Author Topic: It's a living  (Read 2501 times)

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Offline Feathertail

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It's a living
« on: July 16, 2009, 01:13:26 am »
Some of you have great jobs. You have happy, supportive co-workers; a friendly boss; a liveable income; and meaningful work, which actually helps other people.

This poem is for the rest of us. ^.^;

We wake up in the morning
Shower up, and settle down
For the front seat of our cars
And the drive back into town

To do things we don't like
In a place that we all hate
Trading insults with our boss
And seeing customers irate.

Then we head out to the lot
Find the keys; let out a sigh
'Cause the day's not nearly over
And we feel like we could die.

Commuting; shopping; eating
Work goes on past 9-to-5;
We have to make a living
But we never feel alive.

Someday when we're retired
We'll make up for all this heck.
But today there's bills to pay
And so we need that stupid check.

We treat ourselves to little things
To make our lives worthwhile.
A book; a game; a DVD
Something to make us smile.

But smiles don't last forever
While the banker has his day.
We go to bed, get up again
And waste our lives away.

"No one can have their ideal job,"
Our parents told us, too;
"There's so few hours in the day
And so much work to do."

But all our work just disappears
When all is said and done.
We never see it touch a life
Or help someone have fun.

"What good is it," we wonder
And consider who to blame:
"Of all the jobs that 'must be done'
How come mine's so darned lame?"

And then we realize we're the ones
Who got us in this mess:
We bought the games, the DVDs,
The XBox; all the rest.

We didn't care who made them
Or what their lives were like.
We just wanted the lowest price
On that new ten-speed bike.

And somewhere out in Bangladesh
A woman cries in pain.
Her hands are withered to the bone
But she cannot complain;

Because she needs the money
To eat and stay alive
And raise two daughters of her own
Who'll never, ever thrive.

* * *

Somewhere out there are people
Who've actually learned to share.
They buy things from each other
And their price is always fair.

They learned from Henry Ford
That "the buyer sets the wage;"
They grow, harvest, make tools and toys
And none of them are slaves.

They don't "make do" with "lesser things"
Their time is quite well-spent
They draw and write; discover each
Their own artistic bent.

And while we curse the cable box
'Cause nothing good is on
They're playing, singing, making friends
To join their happy throng.

Their lives are not like yours and mine
Where "something's gotta give;"
They'll never "make a living"
But they've all learned how to live.

I guess that last part is a bit idealistic. Still, there are people trying to do this out there. If you'd like to learn more, check out this book review (LINK), or this free online movie (LINK). At the very least, they helped inspire this.

This poem is (c) by Jared Spurbeck, aka Tachyon Feathertail, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license (LINK). Some rights reserved.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2009, 01:32:51 am by Tachyon »

Offline Ziel

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Re: It's a living
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2009, 12:22:46 am »
I love it. It may be sensationalized, but it's very true.

The thing about the cable box is particularly interesting to me. Not even sure this was your intent with it but...
I've never lived in a house that had cable. We still don't pay for any tv service. It's just the local over-the-air channels for us.  I go off to college, and have cable through the university.  But still only watch 3-5 different channels.  I look at our family, who is fortunate enough to be able to afford cable, but we don't have it. Then I see people who can barely keep the house they live in, yet they refuse to do away with tv service.  Priorities, anyone?

Anyhow... just one of the things this poem made me think about while reading it.  Oh, and does it have a title?

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Offline Feathertail

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Re: It's a living
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2009, 01:33:45 am »
Anyhow... just one of the things this poem made me think about while reading it.  Oh, and does it have a title?

*points at the thread title*

Many thanks. ^.^

Offline Ziel

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Re: It's a living
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2009, 02:23:46 pm »
*smacks forehead into keyboard*

Wow, I can't believe I didn't put that together...

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Re: It's a living
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2009, 02:38:46 pm »
Tachyon, thanks for sharing this!

I'm usually annoyed with rhyming, especially when it's forced, but this poem actually feels okay with it.  This is something I'd be willing to read again.  I especially love the lines: "We have to make a living / But we never feel alive."  I think I've heard it before, just never quite in that way.

You know, the ending is a little idealistic.  I'd love to have a life away from the everyday hum-drum I'm in, but it's probably not gonna happen for a while.  ;)
Allasso, Volume 2: Saudade is now out!  Feel free to check it out ^_^

Offline Feathertail

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Re: It's a living
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2009, 02:12:53 am »
I especially love the lines: "We have to make a living / But we never feel alive."  I think I've heard it before, just never quite in that way.

It sounds familiar to me too. I probably should've Googled it before writing it into this. ^.^

It's probably used in a number of articles, even if not in a poetic couplet.