announcements > meet the mods & staff

Simply the liger...

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--- Quote ---*pushes buttons*
*turns some knobs*
*watches a few monitors*

Aha! I think I found him! Almost..........just a sec......*turns some more nobs and switches*.........just about ready.


No more stealth mode for you, Mr. Liger! I managed to catch you on infrared! Haha.  :D
--- End quote ---
You made me LOL.

Oh yeah... I'm hot stuff... Watch me shake it, baby!
I'll try not to be so quiet around here, but there's not always a lot to say. Heheh.

Serra Belvoule:
Ok, I'm tempted to ask...
How did you get involved in furtopia's making? ^^

Well, Furtopia was a bit smallish back when I first got involved. WhiteShepherd has been a friend of mine for quite a while online, and I think he had shown me to the site while we were chatting on FurryMUCK, Yahoo!, or somesuch. I had a look around it, and noticed these pitiful little BBS scripts he was using for boards. Seeing as I had already successfully established a forum over on my main hobby site,, I showed WS how those things work and that they're more appealing for people to use, easier to administrate, and whatnot. Well, he liked that concept, so I ended up setting up these forums for him, did the skin and everything to get it going... which is still mostly in use. These forums, from what I can tell, have only added to the success of the site in general. Having built a community here where people can check in with each other on a daily basis seemed to spur the rest of the services into growing along with it.

Iv'e only seen you post once In my staying here, and it was because you were locking a topic. If ya got the time, you should definitely post on the boards a little more often. I'm sure people would be glad( or at least surprised for some), to see you here more often.


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