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A rat's journey into art. Acrylic paint.

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cause the rat:
The good the bad and the ugly. Hope you like ugly because I'm not good at painting yet. :)

First three value studies. From left to right.

'Yay Stripes!' Thought I could simplify and represent color spectrum using only stripes. Nope.

'Ugly Stripes.' Honestly wanted to stop after the second stripe from the bottom. Had I stopped it would not have looked this bad. :) Actually learned a few things form this.

'Worm Monster.' From right to left. A mouth, eye and three dots. Don't know where this thing came from. Didn't notice it till the end of the painting. Still lots wrong. Mid and far are still to dark. Need to stop relying on white to make a bright sky.

After my 'ugly stripes' I went on line and looked at hundreds of old landscape paintings. Noticed something I hadn't before. The majority of these old paintings don't use color spectrum to create depth. Instead they relied on color value. Color spectrum is the farther an object is the more color drops out. The first color to drop is yellow. Then red. Till you end up with nothing but blue. For now I'll work with color spectrum. Then I plan on tackling light direction and shadow within color spectrum. This will really help me to understand how to create value relationships. It's one thing to be book smart. It's a whole new world when doing it. And a whole lot more fun. Right now i'm book smart and brush dumb!

cause the rat:
My adolescents is over. From this point in time on it's nothing but serious studies. I had fun throwing paint. Glad I used 3x5s to play with. Can imagine all the paint I of wasted if I did all those on 8x10 or 10x12 panels. I'll still be using the same 3x5 format. Turning them upright to give more room to work on the changes in value and color that creates the illusion of depth. Also known as. 'The Theory of Angles and Consequent Values'. That's a thing. It's part of color theory. Then there's the 'Theory of Halation' or how we visually perceive two objects of contrasting color and value when they are next to each other.  These two theories are covered in depth in a book I was recommended. 'Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting'. This book was originally published in 1929. However the English used is much older. Reads more like a manuscript from the mid 1800's.

Gone back to doing brush control exercises. There is one really big difference between doing these in oil instead of acrylics. When mixing the oil paint to the consistency I need it stays good for hours. Acrylics harden up quickly. Spent most of my time remixing. I can tell I let this go for a bit. My arm gets tired quickly again. 

cause the rat:
Would like to change one statement from the above post. The oil point I've stet up for doing line study lasts for days. House makes it sound to close to acrylics. But I guess 96 hours is hours. However comparing that to a workable time of up to ten minutes is kinda understated.

This will be my last post in 'A rat's journey into art. Acrylic paint'. I'll start a new thread for oil painting. With paintings. And lots more to rant about. My journey so far. Watercolors: The paper and paint control you. One mistake and your threw. Acrylics: You have two choices. You have five minutes to paint the entire painting. Or Make mounds of paint so high you can cut through the already hardened plastic to the still workable paint below. Oils: You can control the drying time of the paint. You can sculpt by moving wet paint around. Had I known it was possible to paint with oils without all the toxic chemicals I would have started with them.

Thanks everyone for reading through all this. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the oil painting thread.

Cause the Rat.


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