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general furry discussion => the polling booth => Topic started by: Kobuk on January 16, 2016, 08:00:05 pm

Title: Are you into sports?
Post by: Kobuk on January 16, 2016, 08:00:05 pm
Anybody here into sports? Watching or participating? What sports type activities do you like and/or participate in? If you have participated, how good were you in that type of sport?
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Loc on January 16, 2016, 08:01:04 pm
I used to do archery, kickboxing, cricket, hockey and netball.

Then my nerve issue kicked in big time and my knees gave way xD
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Annie1456 on January 16, 2016, 08:23:38 pm
I do archery, and hoping to go to the junior olymics national championship's next year.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Aakosir on January 16, 2016, 08:27:45 pm
I love to play soccer and ride horses, however finances don't allow any of that right now. As for watching, I like hockey, lacrosse, occasionally racing, but grand prix style, no nascar
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: GrayWolf448 on January 17, 2016, 02:21:19 am
if airsoft, and paintball count then i play those once in awhile. other than that i dont really do anything else.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Literate Lycan on January 17, 2016, 02:57:21 am
I've never been much for competitive sports, even as a kid. I'm too small for football, too short for basketball, and although I was OK at baseball when I was younger but now I've got a bad shoulder so I can't throw a ball accurately or very far. Arthritis forced me to give up golf and bowling, but I didn't play those much anyway. So I stick to low-impact solo sports--kayaking, snorkeling, paddle boarding, and hiking.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: phinox on January 17, 2016, 05:18:22 am
I love soccer. I play it quite often and follow a team. I also Skateboard, but that's more of a summer hobby
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Taivana on January 17, 2016, 07:00:14 am
Does dancing count as a sport?
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Solodarkwolf5 on January 17, 2016, 01:28:58 pm
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Amducious on January 18, 2016, 04:35:48 pm
Track and Field for me  :)
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Ancusmitis on January 18, 2016, 09:29:43 pm
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Fantasy on January 18, 2016, 10:57:04 pm
I count band as a sport  :)
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Bronx on January 18, 2016, 11:04:37 pm
I love watching football, even though I don't do it often. As for playing, I don't play sports on teams, but I would say I was decent at most sports so I could play with someone if they wanted me to.

I get most of my exercise by running and going to the gym.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Doc on January 19, 2016, 12:41:42 am
Does building robots that compete for points count as a sport? You do have to practice driving it as each robot is unique to its creators. I've gotten good at operating the arm on mine.
I also play baseball in the spring.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Old Rabbit on January 22, 2016, 12:27:29 pm
Team sports are often good family entertainment, but my family
wasn't much for sports. So it's probably why I never was much
for team sports either.

When I was in school I found too much cheating in competive
team sports. So I decided why try if winning was so important
people had to cheat. Then after growing up I found this kind of
thing exsisted with adults too.. Oh I am sure it's mostly a small
problem, but it still caused me to loose interest in team sports.

I mean when a baseball pitcher can get hand surgery on an otherwise
normal hand to help him pitch better, and it's acceptable. What else
goes on we might not know about.

I do like chess, checkers, pool, and other games of that sort. :orbunny:

Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Kobuk on January 22, 2016, 04:27:51 pm
I like football, but only if the Packers are doing good and winning.  ;)

I like to watch skiing and snowboarding, but usually only during the winter Olympics.

I took archery in junior high school during gym class. Wasn't too bad with it despite my eyesight.

Otherwise, I like "mild sports" like bowling, chess, and a few other things.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Avan on January 23, 2016, 11:15:15 am
Now, we do some of these activities purely as exercise, but we wouldnt say we like sports, but rather exercise. Sports implies competitiveness, and we tend not to enjoy that.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Iara Warriorfeather on January 26, 2016, 10:25:10 pm
Horseback riding is something I enjoy on occasion; if I had more money and time I'd ride more often  :orhorse:
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Kobuk on January 26, 2016, 11:34:23 pm
Horseback riding is something I enjoy on occasion; if I had more money and time I'd ride more often  :orhorse:

In all the time I took care of my stepdad's horses, which was about 10 years, I never rode any of them. My stepdad did board another horse that belonged to a friend. Gentlest horse you could ever meet. His name was Irish. Would have liked to have ridden him, but never got the chance. :(
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Aryd on January 26, 2016, 11:42:12 pm
If sitting at my computer and getting overly emotional about things on the internet is a sport, then sign me up!
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Kobuk on January 26, 2016, 11:58:31 pm
If sitting at my computer and getting overly emotional about things on the internet is a sport, then sign me up!

I don't think the International Olympic Commitee has endorsed it as such.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Ancusmitis on January 27, 2016, 03:01:17 pm
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Firelight on February 04, 2016, 03:18:02 am
I'm not into sports but I like playing mini golf.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Tangerine on February 04, 2016, 07:24:39 pm
I've always disliked sports, but I do enjoy non-competitive swimming. My family has a pool in the backyard, which is nice for when it's hot outside.

But... That's pretty much it. I don't like competition since it causes stress for me, and that certainly isn't fun. And honestly, I dislike watching sports too, but for the opposite reasons; I find it too boring.

I do have one fond memory of sports, though, so I might as well share it. It was quite a while ago, back when I had PE class... We were playing this one team sport, that I can't remember the name of... If I remember correctly, it was basically soccer, except the ball was smaller and you threw it instead of kicking it. I dunno, it seems like it might have been something the teacher just made up. But anyway, it was a pretty close game. My team was trying to score, but it wasn't working since a whole bunch of people were blocking the goal (because apparently that was allowed?). I decided to have a shot at it, and I threw the ball at a downward angle. And just like I hoped, the ball went between their legs and into the goal. My team ended up winning because of that, since the period ended very shortly after. I was pretty proud of myself!

I don't take PE anymore, though, so I highly doubt anything like this will ever happen again. And despite that one good moment, I have so many negative memories of sports that I really wouldn't participate in any if given the opportunity.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: xracecar on February 04, 2016, 09:12:26 pm
Are eSports a sport? Because if not, then I despise sports with a passion
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Svadil on November 19, 2016, 04:00:36 pm
I love Swimming and Golf. Like swimming for daily exercise when the temperature is high enough and Golf where there's an appropriate course to play it on. I think swimming is one of my favorite things for exercise, as well as Golf, but Golf is also fun to play with people competitively.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Keitsu on November 19, 2016, 06:04:31 pm
I like basketball but haven't played in ages.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on January 10, 2017, 11:38:04 pm
As a kid, I was usually the last one left when choosing up sides in grade school.

I would target shoot with pellet and bb guns in my parent's basement.

Shot in local service rifle matches for a number of years, but only certified as Marksman. Never won any trophies.

Life is too short to watch others play games. Some tend to live vicariously through sports stars because their own life is so boring. So I keep busy with projects and try to do worthwhile activities.

Fursuiting should be considered a sport.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Old Rabbit on January 17, 2017, 11:32:02 am
I personally never cared much for team sports, but it is a
good way to teach young people how to work together. It
would be nice if people could enjoy it without feeling they
have to win. After all it would be a good time to teach our
young people how to respect each other winning or not. I
guess the desire to win is a natural part of our social nature.
A way to gain respect of our fellows. 

There are ways to gain respect other than showing
your better at doing something than anyone else.

Some cultures place honer above life it's self.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Solo (The Lone Wolf) on February 09, 2017, 04:35:37 pm
Will watch Wimbledon when it is on hope to do a bit of archery in the future. only sport I'm any good at if it counts is chess won a local competition I'm more brains over brawn... I believe esports is counting as a college sport so I may get a bit more interested in sports :)
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Solo (The Lone Wolf) on February 11, 2017, 09:42:39 am
Will watch Wimbledon when it is on hope to do a bit of archery in the future. only sport I'm any good at if it counts is chess won a local competition I'm more brains over brawn... I believe esports is counting as a college sport in the future so I may get a bit more interested in sports :)
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: phinox on February 21, 2017, 10:19:10 am
I skateboard quite a bit (Especially in the summer) and I also play Football (Soccer) for a local team. I do watch some sports such as Rugby as well.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Rocket T. Coyote on May 16, 2017, 12:18:17 am
When it was learned that a distant relative won a gold medal in olymipic sabre competition back in 1968--I signed up for fencing at the local community college and became rather good at it too.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Kaiden on May 19, 2017, 05:01:03 pm
I'm not really into traditional sports, instead I prefer martial sports (and yes, I consider them arts) like Taekwondo, Judo, Boxing, submission grappling.

Things like track and parkour.

Bowling is about the only traditional one I really care for.
Title: Re: Are you into sports?
Post by: Roana on June 03, 2017, 10:56:58 am
I only have a vague understanding of them from back in middle and high school when I had to do them in PE classes. Other than when it impacts my grade, i've been content ignoring them