general furry discussion > furries on furry

what is your favorite thing about being a furry?

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Being in this new world, this community with so many fantastical people, animals and other creatures. I simply feel like I belong in the community. As cliché or weird as it sounds (especially since I haven't actually been to conventions, firm sets, etc... yet), it feels more natural to take part in furry activities than to take part in non-fur activities.


Literate Lycan:
My favorite thing about being a furry is the fandom itself. I didn't become an active fan--going to furry events, interacting online--until 6 months ago, though in hindsight I've probably been furry for several years and never really recognized it. The fans I have met have met have been outgoing, positive, enthusiastic, and good to hang out with. The fandom has taken a depressed, widowed old greymuzzle and made him a much happier person.

I've never felt judged, criticized, or put down by other fans. A month ago I fursuited for the first time at the age of 58. No one  said I was too old. No one told me to go sit in the rocking chair in the corner. The reaction among the 30 or so other fursuiters at the event was "You're one of us now. Have fun!" And I did. It was crazy. It was cool. It was magical.

I'm astonished at how easy it is to forge connections with other fans. Starting with that first visit to a local furbowl I've made contacts with more fans in my home state, across the country, and abroad. We're bound together through a common love of the anthropomorphic.

In a few days I'm headed to BLFC, fursuit in tow. Camera, too. Thanks to several excellent photographers--photografurs--in the fandom I've picked that up as a hobby. At Further Confusion I was pretty much a spectator. Now I'm a participant. Furry and fursuiter for life.

Old Rabbit:
The fantasy of it. The stories, the artwork. I have always enjoyed
the fantasy of animals with human thought and speech. Be they
farel or anthropomorphic in form.

Beag L. Howler:
At first it was the creativity, now it's the community itself. I've never felt more welcome anywhere online. :D


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