general furry discussion > furry lite

You know you are Furry........

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... when it's 3 am and you are doing a google search for fox photography.

... when your household picture frames hold drawings of animals and anthros instead of regular photos.

... when you can't look any direction in your apartment without seeing a plushie of one of your favourite animals.

……Your idea of a shirt with collar includes a dog  tag.

You know you're a furry when.......

* You go to buy groceries, but instead of going to a regular grocery store, you have the urge or feeling of going to the pet store instead.

You think Azreal Oreo's new 'baby' is cuter than any human baby you've ever seen and you wish that your kids are that cute..

You know you're a furry when...

1) Your art teacher asks you to complete a large project, and you wear your fursuit to school.

2) You get cautious when someone gets behind you, hoping no-one steps on your tail.

3) You scratch/bite when you fight

*for cats*
4) Your idea of a good night's sleep is 15 hours. ( Best sleep I have EVER had!

*for dogs*
5) When someone yells "SIT!", you can't help but listen.


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