general furry discussion > furries on furry

Carnivores & Omnivores in a Furry world...

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Well, there is a cartoon out there called BoJack Horseman (a little adult, but I would recommend it), taking place in the kind of anthro world we might think of. There was one episode that dealt with this issue, about a chicken that escaped from the farm. In the episode, they explained the difference between a "friend chicken", which you might see on the streets, and a "food chicken". The food chicken was bred to be dumber, and was pumped full of hormones, much like chickens in the human world, just bigger and anthropomorphic. It seemed a little inhumane, but in a world that still had humans and carnivores, it wouldn't be much of an option for everyone to be vegetarian. We did see what happened when PETA tried to make a lion vegan.

--- Quote from: Razmina on April 28, 2015, 07:01:45 pm ---My idea is that they'd eat tasty monster creatures that don't have thought or reason or anything like that.
Like the Monster Hunter games perhaps!
I'd imagine that kind of world would be troublesome for a few species that are sentient that appear frightening.

--- End quote ---
I've never thought of that before, that seems like an interesting solution! Especially if there was a group of furries that really liked those monsters, anthropomorphised them, and dressed up like them at MonsterCon. X3

Honey Bun:
To be honest, I haven't given it much thought. ^_^'

I like the monster concept. XD But normally I don't think about where furry food comes from... I kinda just assumed there were still feral animals that were eaten, and people just didn't eat their own species. >.>'

I also assumed the anthros would or could have stomachs more similar to humans, and that while they needed more of some specific things in their diets (rabbits need more veggies, wolves need more meat, etc.), any of them were capable of being omnivores should they choose to live that way. I'm a bunny and so I'd eat a lot of veggies and such (and fruit, cuz I can), but I'm not opposed to being a bunny who eats burgers now and then. :P

Old Rabbit:
Rabbits vote for vegi's  :D and it's actually the smart way to go.

On a planet such as ours or perhaps one with anthropomorphic animals. The consumption of
meat is a most inefficient way to use natural resources to generate energy for biological creatures.
Encluding humans.

Most plant varieties we eat have good conversions from solar to sugars that
keep us moving. 

Meat however requires an animal to eat plants that are ineffeciently converted
to the meat we then eat. The animal uses up much of the plant energy while living.
Not counting the gases explelled that pollute the atmosphere. Of course those
could be used for heat and cooking.

Unfortuantly there are some creatures who's digestion is mostly dependant on meat
protiens, and they would be in great difficulty trying to get by on a vegi diet.

I think there will enventually be a shift to more vegetarian diets. Except possibly for sea foods which
is generally good for creatures who can digest or eat meat to live.

In ancient times people ate a lot of vegetables and fish. Before man started farming, meat was mostly
gathered from wild animals. Along with fruits and berries where possible. It's actually only over the
last 150 years that meats like beef have become a staple. Of course chicken and other fowl
have long been a favorite of man.. and other predatory animals too.  :D

Kira Sekemoto:
Well you guys also have to keep in mind that a lot of furries don't choose to be anthro at all so for those of you suggesting that eating the ferals would be fine... The same controversies would apply. Personally, I'm a feral red fox and eat whatever scampers about and will fit in my mouth xD

Old Rabbit:

--- Quote from: Kira Sekemoto on February 07, 2016, 07:11:52 pm ---Well you guys also have to keep in mind that a lot of furries don't choose to be anthro at all so for those of you suggesting that eating the ferals would be fine... The same controversies would apply. Personally, I'm a feral red fox and eat whatever scampers about and will fit in my mouth xD

--- End quote ---

Your quite right that many furries feel they would rather be feral than anthro.

Of course areas could be set aside for those who wished to live the life of the wild.
Provided with natural prey, and predictors to share it with.

We anthro rabbits are gonna carry protection just so you know.  :D


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