the basement > Ante

Dress Ante!

(1/2) > >>

Ok, this whole chain of events happened and I ended up pixeling Ante wearing only boxors. I decided that rather than letting this little test rot, I'd let people use it as a base for something very similiar but something I don't want to call "pixel dolls". The basic idea is, you take the pic and add clothing to it using tools such as MS paint or non anti-aliased tools in other popular art programs. Send it back to me and I'll put it under randomness on my website. If you are using MS paint and have no way to properly convert it to gif, send it to me in BMP or PNG. Ok, that's it. Les' gettit on!

Image is here

beyond the darkness:
K, I'm Game for a laugh!

5 sec paint edits can be funny ^^

omigir: have no idea what horrior you have unleashed by givig this to the paint masta ; p

Do I not? :P You should post 'em if you do any.


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