish, despite being languages, so why, why on this giant ball of half molten rock and life bearing crust is math taught that way?!

I passed math in HS with D's, failing one of the classes and taking it twice. I took physics, which sounds like it wouldn't make sense, but I wanted to know how the world worked, didn't care for biology and hated chemistry.

But I loved physics. For the first time in my life algebra made sense. I finally understood the meaning in it, and how to use it. I did really well in the class, took a second year in HS, and aced it. We did a lab with an air rocket, calculating it's trajectory and trying to hit a 6x10 tarp about a hundred yards away or so. We were launching the rocket three times and noting where our math was corrected each time. My teacher stood in the middle of it and said if we hit the tarp we get a B even if we didn't do the report, and if we hit him we get an A. My first was at his feet. He caught the second chest level and told me to go into artillery.

Now I'm staring at transfer functions that are supposed to describe a change in a signal, and I might as well be trying to read Dutch. The letters are the same for the most part. I can even guess at some of the words. I still have no clue what is happening. What the heck is a "signal"? I know what the word means, but I do not see what they are talking about, nor why I would need to manipulated it (I know there are reasons. I've even used them myself, but why and what for matters in understanding). It's just numbers and letters and symbols, all vomited onto paper that are supposed to mean something if I pretend the right way.  >:(

Yup! I get all of that. Was a math minor and STILL did not understand the purpose of most of it! I think it was invented so people's brains had to do back flips while staring at a book and/or computer screen.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on January 21, 2019, 01:24:22 am
People telling me to leave the park tonight because I looked suspicious looking at the blood moon
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on January 21, 2019, 07:58:40 am
When you are in the express check out line and you only have one item with you, and the person in front of you has WAY more then the "allowed" amount.
I try to be patient with such things, but when the person in front of you has many times over the amount and there are other lines (non-express) open, it can get bothersome.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on January 23, 2019, 01:01:06 pm
Governments like to tell the public you have to do one  thing to
get another. Governments need to be sure those they require 
have the means to follow the requirements first.

Some states require people needing aid they must try to find
a job to be elegible. This is all well an good, but if they don't have
the means to look for a job, the government should provide it.
Otherwise it is unfair to the needy, and hurts us all.

The automotive and tire industry have worked hard to  prevent
or limit public transportation. Many times those in government are
complicit with this. So how can they expect people who can't afford
the  means of travel to  find work.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on February 01, 2019, 02:22:29 am
The Pinterest disease on Facebook pages.

I've been collecting Christmas stuff for over 30 years now. Proud of my collection. I'm a cheap or accidental collector. Cheap because I can't afford to pay a fortune. Accidental because some of my best stuff have been found at the bottom of boxes I've got at yard sales or auctions. So I decided this year to share photos and thoughts on Facebook groups. Group after group have been inundated with gif of the day. Like pinterest only with comments. Real content being avalanched by unrelated gifs you can see by the thousands on pinterest. Like spam in an email account you have to sift through the garbage to get to any real content. I've gone through a good twenty Christmas groups to find a hand full that strictly stuck to their origins. One of the five remaining groups has come down with pinterest disease. There are still people posting real content. But you have to dig through the trash to get to it. Really upset about this because this group has a lot of really knowledgeable collectors. I've been able to date and identify some of my collection.  It's upsetting to see a good thing being trashed by thoughtless junk.

I went to join one group. The adm. contacted me and asked if I was a member of their sister group blah blah blah. I told them I left that group because it was nothing but 'gif of the day' posts. If this group is the same do not include me. Nice not having to quit another bad facebook group.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on February 01, 2019, 07:50:43 am
When checking out at a store, the clerk asks for your phone number so that they can now send you mass mailings that you are not really interested in.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on February 01, 2019, 02:58:40 pm
FarFar. i never give them my phone number. Or email address. It's not like they're not going to sell you things if you say no. 

Turned off my notifications to that face book group. 30+ posts in two days of nothing but pinterest disease.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on February 01, 2019, 08:46:11 pm
I tell them my number is *insert local area code* 867-5309. Some places I've lucked out and someone else had a rewards card there! I never touched their rewards, but I definitely used their discounts.  :D

The ding-dong that rides your tail trying to do forty. Hey speedy, there is, and I am not exaggerating, an inch of ice on the road. It looks like someone drove a Zamboni over it a few times to give it that extra nice, polished finish. Physics doesn't care if you have four wheel drive, the coefficient of rubber on ice stays the same, and it ain't much.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on February 01, 2019, 09:45:43 pm
I tell them my number is *insert local area code* 867-5309. Some places I've lucked out and someone else had a rewards card there! I never touched their rewards, but I definitely used their discounts.  :D

And the clerks believe you?! :D

I don't always give my number, but sometimes I do for some stupid reason. 

The ding-dong that rides your tail trying to do forty. Hey speedy, there is, and I am not exaggerating, an inch of ice on the road. It looks like someone drove a Zamboni over it a few times to give it that extra nice, polished finish. Physics doesn't care if you have four wheel drive, the coefficient of rubber on ice stays the same, and it ain't much.

And, then they learn another law of physics....a body in motion tends to stay in motion!  :D
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Foxpup on February 01, 2019, 09:52:33 pm
Websites that try to guess your language based on what country your IP appears to be in, rather than the HTTP Accept-Language header sent by your browser. No, Google, I don't speak French; if I did, you would have to pardon it. >:( I don't even understand why they do this; surely geolocation takes more programming effort than just looking at a list of languages my browser is sending for this exact purpose?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on February 03, 2019, 11:22:39 pm
People who argue out in front of your apartment and when you go to tell them to take it outside they have the idea to act tough and threaten me if I "called the cops" they don't understand I have 911 in the form of a hammer by my door so go ahead be tough
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on February 06, 2019, 01:51:44 am
Update on that face book page. I took a look this morning and it was really REALLY bad. I went through eight to ten pinterest disease posts to get to one post with real content. Then another eight to ten pinterest disease to find the next. Some of the stuff and nothing to do with the face book page. Two new members were doing this. Admin came in and cleaned it out!!!! Admin posted and put their foot down. Reminded members what the page is for. Out of well over fifty posts only five or six remain. And these are actually pictures of vintage stuff.

So because I have to keep this post on topic I have to find something to complain about. So I'm going to gripe about no longer being able to complain about that face book page. We old folks love to complain. When we can no longer complain about something we have to go find something else to do.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on February 06, 2019, 08:20:24 am
I have to take one of my dogs to the vet today. Nothing serious (thankfully). But, I have to pay for a full visit even though the doctor will not even be looking at him.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on February 06, 2019, 03:21:55 pm
I just got recently removed/banned/blocked from a group on Facebook..........and I was never contacted by the Admins of that group and told why.  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on February 07, 2019, 12:35:33 am
Kobuk, bummer dude. Hopefully it wasn't a real important group for you hobbies.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on February 07, 2019, 07:21:06 am
Kobuk, bummer dude. Hopefully it wasn't a real important group for you hobbies.

Kobuk, that sure stinks!  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on February 07, 2019, 01:12:12 pm
Kobuk, bummer dude. Hopefully it wasn't a real important group for you hobbies.

Well, it kind of was as I really enjoyed seeing other modeler's work there. To the best of my knowledge, I never did anything trollish, abusive, etc.. All I did was comment/reply to another person and tell them to stop complaining about other people who make complaints, and that if he had a problem, he should have just PM'd the group's Admins with his concerns. Well, the guy (and possibly the Admins) didn't take well to my post and got all butthurt about it and decided to ban/block me from the group. And I can't be certain, but I am also 90% sure that any and all content that I had posted since day 1 of joining that group has also been purged.  >:( So in short........I never existed. And to make matters worse, I'm pretty sure this one guy was friends *crosses fingers* with one or more of the Admins. So much so in fact, that I'm sure favoritism played a part somewhere in this whole situation.  >:(

Go anywhere on FB and view/join different groups. Some group rules are written well, while others pretty much suck.  :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on February 07, 2019, 03:12:37 pm
Kobuk, bummer dude. Hopefully it wasn't a real important group for you hobbies.

Well, it kind of was as I really enjoyed seeing other modeler's work there. To the best of my knowledge, I never did anything trollish, abusive, etc.. All I did was comment/reply to another person and tell them to stop complaining about other people who make complaints, and that if he had a problem, he should have just PM'd the group's Admins with his concerns. Well, the guy (and possibly the Admins) didn't take well to my post and got all butthurt about it and decided to ban/block me from the group. And I can't be certain, but I am also 90% sure that any and all content that I had posted since day 1 of joining that group has also been purged.  >:( So in short........I never existed. And to make matters worse, I'm pretty sure this one guy was friends *crosses fingers* with one or more of the Admins. So much so in fact, that I'm sure favoritism played a part somewhere in this whole situation.  >:(

Go anywhere on FB and view/join different groups. Some group rules are written well, while others pretty much suck.  :P

That really stinks regarding it affecting your hobby.  Favoritism of the sort that might of been played against you is NEVER a good thing.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on February 08, 2019, 10:52:49 pm
Neighbor fired up a semi tractor in his driveway at 0100 a few nights ago. Ice Road Truckers, anyone?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on February 08, 2019, 11:54:06 pm
I don't know about anybody else, but where I live, whenever I go to a gas station/convenience store or the regular grocery store and I want to pick up a package of large jumbo size blueberry (or other flavor) muffins, they always make them and sell them with a sugary crumble topping on them which I dislike.  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on February 09, 2019, 08:41:18 am
I don't know about anybody else, but where I live, whenever I go to a gas station/convenience store or the regular grocery store and I want to pick up a package of large jumbo size blueberry (or other flavor) muffins, they always make them and sell them with a sugary crumble topping on them which I dislike.  :goldpissed:

I TOTALLY agree with you on this one. A person can't even taste the muffin. All one can taste is the sugar.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on February 09, 2019, 08:43:53 am
The loud, scratchy, impossible to understand what is being said "gas station TV" video that plays when you are pumping gas.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on February 15, 2019, 07:14:17 pm
The grocery store I frequent has just two machines to handle return of deposit cans and plastic bottles. Abandon all hope of returning your meager collection in a timely manner if someone at the front of the line transports their returns in 30-gallon trash bags (The "professional"). It will take longer to get your refund than to shop and check out. On those rare occasions when there are no lines, consider it a sign to buy a Powerball ticket!

There are indeed professional can/bottle return people. Actually saw an ad for one such service on a restarant placemat. They will take back your returnables for half of their value. This certainly explains the bags and bags of empties, causing more discouraged regulars, who may need to seek the services of a professional to recoup their loss. Quite a racket.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on February 18, 2019, 06:36:01 pm
Them people who see you pulling out of the parking lot and stop right in your way
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on February 19, 2019, 11:48:13 pm
Motorists who only signal their intent to turn mere seconds before doing so.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on February 25, 2019, 12:43:26 pm
I really think this country should put rich people on the same
level as the poorest of us all when it come to justice. The constitution
claims Justice for all, but when a rich man comes into court with
a  crowd of lawyers, he/she has an advatage a poor man with a
court appointed defender cannot get.

When prosecutors bring charges against a rich man he has to fight
a large legal defense team. So they often back off due to the fact
they don't have the time.

Often court appointed defenders are lawyers who don't care if
they win or not. A lawyer paid hundreds an hour it going to work
harder than one getting a lot less.

It's time we balance the scales, and  not let money run our justice
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on February 28, 2019, 01:23:32 pm
What grinds my gears is how the public accepts over pricing of drugs
they buy. The drug industry prices by some arbitrary value that has
little to do with the cost of providing it. It's no different than someone
charging 100 times the cost for a drink of water in a disaster area or
a desert.

The public won't stand for this kind of usery, but they
let drug companies get by with virtually the same thing
every day.

It's time we tell our elected officials to put an end to this, and
make it illegal to take advantage of peoples needs. Just as they do
in times of need during disasters.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on March 09, 2019, 11:58:23 am
It seems that whenever someone moves into the township, they don't seem to believe that certain rules still apply. Dogs and cats turned loose after dark, loud parties into the wee hours, fire pits, ATVs on the public roadways, and trash fires.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on March 09, 2019, 09:32:12 pm
Antifreeze leaks that are hard to find, hard to fix, and threaten to keep your only vehicle from operating.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on March 10, 2019, 07:56:27 pm
Have a short in the electrical system of my vehicle. Headlights keep blowing out and I can't find the problem.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on March 11, 2019, 01:03:59 pm
Kobuk, bummer dude. Hopefully it wasn't a real important group for you hobbies.

Well, it kind of was as I really enjoyed seeing other modeler's work there. To the best of my knowledge, I never did anything trollish, abusive, etc.. All I did was comment/reply to another person and tell them to stop complaining about other people who make complaints, and that if he had a problem, he should have just PM'd the group's Admins with his concerns. Well, the guy (and possibly the Admins) didn't take well to my post and got all butthurt about it and decided to ban/block me from the group. And I can't be certain, but I am also 90% sure that any and all content that I had posted since day 1 of joining that group has also been purged.  >:( So in short........I never existed. And to make matters worse, I'm pretty sure this one guy was friends *crosses fingers* with one or more of the Admins. So much so in fact, that I'm sure favoritism played a part somewhere in this whole situation.  >:(

Go anywhere on FB and view/join different groups. Some group rules are written well, while others pretty much suck.  :P

Sorry to hear that Kobuk.
You would think they would give a person warning before kicking someone off
the forum. Perhaps you can find another modeling forum. One that
isn't so stiff necked.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on March 20, 2019, 12:13:35 am
Today, about a tenth of one mile from home, I saw the motorist ahead of me swerve into the oncoming lane before hooking right to pull into a parking space at the neighborhood butcher shop--crossing in front of me. Had I not predicted the path of this driver, an accident could have resulted.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on March 20, 2019, 08:39:30 am
Today, about a tenth of one mile from home, I saw the motorist ahead of me swerve into the oncoming lane before hooking right to pull into a parking space at the neighborhood butcher shop--crossing in front of me. Had I not predicted the path of this driver, an accident could have resulted.

YIKES! Glad you didn't get hit!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on April 05, 2019, 07:17:15 pm
What grinds my gears? Traffic.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on April 05, 2019, 08:58:12 pm
See above.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on April 05, 2019, 09:35:54 pm
Stop and go traffic. And the person who has the turn direction signal on for 5 miles and has yet to turn.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on April 06, 2019, 09:44:40 am
That one neighbor who keeps knocking on my apartment door begging for food or cigarettes and I'm bearly keeping afloat I'm about to tell him stop buying drugs and giving his food stamps to his mommy
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on April 06, 2019, 03:50:10 pm

That one neighbor who keeps knocking on my apartment door begging for food or cigarettes and I'm bearly keeping afloat I'm about to tell him stop buying drugs and giving his food stamps to his mommy

Kind of sounds like my neighbor.

What grinds my gears is my bad neighbor. Who still harasses me.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on April 06, 2019, 05:48:09 pm
My neighbor who talks to my dogs when they are out in the yard....gets them barking, barking, barking when they are supposed to be doing other things.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on April 06, 2019, 11:21:09 pm
My neighbor who talks to my dogs when they are out in the yard....gets them barking, barking, barking when they are supposed to be doing other things.

That one neighbor who keeps knocking on my apartment door begging for food or cigarettes and I'm bearly keeping afloat I'm about to tell him stop buying drugs and giving his food stamps to his mommy

Kind of sounds like my neighbor.

What grinds my gears is my bad neighbor. Who still harasses me.

That one neighbor who keeps knocking on my apartment door begging for food or cigarettes and I'm bearly keeping afloat I'm about to tell him stop buying drugs and giving his food stamps to his mommy

Maybe we need a " bad neighbor story" thread?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on April 07, 2019, 12:33:59 pm
People getting there drivers licences from gumball machines
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on April 07, 2019, 04:43:32 pm
Waiting for more then 10 minutes to get "fast food".
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on April 13, 2019, 11:48:42 am
People who just recently watched the 1-2 minute trailer for the new Star Wars Episode 9 movie and are already trolling and saying how bad the movie is and so forth.  >:(  SHUT THE DAMN HELL UP! What the hell gives these people the right to trash a movie based on only 1-2 minutes of footage they've seen? So they think they're "experts" now on how a movie should look and such? GET A LIFE!  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on April 21, 2019, 08:32:14 pm
None of the awards I put in for were presented at the local air auxiliary state conference. The event was held the same weekend as MCFC. Conference highlights never seem to get posted, which is a shame. Un-captioned photos are likely to go into a photo dump on an official site eventually. Several of the honors were a "slam dunk" besides, and should have been approved a few years ago.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on April 21, 2019, 10:27:34 pm
People who would rather believe the fantastic, sensationalist, absurd, etc. stories/history instead of facts and real history.  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on April 22, 2019, 01:11:39 am
National Geographic Cable channel. OK when I was growing up NG was a well respected and highly educational mag. Kinda board today so I turned on the TV. Raising Atlantis was on. What I complete moronic show. The show centered around the Acores Islands. According to the show no one ever knew people had live on those islands. Until the super lucky explorers found ancient boat anchors off the coast.  Guess the folks living on the islands took all those pre historic structures as natural accruing stacked rocks for years now. Believe it or not that is not the best part. That came when one of the fearless explorers wanted to show a startling discovery. There on a rock wall. A clearly broken wall. Was what appeared to be an upside down Menorah. That raises the question. Could the Jewish people have ties to Atlantis?  Which raises another question. If Atlantis sank why are they searching for it on land?  I really am glad I don't watch TV.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on April 22, 2019, 07:37:50 am
People peaking in my window
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on April 22, 2019, 08:24:13 am
People who let their dogs poo in my front yard and don't bother cleaning it up. I take my dogs out and then step in it.  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on April 24, 2019, 08:02:25 pm
I just got a spam call on my phone about 5 minutes ago saying how Donald Trump was going to be at a rally in my area soon and that I was encouraged to visit and participate.

News flash:

I DON'T CARE!   :goldpissed:  :goldpissed: :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on April 24, 2019, 10:24:07 pm
When my computer is giving me problems!  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on April 25, 2019, 12:58:04 pm
I spent 35 years in business, and always charged people according
to the cost of doing the job. Not some arbitrary value to rip people
off, just because they needed it.

What really grinds my gears is how people in business feels it's just
fine to charge a huge price for something that people really need.
Claiming the price is based on it's  value and not what it actually
costs. It's time we punish greed in this country, and reward those
who care about people.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 05, 2019, 12:46:44 am
A remodelling of a nearby overpass has motorists in a left-turn lane suddenly trying to force themselves into the through lane rather than continuing through a crosshatched area to the next left turn onto the expressway. No barricades, pylons or other obstacles--just paint on pavement. We've noted several near collisions.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on May 05, 2019, 09:11:52 pm
People with bad body odor on the bus.  x_x
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on May 05, 2019, 09:34:17 pm
People with bad body odor on the bus.  x_x
Need to start carrying a loaded can of disinfectant air freshener and hose them down from behind.

A  bottle that leaks, yet you cant find ANY holes in it.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on May 06, 2019, 09:21:05 am
The guys redoing the roof blasting music at 7am on the dot my landlord said no music till 830 because people are trying to sleep
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Foxpup on May 06, 2019, 09:45:57 pm
A  bottle that leaks, yet you cant find ANY holes in it.
Just coat the outside with soapy water, then blow air into it. Foam and bubbles will form at the site of any pinhole leaks. Works for finding tyre punctures, too.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 08, 2019, 12:09:50 am
Each morning, I drive past a beer/wine distributor on the way to work. So at least twice a week I get caught behind a beer truck rumbling along to the expressway--and I can't get around it until a dozen cars pass and there's a 25 MPH difference in speeds.  
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on May 15, 2019, 09:32:58 pm
That one guy who tosses his McDonald's trash out the car window while I'm on my Kawasaki going 70mph on the highway and causing me to swarve into the shoulder and get the laws attention so yeah I was late for work
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 18, 2019, 12:51:18 am
Co-workers who second-guess my field sampling methods and report me to my supervisor. I found a recent document stating the method to be used and made copies. There will be an awakening on Monday. Some people need to stay in their lane and we'll get along just fine.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on May 28, 2019, 01:43:07 pm
A  bottle that leaks, yet you cant find ANY holes in it.
Just coat the outside with soapy water, then blow air into it. Foam and bubbles will form at the site of any pinhole leaks. Works for finding tyre punctures, too.

We had two people who would block traffic and cause massive traffic jams on the highway. Until they were finally caught. They would drive side by side and slow down to forty miles an hour on a seventy mile an hour highway.

On line poker. Not a gambler so I stay away from cash games or the casinos. With me changing shifts I'm not able to play at the local pay to play game. The alternative is online poker. Talking about PlayWPT. Is it real poker? In no way is it real. Or even right. I've lost to smaller hands. Even lost to one player who had the very same card. At one point I got the very same three hands for twenty minutes straight. The same three values in different suits each hand. Can you play in a real game if you learn how to play online. Sure you can. Don't expect to win. Or even get far into the game. Real players will read you like an open book. But this isn't a post about how to play. It's about how fake on line poker really is. When your full boat of two queens and three eights loose to two queen and three fours. Or when both players have a five of diamonds. Or better yet. Try playing a game where no matter what one player has they win. It's like magic. Or like a rigged game. However you want to look at it.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 30, 2019, 11:22:45 pm
A few years ago, I encountered a "Slow Speeds Society" convoy on I-75 northbound. They tend to drive classic cars at the minimum speed permitted. A profound effect on traffic where it's down to two lanes each direction and one of them decides to pass another. Never heard of this group beforehand, or have seen them again.

But my complaint results from last weekend. We had someone in our group try to fuel a campfire with green wood! It actually had elm leaves sprouting from the pieces, but it was donated and they didn't wish to seem rude by not using it. It's a real challenge trying to cook hot dogs or roast marshmallows when the coals are cooking green wood instead.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on June 02, 2019, 11:28:50 am
I'm all for cyclists and cycling...it is good exercise and a way to get out and enjoy the trails. But when they ride up behind you at a fast pace and don't announce their presence, it can be a real hazard for everyone.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on June 06, 2019, 02:49:58 pm
I'm all for cyclists and cycling...it is good exercise and a way to get out and enjoy the trails. But when they ride up behind you at a fast pace and don't announce their presence, it can be a real hazard for everyone.

or that one guy who trys to flip you off for saying excuse me
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on June 07, 2019, 08:27:04 am
Neighbors who mow their lawns at 7:30 in the morning.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on June 07, 2019, 01:25:40 pm
One of the crosswalk guards. Apparently she thinks her sign controls the laws of physics. Driving up to the crosswalk area. i'm already traveling at the speed limit of 30 miles an hour. Without looking. Without even turning around. The crosswalk guard holds the stop sing up Behind her. Then turns around into traffic.  I'm traveling at 30 miles an our. Less then twenty feet from her. No one got hit. The best i can hope for is she wet herself. And learned to look before she turns into traffic.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 08, 2019, 09:15:41 pm
Drivers who crowd  the next lane when turning, even in average-size cars. There's no need for that--you're not driving an 18-wheeler.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on June 08, 2019, 09:18:38 pm
Cars stopping in the crosswalk it's not safe you could get folks killed as a former guy who used to walk everywhere it still annoys me to no end and makes want to hook up a chain to you car and drag you back and yell at you for being so rude and unsafe and kids use it for Christ sake
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on June 10, 2019, 09:58:30 am
Drivers who crowd  the next lane when turning, even in average-size cars. There's no need for that--you're not driving an 18-wheeler.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 12, 2019, 08:27:41 pm
Group lunch at work. No leftovers and wasted about 10 minutes going to/from lunchroom to learn of the shortfall. Thank goodness for the backup lunch or I'd go hungry today.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on June 13, 2019, 09:22:12 pm
 Having to wait 1 week for medical results,  meanwhile dog gets sicker
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on June 14, 2019, 08:51:14 am
Drivers who are speeding down the road and then slam on the breaks before making a turn....and don't use the turn signal.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 29, 2019, 11:48:03 am
  Another summer encampment starts this week. We were told last year the model rocketry course was cancelled due to lack of participants and popularity of STEM kits. Now they have set up a STEM academy and also teach rocketry. At least five signed up, so we know about the minimum participation requirement now.
  Hmm. Hope they have a troubleshooter on staff. My course staff is not happy about this development. My program director is dropping off her grand daughter for the basic encampment. I told her to give them an icy stare for me.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on July 06, 2019, 10:20:40 am
Viewed photos of STEM course rocket launch this week. Obvious construction and safety issues noted. Unpainted model rockets tend to become indistinguishable in bright sun when held before ABUs. Photographer could not capture any launch scenes. More than a few selfies though.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on July 30, 2019, 12:51:07 pm
Went to Wally World to pick up some groceries this morning. Headed to a checkout lane with only 1 guy who was purchasing a 6 pack or so of alcoholic beverages. As I stood waiting, he turns to me and says he forgot his ID at home and then he asks me if I can use my ID to help him finish his purchase.  :o WTH?! Uh........NO!  >:( I immediately said to him, "Sorry, can't help you.", then turned and went into a different lane to check out.

The nerve of some people.  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on July 30, 2019, 02:53:25 pm
What grinds my gears is anything to do with "Wally World".

I too went to get a few things, and apparently all people do here is stand in the isles in groups of 3 or more and talk and talk and talk.  I mean, can they use the phone, email, text, or at the least go meet up at the housewares isle where there is no body to bother?

The rest of us just need to get something and get on with our lives.

I would approach the covey of talkative folks and they would bunch tighter as if to instinctively protect "their isle" .  It was like I was waging war on some walmart protective force.  All I wanted was some candy.  And WHY is it always the CANDY isle that is the worst???  Yet, these people do not buy anything, they just congregate and yak.  And it isn't about anything fun either.  They just talk about which perscription they are on now etc...

Next time I go , I think I will storm the candy isle in my fursuit and start growling as I flail my arms wildly running through the isle.

Maybe then I can get some KitKats without all the chitchats!


Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on July 30, 2019, 03:48:20 pm
What grinds my gears is anything to do with "Wally World".

Same here. Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother shopping there.  :P

I too went to get a few things, and apparently all people do here is stand in the isles in groups of 3 or more and talk and talk and talk.  I mean, can they use the phone, email, text, or at the least go meet up at the housewares isle where there is no body to bother?

Glad I'm not the only one who notices this. I hate it when people do this and I can't get to a certain product.  >:(

The rest of us just need to get something and get on with our lives.

I would approach the covey of talkative folks and they would bunch tighter as if to instinctively protect "their isle" .  It was like I was waging war on some walmart protective force.  All I wanted was some candy.  And WHY is it always the CANDY isle that is the worst???  Yet, these people do not buy anything, they just congregate and yak.  And it isn't about anything fun either.  They just talk about which perscription they are on now etc...

Next time I go , I think I will storm the candy isle in my fursuit and start growling as I flail my arms wildly running through the isle.

"Security to Aisle 5. Ferocious dog scaring customers and eating all the KitKats! Call Animal Control."  :D

Maybe then I can get some KitKats without all the chitchats!

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on August 01, 2019, 12:11:00 am
The idiots kicking on my apartment door and getting in my face for not answering it fast enough asking for someone thats been long gone or
 Do people not realize they should get the proper apartment number to avoid starting crap hell next time I'll answer the door with a paintball gun or I'll answer the door naked and chase em out my of the building yelling insults in German at the top of my lungs at em
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on August 02, 2019, 08:32:35 am
What grinds my gears is anything to do with "Wally World".

Same here. Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother shopping there.  :P

I too went to get a few things, and apparently all people do here is stand in the isles in groups of 3 or more and talk and talk and talk.  I mean, can they use the phone, email, text, or at the least go meet up at the housewares isle where there is no body to bother?

Glad I'm not the only one who notices this. I hate it when people do this and I can't get to a certain product.  >:(

The rest of us just need to get something and get on with our lives.

I would approach the covey of talkative folks and they would bunch tighter as if to instinctively protect "their isle" .  It was like I was waging war on some walmart protective force.  All I wanted was some candy.  And WHY is it always the CANDY isle that is the worst???  Yet, these people do not buy anything, they just congregate and yak.  And it isn't about anything fun either.  They just talk about which perscription they are on now etc...

Next time I go , I think I will storm the candy isle in my fursuit and start growling as I flail my arms wildly running through the isle.

"Security to Aisle 5. Ferocious dog scaring customers and eating all the KitKats! Call Animal Control."  :D

Maybe then I can get some KitKats without all the chitchats!


THIS!!!   And to add to it....the people who have 50 items in a 10 item or less isle!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on August 02, 2019, 08:34:23 am

Next time I go , I think I will storm the candy isle in my fursuit and start growling as I flail my arms wildly running through the isle.

I would pay money to see that happen!  :D
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on August 02, 2019, 08:38:32 am
Or that guy who mean mugs ya for listening music so you don't have have to talk to people. Oh I'm sorry I just wanna get a pack of hamburgers and buns not talk about political crap
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 05, 2019, 02:59:49 pm
Listening to somebody's car horn alarm keep blaring and blaring and blaring in my apartment complex parking lot.  >:(  >:(  >:(
I really don't understand why cars have these alarms when nobody ever pays attention to them? They are a complete nuscience.  >:( SHUT THEM OFF!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 06, 2019, 05:51:23 pm
When I go to a news site, magazine site, or some other website and a popup appears saying to deactivate my ad blocker in order to view the content of the site and/or I MUST subscribe to the site to read that site's news and information.  >:(  >:(  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 10, 2019, 12:18:15 am
Neighbor kid comes home after midnight and uses the clicker to lock his car. Then several more times once inside. Lotta toots and just as loud in darkness as in daylight.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on August 10, 2019, 01:23:09 pm
People not expirenced enough to realize how to use a barrowed amp without killing it
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 10, 2019, 08:29:38 pm
Driving the posted speeds and being overtaken and passed routinely.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on August 11, 2019, 05:21:55 am
Burger King. That's right. The fast food place. I stopped going to the one here in town. Because they usually got my order wrong. Or the food was cold. Was at my mom's Sat. Decided to get everyone Burger King. Got home with it. No fries. Seems they can't get it right no matter where you go.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 11, 2019, 10:28:14 am
Burger King. That's right. The fast food place. I stopped going to the one here in town. Because they usually got my order wrong. Or the food was cold. Was at my mom's Sat. Decided to get everyone Burger King. Got home with it. No fries. Seems they can't get it right no matter where you go.

This is going to happen no matter what at just about every fast food chain. There's a reason fast food is called "fast". It's designed to be cooked/put together in a hurry and gotten to the customer in as short a time as possible. Therefore, mistakes will occur.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on August 12, 2019, 08:15:09 am
Waiting on hold for more then a half hour while trying to call customer service.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on August 12, 2019, 04:51:46 pm
I hate having to explain why i left my last job...over and over ... Can't I just say "Because sometimes things suck!"
Here is what I was intending to send to a potential employer because they asked me...

Hi 'L',

I am glad you asked.  Sadly, I was in a bad situation at LM partly due to my immediate manager, as I was being mismanaged and partly due to circumstances apparently out of my control.  I had competing factors for my time and attention which all served to make my time at LM very difficult indeed.  I asked for time off to regroup and was given a stern warning that no time off was allowed for me.

I was focused on completing work at the antenna test range where I had become an expert at my job (primary job site).  I was being pulled off to other areas where I was not an expert  to do other  risky tasks, leaving me unable to complete work on time at my primary job site.  This lead to upper management and customer disassitsfaction because scheules were not being met.  I appologiized to customers and told my immediate manager that I needed to focus on my main job duities and that the other tasks were not even in my job description.  This was not taken well by immediate manager and the pressure put to me.  Working 60+ hours per week, combined with the slow death of my dog from kidney disease, cost of living pressures, as well as a very bad neighbor all were too much, so I decided to make a change in my life for the better.  Not knowing what my future would hold, I sadly left after training 2 employees in a intense 3 week period of knowledge transfer.

In the end, I had to leave the area I was living, to get away from a dangerous neighbor who I and my landlord had to take to court for harassment, stalking, life threats and property damage over a 6 month period.  I also left the job at LM because I was being asked to compromise my integrity, quality of work, and important customer  relationships to satisfy my immediate supervisor.  And in my time between jobs, my beloved pet has passed away leaving me essentially starting from ground zero.  No home, no job, no pet.

It is hard to explain to people what my reasons for leaving were, and I hope this helps.  In the end I feel I made the correct choice to remove myself from a toxic working environment that was crushing my creativity and ethics, and potentially leading to poor results in an industry that can not tolerate failures.  And I sincerely doubt such a thing will happen again since it seems unlikely I could have that much bad luck again all at the same time.  "

In the end, all I really said was poor and unsafe working environment.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on August 12, 2019, 07:06:04 pm
Telemarketers calling me for info and telling me I got a warrent out for my arrest first of all I would been picked up already and there wouldn't be a foreigner calling me to say this next time he calls I'm gonna use voice impressions on em and be rude as possible or just say in a Spanish accent "k throw in a mean insult"
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 15, 2019, 03:23:07 pm
There's a bus stop and shelter on the east side of a Walmart building where I shop. Every time I go to Wally World, I ALWAYS see shopping carts strewn about the bus stop area and "inside" the shelter area where people are supposed to sit.  >:( The bus shelter is not a parking garage for shopping carts!  >:( Why the hell people can't park the carts someplace else and properly stack them, I'll never know. Probably too damn lazy.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on August 15, 2019, 03:34:27 pm
Fake friends who use your past and call you out on religion choices infront of his friends and get mad when I say shut it and walk out. Should I lay in to em or block em or both
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 16, 2019, 10:31:48 pm
Why can't people put stuff back where it belongs in a grocery store? Particuarly refrigerated products? Sometimes when I'm shopping, I'll see a refrigerated product sitting in a non-refrigerated area/shelf that should really be in a cooler. Now the product is going to spoil.  :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on August 16, 2019, 11:58:01 pm
The old person who starts doing the Catholic hand gesture when I walk by in the store and try to stop me and talk to me about how my music is satanic. Oh I'm sorry I had a headset on and I'm an adult
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 24, 2019, 12:38:56 am
Other motorists crowding into the intersection before it's cleared.  
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on August 24, 2019, 12:42:01 am
Internet dies at the worse time
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 25, 2019, 11:00:50 am
People who don't do proper research and check established facts before opening their mouths.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on August 26, 2019, 08:06:20 am
The motorists who don't use turn signals before they cut me off going 80 MPH.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on August 26, 2019, 08:46:25 pm
what grinds my gears is hearing my neighbors dog sitter hit and yell a German Shepard.  And i can't prove it!

in a separate event...
the dog is named Chloe, and is nice.  She was yanked by the neck with a choke chain just for slowly walking to me to see me ( or get away from her abusers)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on August 26, 2019, 10:41:47 pm
Why are choke chains still allowed to be sold?
That guy who offers something and gives you attitude I
Never asked for it and don't offer it if your gonna have an attitude
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on August 28, 2019, 12:18:35 am
Employers who act all "Ahh he is the one for us, let's get him in here right away for a face-to-face interview" and they never call back..  As if a back hole ate them.

Seriously... in a phone interview, they asked me many technical questions, and I answered as well as I could and I even heard one person in the conference call kinda gasp and go "mmm!" as if they liked what I said.  And seriously, one man said, "I think you will be a good fit here, let me see how soon we can arrange for next steps".  SO after that, I was super hopeful.  Now I wonder if the company blew up because no one is talking to me at all.

Employers need to treat all prospective employees well, because we all get our impressions of them that way. 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on August 28, 2019, 03:22:56 am
Jade Sinapu. CALL BACK! Let them know your still interested. And KEEP calling back.

I know this is really superficial. I just watched 22 episodes of an Anime to find out they never finished it. A really good and well written story. By the same people that did 'Ghost in the Shell. Stand Alone Complex." And "Ghost in the Shell. Second Gig." One of the BEST scifi anime ever.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on August 28, 2019, 10:36:13 am
That guy who jumps in a private convo and then tries to pick a fight with you for telling him to myob plz
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 28, 2019, 02:51:59 pm
Jade Sinapu. CALL BACK! Let them know your still interested. And KEEP calling back.

I know this is really superficial. I just watched 22 episodes of an Anime to find out they never finished it. A really good and well written story. By the same people that did 'Ghost in the Shell. Stand Alone Complex." And "Ghost in the Shell. Second Gig." One of the BEST scifi anime ever.

What was the title of the anime?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: charcoal on August 28, 2019, 11:20:12 pm
Grammar Nazis sorry I messed up a few words I'm sorry I can't spell certain words just stop biting off my head
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on August 29, 2019, 12:59:54 am

What was the title of the anime?

The tittle is 'Ghost Hound'.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on September 01, 2019, 03:12:05 am
All the stupid hype and absolute nonsense surrounding guitars. On a forum I belong to a few people are discussing a guitar part. There is only one thing worst than being so far off in the left field loony ben. It's supporting these mojo unrealistic, if they weren't so crazy they'd hear it for themselves beliefs.  The most insane "Are you crazy???" moment comes when what they believe doesn't work. The face plant in the mud truth doesn't change what they believe. They blame failure on something else. It's even funnier when two people believe the exact opposite about the same guitar part. And they're both wrong. I no longer chime in on these discussions. Even after they admit to failure. Telling them the truth only makes them mad.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on September 21, 2019, 01:16:55 pm
Neighbors "toot-locking" their cars several times each night rather than manually.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on September 25, 2019, 12:07:50 am
I am my worst enemy at times.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Amducious on September 25, 2019, 02:08:24 am
People who stay in the left lane on the freeway. It’s for passing only and it’s not for cruising 10mph under the speed limit. It’s particularly horrendous here in California. Anywhere else they follow that law well.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on October 01, 2019, 05:27:47 pm
It seems that EVERY TIME I need to use a port-a-john, the previous visitor has left the seat up!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on October 01, 2019, 10:19:35 pm
People who adopt a dog from shelter, only to bring it back in 1 week because of trivial things.  Work with the animal,  it's not a stuffed animal.  It takes time for it to adjust to "home"
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on October 02, 2019, 08:39:49 pm
It seems that whenever I visit a certain local thrift store, I must dodge several staff people while browsing the aisles.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on October 07, 2019, 01:24:16 am
Just got a really rotten email from a member of a furry forum I haven't been on in a year or more. Contacted a mod and let them know about it. Turned off all the notifications from that site. Then just for fun I changed my avatar  to a blank box and changed my user name. Then blocked them from my personal email accounts. It's been over a year and I'm still getting drama??? Actually it's kinda funny. Hide in a hole. Wait till the coast is clear. Then bust out of the ground screaming and shaking a fist at me. Drama queens. They'll hit you when you least expect it. :)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on October 09, 2019, 09:45:40 pm
Found a nickel in a roll of quarters--Again. Second time it's happened too.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on October 10, 2019, 11:58:56 am
You ever have those times when just as you exit a store, there's some vagrant lurking around who begs/panhandles for money or something else? It's almost like a vulture hanging around waiting for the next corpse.  :P I had just such an incident today while exiting a Walgreens store. These kinds of people know you're inside shopping. They know you've got money. So they scan the place, wait outside, and ask anybody who comes out for spare change or whatever else. If people need money, then get a job!  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on October 10, 2019, 09:39:30 pm
What grinds my gears are Magellan GPS products.  They are junk.  Iv'e had 2.
I wanted to connect one to my PC to get NMEA sentences and do stuff, and voila, no dice.  I paid, like $500 for this slow, clunky, junky trash!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on October 12, 2019, 10:19:45 pm
Is it too much to ask that people stop believing in the phrase "Well, if it's on the Internet, it must be true!".

Probably not. That would be like asking for a miracle.  :P

Do people not know how to read a book anymore, ask questions, or double or even triple check information and facts before blindly believing in something?

I guess so.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kay Alett on October 14, 2019, 10:34:12 am
Is it too much to ask that people stop believing in the phrase "Well, if it's on the Internet, it must be true!".

Probably not. That would be like asking for a miracle.  :P

Do people not know how to read a book anymore, ask questions, or double or even triple check information and facts before blindly believing in something?

I guess so.
When I was a kid I often heard "It has to be true, I read it in a book.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on October 30, 2019, 08:03:05 am
When you go to a store and sales people keep harassing you.What they don't realize is that by doing that, they are actually encouraging me to leave sooner then I might of as I don't want to deal with that BS.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on October 30, 2019, 09:58:00 pm
Ordering something on internet and funding out it is junk and doesn't even look like what you bought!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on November 02, 2019, 07:07:08 pm
My local post office needs to be done away with.
This is about the 6th time I have had things which were due to arrive at my post office, never show up.  This was a bill.  It is not overdue, and I had to pay the overdue charges.  I also never received my car insurance statement there either.  But luckily I was able to get online and on the phone with an insurance agent to arrange for it to be paid on the phone before I lost my car insurance in 4 days!

I have lost artwork which was commissioned
A video game never arrived
Bank statements lost
bills (2) never arrived
Packages damaged (2)
And I expect more, IF I keep using them..

Thing is, my previous post office was PERFECT and I could totally rely on them for whatever I needed.

So, if YOU send me anything, make sure it is insured, with a tracking number, sign on delivery, and has a GPS locator in it so we together can put the screws to the employee(s) in my local USPS who is apparently stealing peoples stuff!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on November 13, 2019, 09:30:45 pm
This town. 
This backwards town I live in grinds my gears.

Why, why try to pass a large semi truck and trailer on left lane, yet all you do is hang there at same speed as semi truck? For 35 miles  with dozens of cars backing up behind you, and you wasted people's only chance of passing. Then the semi truck slows down from 50 to 30. In a 65mph zone.
All they had to do was pass the semi and we all would be free to drive 65.
If they couldn't pass, stay behind truck and let people pass!
This is not rocket science!!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 14, 2019, 05:44:46 pm
This town. 
This backwards town I live in grinds my gears.

Why, why try to pass a large semi truck and trailer on left lane, yet all you do is hang there at same speed as semi truck? For 35 miles  with dozens of cars backing up behind you, and you wasted people's only chance of passing. Then the semi truck slows down from 50 to 30. In a 65mph zone.
All they had to do was pass the semi and we all would be free to drive 65.
If they couldn't pass, stay behind truck and let people pass!
This is not rocket science!!

I see this often. The novice driver passes the semi and gets surprised by the noise and turbulence as they enter the wake of the larger vehicle. "Oh Noes! I Scared!"

FedEx set my package in the snow where run-off from the roof started to soak into the cardboard carton today. Fortunately, the contents were in plastic wrapping, and I came directly home from work.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 24, 2019, 11:42:53 am
Neighbors "beep-locking" their cars throughout the day, and into the night hours. There was one time I thought the kid across the street was having a seizure. This is a rural neighborhood btw.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on November 29, 2019, 08:08:37 am
Black Friday shoppers who think it is their right to push people around because they were at the store at 3am this morning. This is one reason why you will not see me shopping today
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on November 29, 2019, 08:17:42 pm
People who smack really loudly.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on December 12, 2019, 12:32:22 am
Dodging piles of pre-owned smokeless tobacco in public spaces. It's like someone pooped out of their mouth. I thought "snuff-dipping" and "chaw" went out with singing cowboy music.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on December 17, 2019, 04:35:31 am
I've worked at the same place for almost 25 years now. We have this new member of management who talks down to everyone. Treats you like an unwanted eight year old. I will have to call in to work tomorrow to see if I have tomorrow off. And this isn't the first time I've had to do this. All I get from our CEO is "you just have to learn to work with him" No. I don't. Like quite a few others where i work have done before I'm going over my CEO's head and calling his boss. This guy has repeatedly done this to multiple people now. Even sat on someone's vacation request for a month. Then gave that same day to someone with less seniority.   
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on December 19, 2019, 10:24:18 pm
Coworker leaving the climate settings in the vehicle on high heat and high fan though he's only in the car 5 minutes.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: FarFar on December 24, 2019, 08:56:30 am
Clients who tell me "email me if something changes to your plans." I do so, and then they get upset at me when they don't read the email that I sent telling them to not drive 2 hours to a job because I'm not going to be there.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on December 24, 2019, 05:57:34 pm
 This town grinds my gears! Ahhhhhh!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on January 11, 2020, 09:49:07 pm
Someone in the rental property down the block has a friend who takes to horning at odd hours. I mean, playing "Bugler's Holiday" (bad rendition) at 0130? Whatever happened to knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on February 03, 2020, 05:31:41 pm
A co-worker, using a shared vehicle, keeps setting the climate and seat temperature controls to extreme. He is only in the car for ten minutes tops and the weather has been rather mild for this time of year. The car heat doesn't warm until the engine does, but the seat could fry eggs. What's this joker going to do when/if the dreaded Polar Vortex comes?

The same individual would change all the radio station presets in the other vehicle to Country and Sports Talk channels to prank me. Quite a feat, being on the clock and only 5 minutes in the Nitro.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on February 22, 2020, 04:38:38 am
Pretentious, overbearing and complete nonsense cookbooks. We all know Martha Stewart. She has a style based on a fictitious past. It's easy to expect over the top hype luxurious ingredients. However unless the ingredients are hard to come by you can always count on being able to sub normal household items. What has always set her apart is what she does works. It'a easy to get past the gag and get to the good stuff. Then there's the Italian cookbook I bought myself for my birthday. Apparently this author got paid by the word. Not the content. What's written is so over the top pretentious it's not only hard to fallow, it's hard to read. You don't just add tomatoes. They have to be.... on and on and on. This same jargon is used every time you see the word "tomato". I'm supposed to believe the only anchovies I can use are the ones I harvest myself and prepare in "only the best, laser green, virgin olive oil". Like no one in Italy would ever dream of buying it in the same cans i do. Worst of all is the recipes themselves. Take the olive oil bread. Mix 20+ oz of flour with one, that's right, one tablespoon of olive oil. That's one half of a US ounce. For two loaves of bread. "it gives the bread a wonderful flavor." That's insane. My all time favorite white bread recipe calls for three tablespoons of Crisco. Even if I told you it was in there you'd never taste it. Guess I'll have to start calling it Crisco bread? There are so many questionable things in this book. Not to worry. I'll be using this book to cook with all summer! I'll be taring the pages out, crumpling them up and using them in a chimney starter to light the charcoal for the BBQ.

Normally when I get a cookbook I don't like I give it to someone else. Not this one.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on March 20, 2020, 09:16:59 pm
The 3D model rocket parts require odd-size airframe tubing which is presently out-of-stock from the sole source. Not likely to re-stock soon due to the pandemic.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on April 22, 2020, 12:11:28 am
It's one thing to endure a co-worker's taste in music for a shift, but another thing entirely to endure him singing along with said music.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on May 10, 2020, 01:05:58 pm
All the stupid people who refuse to practice social distancing and refuse to wear masks during the coronavirus pandemic because it violates their "constitutional freedoms".

Get over yourselves and stop being pigheaded and stubborn!  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on May 10, 2020, 04:33:34 pm
The price of flour. WOW????? I thought almost $6 a bag at the store was bad. 00 and other specialty flours are now selling for $12 to $15 a bag. Be glad when all this settles back down.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on May 10, 2020, 07:06:38 pm
All the stupid people who refuse to practice social distancing and refuse to wear masks during the coronavirus pandemic because it violates their "constitutional freedoms".

Get over yourselves and stop being pigheaded and stubborn!  >:(

This,  cubed...
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on May 10, 2020, 08:54:03 pm
The price of flour. WOW????? I thought almost $6 a bag at the store was bad. 00 and other specialty flours are now selling for $12 to $15 a bag. Be glad when all this settles back down.

Not going to settle down any time soon. At least not for the immediate future. Coronavirus is impacting a lot of food production facilities, workers, and transportation of goods. Expect to see prices skyrocket on just about everything for a long time to come.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BlueStreak on May 25, 2020, 03:14:58 pm
People who unnecessarily back into parking spaces.

You took twice as long as you otherwise would have and nearly hit three people trying to do it; but oh, we're so impressed by your parking skills.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on May 25, 2020, 04:42:00 pm
My coworkers. the machine I operate has a gallon of water every two seconds going through it. Water leaks can become an issue. When one starts we play this game. I let it go to see if anyone else is going to fix it. After a few weeks I'll fix it. Then my co workers will decide to re fix it. More often than not ending back up with a slower or back to the same water leak. I let them enjoy their handy work for another week. Go in and re fix it myself. This happens all the time. 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 30, 2020, 06:18:17 pm
People who unnecessarily back into parking spaces.

You took twice as long as you otherwise would have and nearly hit three people trying to do it; but oh, we're so impressed by your parking skills.

My passenger-side front fender was hit on two occasions  while parked at a supermarket. My theory--4wd pickup attempting to back into an adjacent spot. So I try parking next to the cart corral when getting groceries.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 07, 2020, 09:31:45 am
Cyclists who are ignorant of the rules of the road: Riding against the traffic flow, and not using the designated bike path being prime examples.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on June 27, 2020, 09:52:46 pm
ME. I can really grind my own gears sometimes. Ya'll know I play poker. No limit hold-em. Haven't played in years. Decided to look up some youtube vids on strategies. Most of the stuff I found I was already doing. Someone suggested I go back to WPT.com and play there again. What a total mistake. All there is to be thankful for is you don't have to pay to play. Here's some of the hands I lost. I have an ace high flush. Was beaten by a rainbow straight ( rainbow meaning more than one suit to make the straight ) I had three of a kind beaten by two of a kind. Had a pair of kings beaten by a pair of fours. Why does this grind my gears? Because i've had problems like this on WPT and PlayWPT before. And i was dumb enough to go back.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 29, 2020, 08:52:28 pm
Crew-cab cowboys and the "big truck always wins" mindset. It's a free country of course, but how often are you hauling people, cargo, and actually use 4wd? Here in mid-MI the roads may be impassible one or two days each year thanks to snow plows.
One only saw such pickup trucks on construction sites or military bases--where they actually carried a crew to a tanker or bomber.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on July 02, 2020, 09:35:48 pm
My dad not training the dogs. Specifically teaching them to stand up on their hind legs to SNAP at food and not to sit like good dogs do.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on July 03, 2020, 07:59:38 pm
Shifting, unwritten rules with regard to shout-box posts during a stream show. No politics or ranting, I can understand, but jumping on someone for an attempt at humor or assigning a nefarious motive for posting drives me bonkers. Why not just post the rule: Just say "hi" then shut the heck up! Between you, me, and the fence post--I think someone's a tad over-caffienated.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on July 05, 2020, 12:00:10 pm
1. People who refuse to wear masks during this coronavirus pandemic and give copout excuses for not wearing them.  >:(

2. People tearing down statues and making other "revisionist history" claims, etc. Tearing down statues and rewriting history to "get rid of the bad things" will NOT make those bad things go away. They are a part of history and need to be learned from. NOT removed and destroyed.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BlueStreak on July 07, 2020, 06:37:06 pm
People who wave Confederate flags in Northern states.

I'm not a fan in general, but it seems especially dumb when you're literally in the state that gave us Grant, Sherman and Sheridan.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 12, 2020, 06:44:08 pm
I had to post this here cause it really ticks me off and grinds my gears.  :goldpissed: :goldpissed: :goldpissed:

Conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists do NOT in any way, shape, or form belong in Congress, Washington D.C., or any other lower state legislature/district. Letting them in is like letting the inmates run the insane asylum.
Case in point:

And what's worse is that Trump and a few Repubs are embracing her and her foul mouthed rhetoric.  :goldpissed:
Conspiracy theories are not facts. They are not news nor history either. They are nothing more than delusions of somebody's maligned imagination.
This QAnon conspiracy crap along with the people who believe/peddle it, needs to be taken out and thrown in the trash.  :goldpissed:
Somebody needs to get that woman (and any others who support QAnon) out of office.........NOW!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on August 13, 2020, 02:50:47 pm
Brain washed people. Was in walmarts yesterday. Saw people wearing their masks on their arms. Decided to call them cockroaches. Insects breath through opening under their arms. Makes sense to me.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 16, 2020, 11:24:26 am
Earning national recognition for four consecutive years without a bit of gratitude expressed by anyone at the state or group levels. Then two people from my state earn honors just now at the national online conference, and congratulations abound on social media. Nice to know that praise is being rendered once again for achievement.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on August 16, 2020, 09:01:25 pm
 Responding to Kobuk's post:
I have never heard of, Qanon, hope to never hear of it again.
How can our country harbour people who actually believe this drivel.
This really bothers me!
How many people fought,  died,  got maimed,  suffered real denial of rights,  etc just to make or country better?
And  for what? To allow people the ample free time,  luxury,  and supposed right to be this stupid?

It makes America and Americans look seriously stupid.
Where is the proof for the extreme accusations?
I guess I ask too much from a country which appears to not need proof for anything. Aka,  no need for the scientific method!
I want to crawl into a hole!
Tell me when it is over!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 21, 2020, 10:19:31 pm
People driving out of town like they robbed a convenience store (because banks are drive-up only). It's 70 mph on the business loop and I'm overtaken by the time it merges with the expressway. Said driver immediately swerves into the passing lane.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Amducious on August 22, 2020, 02:31:06 pm
Myself at times. I think I know what I want to do for a career. Then I change my mind, decide I want to do something else. I lose interest. Its a cyle that I hate. It's just hard for me to decide if I really want to do something for the rest of my adult life.

Damn me
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 22, 2020, 03:44:21 pm
Stupid QAnon people and their stupid conspiracies.  :goldpissed:  These types of people really make me laugh.  :goldlaugh:

Case in point:   


"What are these things?" Perkins repeated circling her mouth with her hand.

"What are what things? What are you asking?" I responded

"Those things covering your faces, I can't see you guys?"

"Oh, masks?" I said

"Oh, thank you," she said.

"Do you not believe in wearing masks?" I responded.

"Do you see one?" Perkins replied.

"I do not. But what's your answer?" I said.

"No," Perkins said

"Why not?" I replied.

"They do absolutely nothing to protect you," she said confidently.

So I asked, "How do you know that? Are you a scientist?"

"No, I don't need to be a scientist. I've done tons of reading," Perkins retorted.

"Oh. Are you a doctor?" I asked.

"I don't need to be a doctor either. I know how to read," she said with a chuckle.

 :goldlaugh: :goldlaugh: :goldlaugh:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on September 04, 2020, 10:32:55 pm
"Country music"--a music genre performed mostly by white males born South of Kentucky in a southern dialect with subject matter involving livestock, drinking, destruction of property, infidelity, Texas, and trite expressions. Yet broadcast on many radio stations far north of the Mason-Dixon Line.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Hans the husky on September 05, 2020, 01:48:44 pm
"Country music"--a music genre performed mostly by white males born South of Kentucky in a southern dialect with subject matter involving livestock, drinking, destruction of property, infidelity, Texas, and trite expressions. Yet broadcast on many radio stations far north of the Mason-Dixon Line.
That's my dad's favorite genre despits the fact that he is yankee. Especially as someone who is in to classical, it also really grinds my gears.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on September 06, 2020, 07:14:52 pm
And here I thought I needed to be afraid to express how Country is my least favorite music genre!
When it whines on and on, it grinds my gears too.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Hans the husky on September 06, 2020, 10:38:17 pm
And here I thought I needed to be afraid to express how Country is my least favorite music genre!
When it whines on and on, it grinds my gears too.
It'n not the lyrics that bothers me. It's that whiny voice you have to use when you sing it.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Mister Initial Man on September 07, 2020, 04:39:35 pm
What grinds my gears is people dismissing country as being whiny songs about  drinking, destruction of property, infidelity, Texas, and trite expressions that is sung by guys from south of Kentucky.

(Omissions from that phrase deliberate and noted).  Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go listen to the Canadian musican Wilf Carter sing about Walking The Streets Of Calgary. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRWSMu0RC_8)

And then maybe the Canadian singer Gordon Lightfoot about a young man returning home (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiqILSkr8l8)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on September 07, 2020, 08:33:02 pm
What grinds my gears is people dismissing country as being whiny songs about  drinking, destruction of property, infidelity, Texas, and trite expressions that is sung by guys from south of Kentucky.

(Omissions from that phrase deliberate and noted).  Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go listen to the Canadian musican Wilf Carter sing about Walking The Streets Of Calgary. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRWSMu0RC_8)

And then maybe the Canadian singer Gordon Lightfoot about a young man returning home (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiqILSkr8l8)

Gorden Lightfoot was never country music. More folk rock.  I remember hearing him on Rock stations in the 70's and 80's. 'Sundown' being one of my favorite songs of his. 'Rainy Day People' and "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" were also a constant on rock stations.

This brings up one of my most hated subjects. The music industry. The most horrific, self serving and destructive industry on Earth. I've talked to producers. Have friends who are apart of the industry. Everything from recording studio owners to friends who have toured in bands. I've watched this industry destroy so many people. Rip apart bands. Use people then throw them away like trash. Even seen contracts that state if they right any music it belongs to the industry. The reason why most acts are broke is because they don't own their own music. They pay the industry to play their own music. I wont go through a small novel rant about this. Keep my rant along the subject of this quote. For the past 20 years or so the music industry has combined rock and country music. Why? To make money. Instead of staying true to the forms of both. Instead of staying true to the fans that like either. They make more money by trashing both and turning them into one style. They claim to be loosing money because of internet piracy. The truth is they shot themselves in both feet. Turns out people are rejecting what the industry has done. More people are like you. Listening to real country music (Wilf Carter) and folk rock (Gorden Lightfoot). I listen to the song lists folks are playing where I work. Not a single person is listening to one single style of music. They all want what the music industry is trying to get rid of. Diversity. OK, I'll stop here. Before it takes an hour to read. I will add this. Along with my Led Zeppelin and Metallica I had a good stash of Johnny Cash. Diversity is awesome.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on September 07, 2020, 10:32:52 pm
Rap and Hip-hop music.  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on September 07, 2020, 11:39:09 pm
People driving massive RVs that see you coming down a 65MPH road and rather than wait for you to pass, pull out in front of you and turtle up to 45MPH so you have to slam on the brakes to avoid running into the back of them.

I take pride that I exhibited zero acts of road rage today.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: BlueStreak on September 08, 2020, 01:04:05 am
Crew-cab cowboys and the "big truck always wins" mindset. It's a free country of course, but how often are you hauling people, cargo, and actually use 4wd? Here in mid-MI the roads may be impassible one or two days each year thanks to snow plows.
One only saw such pickup trucks on construction sites or military bases--where they actually carried a crew to a tanker or bomber.
I'd be willing to bet that 75-80% of pickup trucks in this country are used for their intended purpose no more than once a year.

Crew cabs in particular seem to be reserved for people who need a car but want a truck.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Mister Initial Man on September 08, 2020, 02:03:54 am
What grinds my gears is people dismissing country as being whiny songs about  drinking, destruction of property, infidelity, Texas, and trite expressions that is sung by guys from south of Kentucky.

(Omissions from that phrase deliberate and noted).  Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go listen to the Canadian musican Wilf Carter sing about Walking The Streets Of Calgary. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRWSMu0RC_8)

And then maybe the Canadian singer Gordon Lightfoot about a young man returning home (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiqILSkr8l8)

Gorden Lightfoot was never country music. More folk rock.  I remember hearing him on Rock stations in the 70's and 80's. 'Sundown' being one of my favorite songs of his. 'Rainy Day People' and "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" were also a constant on rock stations.

This brings up one of my most hated subjects. The music industry. The most horrific, self serving and destructive industry on Earth. I've talked to producers. Have friends who are apart of the industry. Everything from recording studio owners to friends who have toured in bands. I've watched this industry destroy so many people. Rip apart bands. Use people then throw them away like trash. Even seen contracts that state if they right any music it belongs to the industry. The reason why most acts are broke is because they don't own their own music. They pay the industry to play their own music. I wont go through a small novel rant about this. Keep my rant along the subject of this quote. For the past 20 years or so the music industry has combined rock and country music. Why? To make money. Instead of staying true to the forms of both. Instead of staying true to the fans that like either. They make more money by trashing both and turning them into one style. They claim to be loosing money because of internet piracy. The truth is they shot themselves in both feet. Turns out people are rejecting what the industry has done. More people are like you. Listening to real country music (Wilf Carter) and folk rock (Gorden Lightfoot). I listen to the song lists folks are playing where I work. Not a single person is listening to one single style of music. They all want what the music industry is trying to get rid of. Diversity. OK, I'll stop here. Before it takes an hour to read. I will add this. Along with my Led Zeppelin and Metallica I had a good stash of Johnny Cash. Diversity is awesome.

To blame the downfall of the music industry on internet piracy is only partially--even superficially--true.  What happened was that, with the internet, the advent of home recording, and so on, the music industry no longer controlled the medium of recorded music.  It started happening even before the Internet, look at Barenaked Ladies' The Yellow Tape.  Some little punk band could record their music onto a computer, burn a bunch of CDs, make paper envelopes for them, and sell those CDs.  I have one such (Cheesewagon by Crooked).

But the Internet was what made that unignorable.

By the way, the Music Industry is why it's a LAW nowadays that Canadian radio stations and TV stations have to carry (I think) 60% Canadian content--before that, Canadian bands COULD NOT get airplay.  The Beaver Bin was the trash can their records automatically went into.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on September 08, 2020, 01:51:43 pm
Mister Initial Man! Thank you for pointing that out. Years ago I had a big argument with industry people. They scoffed and laughed at me when I told them the internet will bring them down. I watched as singed bands got out of their contracts and got bigger on the net. I watched as unknowns made it big without a single contract. And yes I still saw some of these acts get signed. They vanished. The only way the inudstry had to fight this was to try to kill it off one act at a time.

What grinds my gears? People are still dumb enough to sign a contract with the music industry.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on September 08, 2020, 05:20:47 pm
Ok I need to admit that I didn't realize this about the music industry.  And to be fair,  not all country music stinks. 

What grinds my gears is my loss of job skills by being made to do basic stuff for too long.  I can't even remember how to do differential equations.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on September 08, 2020, 05:35:30 pm
Crew-cab cowboys and the "big truck always wins" mindset. It's a free country of course, but how often are you hauling people, cargo, and actually use 4wd? Here in mid-MI the roads may be impassible one or two days each year thanks to snow plows.
One only saw such pickup trucks on construction sites or military bases--where they actually carried a crew to a tanker or bomber.
I'd be willing to bet that 75-80% of pickup trucks in this country are used for their intended purpose no more than once a year.

Crew cabs in particular seem to be reserved for people who need a car but want a truck.

I am also wondering if the larger power to weight ratio of an empty pickup truck are why they are purchased.  They are sold as powerful vehicles to do "manly" work.  I can say that here in Colorado,  or first snow is always marked with dozens of pickup trucks sliding off the road.

I can tell you that doing work for the ministry of roads in the Netherlands via remote work that almost no one there uses a pickup truck.   I analyzed over 100,000 pictures of real toll road data over 2 years and saw only like 2% pickups.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kay Alett on September 08, 2020, 06:54:08 pm
Rap and Hip-hop music.  :goldpissed:

I have nothing against rap and hip hop, they can be quite entertaining and fun styles. What I don't like about it is the content. It does grind my gears that rap and hip hop music seems to be all about sex, drugs, the "fun" of being a gansta and basically perpetuates the stereotype of "thug life" and being hoodlums as being appealing.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on September 10, 2020, 12:06:05 pm
Day after day, I hear and read news stories of Covid cases going up on colleges and universities.
Do college people just not care if they get sick or make others sick?
I guess they only care about socializing with their friends and going to parties which is usually a staple of college life.
Masks and social distancing be damned.

Well, you reap what you sow. Karma will come back to get them.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on September 10, 2020, 09:07:49 pm
This really grinds my gear tonight.  :goldpissed:
Tomorrow is 9/11. And we all pretty much know the significance of that date. 19 years ago, the Twin Towers in New York fell due to a terrorist attack via airliners.
Anyway, I have a Facebook friend who has been posting images of the 9/11 attack on his timeline. It's his way of "never forgetting" what happened and to also make sure nobody else forgets what happened.
Tonight, he shared a post from somebody else to his timeline. It was a VERY closeup picture of one of the towers and you could see people falling to their deaths.

I was at work when the Twin Towers fell and I will never forget what happened that day. I remember the news reports. I still have newspaper articles somewhere in my closet of the events.
But I do not need to see a picture of people falling to their deaths to make me never forget the events on that day. Posting that picture just seems cold and heartless in some way. I know people fell or jumped to their deaths. I've heard or read the stories.
I can't find the right words to describe what I want to say, but using a picture like that and spreading it around FB to make sure people never forget that horrific day is just wrong.
If I want to remember 9/11, at least show me better pics of the heroes (Firefighters, Paramedics, etc.) saving people, or pics of those blue beams of light reaching into the night sky in rememberence of 9/11.

I'm pissed. I just think it's morally wrong to use a picture like that of people falling to get us to never forget 9/11.  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on September 11, 2020, 09:39:24 pm
9/11 special on tv right now here.  They are showing heroes saving others.  Unity.  Etc.  Not a bad way to remember.

What grinds my gears is my not having the experience I am supposed to have for my age in my job. Makes me feel very vulnerable.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on September 14, 2020, 09:53:46 pm
I grind my gears.  They are tasty on a salad.
Just being silly.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on September 14, 2020, 10:03:36 pm
Preachy yard signs that take at least five minutes to read. That is, if they can be read at all. An investment of at least $20 to the homeowner to virtue-signal and they don't want it to walk off.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on September 15, 2020, 01:31:13 pm
ME! And some of the dumb things i can do. Mailed out a hand full of bills. Forgot stamps. Had to make a phone in payment for my mortgage.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on September 25, 2020, 10:01:36 pm
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on September 25, 2020, 10:50:03 pm
Finding unfinished business in the stall of the workplace lavatory.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Hans the husky on September 26, 2020, 01:38:08 pm
My lack of motivation and tendency to procastinate.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on September 26, 2020, 02:50:20 pm
My lack of motivation and tendency to procastinate.

I'm going through that right now.  :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Hans the husky on September 26, 2020, 03:12:25 pm
My lack of motivation and tendency to procastinate.

I'm going through that right now.  :P
It sucks. It's an awful feeling to know that you have potential but you can't take advantage of it because of your own laziness.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on September 26, 2020, 06:46:40 pm
The laws of physics and why they don't work for me..... I run a large machine at work. I've run machines like this for over 25 years now. When something goes wrong it's my job to fix it. Sounds easy enough. I fought with this machine for well over two hours trying to figure out what was wrong. Did everything possible. Twice. Got to the point were i was thinking is circles. Finally gave up and asked my boss to have a look. He spent five minutes and said "What about this?". The "This" he was referring to is on the opposite side of the problem. But I tried it anyway. And it worked. We both had a good laugh about it. There was no way possible. it should not have worked. Right now your probably sitting at a desk or table. Imagine touching the left short side of the platform to the right short side of the platform. Without bending the desk. Apparently that is how my machine works. :)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on October 01, 2020, 05:26:21 pm
More college students not social distancing, etc. during this Covid pandemic. All they give a crap about is their stupid parties. No wonder the infection rates are going up around the country.  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on October 02, 2020, 01:21:16 pm
I have become so trained to see red brake lights in 3 places on the rear of a vehicle.  Left,  right,  upper middle.  I almost hit someone because they stopped fast and NO lights worked.
If you can't buy a cheapie screwdriver and change a bulb,  can you drive?
I wish people had to pass an additional test to drive,  like,  are you responsible?  No worry,  soon we will have self driving cars that let everyone know where you are at all times and won't let you go of road.  I should be quiet now
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Hans the husky on October 04, 2020, 02:42:33 pm
I have become so trained to see red brake lights in 3 places on the rear of a vehicle.  Left,  right,  upper middle.  I almost hit someone because they stopped fast and NO lights worked.
If you can't buy a cheapie screwdriver and change a bulb,  can you drive?
I wish people had to pass an additional test to drive,  like,  are you responsible?  No worry,  soon we will have self driving cars that let everyone know where you are at all times and won't let you go of road.  I should be quiet now
I know. I don't understand how you can be allowed to drive but not know how to take basic care of your car. If I was in charge, I would make driving students take a mandatory car mechanics course.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Hans the husky on October 04, 2020, 02:43:56 pm
People who think that corona rules don't apply to them but then go on to complain about lockdown.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on October 10, 2020, 03:11:20 pm
What grinds my gears lately? Um covid and the world in general.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on October 21, 2020, 11:57:05 pm
Motorists driving against the designated traffic flow in shopping center parking lots. Nearly collided with one who insisted on getting around me today as I tried to park in my usual spot. Then another following the same path but with both hands off the wheel to style the hair.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on October 22, 2020, 09:21:35 pm
Does my dad count? lol
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on October 24, 2020, 02:52:23 pm
 My lame sound system can't pound those block rocking beats. Grinds my gears.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 01, 2020, 07:44:11 pm
About a half-dozen neighbors now park their cars facing against the traffic flow. Saves them having to waddle farther to reach their front door.

I shouldn't have to get out of their way when they decide to pull in or out of their spot as that could put me 51% at fault in an accident. Make an effort to park properly! It gives one an adrenaline rush when an SUV or supercab pickup rounds the corner and crosses the centerline out of habit to park--and you happen to be coming the other direction. NOT a good thing!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on November 04, 2020, 12:08:02 am
Migraine headaches really hurt.  Grinds my gears.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 06, 2020, 05:09:56 pm
My first--and only--full-time non-contractor job came with an assigned parking spot. But since I had to use my own car on the job, someone would usually be in my spot whenever I returned to the plant. So I was always being inconvenienced and there was no penalty for taking someone's assigned spot. Some perk!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on November 06, 2020, 06:14:13 pm
My first--and only--full-time non-contractor job came with an assigned parking spot. But since I had to use my own car on the job, someone would usually be in my spot whenever I returned to the plant. So I was always being inconvenienced and there was no penalty for taking someone's assigned spot. Some perk!

Do you drive a big truck and have a tow strap? We had someone literally drag someone else's car out of his spot because he got tired of being walked on. :p
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 07, 2020, 09:04:36 am
My first--and only--full-time non-contractor job came with an assigned parking spot. But since I had to use my own car on the job, someone would usually be in my spot whenever I returned to the plant. So I was always being inconvenienced and there was no penalty for taking someone's assigned spot. Some perk!

Do you drive a big truck and have a tow strap? We had someone literally drag someone else's car out of his spot because he got tired of being walked on. :p

Nobody seemed to care anyway. Working part-time in a public sector job now.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on November 07, 2020, 02:33:09 pm
Had to block a phone number. At first I thought it was just a campaign calls from different numbers not leaving messages on the answering machine. Till I continued to get calls after the election was over. So I looked the number up and found over 60 calls from this one number last month. Eight calls from this same number after the election was over. Eight calls in four days. It's an unlisted number. So now they will get a message stating I will no longer except calls. If they wanted to talk they would have left a message sometime in all those 70+ calls.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 22, 2020, 10:51:17 pm
Neighbors burning leaves this time of year out of "tradition". So is the $500 fine for burning within 1400' of the city limit dude.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 23, 2020, 09:33:06 pm
Furry artists who are consistently late to their own streaming shows. As tonight being an example. Then never posting the finished art on their own FA account.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on December 05, 2020, 02:31:36 pm
Blocked another phone number. Four calls in two days. Did a reverse lookup and the number isn't registered to anyone. It's not that it's unregistered or privet. It doesn't exist.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on December 05, 2020, 11:43:42 pm
Workplace luncheons in general. Either bring a dish to pass or chip in $8-$10. Here, the maintenance staff starts a half-hour ahead of everyone else. I'm out of the plant on business and not likely to return in time to join everyone. So stuck with either lukewarm food and/or eating alone from a limited selection of leftovers. There may be enough food for a few days, but that can vary. Plus the cleaning staff is likely to be in the lunchroom tidying up and asking if I'm enjoying my lunch while I'm eating. Then there's the possibility of walking down to the lunchroom to find nothing worth the trip. I keep a backup lunch handy.

So call me anti-social, but I'll just eat my brown bag lunch at my desk and surf the internet rather than subsidize someone else's big fancy lunch.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kay Alett on December 06, 2020, 05:44:50 am
Workplace luncheons in general. Either bring a dish to pass or chip in $8-$10.
So call me anti-social, but I'll just eat my brown bag lunch at my desk and surf the internet rather than subsidize someone else's big fancy lunch.

That sounds like a godawful system to me. Bring food that everyone can enjoy or pitch in money to buy food for everyone.
What if you can't afford either? What if you bring just enough for only yourself?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on December 06, 2020, 08:48:24 pm

That sounds like a godawful system to me. Bring food that everyone can enjoy or pitch in money to buy food for everyone.
What if you can't afford either? What if you bring just enough for only yourself?

It's not bad if one doesn't need to leave the plant on that day--which isn't often. If I can discover the sign-up list in time, then I may sign up to bring pop or chips. Just a few dollars' investment, but sometimes only the more expensive options are all that remains. And I'm just a part-timer.  It's just more practical to bring my own lunch and eat when I return to the plant, then no one need be concerned about leaving the food out for the missing man.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on December 07, 2020, 05:33:21 pm
DVD's and Blu-rays on Amazon must be getting scarce.  :o And damn expensive too!  >:( I guess people must be buying a lot to keep from getting bored at home during pandemic lockdowns.
I tried in vain to find certain titles that would put me over the $25 limit to get free shipping, but not too high in price to break my wallet. It wasn't easy. The more scarce and limited/out-of-stock titles are, the higher in price they go.  :'(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on December 08, 2020, 03:13:43 am
DVD's and Blu-rays on Amazon must be getting scarce.  :o And damn expensive too!  >:( I guess people must be buying a lot to keep from getting bored at home during pandemic lockdowns.
I tried in vain to find certain titles that would put me over the $25 limit to get free shipping, but not too high in price to break my wallet. It wasn't easy. The more scarce and limited/out-of-stock titles are, the higher in price they go.  :'(

Hold off on buying them at a higher price. They all should start going down soon enough. Still waiting for a CD to go down in price. Right now the cheapest I can find it is around $40+ to about $60. That's down from around $500+. I can buy the album a lot cheaper. Still have the cassette. Thinking of taking the cassette into a studio. have them burn it to a CD for me. Not sure how much that will cost. I did get burned once.

And that is what grinds my gears....

Sepultura Morbid Visions / Bestial Devastation. I had this on cassette. Wanted it on CD. Ended up paying $50+ for it. Cheapest I could find. Two months later they came out with a reprint on CD. ...........
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on December 09, 2020, 05:12:19 pm
Is there something about stores and restaurants where they don't have hot water in their restrooms? What the hell?  >:( Whenever I go into a restroom and need to wash my hands, there's almost no hot water coming from the faucet. Only cold water.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on December 09, 2020, 07:53:33 pm
Is there something about stores and restaurants where they don't have hot water in their restrooms? What the hell?  >:( Whenever I go into a restroom and need to wash my hands, there's almost no hot water coming from the faucet. Only cold water.

I have heard a rumor this is to discourage use from homeless.  Assuming they may use warm water to .. get warm.. as well as wash? IDK.
Many restaurants here are turning into a place where you have to get a code to use the restroom.

What grinds my gears is that I can not get ahead in life because I am trying too hard.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Varg the wanderer on December 09, 2020, 09:39:08 pm
YouTube changing it's terms to remove anything calling the election into question. YouTube had no problem with all sorts of stuff about Trump being an illegitimate president for the past four years, despite that information being found to be not true, or all the misinformation and inflammatory things this summer that fueled riots, arson, and vandalism, but now that people are questioning the election and bringing forth evidence of fraud they need to be silenced?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on December 16, 2020, 02:36:23 pm
People who don't "stack" shopping carts. I see shopping carts "litter" the parking lot or other places at retail locations. Usually, there's a corral where shopping carts are supposed to be stacked. Please use it!  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on December 19, 2020, 08:28:20 am
Road drinking--there's a lot of it here--and it's an expensive hobby. I'm seeing 20-ounce beer cans and those one-shot liquor bottles around the neighborhood.  On the road, and on the rail trail nearby. There's one spot along a highway entrance ramp in the town where I work with a pile of empty plastic "fifths". (There are at least three package liquor dealers w/i a mile of that spot too.)

Someone must be extremely thirsty to down a large can of beer in 30-degree weather, then chuck the can out the window of a moving car. But then, this is Michigan after all. One of my work stops where there were almost a dozen empty beer cans in the hotel parking lot--all in one area too. Maybe people are afraid to pick 'em up due to the pandemic.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on December 21, 2020, 08:41:13 pm
The fact that the covid vac will be forced on me  >:(
I  have a fear of needles so yeah. I think I'd rather hold a tarantula which is one of my fears.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on December 21, 2020, 09:20:16 pm
The fact that the covid vac will be forced on me  >:(
I  have a fear of needles so yeah. I think I'd rather hold a tarantula which is one of my fears.

I haven't really heard of anybody being "forced" to get the vaccine. Where did you hear that?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on December 22, 2020, 12:57:36 am
What grinds my gears are those hugs obnoxious Diesel trucks that people use to...get 20 pounds of groceries in.  What are those loud and stinky things for?  Do they haul tons of rock each week for a living? 
I bet people who put ships into space to explore mars etc drive small things, because they have nothing to compensate for.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kay Alett on December 22, 2020, 01:02:45 am
The fact that the covid vac will be forced on me  >:(
I  have a fear of needles so yeah. I think I'd rather hold a tarantula which is one of my fears.

I haven't really heard of anybody being "forced" to get the vaccine. Where did you hear that?
Yeah I ain't heard of people being forced to get it. I suppose an employer could say that you have to get it but if you're that dead set on not getting it and you end up being fired you could sue for wrongful termination based on beliefs and say you're an anti-vaxxer.

But honestly it's just easer to get the shot.
A little tip from someone who has a powerful fear of needles and has had to be stuck more times than they can count in their lifetime, Stay relaxed.
Practice some kind of meditation ritual that will fully relax your body and mind, listen to some music, do something that will really relax you. Tensed muscles offer more resistance to needles and that makes it hurt a heck of a lot more. If you're relaxed then the muscle puts up little resistance and the needle can go in easily and come out easy too and you won't feel as much pain.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on December 22, 2020, 01:19:47 am
The fact that the covid vac will be forced on me  >:(
I  have a fear of needles so yeah. I think I'd rather hold a tarantula which is one of my fears.

I haven't really heard of anybody being "forced" to get the vaccine. Where did you hear that?
Yeah I ain't heard of people being forced to get it. I suppose an employer could say that you have to get it but if you're that dead set on not getting it and you end up being fired you could sue for wrongful termination based on beliefs and say you're an anti-vaxxer.

But honestly it's just easer to get the shot.
A little tip from someone who has a powerful fear of needles and has had to be stuck more times than they can count in their lifetime, Stay relaxed.
Practice some kind of meditation ritual that will fully relax your body and mind, listen to some music, do something that will really relax you. Tensed muscles offer more resistance to needles and that makes it hurt a heck of a lot more. If you're relaxed then the muscle puts up little resistance and the needle can go in easily and come out easy too and you won't feel as much pain.
To chime in.. yeah Kay is right of course.
relax, let the shot happen and go home.  More to worry about in life, like that car that will hit and kill you in 15 years and you never saw it coming.

I used to get shots that i couldn't feel because the nurse was called "the human mosquito" , which was a compliment.
So some people are better than others at giving it.
Also use a meaty muscle, if you are boney, yeah it can suck.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on December 22, 2020, 01:12:11 pm
Ive been with the same company for 25 years now. As a Christmas gift I got a ham. I got a ham. I smiled and did all the polite things wile I received it. it's a gift. But after 25 years you would think folks would remember I'm allergic to pork. I've already gifted it.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on December 22, 2020, 04:09:47 pm
The fact that the covid vac will be forced on me  >:(
I  have a fear of needles so yeah. I think I'd rather hold a tarantula which is one of my fears.

I haven't really heard of anybody being "forced" to get the vaccine. Where did you hear that?
Yeah I ain't heard of people being forced to get it. I suppose an employer could say that you have to get it but if you're that dead set on not getting it and you end up being fired you could sue for wrongful termination based on beliefs and say you're an anti-vaxxer.

But honestly it's just easer to get the shot.
A little tip from someone who has a powerful fear of needles and has had to be stuck more times than they can count in their lifetime, Stay relaxed.
Practice some kind of meditation ritual that will fully relax your body and mind, listen to some music, do something that will really relax you. Tensed muscles offer more resistance to needles and that makes it hurt a heck of a lot more. If you're relaxed then the muscle puts up little resistance and the needle can go in easily and come out easy too and you won't feel as much pain.
To chime in.. yeah Kay is right of course.
relax, let the shot happen and go home.  More to worry about in life, like that car that will hit and kill you in 15 years and you never saw it coming.

I used to get shots that i couldn't feel because the nurse was called "the human mosquito" , which was a compliment.
So some people are better than others at giving it.
Also use a meaty muscle, if you are boney, yeah it can suck.
Dad told me if I want to go back to work I'd have to get it and since he's getting it, I'm getting it too. With dad I never get a choice weather or not I get it. And yes I'd love to take care of cats again but if everyone else is getting it, I can't really pass on the virus(I'm more a carrier). And having to get it twice?! Isn't once enough? And why haven't we found a different way to vaccinate? Like a non painful way? One that doesn't involve needles?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on December 22, 2020, 06:14:03 pm
Dad told me if I want to go back to work I'd have to get it and since he's getting it, I'm getting it too. With dad I never get a choice weather or not I get it. And yes I'd love to take care of cats again but if everyone else is getting it, I can't really pass on the virus(I'm more a carrier). And having to get it twice?! Isn't once enough? And why haven't we found a different way to vaccinate? Like a non painful way? One that doesn't involve needles?

Yes, there are some places that will demand that a person get the vaccine. It depends on what type of job a person has, where they work, what their work policies are, and any other factors.
People need to get vaccinated twice. From what I've heard, the first shot is only about 40-50% effective. Then about 2-3 weeks later, a person gets a second shot which brings the effectiveness up to about 95% or so.
A non-painful way? That only exists in STAR TREK with hyposprays.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on December 22, 2020, 08:01:56 pm
There was a non-painful way in development years ago.  It was a small patch with micro needles on it all very short, and they sat on the skin for a day.  The patch would slowly inject through those little needles the medicine or vaccine.  I do not know what happened to this idea.

One can always snort a vaccine, but those are usually LIVE vaccines or partly active anyway, and that is not my idea of fun.
Sadly, laws of science often dictate that we do what we do, because it works, not because it is easy.
So far as I know there is no way to get into outer space except a huge powerful rocket.  Costs money, loud, big, etc... why can't we levitate?
Science doesn't allow it.

I think the oldest known vaccine was a cow-pox vaccine.  People who milked cows could get cow-pox and were lightly ill, but were then immune to the deadly small-pox  (and that is still the case today!).  The cow pox pustule was popped on a sick cow using a thorn or needle.  The thorn/needle was actually partly hollow, so it took up some of the cow-pox virus.  This thing was then jabbed into a persons skin.  The cow-pox was close enough to the small-pox virus in terms of its outer protein structure that the body learned from the cow-pox and was ready for the more deadly small-pox.  I believe this was discovered by Pasteur.

So see this poking the skin thing is as old as time.  Think of it as an ancient initiation ritual. Like a tattoo or piercing.

What grinds my gears is that I am losing my ability to see the computer screen well enough to do my job, and there are no computer chairs that don't hurt my butt.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on January 12, 2021, 11:40:43 pm
No motorized vehicles are permitted on the local rail trail--it's posted. Yet I've seen studded tire marks from dirt bikes in the warm months. Since the snow season, ATV and snowmobile traffic has been evident. Also an automobile--possibly police.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on January 19, 2021, 08:31:34 pm
That child actor who starred in "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York" wants Donald Trump removed from the film.  >:(

I don't like Trump as much as the next person, but I am sick and tired of movies constantly being edited because some people don't like something in them.   >:(
So I made a mad dash to try and find a DVD copy to buy in case Warner Bros. ever does decide to edit Trump out in future DVD releases of the film. If Warner Bros. ever does do the editing, then all the previous copies with Trump in the film will then become collector items. ;)
Found 2 DVD copies of the film at a used book/DVD store. One for myself and one for my mother.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on January 21, 2021, 01:03:22 am
 Distracted drivers grind my gears
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on January 26, 2021, 03:06:55 pm
The plow guy is here plowing the apartment parking lot. But I guess some people don't care or can't be bothered with to move their cars. Guess they'll all end up getting a $75 fine from the apt. manager for not moving their car. Sucks to be them.  :D
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on February 01, 2021, 08:23:24 pm
Neighbor's dog snarling in their yard after midnight each time they let it out to do it's business.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on February 14, 2021, 11:58:19 am
A coworker who usually plays a country station on his shift, switched to a "soft rock" station (not a better choice IMO), and several of the tunes played are country songs anyway. One by Faith Hill, for example.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on February 20, 2021, 12:34:18 am
People walking in the traffic lanes of city streets when there's a functioning sidewalk nearby. If there's more than one, then they walk side-by-side and take up as much room as a car. Thus forcing motorists into the oncoming traffic lane.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on February 23, 2021, 07:30:24 pm

I can understand and support lowering the flag for a fallen police officer, firefighter, and even a military person. But for a radio talk show personality? Gimmie a break! The guy doesn't deserve it. What the hell did he do for this country to deserve such an honor?  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on February 24, 2021, 10:37:12 am
People who don't use a bathroom vent fan , and it is there, and they make a stink.
I mean, flip the switch BEFORE you start your business!
Don't fill the house with the smell, and that spray does not cover it up!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on February 25, 2021, 05:45:37 pm

I can understand and support lowering the flag for a fallen police officer, firefighter, and even a military person. But for a radio talk show personality? Gimmie a break! The guy doesn't deserve it. What the hell did he do for this country to deserve such an honor?  :goldpissed:

 Does this only involve Florida and Missouri on the flag issue?

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on February 28, 2021, 09:33:38 pm
During this coronavirus pandemic, masks are supposed to cover both your mouth AND YOUR NOSE. And yet, some people don't understand that or refuse to put the mask up over their nose.  :goldpissed: It's not just your mouth you exhale from, but also your nose. So even if you have coronavirus and don't have the mask covering your nose, you can exhale those virus particles from your nose and inadvertantly make someone catch covid.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kay Alett on March 01, 2021, 07:29:30 pm
During this coronavirus pandemic, masks are supposed to cover both your mouth AND YOUR NOSE. And yet, some people don't understand that or refuse to put the mask up over their nose.  :goldpissed: It's not just your mouth you exhale from, but also your nose. So even if you have coronavirus and don't have the mask covering your nose, you can exhale those virus particles from your nose and inadvertantly make someone catch covid.

 :'( b-b-b-but then I'll have to smell my own stanky halitosis! Oh curse the person who made face masks in such a way that I have to smell my own breath!

Kidding of course, I'm with you on this Kobuk anytime I see people doing that I get their attention and tell them their nose slipped out of its bra. Old M*A*S*H joke that Colonel Potter said to Klinger once in OR when his nose wasn't covered by his mask.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on March 05, 2021, 12:06:04 am
During this coronavirus pandemic, masks are supposed to cover both your mouth AND YOUR NOSE. And yet, some people don't understand that or refuse to put the mask up over their nose.  :goldpissed: It's not just your mouth you exhale from, but also your nose. So even if you have coronavirus and don't have the mask covering your nose, you can exhale those virus particles from your nose and inadvertantly make someone catch covid.

I call this The Killroy. A Moe Howard cosplayer should appear and "honk" exposed nose in classic Stooge fashion.

I've had and still have coworkers who crowd the lunchroom fridge with more food and drink than they need for the work week. Includes case lots of bottled water, 2L pop bottles with a few forgotten flat ounces left, travel mugs, and family size condiments.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on March 14, 2021, 06:44:49 pm

I've had and still have coworkers who crowd the lunchroom fridge with more food and drink than they need for the work week. Includes case lots of bottled water, 2L pop bottles with a few forgotten flat ounces left, travel mugs, and family size condiments.

Our company has one fridge in the break room. And a policy. "Anything left in the box on Friday night will be thrown out." Contents, containers and all. This keeps that from happening.

I belong to a graymuzzle facebook group. Here lately there's been a rash of people getting offended by everything. Admins have had to take down discussions. Because a hand full of members get really offended if you disagree with them. These same members get offended at people posting jokes or humor. Really hoping admin will ban this new group of people.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on March 15, 2021, 10:24:48 am
Hi Cause,
I would venture a guess people do not teach keeping a thick skin, and learning to think before acting.
Our internet culture allows for quick and easy injury and lashing out. 

What grinds my gears is weather reports that predict dire storms, and all you get is 4" of normal snow.
Why? To boost Colorado ski resort tourism?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on March 18, 2021, 05:07:08 pm
Neighbors remote "beep" locking their cars several times an hour. It especially gets annoying after midnight. If there's something that's worth stealing, then bring it inside.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on March 22, 2021, 10:27:06 am
Neighbors remote "beep" locking their cars several times an hour. It especially gets annoying after midnight. If there's something that's worth stealing, then bring it inside.
Your neighbors seem to do this alot.  So do mine..
Maybe it is a compulsive behavior with some people. IDK.

For me, what grinds my gears is/are early Monday mornings.  I can't get up to the task of working.  And I can't use caffeine anymore.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on April 17, 2021, 09:56:44 am
Pedestrians walking on the road when clear sidewalks are nearby. Get a parade permit for goodness sake.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on April 18, 2021, 08:25:42 pm
People parking in my private driveway.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on April 19, 2021, 09:37:47 pm
Motorists who cross the centerline to park or drop off a passenger and expect me to get out of the way.  I will not risk a head-on collision with oncoming traffic to avoid a head-on collision with someone in my lane. Proper lane use always! Lazy so-and-so's.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on April 22, 2021, 12:45:08 pm
Irritated.  >:(
I've got a modeling friend who wants to borrow my Wonder Woman 1984 DVD movie from me and he's been pestering me nearly every single week. He won't go out and buy it himself. I offered to buy it for him and he could pay me back. Nope. He refused the offer. He said he wants to borrow it from me first and watch it before he decides to buy a copy. I told him the slightly bad review I had about the movie and I guess he wants to watch the movie and see if my review was worth it or not.
Out of a 10 star rating, I only gave this movie a 6. ******  The main male villian in the movie was a total wimp. So cheesy and laughable. And you only got to see the Cheetah female villian at the very end of the movie..........like maybe the last 15 minutes. And the plot was pretty stupid as well about a hunk of rock that grants wishes. Maybe my friend thinks Gal Gadot is "hot" or something? She's perfect as the Wonder Woman character, but I wouldn't go so far as to say she's HOT. This movie could have been so much more. But it was a letdown instead.  :'(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on April 25, 2021, 12:18:34 am
No word on who was awarded or promoted during the online state-level conference my aviation-minded organization hosted online this weekend. A connectivity issue kept me from registering besides.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Old Rabbit on April 25, 2021, 12:57:54 pm
What get to me is how people don't want to  take this
virus seriously   I mean it kills people , yet people
still think it's just a case of the flue.

So wear your mask, wash your hands, and respect  your fellow humans
right to good health.

Even if its  a pain. people seem to think they ought to
be able to say no, but it's the variants that are created
when people get sick that can  kill. and a vareant
could need a different vaccine for us all.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on April 27, 2021, 02:09:59 pm
The down side of being really muscular. No one has the size of stuff I need. Managed to hurt my left knee and need a brace. The only size anyone caries is an xL or med. Needed one now so I got the XL. It's tight.  Had trouble getting this over my calf.  Like squeezing into under armor. It aint gonna move. There's velcro straps on it. For me they are there for decoration. Had to order an XXL. Git it Fri.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Iara Warriorfeather on April 28, 2021, 02:08:47 am
When people want to cut me out of their life for no reason other than their own...their projection onto me is unfair. I don't mind being rejected--it happens all the time. It just sucks when it's by someone that you build a relationship with after years of silence. I guess it's better they try and figure themselves out--it just sucks I am a casualty in the process. *sigh*

Why reach out and be friends if in the end people just want to fade, walk away, or cut you out anyway? I just don't understand some people and this attitude of, "Well, this isn't working so I guess I gotta cut everyone out and off. Bye!"

Same thing with the "cancel culture" crap. Why do that to people? Yeah, I get it--some people are toxic and will never change, nor do they want to or try. Those folks do need help and should be avoided. But when this logic extends to your personal life? Yeah, it causes pain and problems.

Keeping distant is one thing. Rejecting everyone out of hand is another. Ugh.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on May 21, 2021, 07:17:32 pm
You know the story.
At a red light, car idling,things to do place to go to , people to see
10 drivers in front of you and you know you are not going to make it through the light.

Because these people take on average 3 to 5 seconds each just to get moving, and once moving they barely move at all.

What is with people?  Just go already!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on May 22, 2021, 02:08:02 pm
Jade. 10? where I live if you get behind three mini vans your not moving until the light turns yellow.

Having to play a game to get working equipment at work. I have to keep track of product by entering in codes. Wile wearing gloves that are wet and oily from handling the product. This makes a real mess of the keyboard. Keys start to become unresponsive when pressed. The keyboard would have to be completely unusable before they would get me a new one. So it just happened to become completely unusable. Now i have a new one.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kay Alett on May 22, 2021, 05:54:19 pm
Because these people take on average 3 to 5 seconds each just to get moving, and once moving they barely move at all.

What is with people?  Just go already!
It's not safe to "just go". Drivers still have to keep an eye out in case anyone will attempt running a red and to keep a safe measure of distance between your vehicle and other vehicles on the road you have to allow three to five seconds to pass before you begin moving to allow for proper stopping distance once you get up to speed.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on May 22, 2021, 11:35:12 pm
Hi Kay,
I can see the first person in line to take 3-5 seconds to be sure it is okay to go before going.
But the 10 cars behind them all take an additional 3-5 seconds each as well. Why?  What is new?  Are we all going to stop at green lights and pause and take 3 seconds each to survey and decide and then move, one-after-the-other?   30 seconds after the green light, then I can move?  10 lights like this to get home? 5 minutes doing nothing but waiting on other people?  If the first guy took 5 seconds to figure out if traffic is clear and so on, cool.  Then form a freaking train and get on with it.

It is safe to "just go" when you have all the information. 
If I am stopped at an intersection and have clear view of all traffic, if I had a formula 1 race car I would smoke people at the light because I know what is there, what is not there, and so forth.  There is NO need to be worried about cars materializing out of nowhere.  If you see a car coming at high rate of speed towards the intersection, hold on and see what happens.  If all lanes in all directions are stopped, and you are waiting for the green, punch it when the time comes!  If you worry that some car will be in your way, then you are admitting you didn't look well, or remain aware of your surroundings.  If you know objects can be hidden, then you never had clear view of the area and should be cautious. But seriously now, if you are at a plain simple 4 way intersection with no visual obstructions and you are aware of things, just go.

If you know what is there, you know.  If you have doubts whether or not to go, it is because you can't see everything and THAT is when you need to be so cautious.

Yeah, I hate driving in congested traffic.

What grinds my gears is life

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kay Alett on May 22, 2021, 11:59:33 pm
No Jade what I am saying is that the car in front begins moving, the person behind them has to wait 3 seconds before moving in order to put adequate stopping distance between the vehicles.

1st in line moves
2nd waits 3 seconds and then begins moving
3rd now must wait 3 seconds before moving
4th must now wait 3 seconds before moving

Putting a distance of 3 to 5 seconds inbetween each vehicle allows room for vehicles to stop should something happen. Even a car moving slowly requires some distance to safely stop. It might seem annoying to you but it's part of the rules of the road. At least according to the colorado state driving test anyway.
I'm not trying to say that your anger at this invalid, but you wanted to know why people do this, I'm just explaining that.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on May 24, 2021, 10:03:08 am
Thanks Kay, I get you now.

Yeah, driving at times is my least favorite thing to do.

My dog Wanda is very ... affectionate.  I know all dogs are different, but come on, I mean she totally stinks at times (attitude) and doesn't care about anyone.
That grinds my gears.  Some companion dog.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on May 24, 2021, 02:37:54 pm
A few times during the week, I try to check the clearance book shelves to see what books and DVD's the library is getting rid of from their collections. Trying to check the DVD's is an uphill battle.  :P Bunch of people standing around it like a bunch of vultures picking over a dead body. It's like "Me first! Me first! I saw it first!".

Guess I'm just going to have to arrive at the library earlier to get my cut of the "dead body" so to speak. ;)  :D
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kay Alett on May 25, 2021, 06:02:10 am
A few times during the week, I try to check the clearance book shelves to see what books and DVD's the library is getting rid of from their collections. Trying to check the DVD's is an uphill battle.  :P Bunch of people standing around it like a bunch of vultures picking over a dead body. It's like "Me first! Me first! I saw it first!".

Guess I'm just going to have to arrive at the library earlier to get my cut of the "dead body" so to speak. ;)  :D
I hate that "forget you, got mine" attitude. I see it when new transformers figures come out or when figures i really wanted go on clearance.
Recently they've been having a netflix series line, basically figures from a current line but with extra detail paint applications or limited run figures.
One of the recent lines was called "Earthrise" and featured many transformers in their classic first generation 1980's series vehicle modes (except Megatron cause for the life of me i can't imagine why they don't want to make toy guns anymore lol). But the line was suspiciously missing Bumblebee and Soundwave.

Then it was announced that bumblebee and soundwave, in their classic 1980's alt modes, a VW Beatle and a Micro Cassette tape player respectively, would be under the netflix brand. Which lead to people scalping these figures cause not only is the netflix line hard to find, these particular two were Walmart exclusives!  >:(

And I really, really hate when figures get released as exclusives to just one store! Not only does it make a wide market for scalpers but it means really interesting toys get bought up fast by collectors getting more than 1 copy of the same figure and leave nothing for kids. I might be a toy collector but even I don't go grabbing the last stock on a shelf.  >:( ...okay, usually.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on May 26, 2021, 09:31:41 pm
Searches through shelves and peg hooks looking for the elusive Kay Alett action figure with mini Kit Kat candy bar.

Nope. Not that one
Nope. Not that.
Still searches.
Looks through 5 more peg hooks.
Moves boxes of toy accessories on a shelf.
Then...........Aha! Spots the last one.

Mine! MINE!  :D Grabs the figure and heads to checkout cashier.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kay Alett on May 28, 2021, 04:01:17 pm
Searches through shelves and peg hooks looking for the elusive Kay Alett action figure with mini Kit Kat candy bar.

Nope. Not that one
Nope. Not that.
Still searches.
Looks through 5 more peg hooks.
Moves boxes of toy accessories on a shelf.
Then...........Aha! Spots the last one.

Mine! MINE!  :D Grabs the figure and heads to checkout cashier.
XD Oh you goofball.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 29, 2021, 08:01:33 am
Every time I find something in Milsurp that's worth buying, it's either out of stock or not in my size.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on June 20, 2021, 02:43:12 pm
The founder of the underground music I'm into is in the hospital for Covid. Been in ICU for six days now. Years ago he started a forum to spread the idea of the Cigar Box Guitar . It took off. Millions of people, like me, enjoy playing these instruments. And most, like me, make their own. There are well wishers posting on his forum. Every mention of Covid has been deleted. Even in the opening post there is no mention of Covid. This is how far brainwashed people will go to ignore the truth. If this guy dies they will ignore the truth and pretend he died of something else.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on July 13, 2021, 01:35:14 am
We have safety meetings once a week at work. Mostly it's the same stuff over. There have been times when new safety regs have be implemented. Lately we've had a member of management who's been re writing the modules. There becoming everything from incoherent to out right wrong. Today's safety discussion was over the top.

'There is a scenario given Then we discuss what was done right, wrong or needs improvement.

Today's scenario.
Sally is walking past Joe's workspace when she notices him hunched over, choking and gasping for air.
She calls out, "What Happened"
Joe replies, "Jim brought over this and told me to use it." Pointing to an unlabeled container.
Sally takes the container to the MSDS book to look up what it is and why Joe is choking.
What did Sally do right?
According to the management written module. Everything.


First. Our fictional friend Joe is suffering from a toxic or anaphylactic shock. His airways and lungs are closing up. He needs medical assistance NOW.
Second. If Joe's condition is caused by the chemical in the unlabeled container then when Sally picks it up SHE will also start to suffer from either a toxin or anaphylactic shock.
Third. It's an unlabeled container. The only person who knows what's in it is Jim. And if these chemicals are the reason Joe is suffering Jim could already be dead.

Apparently calling an ambulance and searching for Jim is the wrong answer.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on July 13, 2021, 06:00:05 pm

Cause, that is a terrible way to attempt to teach employees.  I hope that person gets a reprimand or something!

You are dead right.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on July 14, 2021, 12:39:17 pm
Jade, Unfortunately upper management has let this guy have the run of the mill. Leaving the company wide open to law suits if someone actually got hurt. Whether or not anyone followed his instructions.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on July 16, 2021, 02:18:21 pm
What grinds my gears is today.  ALL OF IT!
Very long story, don't want to get into it right now.
It is a day when everything went wrong all at once.

I am one guy, I can not do everything everywhere, all the time.
Isn't it okay to say "I am flesh and blood, and can't take anymore, stop!"
But would it get heard, and if it did, would anything change?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on July 25, 2021, 07:59:41 am
There was a furmeet this weekend, but it didn't come up on any of the furry FB pages I follow. Weather wasn't the greatest anyway and I-75 was flooded about halfway there.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on July 25, 2021, 07:28:25 pm
The guy who has been altering the safety meeting info decided he was going to hold the plant wide safety meetings this month. This months safety topic. Chemical safety. This centers around the MSDS or Mandatory Safety Data Sheet. This is a huge list of all the chemicals known to man kind. Not only by the chemical but the products as well. Thousands of pages. The good, bad and ugly for each one. Fist this guy makes statements on how he feels these are unnecessary. At one point he said "There is no reason to have a skin irritant and corrosive listed as to separate things. They both mean the same thing." That's right folks. Taking a quick shower and not rinsing off all the soap is the same thing as dumping hydrochloric acid on the same spot. And everyone's favorite quote. "Everyone knows all you have to do to put out an electrical fire is to turn off the electricity."  Not making any of this up folks.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on July 25, 2021, 11:53:17 pm
 Cause,  someone needs to fire that guy before he gets someone killed.

What grinds my gears is unrealistic expectations at work.  I'm not God, just some guy doing a job.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kay Alett on July 27, 2021, 09:09:45 pm
what's grinding my gears here lately is there's a new transformer figure of Bumblebee and it's a target exclusive and I don't live anywhere near a target!
On top of that none of my friends are near it. I do have one friend who works there but I feel like a heel asking her cause I've been kinda quiet for several months. It would make it seem like I'm only talking to her again to get her to get me a toy.

I hate exclusivity deals.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on July 29, 2021, 07:20:56 pm
Kay, have you tried Target's on line store?

What grinds my gears? EVERYTHING. I'm old. :) I enjoy an underground music scene. One to four stringed home made guitars. What grinds my gears is these folks are completely against standard guitar tuning. To the point were someone introduced the New Arkansas Tuning for four cigar box guitars. Clamming this NEW tuning idea opens up a lot of possibilities. It's a big chunk of standard tuning. Standard tuning for a six string guitar is EADGBE. This brand new Arkansas tuning is EADG. Because if you come out and call it standard tuning people will reject the idea completely.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on August 19, 2021, 10:10:11 pm
Spectrum and their service. Found out today I had no home phone. My only phone. Not happy. Not a good thing. Took a half day off today to get this fixed. It took them close to an hour to get it together on their end.  Still have problems with their service. Because I still can't update my PS4. TV still freezes up with I try to channel search. At least for now i have a phone again.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on August 21, 2021, 03:16:08 am
When your get surprised by the cost of shipping. I just ordered a book straight from the publisher. Didn't see any shipping choices. Usually you choose that last. Nope. Right to paypal. Then I see the cost of shipping. Apparently they think I need this book tomorrow. From England no doubt. Paid $40 for the book and $50 for shipping!

I learned this book is still being published by the author. And selling it for 39.95. Amazon has this same book listed for up to $466.00 wile it's being sold on Ebay for $120 to $160. With free shipping!

Guess the only thing I can say that's good about my latest purchase is the actual author of the book has profited by this sale. Not some scalper on Ebay or Amazon.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 21, 2021, 02:35:57 pm
I offered my sister tomatoes as she makes her own salsa. It's been over a week and she's never picked them up. Plus my Mom told me not to bring her any more.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on August 21, 2021, 11:17:32 pm
 What grinds my gears is the downtown Denver 16th street mall.  Dangerous, dirty, over priced place. But it is the only place to get food at times.  I'll be glad to get back home out of this tourist trap.  And to think I lived near here! Scoff! Take me home,country roads!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on August 22, 2021, 09:45:16 am
Gov. Ron DeSantis and Gov. Greg Abbott. Both of them are acting like petty dictators in regards to covid. They're gambling with people's live.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on August 24, 2021, 03:33:12 am
Got an email today about that book I ordered. Got a $42.80 refund!. A quote from the email, "We were able to find a much less expensive way to ship your item...." I know this should be in the 'Good News' thread. Made more sense to post it here.

And now for what grinds my gears. I just got an invite to our class reunion. Graduated 40 years ago. This is one of two invites I've received in all those years.  Lived in this town for 50 years. Lived in this same house for over 25 years now. They could only find me twice in all these years. Obvious I'm not going.  :D
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on September 05, 2021, 06:37:56 pm
People STILL talking about Covid at nauseum.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on September 07, 2021, 01:11:03 am
 Arthritis grinds my gears,  I mean bones.
I want relief.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on September 09, 2021, 02:41:29 am
False advertising. Ya'll know I'm $$$ in a hole getting myself into traditional painting. Nothing like buying a few more tubes right. :) Anyway. Without going into a lot of details and getting right to the punch line. On the 'Gamblin' ( the name of this paint manufacturer ) site it states. ' Our 1980 Transparent white is made with the same alkyd refined linseed oil as our artist grade paints." On the box this large tube of paint came in it states the same thing. On the tube this paint is housed in it clearly states "Safflower oil". Is there a difference in quality? HUGE. I've contacted the art store ( Jerry's Artarama ) and let them know of the discrepancies of what Gamblin claims and what they are actually offering. Told then I have no intentions of asking for a refund. I'll keep what i got. I guess Gamblin oil paints are living up to the spirit of their name. "Buying our paint is a Gamblin."
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on September 21, 2021, 04:34:12 pm
My order from Wish will be three weeks overdue tomorrow.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on September 28, 2021, 05:37:50 am
Auuuag! I got two things.
Gong on a short vacation from Wed to Fri this week. Got permission to have on line orders stuff sent to work. Spent more to have this order be there tomorrow. Nope. Going to show up Wed.

I mentioned they are shutting down the largest art forum site on the web. Just got a load of what they want to replace it with. A paid membership site full of videos and podcasts. How much you ask? $100 a year!!!! That's right fellow artists ( ok, I'm still a wanna be ) $100  for the very same thing anyone can get on YouTube for free!!! But wait. There's more! You, that's right you can actually ask people on YouTube questions about their video. Or you can pay $100 a year and just watch videos and listen to podcasts. And they are actually trying to sell this like it's a great idea.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on September 29, 2021, 08:01:16 pm
Banning books because a person feels "discomfort"?
Oh, for crying out loud. Give me a break!  >:(
Discomfort is when you might be wearing a wool sweater that makes you itch.
Discomfort is enduring a very hot day with high humidity.
Discomfort is eating a food that you thought you'd enjoy, but you get an upset stomach from it instead.

Discomfort from a book? Suck it up, snowflakes!  :D Boo hoo. Cry me a river.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on September 29, 2021, 08:08:57 pm
Oh wow... people need to be taught to be tolerant, and also take some punishment.
To ban everything we all personally don't like, well that is silly.
If you can't read something from a different point of view without getting upset, or be brave enough to tell someone a hard truth, or be able to accept some criticism, then what are you?  That kind of attitude does no one any good. 

What grinds my gears at the moment is that my dog Wanda decided to wallow in some mud and smear it all over the house!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on October 05, 2021, 09:07:12 pm
Pumpkin spice   >:( Why does everything have to be pumpkin spice flavored.

Tortilla chips
Hot chocolate mix
........and the list goes on and on.  :P  ENOUGH ALREADY!

And if pumpkin spice wasn't bad enough, the closer we get to Christmas, EVERYTHING will be peppermint flavored.  >:(

Why can't we have bacon flavored stuff? I'd be happy with that. :)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on October 05, 2021, 09:21:38 pm
Cuz there ain't no stinking bacon holidays!
Let October 5th be bacon day!
Bacon bacon crispy chewy flavorful bacon!!!!!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on October 07, 2021, 01:48:14 pm
Company is giving out free flue shots again this year. For an hour. In the middle of day shift. The rest of us will have to make 'other arrangements'. Meaning we will have to get our flue shot on our time.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on October 08, 2021, 04:23:49 pm
Halloween candy corn.
I had so much as a kid that I don't like the taste of it anymore as an adult. I no longer eat it.  :P
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Chewy, God of Rats on October 09, 2021, 11:11:40 pm
People who make less than 50k a year who freak out about "taxing the rich"
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Mid Favila on October 12, 2021, 09:40:09 pm
Entry-level jobs that require years of industry experience, multidisciplinary skills, half a dozen certs, letters of recommendation, and a post-secondary degree. Also, internships that don't provide pay. My college wants me to start looking for places in my city to do a four-month placement at, but not only is nobody hiring (except the military, federal police and a nuclear research site, none of which I can apply for), the few places that are have insane requirements... that or they don't even pay minimum wage.

I understand wanting candidates that know what they're doing, but when you try to tell me that someone with an irrelevant cert and a degree in mechanical engineering knows more about administering a network than someone with five years' independent study, I just want to go full Kevin and put my head through a wall, you know?

Plus, where do HR types get off thinking that even a subset of those requirements are reasonable for an entry position? Like, I know it's kind of an overplayed meme at this point, but how the hell am I supposed to get experience when nobody will hire me? Geez.

Anyway, mini-rant over.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on October 13, 2021, 04:34:59 pm
Hi Mid Favila,
I feel the pain! I understand the rage.
I know you may not be asking for answers, but I might "answer" them.  These are my opinions.

Short answer, companies think that they can get someone who is "above perfect" and will "hit the ground running" and not be a burden and "increase the metrics" and all that junk.
They do not see reality!

We ALL start somewhere, no one is born with the knowledge.  They know it, but refuse to put out a job req that is appropriate.  It is a stupid game.
Tailor your resume with a few keywords that match the keywords in the job post.  Never lie.  Much.
If you can make up your knowledge gap in 1-2 months, and keep it under wraps as you do so, claim you know it, but maybe hedge the bet by reiterating your experience level.  I think that is acceptable.  I've done it, it worked.  It's a grey area to be sure.

As a new grad or intern, i would showcase the tech skills you are gaining or have, how they apply to job, and show drive, youth, enthusiasm, etc... and "thinking out of the box" and adaptability/creativity.  People assume youth brings those things, and people assume age brings wisdom and stability.  Honestly none are 100% true, but it can help to use this stereotype as a lever if needed.

My first job out of school took me 7 months to get.  It was during the great recession.  They too posted an unrealistic job ad.  I applied to dozens of jobs, and finally got that one.  Yes, I did take the first job that was sent my way, which was a mistake for me.  Take a job that aligns with what you want to do in 5 years. Unless money is needed now, then take whatever but then be ready to bail later.  When younger, people do expect and anticipate a job switch.  As you age people expect the reverse.  It's a bummer.  I am old enough people do not want to see my resume jumping a job here and there every 5 years.  IDK.

As for internships that do not pay, tell them to go screw.  You should not work free!  Your time is valuable.  We have 2 interns now, both get paid double minimum wage and work for it.
I did an internship and got paid when I was in college.  If all Interns succumb to the idea they do not need pay, guess what, the system will adapt and take advantage.  Keep looking.  There are other jobs.  Employers want to not pay, yet have money to pay you with. If they do not have money to pay you for 4 months at lower wages, then they are a bad company that is not a good one to learn from.

And as for needing / wanting multi-disciplinary skills, they just want to know if you can understand techno-babble from some other people or go screaming away.  Just let them know you have friends who are electrical, mechanical, physics, and all do study together or some jazz that makes them think you won't run away when someone starts talking about biasing a bipolar junction transistor into  linear region.  Let them know you are open minded and not afraid to learn new things.  And as for the post-secondary requirement, they just want as much as  they can get for little money.  Employers know that if you did a masters, then you have big bills, and will take the job if offered.  Similar for bachelors degree.  But more so for masters.  Later in life, that differential is lessened for the employer.  Later in life, they want a masters degree person for the tech skills. So I would say that at the start a masters student will be more prone to being underemployed than a bachelors student.  But time lessens those.

Just land in interview face to face if possible, and make them comfortable with you.  Then you are on the way.  Later after a few years of experience, this hurdle is smaller.

In the end, all they need is an adaptable hard working intelligent person who is a constant learner, and has passion.  They know it, we know it, it is a stupid mind game.

I believe this game came about because there are employees out there who are very bad candidates and employers have gotten burned too much after hiring them.  I have worked with a few people whom I wonder how tie their own shoes.  Yet they are above my pay range.  If they can do it, we all can.  It is like fishing, keep trying.

What grinds my gears is UV burn to my eyes.  I did that by accident at home with a UV lamp used for curing glue.  Shoulda worn the goggles...

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on October 17, 2021, 07:52:36 pm
The entity which maintains the nearby rail trail recently set up some concrete barriers to abate the illegal motor traffic on paths blazed down to the river and through private property. Orange plastic snow fencing was tried in the past, but was cut down and pushed aside. Despite the concrete barriers set up at the city limits, someone cut a path from the rail trail to the off-road path by going through the thick underbrush--likely with a weed whacker.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on October 19, 2021, 02:41:50 pm
My job!  I hate it!
So what else is new, huh?

I am given tasks that I can not complete, yet given a deadline.  When I ask for clarification, none given, no help at all when I ask for it.
I document what I do and who I ask for help and who I have talked with and such.  Nothing.
My employer seems to think this stuff is easy and allots 3 days for something that takes 2 weeks. 

Sadly, this is how my engineering career has been since I have started it.  So I either need to do "Better", find somewhere else to work, or do something else entirely, which is the direction I am leaning now.  Too bad the things I want to do pay too little to buy food to eat and get new shoes every 3 years...
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 06, 2021, 09:41:01 pm
Someone stops at the end of my street and horns for his passengers at 0700 each weekday morning. I'm already heading out to work, so I'm already up, but what about everyone else in the neighborhood?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on November 22, 2021, 08:52:38 pm
So, recently Kay posted her troubles getting an ID.
This caused me to look into what to do.
I discovered what Kay already learned.  Here in Colorado, hard to get ID if you have no ID.  And no way to seemingly break the cycle.

So What Grinds My Gears?
NOT Kay!
My parents do!

I sent a well written email to my folks telling them of how getting an ID in Colorado is hard if you lose ID, or it gets stolen, or you never had sufficient ID to start with.  I did this because they are getting older and my dad is often very forgetful.  I worried he might lose an ID. 
In my email to my folks, I mentioned I was helping a friend, and that I hoped they could find a solution.  Next thing I know I get a reply email saying "You are being taken advantage of, don't help that person".  Boy that burns me up!  They don't know any facts at all, and just spew a knee-jerk reaction like that?!  Gee, I am so glad no one ever had to help them in their life. (for the record, they have had plenty of help from others!)
I am OLD.  I should stop talking to them about anything at all.  This is the kind of stuff that crops up from time to time that reminds me why I am better staying distant from them.
So sad.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on December 05, 2021, 08:51:59 am
Several years ago, I was told during a unit inspection that I qualified for a certain award and should apply for it. The proper form was filled out and sent, but no response. Applied several times since with the same result and no response. How does one lose a form sent electronically? If it's not approved, then an explanation should be provided. Not many perks in this outfit, but apparently someone's spiking my paperwork and hasn't the guts to say so.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on February 06, 2022, 10:48:21 am
Some Sundays, I like to treat myself to a fast food breakfast. Tried to navigate the Wendy's site to get their price on a breakfast sandwich to no avail as they were once offered for a dollar as limited time deal and the one place on my side of town sold them. They're now about $3.49! BK offers two for $4 and sometimes McD's has BOGO. So buh-bye Wendy's!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on February 27, 2022, 12:21:55 pm
Artists who invite viewers to like and comment on their work, and then block comments.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on March 04, 2022, 03:31:30 pm
Trying to find knowledgeable youtube channels. Color theory is either ignored or not known by 80% of artists on youtube. 90% of artists on youtube paint the same way. Even when I do find someone who paints in the style I'm looking for most of them are in the same boat with color theory as the rest. Most painters on youtube end up two ways. Overly bright every color of the spectrum and candy coated. Or from the darkest to the lightest they can possibly go on the same canvas. When I do find something on color theory it's only a percentage of what's actually needed. I watched an almost hour long vid on the 'Halo Effect'. Just recently I found a vid taking the 'Halo Effect' to it's full lesson. Demonstrating the 'Inverse Square Law' or how light changes as it travels through a painting. The real kicker is this full lesson isn't on oil painting. Computer graphic arts.

I watched a video were an artists was asked how to make orange darker. The artist demonstrated wile saying, "You have to start out with a darker orange." That's like going to google maps, clicking on directions, and google telling you you need to buy a different car to get there. And not giving directions until you have that new car.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on March 10, 2022, 10:54:20 am
How people here freak out when temperatures are below 40F.  This is not southern Florida. 
Yes, it is 5F.  Grow a pair! Gloves at Goodwill are affordable.  A hat helps and are cheap too. Thick socks are great.

I remember when it routinely got down to -20F. 
And the snow is like 1" of dry powder.  It blows away.  It sublimates don't even have to shovel it.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on March 28, 2022, 01:52:07 pm
Disney and Lego both suck now.  :goldpissed: :goldpissed:
This is obviously a plot by the far leaning liberal left.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on March 29, 2022, 05:44:58 pm
@ Kobuk
We should change everything about everything , because...


What grinds my gears is how ham radio operators here do not want chit chat on the radio repeaters, but ... having been listening to 14 repeaters in scan mode all day, I have heard only one conversation lasting like 2 minutes.  Why not talk?  No one else is?  What are they saving them for, the museum?
Dang purists!  Just start talking about the weather, ham radio, food, anything not-hot-button.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on April 10, 2022, 09:06:21 am
Motorists here tend to drift across lanes when turning. They signal one direction, but drift across one or more lanes. I was nearly sideswiped by someone drifting across three lanes while making a right turn in a passenger car. The rule is to turn into the nearest lane, then signal when changing lanes.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on April 24, 2022, 03:34:54 am
On line poker. Not for real money. Because i enjoy the game. PlayWPT. I know I've complained about this site before. So this will be a warning to anyone who, like me, enjoys the game. Going through a five or six day loosing streak is the game. Nothing wrong with that. It happens. That's not my complaint. My gripe is I just lost with a pair of 10's to someone who had a pair of 2's. No different than what has happened to me on that site in the past. So if your interested in actually playing the game that's not the site to go to.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on April 24, 2022, 09:03:03 am
Neighbor's kid is an only child and spoiled rotten. He has access to a fleet of ORVs that are seldom off the pavement. He spends hours circling my block and the next. In the morning on Saturday, it was on the red ORV. In the afternoon, it was a green dirt bike. He pays little attention to traffic rules. Almost hit him when he zipped out of a side street and turned sharply in my direction.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on April 29, 2022, 01:26:37 pm
Whenever I go into a restroom at a restaurant, library, or someplace else and I need to wash my hands, there's never any hot water.  >:( Never!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 21, 2022, 01:25:41 pm
Drivers who ignore the One Way sign posted at the exit to a parking lot of a public multi-purpose center. I visit the site several times each month and can usually count on this happening. Usually seasoned citizens at the wheel.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on May 24, 2022, 12:13:29 pm
Smokers. Particuarly the following:
Any time I go someplace, there's usually somebody who says "Hey, man. You got a light?"
Are smokers that dumb that they don't know how to carry a lighter or book of matches with them when they want to light up a cig?
So I guess instead they feel the need to beg or panhandle off of somebody else?  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on May 26, 2022, 10:31:17 am
Upper management grinds my gears.
Non technical people promising others a solution is near, when no one knows what the task at hand is, or how to solve it.

Kobuk, as far as the "got a light" thing... I have often wondered if it is a hook to engage in more social discourse?

Like lighting a cigarette leads to talking, leads to going to a bar to drink IDK. Who knows.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 07, 2022, 01:16:56 pm
Went to gas up the  vehicle, and needing to wash the windshield of bugs and bird droppings. No squeegee and/or no washing solution.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on June 07, 2022, 01:47:20 pm
Trying to get good answers off of face book. Or facebook in general.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on June 07, 2022, 10:02:57 pm
 It bothers me that some parts of the yard refuse to grow anything.  Why?
was it poisoned log ago?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on June 08, 2022, 03:56:18 pm
What's grinding my gears is all the gun violence going on in America recently. Hardly a day goes by when there isn't a mass shooting being reported on the news. It's really depressing. :(
But I have a solution that will solve America's gun violence problem. Take all 300+ million Americans and line them up one behind another in a HUGE circle, with everybody pointing a gun at the person's head in front of them. At the count of 3, then FIRE! Everybody's dead. No more gun violence in America. Problem solved.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on June 09, 2022, 11:09:24 am
If I decide to not have guns, can I not be in that circle Kobuk?

I am dealing with so many strange issues with technology at home and work, that it grinds my gears.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on June 12, 2022, 12:22:23 am
My lawnmower's gas cap. First I loose the actual red cap. Left with just the underside with the charcoal filter. Now that part has vibed off wile mowing the lawn. Read the reviews on the replacement cap. Apparently if I get a replacement it to will come apart and get lost in the lawn. My solution? Aluminum foil and a hair scrunchy. A lot cheaper than a $20+ continuation of the same problem i already went through.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on June 13, 2022, 03:50:55 pm
Snobby artists with big YouTube channels. Yes, still learning to oil paint. It's hard to have anything to show when I can't put much time into it. A few minutes every few weeks isn't cutting it. Not cat fishing, just not able to produce anything. Guess i really should post in my thread in the art section. It's been about half a life time. anyway. I watched this artist draw a nude. The entire video was him saying how the human eye is absolutely perfect. How the eye is the only tool a real artist needs. How tracing is not only cheating it's detrimental to an artists development. Even going on as stating " tracing will never produce good art." The ironic part of all of this is he was having real trouble drawing the model's hand. To make a long story short I used that to prove him wrong. And historical facts on the use of both the camera obscura and camera lucita. Who used them. And their paintings have been hanging in museums for 500 years. He refused to believe it and wanted to leave it at that. A true moron. Not only will he not learn by his own mistakes he refuses to believe facts.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on June 13, 2022, 05:55:08 pm
Major storm moved through my area this afternoon and the street in front of my apartment got flooded.
Watched numerous people drive their vehicles through the flooded street wondering if any of them would get stuck.
And then there were the few with their big trucks who just decided to "gun it" and rampage right through the water without any concern whatsoever. Morons.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Alex on June 15, 2022, 09:07:06 pm
The guys I work with (that haven't even been at our workplace for a year) trying to tell me how to do my job even though I've been there for years.
The worst part is that they don't know how we do things and don't listen to my input half the time. Then when things get screwed up, they look at me for solutions. >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 18, 2022, 08:18:33 pm
People who get outraged for the sake of being outraged. You get the same results as panicking.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on June 24, 2022, 01:49:06 pm
The guys I work with (that haven't even been at our workplace for a year) trying to tell me how to do my job even though I've been there for years.
The worst part is that they don't know how we do things and don't listen to my input half the time. Then when things get screwed up, they look at me for solutions. >:(

I know your pain. Got a boss who thinks he knows everything. Truth being he's nothing more than a one minute moron. I have a co worker who's been at the same job for years. We both work on the same machine. But different shifts.  I end up having to fix the problems this machine is left with. Took me more than two hours Monday alone. I had a problem with one motor and had to modify how the machine worked to keep good production. My co worker tells me "I had no problems with it all day long." when I looked at how my co worker set the machine up? It was made to look like the motor was working without it actually touching the product. Lied to me.  And the worst part about this is our one minute moron will only listen to my co worker. Despite the fact that I'm the one who's found all the problems with this new machine. 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 26, 2022, 07:52:57 am
A co-worker abusing refrigerator privileges. Someone shoved a whole case of bottled water in there at one assignment.
  Presently, I was crowded off a shelf by someone with more groceries than some campground stores. These include about a dozen different dips, sauces, dressings, and condiments; a gallon jar of pickles, a gallon bucket of pickled veggies, a half-gallon of tea, a quart of coffee creamer, and a sealed can of beans. Plus a travel mug.

The dude-in-question recently interviewed for another job. Everyone's hoping that he gets it.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on June 26, 2022, 01:31:06 pm
A co-worker abusing refrigerator privileges. Someone shoved a whole case of bottled water in there at one assignment.
  Presently, I was crowded off a shelf by someone with more groceries than some campground stores. These include about a dozen different dips, sauces, dressings, and condiments; a gallon jar of pickles, a gallon bucket of pickled veggies, a half-gallon of tea, a quart of coffee creamer, and a sealed can of beans. Plus a travel mug.

The dude-in-question recently interviewed for another job. Everyone's hoping that he gets it.

At my last place of employment, it wasn't just refrigerator privledges being abused, it was also the microwave too in the employee lunch room. Nobody bothered to clean the microwave if there was a "food explosion" and the microwave looked gross.  :P As for the fridge, people would put stuff in, and then sometimes they'd forget about it and then we'd have horrible smells coming from the fridge and/or containers of food with mold growing inside of them.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on June 29, 2022, 02:03:35 pm
Got two things to gripe about today.

Getting mail that should go to my conspiracy theorist neighbor. The last time I walked over to give them their mail he answered the door with a gun. These folks are nuts and I want nothing to do with em. Unfortunately the mail I got this time I thought was junk mail. I opened it. So now I'll have to go to the post office and explain what happened and why I wont had it in person to them.

Just go my car back. Haven't been driving it for more than two weeks now. Transmission is acting up again. The one they just replaced. That took over a month to replace. It'll be going back in the shop next week.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on July 14, 2022, 12:41:18 pm
Got into my car last night. Started it up and got a full blast, could not turn it down, message from Onstar. Reminding me that i have a free month of Onstar. Called them up today to cancel this service. They told me  I have to go back to where i bought this car to cancel Onstar.

I went on line to see if there was a way to cancel onstar from the vehicle itself. Wow. What a load of scared people. There are actually people who believe Onstar is watching them through their rear view camera. Common sense and critical thinking is in short supply.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on July 18, 2022, 11:04:06 pm
I can't manage to get ahead.  Too much to do, too little time.

It grinds my gears!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on July 25, 2022, 07:41:13 pm
Just my dad currently.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on July 28, 2022, 09:28:58 pm
 Car parts are basically not available. 
Those are needed.
But no. No parts.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on July 29, 2022, 03:17:55 am
Management. Complete lack of intelligence or common sense. A bunch of product was started four days in advance. We were told to focus on things that are needed today or the next. Now there is a problem. Seems this same member of management want's to know why all this product has been sitting around for four days. This is an issue that needs resolving. I can not tell you how disappointing it is to work with someone like that.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on August 30, 2022, 03:00:09 pm
Starting yesterday all my you tube searches have been packed full of right wing hype. Even one channel predicting our economy will crash by the end of the month. They have one more day to be right. When it doesn't happen do you think that channel will loose subscribers? Nope. It's called stupidity. T.C. is saying it will crash in 2023. Giving his followers enough time to forget what he said when it doesn't happen. Again, stupidity. What my real gripe is? I have to deal with this level of stupid right wing channels when doing a search for oil painting.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on August 30, 2022, 05:24:03 pm
Our company does something called P.I. planning.  It is supposed to help us as we work for 3 months at a stretch.

It never works and takes literally 24 hours to do.

I wish we would stop the insanity.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on September 05, 2022, 02:43:10 am
Jade. seems our company is starting the madness as well. We tried something about 15 to 20 years ago. It failed miserably. Because it's the brain child of a member of management who is little more than a one minute moron it's the right thing to do. Despite many of us who have been there for years telling him it didn't work. It's helping in about 10% of situations. Becoming a problem with the other 90%. Making what it was supposed to fix a bigger problem. Just like it did years ago. It's very disappointing to work with someone like this.

My gripe is I'm still getting right wing propaganda when I do youtube searches. So now I'm having fun with it. I'm posting in most of them the same thing. "This lack of intelligence proves you'll never loose subscribers. When this doesn't happen you'll simply make up excuses."
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on September 06, 2022, 01:26:54 am
Seems when you start speaking up against abject stupidity youtube stops sending abject stupidity. The last one I replied to wasn't the dumbest. I'll give that score to the US economy crashing by the end of August. The last one was trying to spread fear because Russia sold 25 jest to a middle eastern country. How this will rain terror down upon the christian countries of Europe. So I posted the obvious. "Let's say there's 15 countries in Europe that have 50 jets each." Then I posted the rest of it.

My gripe is just how stupid and gullible right wing America has become.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on September 06, 2022, 11:42:13 am
What grinds my gears are the algorithms that run social media.  I'm a programmer and engineer.  I've been doing this stuff for almost 15 years now.
I will not be employed in making algorithms such as that.
They are used to increase prices on food purchased online,  make homes sell so fast buyer never saw it and walked through it, feed you
Only what you want to see and hear and not anything else,  and they favor loud and flashy people who just want to spread diseases ideas.

It's one thing to be fed endless cat videos or how to tutorials.  But being fed extreme views on hot button topics is without politeness or common sense. 
If Cause didn't subscribe to right wing media stop sending it to him.
And same for any other furson, etc.

I'm tired of engineers, programmers etc,  allowing themselves to be used as mere tools.
Stand up for what is right,  stop being a pawn. There are things worse than not being paid.  Do something else rather than be part of a big problem

I'm done
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on September 08, 2022, 01:44:10 pm
Thanks Jade. I have everything on youtube's search criteria turned off. I do get random weird videos when I open the youtube channel. But I shouldn't get off the wall videos when I do a search. Have no clue what the words "oil painting" have to do with right wing propaganda. It's my hope their so desperate they tag hundreds of words to their videos. Hoping to make up for losses due to people getting tired of hearing things that never come true. It is unfortunate that some brain washing victims will never recover. But most do.

My gripe today is I have to work Sat. Don't like the time. But I do like the pay.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on September 10, 2022, 10:35:53 pm
For those who think furry cons are expensive. Just checked out a Plein Air con in Denver. For those who don't know plien air is painting outdoors. Anyway the cost of  the con is $1097.00. You sake $400 by booking early. You still have to book a room. Plus food, transport and your own equipment . Almost three grand before you get in the door. I'll pass.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on October 01, 2022, 11:42:33 am
My monthly natural gas bill more than doubled in the past year.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on October 01, 2022, 09:42:08 pm
I was informed today that I'm the acting lead in my department. And talked to the guy who's been doing the job for a few years now. We're both a bit more than mad. First he was asked but not paid for doing the job. Second i want nothing to do with any management position. Told them I wasn't going to be forced to do something I have no intentions or interest in. My very first job was management. Second job turned into management/ I want nothing to do with management of any kind. Been thee done that. When I leave work I want nothing to do with it.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on October 09, 2022, 07:14:20 am
Boiled Linseed Oil in a plastic jug with a pushdown locking lid. No idea who thought this was a good idea. The boiled linseed oil you get for wood working has chemical dryers. Drys quickly when it comes in contact with air. It's also very thin. So it gets into the locking cap and freezes it in place. I had to drill a hole in the side of the plastic jug. Poked an air hole in the top. Filled a quart sized canning jar with an air tight lid. The duck taped the holes in the jug closed.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on October 09, 2022, 05:42:28 pm
Spam emails. Would you believe it! One hundred and nine, 109, viruses have been found on my Windows computer!! One hundred and nine of them! On my Windows computer. Guess I'll have to get a Windows computer. This is a Mac.  :D
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 20, 2022, 03:17:50 pm
Cylists who ride against the traffic flow. Nearly hit one while turning onto the road home. He emerged from behind a gravel train, so couldn't be seen with moments to react.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on November 21, 2022, 02:39:47 am
First shift is still going home in eight hours wile we have to stay 10.  Now they expect us to fix their mistakes as well. This is getting old.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on December 03, 2022, 06:54:36 pm
New rules on FaceBook means they have to let anyone join any page. Lots of spam going on right now.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on December 10, 2022, 02:33:57 pm
Knowing I'll be working eight hours on a Saturday knowing full well day shift will either work four or not show up at all. You have no idea how disappointing it is to work with bad management.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on December 12, 2022, 11:58:13 am
Knowing I'll be working eight hours on a Saturday knowing full well day shift will either work four or not show up at all. You have no idea how disappointing it is to work with bad management.

I do.

My company expects us to work weekends and days off to make schedule.  Bad management.  Bad decisions.  We have lost 30 engineers in 3 years.  IN a company of ~65 people?
I hang on because despite all that I know I have it good in some ways.  (Experience tells me this, aka "it could be worse!")

What grinds my gears at this moment is how people get irate about small things, and how no one has thick skin.  If we all are easily hurt by the tiniest thing, how can we coexist?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on December 21, 2022, 02:13:34 pm
I recently bought a new car. Now I'm getting messages from them about offers and merch. I'm not interested in Chevy underwear. So I delete and block. Apparently they work like spam. Hundreds of addresses to keep sending this my way. I don't read it. I delete and block. Now they are sending me stuff through the mail. Now I can delete, block and toss.  And speaking of my car. it has Onstar. Something the dealership activated. I got a message from onstar. Wile I was driving. It was not only loud but it also changed my dashboard settings. Wile I was driving. I no longer had a digital speedometer. I was looking at my trip mileage readout. Wile I was driving. How thoughtful. After the holidays I'm going to do one of two things. Going to the dealership, because apparently they have to be the ones to shut this off, or going to a shop and having this physically removed from the vehicle. 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on December 23, 2022, 11:37:12 am
Good luck Cause, infotainment and such is a way to make newer cars have reoccuring costs.
Anyway, hopefully they can cut the red wire

My folks had onstar and stopped paying it and let it die
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on January 04, 2023, 12:27:27 pm
Annoying phone calls. Had an insurance company call me. Twice. Giving me a quote on auto insurance. So I called them up. Just to remind them that I'm on the national no call list. If they don't have direct business with me they don't call. Their calls were aggravating. My call back was fun.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on January 05, 2023, 10:46:20 am
Having a number of small health issues accumulating to make life annoying.
It grinds my bones gears
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on January 08, 2023, 06:12:48 pm
My dad! He doesn't like any coats, sweaters, ect that I buy for my dog Eevee.
It's hard hard finding things that are cute and functional to keep her warm that dad approves of.
God forbid I buy hoodies for her too!  >:(
I swear he's making me swear off keeping dogs as pets. I think I'll keep pet rats after Eevee joins the Rainbow Bridge.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on January 09, 2023, 11:57:44 am
All automotive commercials grind my gears.
Oh, and the TV show the Bachelor , super fake, vain, self centered, did I say fake?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on January 11, 2023, 02:46:42 pm
Jade, the best way to find and buy a new car. If it's not being advertises that means they are having no problems selling it.

My grind is youtube shorts. Tired of being notified for four second videos.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Simo on January 13, 2023, 04:20:05 am
And speaking of my car. it has Onstar. Something the dealership activated. I got a message from onstar. Wile I was driving. It was not only loud but it also changed my dashboard settings. Wile I was driving. I no longer had a digital speedometer. I was looking at my trip mileage readout. Wile I was driving. How thoughtful. After the holidays I'm going to do one of two things. Going to the dealership, because apparently they have to be the ones to shut this off, or going to a shop and having this physically removed from the vehicle.
I have Onstar as well. Never activated it and never use it. Where I go, when I go, how long I'm away, who I see, what I do is none of your business. So far, it hasn't done anything like that.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on January 13, 2023, 01:39:52 pm

I have Onstar as well. Never activated it and never use it. Where I go, when I go, how long I'm away, who I see, what I do is none of your business. So far, it hasn't done anything like that.

Simo, this is something I didn't want to begin with. I have a phone. I don't need my car to be one as well.

Just blocked and deleted another "GM Rewards" email. Guess they don't get the message. 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on February 06, 2023, 03:53:36 am
People who use a single emoji as a product description on Ebay. Your buying something sight unseen. Need a bit more info that this. "."
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on February 06, 2023, 10:28:21 pm
Being on a single lane road, one that is very busy,  during rush hour, and I and I alone are stuck behind the fool from hell who can't drive constant speed,  stay in center of lane, and who then panic stops.
I just wanted to be in a large assault vehicle and crush them.  I mean, dang dude get with the program! What are you too high to drive?
Pull over!

And of course I'm perfect.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on February 12, 2023, 05:23:49 am
Neighbor just , 3 times in a row,  shook out a tarp, at end of my driveway.  All sorts of stuff is there. 
Happened earlier in the day.  I had to sweep, and use a magnet.  I didn't drive through the mess for fear of puncturing tire. 
Why did they do that? They could have shook it out in their trash can!

I can't wait till they move away. 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on February 17, 2023, 01:42:48 am
The fact I have to be jabbed with a Covid needle just to go to a con. Isn't a negative Covid test good enough for people?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on February 19, 2023, 04:31:32 am
Finding a paint brush I really like just to discover they are no longer making them. Everyone uses the same synthetic filaments to make brushes. If I remember correctly there are 5 different styles of brush hair filaments. Hexagon, slotted, ribbed, solid that sort of thing. So it's a choice or combination of these shapes that make up an artist brush. then there are filament types. Ranging from soft to firm. This can be seen by looking at the color of the brush hairs. Every brand uses the same filaments to make up their selection of brushes. So a $40 Escoda 'Modernista Tadami' uses the very same filament as a $7.00 Rosemary and Co. 'Eclipse'. Both are top of the line artist brushes. The brushes I like have a distinctive gray filament. Not only is the brand's brush line gone. All the other brands have dropped their lines of brushes that used the same filament. I'll stop using these brushes and start using other brushes I have I like.

It's confession time. Yes. I did buy a a $40 Escoda 'Modernista Tadami'. And a $7 Rosemary and Co. 'Eclipse'. They are the same brush. I learned what  'Modernista Tadami' translates to. "I was dumb enough to spend $40 on a $7 brush".  :)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on March 04, 2023, 05:07:22 am
Again with putting up with bad management. This guy stops me. Gives me this over the top, absolutely ridiculous reason why what I'm doing wont work. Tells me a self adjusting part will stay up and allow the next piece to turn sideways. That is not how it works. This part is self adjusting. It closes itself then adjusts to the next piece.  But everything he says is right.  So I had to stop what I've been doing for the past eight years. Ever sense this machine was installed. According to the operator's manual.  How the machine was made to work. And do it his way. This is the same guy who told me plastic sewer pipes expand when they get wet. You have no idea how disappointing it is to work with someone like this.  To let you know just what this guy is like. He told a new employee he was  wrong for calling in. He has to come in and be told whether or not he's sick enough not to be there.  He got a three day suspension for that stunt.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on March 05, 2023, 01:16:30 pm
Plastic Sewer pipes expand when wet?
Plastic sewer pipe, assuming PVC, does not expand when wet.
PVC does have the ability to have water molecules adsorb to its surface, something I know well when I tried to make Tesla coil on white PVC tube without first coating it with corona dope.  SO its resistance can changes more than say Teflon when in humid conditions.

Cause, that guy needs to have his head re-machined.

Work grinds gears for me.

I am working 12-14 hour days and getting paid salary and working off fridays and weekends.  no time off.
Our product is JUNK and is randomly failing, and we have a test event in front of customer next week! Only 3 of the 4 units we made are still operational.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on March 14, 2023, 04:04:07 am
Working with someone who wont admit to his own mistakes. Worst yet. Deliberately done. He not only got into my face when I confronted him. But he spent a good fifteen to twenty minutes telling others how wrong I was and what type of person I am. So I talked to management. Management came and talked to him. Told him upper management will review the video footage in the morning. Funny, the guy had nothing to say after that. If someone makes a mistake it's no big deal. Admit to it and life goes on. Even if your going to lie about it don't turn it into a circus.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on March 14, 2023, 10:20:43 pm
The common cold grind my gears.
This is the 5th time in a short while I've had a cold.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on March 15, 2023, 10:19:41 pm
Hope you get to feeling better Jade.

Just wanted to update on the circus act. I don't condone management correcting an employee in front of his or her peers. This is something that, at all times, should be done privately. However there is a part of me that's smiling from ear to ear. My face.  My boss, my bosses boss and my bosses bosses boss,  at the sane time, confronted and warned Mr circus. They did it directly in front of the very people he was berating and lying about me to. I continued my normal interaction with everyone in my department. I avoided Mr circus.

What grinds my gears? Amazon's search engine. They give you the option of searching by price. Without choosing that option. "This is .99". Choose the $5 option. "You can buy five of these .99 for $5." Choose the $10 option. You can buy 10 of these .99 for $10. "  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on March 17, 2023, 04:28:02 pm
Every time I go to Walmart and browse the aisles, all I ever see is merchandise that is misplaced and not put back where it belongs. :(  It's either because customers are too damn lazy to put stuff back where it belongs and/or the store workers are too lazy to straighten up and organize the aisles.  >:(
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on March 21, 2023, 09:47:43 am
I thought I was the only one who was bothered by that.
I mean, dont pick it up if you don't have the money.
And if you find you don't have the money go back and put it back.

I did that last week.  I forgot the wallet at home!
I drove cart back to isles and put items back.  Sure it was embarrassing.  Fursuiting in public also can be.  Just do it!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on March 22, 2023, 12:02:12 am
Drivers who roll into the intersection as I drive through.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on March 23, 2023, 12:38:05 pm
Just saw this happen not more than 30 minutes ago.
About 150-200 ft. down the street from me at a residential intersection, construction crews are tearing up parts of the intersection, digging holes, laying down new water pipe, etc. There's piles of gravel and dirt in the way and construction equipment everywhere.
I'm walking home from the library and what do I see at the intersection? A four door white car that wants to get through.  :o
This guy obviously wasn't going to take NO for an answer from the construction crew.
The construction crew was arguing with this guy and telling him he couldn't get through and was interrupting their work.
But this car driver was persistant. He wasn't budging on moving his car out of the way.
I watched this all happen for about 10 minutes or so. The construction crew even threatened to call the police.
I even heard one of the crew say that this car driver had attempted to get through the intersection at least 4 times yesterday.

It pisses me off to no end how some people treat construction crews and construction zones. Just how dumb are people anyway?  >:(
And in my fascination with watching what was going on, I should have gotten out my cell phone and taken pictures of the guy's car. But the thought never occured to me.  :-[
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on March 28, 2023, 03:11:37 am
Kobuk all you can do is laugh at them. I could spend hours typing stories of the off the wall dumb driving I've seen. Next time just get their attention and show them your phone. Yell out "I've getting this on video. Going to share this on line. Your license plate and all." Then drive off.  :D

People fighting with every inch of their lives to hold onto fear mongering and stupidity. An example form the world of art. it has been known now for over 600 years that you can't use a certain type of brush with water. That's right folks. 600+ years. There is a very popular natural hair brush that's been used in oil painting ever sense oil paint was inveted. Guess you can see where this is going. You got it right. It's the vary same brush that has been damaged by water for over 600 years. Now let's introduce the horror. The outraged. The cause of anger and disappointment. Soap. If you have ever used soap before you know it needs water. The same water that, well you know already. Just to let you know there are products you have to use to protect and recondition these brushes if your going to dip them in water. But we will ignore them. Because if we can ignore 600+ years of history it should be easy to ignore those products too. After all, so did they. This isn't just any soap. It's a highly recommended and endorsed product used by thousands of professional artists. Thousands of professional artists who don't use those brushes. If they do use those brushes they don't ignore those products we ignored earlier. These people are outraged. They've been lied to. Tricked. Justice needs to be done. They proudly display all their damaged brushes. All their brushes that have been damaged by water. The same water that has been damaging these brushes for over 600 years. All you can do is laugh.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on March 28, 2023, 10:19:05 am
I don't know what product you are talking about, but I will take a guess and say this. I clean my brushes with it after painting models with acrylic paints and it works great.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on March 28, 2023, 10:24:59 am
I just lick the paint off my brushes
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on March 28, 2023, 12:50:17 pm
Kobuk. Yep. One of the best products out there. Join the truth! Continue this stampede of mindless Karans and throw that abomination away!!!!  :D

Jade. Most pigments used in oil paints are harmless. Linseed oil is just another name for flaxseed oil and is also eatable. Most of the rest that could be in the tube of paint is inert or harmless. However there are some metal based stabilizers used to keep the paint from separating that can cause harm. Not a good idea to eat it. And yes. i know your joking.  :D
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on April 03, 2023, 02:14:14 pm
Again with the stupidity in the world of painting. This time it's the color blue. One particular color. Ultramarine. "It can turn gray." is the claim. Ultramarine colors were invented in the mid 1800's. It's a synthetic compound. This same synthetic compound has been used in paint ever sense. There are hundreds of paintings hanging in museums from the late 1800's on. Both oil and water color. From the mid 1960's on there are hundreds of acrylic paintings hanging in those very same museums. Not a single one of them has grayed .All using the same chemical compound known as Na8-10Al6Si6O24S2-4 or Pb29 Ultramarine Blue. The very same synthetic compound these folks are claiming will turn gray. They all claim two sources of proof. One "If you apply acid to it it will turn gray." "If you mix water color ultramarine blue in a mild acid it will turn gray." And the second proof is "The Ultramarine blue used by Vermeer has grayed in color." . Both claims are true. Let's break it down. If you apply acid to your car tires they will become flat. Therefor your car tires are no good. So if you don't apply acid to your paintings or car tires both are good. Vermeer painted in the 1600's. 200 years before the chemical compound we use today was invented. The Ultramarine blue he used was a natural product. His ultramarine blue cost ounce for ounce in gold. it was both hard to come by and expensive. The ultramarine blue that is graying is not the same chemical compound we use today. But that doesn't matter. They both have the same name so they are both the same. if Bob down the street doesn't pay his electric bill and your name is Bob too? Expect your electric to be turned off as well. After all. You both have the same name. I honestly don't think people are being taught to be this stupid. They choose to be.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on April 06, 2023, 05:20:08 am
The gullibility of Trump supporters. I watch the complete conference Trump's layers had right after the indictment. Those three clowns were nothing more than clowns. They did nothing but try to rally the troops. and the best part was they were not keeping up with their own lying. My favorite example. One reporter asked about the threats to the judge and others. The clowns response was something in the line of "The judge never said anything about that." Then a few minutes later another reporter asked about judge's warning to Trump about his threats to the judge and others. They said something in the line of "The Judge was taking to everyone. Not just Trump." :) The best part was that woman who was with them. it was VERY apparent her only job was to pull the other two clowns back when they started going way into left field. And the very best part is how this fact flew over the heads of all his loyalists. The Judge did not set a gag order on Trump. So to the brain washed that means Trump won. He can say what he wants. To the legal world that's nothing more than handing Trump a rope to hang himself with. Why is the next part of the trial so far off? Because the longer you make someone wait the more of a loose cannon they become.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on April 08, 2023, 03:47:55 am
Well.You can definitely tell I'm an old man. Got plenty of gripes and to ornery to shut up. :D

There is an outdoor painting event I would like to attend. They have a web site and facebook page. With no information. Here's what I know. It's an entire week long. Paint any time as many days as you want. There is a silent auction on the last day. 30% of winnings go to the fine art's counsel. You pay $25 to register. You get a map of designated locations you can paint.
These are the disturbing parts.
I would pay $25 to register. Then apparently there are other 'tickets' I'd have to buy with no prices or what they are for listed. On top of that 30% of the winning bids for my artwork would go the the cities fine arts counsel. Im paying them to register. Buying tickets from them for unknown. And they still need 30% of what ever my paintings would bring at auction.
You can become a sponsor. Once you get to the $500 level you get free tickets. The same tickets who's price is no where to be found.
You have to be a $2500 sponsor for your paintings to be judged at the winning tier. You have to pay to win. if your painting is selected by a towns business as a winner THEY get to keep your painting. I would be paying someone $2500 to take my painting home. Even if I was a top tier artist who's paintings sell for thousands. I would never pay to be on the top. My effort should be considered equal to everyone else's before the judging begins. What's in my wallet shouldn't sway a single vote.
And to top it all off. They choose what I paint with designated painting spots. So if I'm at a designated spot, turn around and paint in the wrong direction does this mean I'm disqualified? Even if I paid then $2500 to possibly be the winner? I have no interest in painting trees and flowers. I don't want to paint landscapes.
More missing information. what sizes of paintings are accepted? If a painting is put up for auction does it need to be in a frame. Do I need to provide a box for the wet painting or is this up to the buyer. What substrate is acceptable for oil paint. Paper? Wood panel? Canvas? In every other contest I've seen this information is always listed up front. All the, if any, extra costs are listed up front. What you will receive as proof of registration ( t-shirt, badge, button, other ) is listed up front. Noting. Not on the web site or facebook page. The event is in two months.  I'm left with the feeling I have to pay them the $25 registration fee to see any of this missing information. Without a single word about refunds.

All I really want to do is go and paint with other artists. Talk shop with people who share a same interest. Have fun and not take what I'm doing seriously. I am not good at painting. I've done bits and pieces but have never did a full oil painting. I've not been able to put any time in this craft. So there's no reason for me to believe my efforts would compare or sell. The only way my efforts would sell is if I convince people I paint an expression of what should be there. Call it modern art.  :D If all I have to do is pay $25 to be there it would be worth it.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on April 10, 2023, 06:43:27 pm
The fact I might never have a Nintendo 64
I know we have a Playstation 4 and 5 with some games but sometimes I just want to play a retro game from my childhood. >:(
Dad said it would be a waste when we have other games! Yes we have a Star Wars game and a Sonic game but no Pokemon games on Playstation(Pokemon of course belongs to Nintendo) So basically just dad again. *Heavy sigh*
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kay Alett on April 10, 2023, 08:41:00 pm
The fact I might never have a Nintendo 64
I know we have a Playstation 4 and 5 with some games but sometimes I just want to play a retro game from my childhood. >:(
Dad said it would be a waste when we have other games! Yes we have a Star Wars game and a Sonic game but no Pokemon games on Playstation(Pokemon of course belongs to Nintendo) So basically just dad again. *Heavy sigh*
Why don't you just download retroarch? It's a pretty good emulator.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on April 11, 2023, 07:38:18 pm
Idk how to use emulators. 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on April 14, 2023, 02:58:00 pm
More rant about that plein air art contest. I viewed quite a few contests on line. Every one of them had all the info up front. Not a single one of them had any extra things you had to buy. Most charges a single entry fee. Other's charges a fee per painting entered in the contest. A hand full  charged a % commission for paintings sold. I understand the commission fee. It makes sense. They set up the event. They bring in the buyers. It's a fair fee. Information listed. Where to pick up what identifies you as a contested. What is accepted as an entry painting. If it's a town they want paintings that represent that town. Sizes of paintings and what materials can be used to make them. Not a single one of them asks you to pay a fee to be a contestant. Let alone $2.500. A few were very high $$$B  to register. But they had prizes that started in the thousands. On had a winning prize of $48.000. This event I can drive to sounds more like a money grab. It's in driving distance. There's plenty of places I can go in that historic town. I'll go to see if there is anyone there. Save myself ?$ and go home.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on April 22, 2023, 06:58:30 am
We've had Right-Turn-On-Red here for about a quarter century. Yet there are about two dozen drivers in town who still wait out the traffic light. One may also make a left turn onto a one-way street from a red light. Few motorists seem to take advantage of that rule either.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on April 23, 2023, 03:15:07 am
Rocket We've had a right turn on red law here from the 70's. Still have people stop and wait. I'm pretty sure it's passed down from generation to generation.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kay Alett on April 24, 2023, 03:00:49 pm
We've had Right-Turn-On-Red here for about a quarter century. Yet there are about two dozen drivers in town who still wait out the traffic light. One may also make a left turn onto a one-way street from a red light. Few motorists seem to take advantage of that rule either.

Some people are just careful drivers that way. When i was still driving my car was more precious to me than gold and I couldn't afford to risk any kind of possibility of a collision.
I've also had people back up into me before and even though the damage was minor it was still scary and further puts me off of taking any possible chances on the road.

The only times I'll make a right on red is if i can clearly see the lane that I'm turning onto and know it's clear. If my view is blocked by a large truck, and it sometimes is, or i just can't fully see if there's oncoming traffic or not then I wait. I don't care who gets mad at me or how much they lean on the horn.

Maybe you have a clear view of the lane and see nothing is coming but i don't and I'm not moving till the light changes. Even if you get out your car and TELL ME it's clear to go, I'm waiting for the light.
Your convenience is not more important than my sense of personal safety.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on April 26, 2023, 01:18:42 pm
Kay. I understand your position. However the same people will stop at a green light. Then there's the drivers who don't stop when making a right turn, traffic or not, because they have the right on red.

More Emails from GM points! They are super desperate to sell me GM underwear. They keep sending and I keep blocking.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on April 27, 2023, 10:56:06 am
GM underwear!? what the heck, so sexy...vroom. NOT.
I want the adult sized pokeball briefs, where the pokeball is on the package.  Got to catchem all!  Just push that button to release pokemon.  The pocket monster.  Now I just need a girl who likes to release pokemon.
Anyway... that was TMI  :D

What grinds my gears is my chosen line of work.  UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS.
I am not a God.  I am just little ole me.  so back off!

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on April 28, 2023, 09:57:41 pm
When you have a construction zone and the street is tore up and there's gravel laid down instead for cars to travel on and instead of people driving slow on the gravel, they speed through it instead kicking up large clouds of dust.  >:(  *cough, cough*
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on April 30, 2023, 11:10:03 am
My dog is grinding my gears.  She won't listen to what I say, at all.  Being very very pushy and rude.  She's causing a lot of trouble.  I don't get it.
She was doing okay.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on May 02, 2023, 10:53:50 pm
The fact I can't pre order things because dad doesn't like pre ordering.
Idk what me pre ordering something has to do with him, I mean I'm using my own money so *shrug*
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on May 04, 2023, 03:21:21 pm
Still shaking my head over the plein air contest. They've listed the cash amounts for 1st, 2nd  and  3rd. Fist place will be $1.000. That's not bad. The bad news is the cities fine arts counsel will KEEP the fist place winner. So if your painting sell for more than $1.000? And here's another fun fact. It's not a painter that pays $2.500 sponsorship. it's a business. So if a business pays $2.500 and chooses your art they get to keep it. What do you get? Nothing. But at least you saved $2.500. Unless you want your art judged. 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on May 06, 2023, 06:14:02 pm
I"m grinding my gears for my mom and brother. She owns her condo in a large complex. Got a letter sent to everyone. Stating for insurance reasons they all have to get rid of their B-B-Q pits and can no longer use them on the provided decks. My brother has a real nice Weber charcoal grill he uses all summer long. There are people there who own high dollar gas grills. They all have to go. Told my brother he could always come out here to use mine. Doubt if he wants to drive 45 minutes one way just to BBQ.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on May 06, 2023, 06:44:13 pm
Was gearing up for removing engine in my vehicle.  Lift I have won't reach deep enough into engine bay to lift engine block directly up.  Will have to remove front bumper and extend the boom on the lift.  Which is never advised.
Lift height and throw is ideal however.  So is stability.  And I know these things have safety factors of like 2 built in... so I think I can extend boom 8-12 inches and still lift block.  Besides it's 350 lbs v6.  Not an old vehicle with 600lb v8 block.  Furthest extending was rated 500lb. If I move another sectionit would logically be 250 lb. But again safety factor is 2, so 500 lb is good.  I live dangerous.
I just do not want to extend boom or remove front bumper/ crash absorber.  Ugh.   
I need to be able to lift perfectly vertical or else this gets hairy. 
When dealing with $3600 of parts you do not want to drop it.
I'm crazy.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on May 06, 2023, 08:48:50 pm
I"m grinding my gears for my mom and brother. She owns her condo in a large complex. Got a letter sent to everyone. Stating for insurance reasons they all have to get rid of their B-B-Q pits and can no longer use them on the provided decks. My brother has a real nice Weber charcoal grill he uses all summer long. There are people there who own high dollar gas grills. They all have to go. Told my brother he could always come out here to use mine. Doubt if he wants to drive 45 minutes one way just to BBQ.

Yep, I live at an apartment complex where nobody can have any type of grill on their patio. Not even an electric grill. Too much of a fire hazard/liability. People who have a grill and want to cook out need to use a special concrete grilling pad area that is set up in the center courtyard of the complex.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 07, 2023, 12:12:54 pm
The annual public affairs competition this year is limited to four categories. Each entry must be cleared at the state level and meet certain branding criteria. Much of these requirements were revealed mere days ago. One of my entries was just disqualified. Another entry for "External Media" category involves a published newspaper article. I cannot access the story online as a subscription is required. A superior has the physical copy of the article but resides in the next county. Three weeks to the deadline.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on May 09, 2023, 12:37:33 am
Again wit my local walmarts. No shaving supplies. Zero. Zip. Nada. Nothing. I walked up and down each aisle twice. Not a single piece of shaving gear. Along the back wall. In the farthest corner. There were a hand full of electric shavers. Next to curling irons and hair dryers. No blades. No shaving cream. Nothing. I really do hate my local walmarts.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 13, 2023, 02:10:41 pm
There's just one shot at possibly getting a nomination for an award in the afore-mentioned competition. Most of the hurdles have been cleared but one: a live link to the newspaper story submitted must be provided. Unless one is a subscriber to the online edition, then one cannot access the article and obtain the link. It's a small town weekly for goodness sake! A request has been made to said paper to provide the required information.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on May 17, 2023, 10:04:42 pm
Bad drivers.  Nuff said
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on May 17, 2023, 10:33:38 pm
For my mom
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on May 22, 2023, 12:32:07 am
The same persistent fear mongering in the art world. Trying a different approach to use misinformation. Leaving out information to make it say what they want. Not the truth. Yes. There really are right wing artists.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on May 23, 2023, 10:52:25 am
Mating a transmission and engine in the vehicle is WAY WAY harder than pulling either one.  What gives!
Maybe I should stop trying to mate mechanical parts, and try something softer?  IDK.
But yeah, I finally got new engine in, and it is attached to ... things.  Still a lot to go.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on June 10, 2023, 08:47:53 pm
I unplug everything. Then plug it into the new thing the very same way. I fallow all instructions to the letter. Not working. Still not working. Finally get on line help. They can't get it to work either. A tech is coming out tomorrow to fix it. Think I'll go buy some lottery tickets to extend my loosing streak. 
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on June 18, 2023, 05:07:13 pm
So wonderful to be accepted into a workplace or non-profit organization as "one of the family". Eventually, one gets invited to attend social events beyond the job or volunteer work, like graduation parties, weddings, and birthday parties. The trouble is, much of the events occur on weekends in the next county. I get some compensation for driving to work and the non-profit at tax time, but not for the unofficial events. Plus the time and cost of fuel/upkeep--it may take a half-hour to get there--assuming that I can find the place. I've had to learn to say No, and that seems to upset a few people, but look at my situation: Can you blame one for not spending 30 minutes travel (one way) to partake of hot dogs, rubber chicken, or a cold cut sandwich?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on June 18, 2023, 07:55:47 pm
I'm old enough to remember when all you had to do to use something you bought was to pay for it, bring it home and use it. Who ever thought using a cell phone to set thing up should be shot
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on June 19, 2023, 12:19:25 pm
I'm old enough to remember when all you had to do to use something you bought was to pay for it, bring it home and use it. Who ever thought using a cell phone to set thing up should be shot

And be careful that cell phone don't die... else you can't verify it's you using that Xbox, or configure it etc...
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on June 25, 2023, 04:03:04 pm
Jade, gives me something else to think about. Fortunately I don't use my cell that often.

Another GM email. Looked through it. Didn't have what I wanted. A GM toilet bowel plunger. If they are not going to cater to my needs I'm going to block them. Again and again and ...  :D
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on July 03, 2023, 11:21:35 pm
Being blocked by someone on one of the furry sites. I cannot recall offending anyone directly, yet when attempting to Fave art it was discovered that the artist blocked me. If you're taking commissions and charging fees, then you shouldn't be blocking possible clients.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on July 04, 2023, 12:43:41 pm
Management on the shift before mine. She's an expert on everything she doesn't do. Leaves it for me. She also damages parts of the machine. Leaves that for me to fix. If there is something wrong with the machine she leaves it for me to fix. But when it comes down to who's the expert? She is. When I try to report a problem I get "It only happens to you. She doesn't have a problem". So I have decided to stop playing the game. I let one problem go on for so long they got a tech in. Cost them $$$ just to have the tech tell them the same thing I did. I let another problem go for so long it was pat the point of workable parameters. Went to maintenance myself and reported it. Then I got and took the opportunity to get into her face. That felt good.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on July 04, 2023, 05:09:24 pm
Stupid people grind my gears.


A family did some small fireworks.  Put them in household trash.  Trash was in garage. Car was in garage.( that in its self was amazing to me people just have junk in garages).
Trash caught fire. Car caught fire.  Garage on fire.  House on fire.  Neighbors house on fire. Neighbors garage and car on fire.

2 families lost everything.

Oh but it was fireworks that did it!
And cigarettes,  grills,  electrical items,  matches never do the same thing.   I wonder how much alcohol the adults had.
Oh but it was fireworks. Big bad fireworks. Make then all illegalnow!

Oh and then the next news piece was sparklers,  the spawn of Satan.
They showed a demo.  Two mannequins,  little girls in flowing billowing dresses straight out of 1880's. They had,  get this,  2 to 3 dozen sparklers bundled tightly together and held close to figure.  Poof they be on fire! Well duh Einstein.
You did it all wrong.

That is called a sparkler bomb. No joke.  Don't do it.
But they can just to scare you.

Wear thick cotton,  like jeans.  Hold at arms length.  Light one at a time.  Place in metal can which has water in it.  I do this.  So can you. 
And don't drink. And keep pets away.  I mean don't ruin it for the rest of us. 

I will try to calm down now.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on July 04, 2023, 05:11:18 pm
And no I didn't mean to hold a pair of cotton jeans at and length and light on fire one at a time.  I was talking about fireworks specifically sparklers.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on July 09, 2023, 03:49:58 am
if you toss a still burning punk then it will catch your trash on fire. We call them punks. They are the slow burning incense stick looking things most folks light fireworks with. Sparklers will not burn you. The sparks are not lit long or hot enough to burn. Touching the stem will. That dress would have had to been soaked with a chemical with a low flash point. Lower than gasoline.

So the first 'truth' was glorifying stupid people. The second is an out right lie. Or Republican TV at it's best.

YouTube videos with English tittles that are hosted by non English speaking people.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on July 23, 2023, 11:50:31 pm
Seeing BIRD scooters everywhere lately. You need a Smart Phone to access one and some just abandon them when done. One was left on the rail trail here--lying across the path.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on August 18, 2023, 01:50:02 pm
My local walmarts again. It use to be easy to find vitamins and supplements. Now they've turned it into a game. Most are together in a complete random order. Then you have  multiple isle stands with one side. At one time everything was in alphabetical order. By brand. It's Amazon time.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on August 19, 2023, 10:19:03 pm
My local walmarts again. It use to be easy to find vitamins and supplements. Now they've turned it into a game. Most are together in a complete random order. Then you have  multiple isle stands with one side. At one time everything was in alphabetical order. By brand. It's Amazon time.

I needed a supplement.  I had to ask where they moved to.
Same for...eye drops for allergies.
Just a month ago things were where we could find them.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 25, 2023, 10:51:25 pm
I spent 20 minutes in the local Walmart looking for talcum powder without success. Was the product discontinued?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on August 26, 2023, 03:58:29 pm
Rocket. Walmarts has moved everything. I've seen a lot of costumers looking for stuff they need. I've stopped trying to find things. Go right to Amazon. Not worth my time playing hide and seek.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on August 26, 2023, 05:52:30 pm
Most stores are not selling talc.  Talc is a cousin to asbestos. They commonly occur in same mineral deposit.  This makes it hard to ensure 0% asbestos in talc.  It is believed that asbestos contaminated talc powder caused ovarian cancer in some women who powdered nether regions daily for decades.  This has never been proven.
But out of fear and such talc is being abandoned.  And corn starch put in its place.  Too bad corn starch feeds microbe growth and hardened when wet and dried again.  Put foot powder in shoe.  Sweat.  Take shoe off.  Sock is sticky and hard.  Gross as fuuuuuuuck.
Talc won't do that.  It's mineral.
If you find real talc let me know asap. And buy a large container.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on August 28, 2023, 10:27:46 pm
Most stores are not selling talc.  Talc is a cousin to asbestos. They commonly occur in same mineral deposit.  This makes it hard to ensure 0% asbestos in talc.  It is believed that asbestos contaminated talc powder caused ovarian cancer in some women who powdered nether regions daily for decades.  This has never been proven.
But out of fear and such talc is being abandoned.  And corn starch put in its place.  Too bad corn starch feeds microbe growth and hardened when wet and dried again.  Put foot powder in shoe.  Sweat.  Take shoe off.  Sock is sticky and hard.  Gross as fuuuuuuuck.
Talc won't do that.  It's mineral.
If you find real talc let me know asap. And buy a large container.

Had been using talc to lube my model rocket parachutes for ages. The deal about asbestos in talc had crossed my mind--the Johnson & Johnson lawsuit. Went to Dollar Tree and bought "baby powder". Purchased both medicated body powder and foot powder from the store a few years ago and still have them, but couldn't locate those items now. Very hard to get the foot powder open too.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on September 10, 2023, 11:10:45 pm
Read in our local news paper they are allowing people to have chickens within the city limits. Hens only. Your not allowed to have a rooster. Not a big deal. Plenty of regulations in place to keep things clean and neighborly. What got me was the Republican response. A republican rep could not understand why people would want to have hens when the price of eggs are going down. The level of stupidity is amazing. Had a member of any governing body said something that stupid years ago they would have been laughed out of office. They go on to proclaim this will not stop with just hens. People will want to raise sheep and pigs as well. You know, fear mongering. I'm really thankful that our local news paper has let this town know the level of stupidity it takes to be a modern republican.  Unfortunately I know a modern republicans can no longer think for themselves. And see nothing wrong with hens producing eggs without roosters.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on September 15, 2023, 12:29:14 am
Still,  local drivers grind my gears.
I think these people grew up down wind of a lead smelter.

Does green mean go or pick the nose? Well they can't figure either one out.  It hurts living amongst these mere mortals.
( that part is a joke)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on September 16, 2023, 08:09:53 pm
Jade you and I suffer from the same school of driving. Both green and red lights are just suggestions. Yellow is there because it looks good. OK to make a right on a red means it's also OK just to park there.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on October 01, 2023, 04:55:03 pm
My cable and internet provider. I don't watch much TV. But when I want to I would like it to be there. Every once in a wile I like to catch Noir Alley on the TMC channel. Don't know when it happened but last night I found out that TMC is now upgrade only. They just raised the price and now they want more fore what I thought I was paying for. The good news is I can watch the same Noir movies for free on line. All of these movies are in the public domain.  If TMC gets 99% if their shows for free then why do they need more money? Then there is the internet.  Been having problems getting my emails. In sporadic patters I get my email without having to do anything. But this WILL turn itself off if I have to give passwords or verification to open some of my mail. It can be a real pain in the back.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on October 13, 2023, 08:55:50 pm
Dude parked his new 4wd crewcab pickup 90-degrees out from a parking space that runs parallel to the edge of the parking lot--clearly marked too. One had to drive through the crosshatched area to enter the lot. Fortunately, there were no other patrons at that business.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on October 21, 2023, 10:46:46 pm
The Anime channel I watch has been hacked again.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on October 23, 2023, 02:00:47 am
The totally out of their mind pricing for business supplies. For a part I need. If I buy one I get it for $9.99. If I buy a box of four I get the box for $55........  One at a time I get lids. A case of four I have to buy the lids separately. And the more in a single case I buy the more expensive they get. Different product.  If I buy this product straight from the American manufacturer a case is almost $70. If I buy from that exact same manufacturer through Amazon the very same case would cost $38. FROM the very same manufacturer. The very same product. I've been in management. I understand it's important to be able to keep track of multiple departments spending. So you only get supplies from a hand full of companies. You get raked over the coals to make it easy on tracking and accounting. Not happening. Who ever ends up doing my taxes will be working on them for weeks.  :D
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Kobuk on October 28, 2023, 02:15:37 pm
People who cough or sneeze and don't bother to cover their mouth. It really pisses me off.  :goldpissed: :goldpissed: :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on November 03, 2023, 06:53:08 pm
Eating challenges for views! You could help end hunger but would rather make a pig out of yourself for views.  :goldpissed:
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on November 04, 2023, 12:30:39 am
That's a good point Firelight!  Yeah it's sorta stupid isn't it!
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 12, 2023, 07:03:50 am
Parked in a spot near the marketplace in Michigan's "Little Bavaria" yesterday morning. As the town wakes up, parking fills up fast. Some will make their own parking space as it's not enforced, but no one dares take a blue space. In moments of my arrival, all the safety zones were occupied, then more were parked outside--making the access lane narrow. so only one car could pass either direction. Crazy.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on November 12, 2023, 10:35:54 am
I'm stupid.  What's a blue space?

What grinds my gears lately?
Unrealistic expectations in my chosen profession.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on November 13, 2023, 01:06:28 pm
I'm stupid.  What's a blue space?

What grinds my gears lately?
Unrealistic expectations in my chosen profession.

Handicap Parking
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on November 13, 2023, 03:52:24 pm
Here,  a few stores have dedicated police parking.  I thought perhaps that is what a blue space was.  But now I getcha.

My company misplace perhaps 80,000 dollars of government equipment.  Not good.
How did we do that?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on November 22, 2023, 01:02:00 am
Amazon's idea of black a Friday deal is to raise the price OR join prime to get the better deal. Ended up paying more for what I need.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on December 09, 2023, 03:05:09 pm
Dashing Foxy has a regular feature on FPS now. It's his avatar ranting about things that really tick him off. It's called Consider This and usually runs during the second half of the show.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on December 16, 2023, 07:04:02 pm
Again with my local walmart. The had a small display of tins of popcorn. Now they are sold out. Had bought two cans earlier this week. Noticed one was damaged. Wanted to get a replacement. So I bought all the popcorn in separate bags and boxes. Family will get popcorn boxes this year.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on January 06, 2024, 05:56:30 am
 I do my best to support local businesses. Know I can get things cheaper at a few of the big box stores in town. Would rather support a locally owned franchise. My locally owned lumber yard. I went to the back counter to get a few yards of window screen. And stood there. There was a guy on the phone. Had no problem with that. With a customer. There were three employees farther back in the room. They saw me. I saw them. They were talking.  I stood there. And stood there. After a good four minutes I left. Drove down the street and got what I needed from a big box store. Not the first time this has happened. Know others who've been treated the same way.  The only thing this local business has that the big box stores don't is lumber. I think from now on I'll drive the 40 miles to get lumber from somewhere else.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on January 20, 2024, 09:58:44 am
A pickup ahead of me on the expressway, driving well below the posted speed limit, suddenly brake checks and swaps lanes. There was no traffic ahead of him.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on January 28, 2024, 05:32:01 am
My credit card. This is the first and only card I have ever had. Well over 30 years with the same card.  I need a new one. The story behind my decision. My new Mac was delivered to the nearest Apple store. About an hour + drive from here. I was told they would hold it for a week. They sent it back in one day. That's not my cards fault. What is my cards fault is I can't use it. i can us it on paypal and amazon. But not in person. They send texts to my land line phone. Because that's the phone that's always been on the account. Really big problem. So the story. I called Apple and reordered the computer. Through this phone call I was able to send it to someone else. That way I would know it wouldn't sit out all night on my front porch. The agent at Apple said I should call my card and let them know that i did, in fact, just ordered a computer. So I contacted my card and that's when the problems begin. They told me it should be instant. If I had used the card they would see it or why it was rejected. Nothing there. Guess they were waiting for me to respond to a text sent to a LAND LINE. Because that's the number that's been on the card for years. I'm not against anyone doing their best to keep fraudulent activity at bay. But this has gone to far. I'll call them up again tomorrow. In the mean time I'll have to buy a cheap computer just to finally be able to get to my emails. I'll use my back card.

Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on February 13, 2024, 03:53:36 am
My new Apple computer. The lightning connectors. And the idea that having a keyboard you have to keep charged because it's wireless. The adapter I got. An Apple adapter. Wont slide into any one of the ports. I'm gong to call Apple up tomorrow. Find out what I can do to have a corded keyboard. If there is no way to do this I'll take this box back. Then buy a Windows.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on February 13, 2024, 02:34:26 pm
Update. I have another adapter coming. Should be here tomorrow.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on February 16, 2024, 12:31:08 pm
Update the update and buying this new computer. First I had it shipped to the store in St Louis. Did that on the advice of the person who took the order. The order stated to hold it for seven days. The folks at the store shipped it back the same day they got it. So I re ordered and had it shipped to someone I knew would be home. Got it. Long story, cant' hook it up. First thing I bought cost me $50+ to have shipped early. Didn't work. Second one ordered was supposed to show up Tue. It's Friday. Don't have it. Called Apple. Order didn't go threw because my bank screwed up the order by .43. The new part is supposed to be here Tomorrow. I also have an extension on the time to test it out.

What grinds my gears? Getting this new IMac has been a nightmare. Hoping for a good ending.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on February 17, 2024, 07:51:59 am
Credit card companies now tracking firearms and ammo purchases? Maybe they'll catch some gang bangers? Genius! <sarcasm> They could try the same tactic on buyers of weed, as that's a controlled substance to the Feds. Most will just pay cash anyway. So they're pushing digital currency. Expecting lawsuits.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on February 18, 2024, 10:13:27 pm
People who think my vehicle can't get up and go just because it's a jeep.
It's got more horse power that many vehicles now.  I'm just not wanting a ticket!
Can't they wait 5 more seconds?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on February 23, 2024, 05:36:38 pm
Friday Lenten fish fries have become rather expensive. The parish nearest to me continued the tradition through the Covid lockdown, but not this year. A Knights of Columbus chapter is holding an all-you-can-eat one, but it's about a 10-mile round trip and $18 for grownups.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Jade Sinapu on February 26, 2024, 06:34:24 pm
Rocket,  what is the cost for coyotes ?
Just show up as furry you!

What grinds my gears is my dog can't go on long drives without getting weird.   She now has her gastric issues again so because we went on a 4 hour round trip drive.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on February 27, 2024, 03:31:07 pm
Does your dog have anxiety? If so you can get meds for her.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Firelight on March 05, 2024, 08:46:16 pm
Ugh! The vet! Eevee needed a tooth cleaning so of course we had to be up at the butt crack of dawn (lol)
Then when we went back to get her, Zeus needed more shots for whatever reason *Shrug* And another vet was supposed to get Eevee but both vets took their sweet time just to get a doped up dog and jab the other one. It took so long I had to find dad and the vet and ask if they were done yet, then got yelled at for being rude, when it could've been done in a second. I've not had a good day, neither did poor Eevee.
Basically why are vets and doctors so slow?
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on March 07, 2024, 02:40:40 pm
People of FaceBook who ask questions then don't like the answers they get.  The "Thank you for your opinion" Karans and Kens. Good news is I went back to that particular group and admilns has removed the post. :)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on March 09, 2024, 10:28:23 am
Nothing gets me upset more than rounding the corner to a near head-on collision with another motorist who parked against the traffic flow.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on April 09, 2024, 12:50:59 pm
Someone phoned in a bomb threat on MCFC--again. This time on a Sunday morning. Everyone had to evacuate the con hotel for several hours while working dogs were brought in from several department to make the sweep. Someone told me the caller was caught and arrested--in California.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on April 29, 2024, 12:28:03 pm
Juke boxes--Someone will enter an establishment, not to patronize but to make a selection of the most obnoxious music offered, and then leave before any of it plays.
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: cause the rat on April 30, 2024, 02:16:43 am
Rocket, back when I was in high school we had a juke box in the cafeteria. EVERY day. For the entire school year there was a batter. Between two songs. How many times these songs could be played during lunch.
'I love my Rancho Grande' by Freddy Fender and 'Iron Man' by Black Sabbath. Over and over.....  :D

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHBA1lIx4z0 (ftp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHBA1lIx4z0)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F01UTYg79KY (ftp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F01UTYg79KY)
Title: Re: What really "grinds your gears"?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 03, 2024, 04:57:27 pm
Rocket, back when I was in high school we had a juke box in the cafeteria. EVERY day. For the entire school year there was a batter. Between two songs. How many times these songs could be played during lunch.
'I love my Rancho Grande' by Freddy Fender and 'Iron Man' by Black Sabbath. Over and over.....  :D

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHBA1lIx4z0 (ftp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHBA1lIx4z0)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F01UTYg79KY (ftp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F01UTYg79KY)

When I was in HS, Money by Pink Floyd was in the cafeteria juke box, and played often. The offensive words would be censored when played on radio. Here--not so much.