general furry discussion > furry lite

You Know That Summer's Officially Here When...

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Hans the husky:
Where I live it's summer all year long except for a few weeks in the winter. I'll see you all back here in 5 months.

Jade Sinapu:
 You know it's summer when SUV's without doors are driving around town without reason except to advertise they couldn't afford doors because they spent to much on the 12 foot snorkle kit they will never use, along with the huge lift that won't allow them to do a corner over 15 MPH without tipping over. 

Rocket T. Coyote:

--- Quote from: Jade Sinapu on September 14, 2020, 09:51:48 pm --- You know it's summer when SUV's without doors are driving around town without reason except to advertise they couldn't afford doors because they spent to much on the 12 foot snorkle kit they will never use, along with the huge lift that won't allow them to do a corner over 15 MPH without tipping over.

--- End quote ---

I've seen those here.

You know Summer's officially here when someone in the neighborhood is trying to burn green wood in his fire pit, and you're downwind.

Rocket T. Coyote: observe otherwise healthy strapping young men shuffling about in public while wearing convalescent/scuff slippers.

Jade Sinapu:
 When stores have lots of backpacking gear for people to buy, even though none of it will hold up to the current weather.


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