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Comparing EVERYTHING to the Nazis for political reasons

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cause the rat:
Unfortunately it's easy to turn an entire country into monsters. Take for instances fox news networks call to disrupt local government. We had normal, every day people screaming at city hall meetings all across our country. If you look at it from a social study view. People were getting arrested because their dictator told them to do something. As crazy as it sounds it is way to easy to turn normal thinking people into robots for a cause or believe. I remember seeing people with signs protesting health care. Fully believing this new form of healthcare would shut hospitals down.  Fox news network has used this to their advantage. This network has used simple persuasion techniques to gather followers. People will follow anything. No matter what the cost.

Their newest slogans,
"Make America great again".
"Give us back our country."

Neither of these have any basis it fact. Are very open ended and up to personal interpretation. Or for followers of a movement. Your told what they mean. Is it fare to compare them to nazi? Yes. They are using techniques to create a following that will believe anything they are told. Trumps nomination is the direct result of this networks activity. And like any other organization they will continue to praise their poster child. People will continue to agree with them. No matter what.

The fear is all hype. For one thing even if trump gets elected he will NEVER have the same power hitler did. Our system of government is set up so no one branch can overpower the next.  Then thee's the 2nd amendment. Or the fourth branch of a free government. I'm not going to go into the full argument. But will say this. Our forefathers where a LOT smarter than people give them credit for. And unlike before we are all connected. There is no longer 'use and them'.

America isn't the only country on earth right now with the same political uproar. Things in Europe are changing quickly. Here in America there has been all kinds of big changes. Healthcare reform. Gay marriage. One political party quickly falling apart. Christianity turning to hate and unforgiveness. Having a black president. Most people are very uncomfortable with change. So they gravitate to someone brash. Someone who promises to make things like they were. This has happened before. If people don't learn from the past then we are all in deep.

Now I'll get off my box and say  this. The word nazi is way overused.


--- Quote from: Loc on August 17, 2016, 10:25:32 am ---History repeats itself. People don't change. When someone starts using the same tactics to manipulate people, I have no problem comparing them to previous parties that did the exact same things. People should always question when an authority does things shady or outright harmful.

--- End quote ---

I agree about questioning authority. However, these comparisons have become another manipulation tactic. And it's like The Boy Who Cried Wolf.  When I hear a political figure compared to Nazis, I'm not shocked anymore. I'm just like, "Eh, them and everybody else."

Also, It's one thing to say, "This candidate is using manipulation tactics similar to those used by the Nazis," but it's quite another to say, (as some people have) "This candidate is using those tactics, therefore if elected they will definitely turn into Hitler, abolish Democracy, and begin constructing death camps."

Of course, the hyperbole isn't always limited to Nazi Germany. Once, I overheard a young Republican signature-gatherer outside Walmart talking to an older man.  Standing outside this bustling capitalist big box store, he told the man that we are "basically living in Soviet Russia." The man nodded in agreement.

--- Quote from: cause the rat on August 17, 2016, 07:18:28 pm ---Unfortunately it's easy to turn an entire country into monsters. Take for instances fox news networks call to disrupt local government. We had normal, every day people screaming at city hall meetings all across our country. If you look at it from a social study view. People were getting arrested because their dictator told them to do something. As crazy as it sounds it is way to easy to turn normal thinking people into robots for a cause or believe.
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Once, we stayed over as the guests of a family friend who was very into Fox News. This was during the 2008 election. Every night, this guy would sit there for literally hours on end watching the talking heads, shouting, "Listen to this guy. This guy knows what he's talking about. Did you hear that? He says Obama's going to [conspiracy theory]! He's right! He's right! See, I told you he knows what he's talking about!" He also claimed that because Obama was well liked, and Castro was well liked when he rose to power, Obama would turn into Castro. (I've seen the same concept used to compare Obama to Hitler and Stalin). The last time we saw him was after Obama was elected, and he was in the street in front of his house screaming racial epithets about the president. We haven't seen him since.

--- Quote ---I remember seeing people with signs protesting health care. Fully believing this new form of healthcare would shut hospitals down...
--- End quote ---

This is another issue where I've seen where Nazis somehow come into play. "Socialized health care?! That's exactly how HITLER started!"

--- Quote ---Their newest slogans,
"Make America great again".
"Give us back our country."

Neither of these have any basis it fact. Are very open ended and up to personal interpretation. Or for followers of a movement. Your told what they mean.
--- End quote ---

I agree, political slogans carry no true meaning for me. Movie poster taglines have more substance.

--- Quote ---Is it fare to compare them to nazi? Yes. They are using techniques to create a following that will believe anything they are told. Trumps nomination is the direct result of this networks activity. And like any other organization they will continue to praise their poster child. People will continue to agree with them. No matter what.
--- End quote ---

See my reply to Loc above.

--- Quote ---The fear is all hype. For one thing even if trump gets elected he will NEVER have the same power hitler did. Our system of government is set up so no one branch can overpower the next...
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---...Now I'll get off my box and say  this. The word nazi is way overused.
--- End quote ---

Exactly. Thank you! :)

--- Quote from: Foxpup on August 17, 2016, 12:05:31 pm ---I don't think there's much to elaborate on. The German Empire rather abruptly became the Weimar Republic in 1918, for reasons which are fairly well-known. Though I'm pretty sure there's more to Hitler's rise to power than the German people not being used to this newfangled idea of having elections.

--- End quote ---

Oh yes, I'm sure it was much more complicated than that. Basically, I was thinking of people who claim that what's happening in America today is exactly like what happened in Germany when the Nazis rose to power. That's just one example of how things were different.

cause the rat:
I have a neighbor who started watching fox. I told him he'll spend the rest of his life being angry about things that never happened and fearing things that never will. You can't watch that channel without seeing the words 'alone' 'outnumbered' and hearing one of them say they are the only ones you can trust.  Or the phrase 'you decide'. They are a disease that is undermining this country.

Now back to the hitler thing. it's got to the point were it could replace 'that's way to gay'. Combined them and you'd get 'that's hitler' Both statements are  ridiculous. This whole hitler thing is just another call to fear and hate.  Way to much of that right now.

Old Rabbit:
It was the post world war one economy and humiliation that Germany suffered that gave
Hitler the path to the control of Germany.

My understanding is Hitler was a carasmatic speaker who went to the unenmployed and
others who felt disadvantage. His promises of jobs and a greater Germany was looked on
with favor by them. Even though the Nazi party was small it gained power with Hitlers
promises and intimidation. He blaimed the minorities for most of Germanys woes. Jews in

Our government has more protection against someone like Hitler taking over. It would take
some kind of national emergency to gain special powers for a president.

Chipper Blu-wolf:
The Nazis are the de-facto "evil" group to compare to.  Basically an example of the dark side of humanity; it doesn't get much worse than being compared to Hitler and the Nazis or even Nazi propaganda.  A lot of people in the 1930s during the Depression were at their wits end and Germany was being bombarded to pay war reparations with money they didn't have.  The Weimar government couldn't handle the situation as they had never had a democratic government before and there were 10 political parties or so, so nothing got done efficiently.  Along comes someone who promises to make things better, promises to take quick action and get people back to work and be able to put food on the table at night, and charisma is what drove people to follow Hitler because they had been at their wits end for years.  It took years before people really listened to him and the Nazis didn't get power overnight.

Comparing what Trump is doing/saying to what Hitler did/said is ludicrous.  Despite the fact I'm not a big fan of Trump, I do not see Trump consolidating all of his power, eliminating Congress and the Supreme Court, ripping up the constitution, make everyone salute him when he walks by, tell Americans to go out and kill immigrants......see where I'm headed?  21st America is nowhere near the same situation Germany was in at that time.  Right now there is a good 60% that do not agree with Trump or his ideas.


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